Long-standing Lewisham Choral Society member Miriam McLeod left a a left McLeod Miriam member Society Choral Lewisham standing - ong L Long-standing Lewisham Choral Society member Miriam McLeod left a generous legacy to the choir when she passed away in 2015. This his T 2015. in away d passe she when choir the to legacy generous generous legacy to the choir when she passed away in 2015. This allowed us to commission In My Way from local composer Kate Whitley Whitley Kate composer local from ay W y M n I ission comm o t us allowed allowed us to commission In My Way from local composer Kate Whitley to celebrate Miriam’s life. Tonight, as part of our Christmas concert, we we concert, Christmas our of part as , Tonight life. s ’ iriam M celebrate to to celebrate Miriam’s life. Tonight, as part of our Christmas concert, we perform the premiere of this work. work. his t of premiere the perform perform the premiere of this work. Miriam McLeod 1932-2015 2015 1932- McLeod Miriam Miriam McLeod 1932-2015 Miriam at a protest in February 2003 2003 February in protest a at Miriam Miriam at a protest in February 2003 The following words come from the obituary that Miriam’s son Andrew Andrew son Miriam’s that obituary the from come words following The The following words come from the obituary that Miriam’s son Andrew – now also a member of Lewisham Choral Society – wrote for his mother mother his for wrote – Society Choral Lewisham of member a also now – – now also a member of Lewisham Choral Society – wrote for his mother and which was published in The Guardian: : Guardian The in published was which and and which was published in The Guardian: “My mother … was a teacher and lifelong peace campaigner. The The campaigner. peace lifelong and teacher a was … mother y “M “My mother … was a teacher and lifelong peace campaigner. The youngest of eight children, she was born in Hackney, London, after her her after London, Hackney, in born was she children, eight of youngest youngest of eight children, she was born in Hackney, London, after her Jewish parents… had fled from pogroms in Poland during 1914. The early early The 1914. during Poland in pogroms from fled had parents… Jewish Jewish parents… had fled from pogroms in Poland during 1914. The early life experiences of her parents shaped her commitment to non-violent violent - non to nt commitme her shaped parents her of experiences life life experiences of her parents shaped her commitment to non-violent resistance and…her mother’s socialist politics were also a great great a also were politics socialist mother’s and…her resistance resistance and…her mother’s socialist politics were also a great influence.” ” . influence influence.” Miriam herself first embraced the peace movement during the anti- - anti the during movement peace the embraced first herself Miriam Miriam herself first embraced the peace movement during the anti- nuclear Aldermaston protests in the 1950s and 60s. Then in 1983 she she 1983 in Then 60s. and 1950s the in protests Aldermaston nuclear nuclear Aldermaston protests in the 1950s and 60s. Then in 1983 she and her daughter Rachel joined the Greenham Common peace camp, camp, peace Common Greenham the ned joi Rachel daughter her and and her daughter Rachel joined the Greenham Common peace camp, where they were both arrested for entering the RAF base. Andrew wrote wrote Andrew . base RAF the entering for arrested both were they where where they were both arrested for entering the RAF base. Andrew wrote that the statement Miriam prepared for her court appearance “was the the “was appearance court her for prepared Miriam statement he t that that the statement Miriam prepared for her court appearance “was the clearest expression of her political philosophy”. It formed the climax of a a of climax the formed It . philosophy” political her of expression clearest clearest expression of her political philosophy”. It formed the climax of a play about her life which was performed in Lewisham in 2011 and the the and 2011 in Lewisham in performed was which life her about play play about her life which was performed in Lewisham in 2011 and the inspiration for Kate Whitley’s In My Way that we sing tonight. tonight. sing we that Way My In Whitley’s Kate for inspiration inspiration for Kate Whitley’s In My Way that we sing tonight. 2 | Page Page | 2 2 | Page 2 2 2 Page | | Page | Page tonight. sing we that Whitley’s Kate for inspiration inspiration for Kate Whitley’s that we sing tonight. inspiration for Kate Whitley’s that we sing tonight. In My Way Way My In In My Way In My Way in 2011 and the the and 2011 in Lewisham in performed was which life her about play play about her life which was performed in Lewisham in 2011 and the play about her life which was performed in Lewisham in 2011 and the . It formed the climax of a . It formed the climax of a a of climax the formed It . philosophy” political her of expression clearest clearest expression of her political philosophy” clearest expression of her political philosophy”. It formed the climax of a “was the that t that that the statement Miriam prepared for her court appearance for her court appearance “was the the “was appearance court her for prepared Miriam statement he that the statement Miriam prepared for entering the RAF base. Andrew wrote where they were both arrested both were they where where they were both arrested where they were both arrested for entering the RAF base. Andrew wrote wrote Andrew . base RAF the entering for and her daughter Rachel joi Rachel daughter her and and her daughter Rachel joined the Greenham Common peace camp, peace camp, camp, peace Common Greenham the ned and her daughter Rachel joined the Greenham Common peace camp, Aldermaston protests in the 1950s and 60s. Then in 1983 she she 1983 in Then 60s. and 1950s the in protests Aldermaston nuclear nuclear Aldermaston protests in the 1950s and 60s. Then in 1983 she nuclear Aldermaston protests in the 1950s and 60s. Then in 1983 she anti the during movement peace the embraced first herself Miriam Miriam herself first embraced the peace movement during the anti- anti- - Miriam herself first embraced the peace movement during the ” . influence influence.” influence.” resistance and…her mother’s socialist politics were also a great great a also were politics socialist mother’s and…her resistance resistance and…her mother’s socialist politics were also a great resistance and…her mother’s socialist politics were also a great nt to non-violent nt to non-violent violent - non to nt commitme her shaped parents her of experiences life life experiences of her parents shaped her commitme life experiences of her parents shaped her commitme Jewish parents… had fled from pogroms in Poland during 1914. The early early The 1914. during Poland in pogroms from fled had parents… Jewish Jewish parents… had fled from pogroms in Poland during 1914. The early Jewish parents… had fled from pogroms in Poland during 1914. The early youngest of eight children, she was born in Hackney, London, after her her after London, Hackney, in born was she children, eight of youngest youngest of eight children, she was born in Hackney, London, after her youngest of eight children, she was born in Hackney, London, after her … was a teacher and lifelong peace campaigner. The The campaigner. peace lifelong and teacher a was … mother y “M “My mother … was a teacher and lifelong peace campaigner. The “My mother … was a teacher and lifelong peace campaigner. The published in in published was which and and which was published in : : : and which was published in The Guardian The The Guardian The Guardian – wrote for his mother now also a member of Lewisham Choral Society Society Choral Lewisham of member a also now – – now also a member of Lewisham Choral Society – wrote for his mother mother his for wrote – – now also a member of Lewisham Choral Society Miriam’s son Andrew the obituary that that obituary the from come words following The The following words come from the obituary that the obituary that Miriam’s son Andrew Andrew son Miriam’s The following words come from February 2003 February in protest a at Miriam Miriam at a protest in February 2003 at a protest in February 2003 Miriam 2015 Miriam McLeod 1932- McLeod Miriam Miriam McLeod 1932- 2015 2015 Miriam McLeod 1932- work. his t of premiere the perform perform the premiere of this work. perform the premiere of this work. we we concert, Christmas our of part as , Tonight life. s ’ iriam M celebrate to to celebrate Miriam’s life. Tonight, as part of our Christmas concert, we to celebrate Miriam’s life. Tonight, as part of our Christmas concert, we ay W y M n I In My Way In My Way Whitley Kate composer local from ission comm o t us allowed allowed us to commission from local composer Kate Whitley allowed us to commission from local composer Kate Whitley his his T 2015. in away d passe she when choir the to legacy generous generous legacy to the choir when she passed away in 2015. This generous legacy to the choir when she passed away in 2015. This Lewisham Choral Society Society Choral Lewisham Lewisham Choral Society Lewisham Choral Society left a a left McLeod Miriam member standing - ong L Long-standing member Miriam McLeod left a Long-standing member Miriam McLeod left a Long-standing Lewisham Choral Society member Miriam McLeod left a a left McLeod Miriam member Society Choral Lewisham standing - ong L Long-standing Lewisham Choral Society member Miriam McLeod left a generous legacy to the choir when she passed away in 2015.
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