Strengthened collaboration through a joint long-term vision E12 Atlantica Transport: Strengthened collaboration through a joint long-term vision The E12 Atlantica Transport cross-border the three countries, and we have many fine project crossed the finishing line. The results to present. We present a joint vision final report has been compiled, and the and goals, and a description of how to reach main part of the project activities were them together. In addition, many interesting presented at the final conference in Vaasa cases have been conducted in cooperation 14‒15 March 2018. with the business and other sectors. E12 Atlantica Transport is an Interreg pro- E12 Atlantica Transport contributes to ject financed by the Botnia Atlantica pro- creating the prerequisites for a thriving and gramme. The project has created tools for attractive region. future collaboration on transport and infra- In this brochure you can read more about structure development. the different activities that took place be- The purpose of the project was to remove tween 1 January 2016 and 31 May 2018. boundaries, strengthen collaboration, and A border-free transport system for every- develop the E12 East-West transportation one from East to West! route, running from Ostrobothnia in Finland, through Västerbotten in Sweden, on to Nord- Kind regards land on the Atlantic coast in Norway. The Project Managers The project was part of one of the most Andreas, Pekka and Kristin sophisticated cross-border collaborations in the Nordic countries. The project has pro- For more information, please visit: moted the productive cooperation between kvarken.org E12 Atlantica Transport contact persons Project Manager Sweden Project Manager Finland Project Manager Norge Andreas Forsgren Pekka Mäkinen Kristin Frodahl Rognerud +46 70 249 9084 +358 400 865 791 +47 48 243 033 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] E12 Atlantica Transport system analysis The E12 Atlantica Transport system analysis cators. This way, the system analysis is a pre- was one of the first measures taken within requisite for developing a cross-border traffic the project. The analysis was comprehensive strategy, which aims at describing how the and conducted in 2016 and 2017. It is a cor- transport system must be developed in order nerstone for future studies of E12 Atlantica to live up to the partnership’s vision on social Transport. development. The system analysis is a very early planning phase that aims at describing regional devel- A tool for the future! opment, and the way that infrastructure and The complete system analysis material, the the transport system should be developed in report and an interactive map, will make a order to support that. crucial starting point for data acquisition and planning for many years to come. There is also The system analysis consisted of five main a lot of process experience that needs to be phases: processed. The material is one of a kind, and ‒ A description of the current situation there are many areas where the extensive ma- ‒ Defining goals terial can be implemented. Issues such as the ‒ Route and node analysis geographic limitations of the system analysis ‒ Limitation analysis and the need for unified cross-border statis- ‒ Dialogue. tics are other areas where a need for improve- Results: A knowledge base, an early stage ment has been noted. planning base for joint priorities A big challenge for the partnership is the nationally oriented transport system, mainly The system analysis increases the know- the railway and airlines, as well as the national- ledge and provides a joint base of priorities in ly focused planning system. developing the regional transport system. By The infrastructure is national and orient- defining goals for the transport system and ed in a North-South direction, which makes selecting actions that guide us towards these sense from a national perspective, but hin- goals, we achieve a systematic approach that ders the development of East-West commu- can be followed up by means of strategic indi- nications. Municipality of Umeå Traffic analysis & Strategic planning, Ramböll Andreas Forsgren Lars Brümmer +46 70 249 9084 +46 (0)10 615 5520. +46 (0)705 19 4051 [email protected] [email protected] Vision: A border-free transport system for everyone from East to West Portal goal: Strengthening the growth and Portal goal: Climate neutral transports competitiveness of the E12 region in the region by 2014 Transport and Cross-border Social sustainability infrastructure development infrastructure planning Goals Goals Goals Actions Actions Actions Traffic strategy of the E12 region A border-free transport system for everyone transports and thus for investments in new from East to West. This is the vision of the and improved infrastructure. partnership for developing the transport sys- tem by 2040. Joint priorities The purpose of the strategy is to create With the help of a clear, joint vision, goals for joint priorities on how to develop the regional the future and a joint view on strategic invest- transport system in the short and long term. ments and actions, we create the prerequi- The strategy also makes the E12 region more sites for a dialogue and negotiations with the competitive when applying for national and in- authorities in the three countries. ternational funds. The traffic strategy includes three areas The development of industry and busi- of collaboration: transport and infrastructure ness requires efficient transport routes for development, cross-border infrastructure both goods and people. Therefore, it is im- planning and social sustainability. The strate- portant to keep the E12 region well connect- gy presents the prioritized goals and actions ed with the environment. The transport infra- in each area. structure in the region is relatively advanced, but it has its limitations. Implementation and follow-up The operators in the E12 region are more The traffic strategy is the property of the forward-looking and have stronger ambitions Kvarken Council, MidtSkandia and the Blue compared to national organisations in Norway, Highway. The implementation can begin Sweden and Finland. There is a potential for in- once a decision has been made by these three creased commerce towards the East along the organisations. The results of the strategy will New Silk Road and the Northeast Passage. This be continuously followed up by means of dif- generates an increased demand for East-West ferent indicators. Process manager, Jesjo Konsult Assistant process manager, Sweco Jerker Sjögren Karin Edenius +46 70 266 8886 +46 70 231 6371 [email protected] [email protected] How investments in infrastructure can contribute to a sound society The aim of the subproject was to increase the infrastructure is that it redistributes assets. awareness on how equality and social sustain- Being close to a major city or having good ability can be integrated in infrastructure in- communications may affect small villages vestments to achieve desired effects. negatively. During the duration of the project, sever- Erika Sandow, University of Umeå, pre- al seminars and workshops were held to in- sented her research on how long-distance crease the knowledge on how equality and commuting affects the stress levels of people. social sustainability can be related to infra- Among heteronormative couples, long-dis- structure investments. A research day was tance commuting means that one person, arranged to discuss issues related to com- usually the man, spends more time commut- muting, an expanding employment market ing, and less time with his family. The partner region, and equality integration in transport of the commuter, usually the woman, then planning. has to bear the responsibility for the house- hold, especially with children, which might force her to work less outside the home. Research day At the research day, Lena Levin from VTI, the Swedish National Road and Transport Re- Results search Institute, discussed gender neutral The result of the subproject is implementing transportation, available to all. By focusing on social sustainability as a special area of col- social sustainability, we can comprehend the laboration in the traffic strategy. According transport system better and see technolo- to the strategy, growth and competitiveness gy as an asset for enhancing availability and must be viewed from an equality perspective, power. which requires gendered statistics and ana- Jonas Westin, University of Umeå, pointed lysing the gendered landscape of the route out that it became easier to travel during the (a method developed by the municipality of 1950s‒1980s, especially by car. Instead of walk- Umeå), i.e. data on employment, economy, ing to the local shops, people started travel- education, and family matters. ling into the city centres. The importance of Municipality of Umeå Equality strategist | Comprehensive planning +46 9 016 1232 Linda Gustafsson +46 70 611 1044 [email protected] LEADERSHIP The role and qualities of process management The role and qualities of project management GOVERNANCE STRUCTURAL FACTORS Participants • Results Next level Composition THE PROCESS Differences in representation (levels) • Traffic strategy Implementation National/ Resources Approach/forms of meeting EU connection Financial (EU) Documentation • Learning Human resources Scheduling (qualities, competence & abilities) Social capital Commitment (relations and legitimacy) Influence/challenges Influence/opportunities Internally ‒
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