北九州市立自然史・歴史博物館研究報告A類(自然史)投稿要領 Bull. Kitakyushu Mus. Nat. Hist. Hum. Hist., Ser. A, 15: 1–3, March 31, 2017 1. 分野:自然史に関する原著論文,短報等(和文または欧文)でつぎのうち一つ以上にあたるもの. Habitat of a tanaidacean Apseudes nipponicus SHIINO, 1937 aquaria for rearing a colonial ascidian Didemnum vexillum (in deep pit, inhabited gregariously by this animal, is covered with index.html [accessed 6 August 2016] Tasmanicisque. Verhandelingen der Natuurkundige MONSCH, K. A. 2004. Revision of the scombroid fishes from ⑴ 北九州域の自然史に関するもの. 2014) or a gastropod Strombus luhuanus (in 2015) were mud which has the smell of hydrogen sulphide.” Both habitats KAJIHARA, H. & KAKUI, K. 2016. An overview of recent Vereeniging in Nederlandsch Indië, 6: 1–276. the Cenozoic of England. Transactions of the Royal collected by a siphon and then filtered by a hand net, and around SMRC and MMBS, where our specimens were found, marine-biodiversity research in Japan. In MOTOKAWA, M. COLLETTE, B. B. and C. E. NAUEN. 1983. FAO Species Catalo- Society of Edinburgh. Earth Sciences, (3–4): 445–489. ⑵ 当館の収集活動に関するもの(例:新種記載に際して,ホロタイプまたはパラタイプ・トポタイ 95 tanaidaceans were picked up from the residue. Individuals were a less-disturbed, sulfide-containing muddy sand bottom, & KAJIHARA, H. (eds.) Species Diversity of Animals in gue. Vol. 2, Scombrids of the World. An Annotated and MONSCH, K. A. and BANNIKOV, A. F. 2011. New taxonomic プ等の標本が当館に収蔵される場合). Keiichi KAKUI 1※, Atsuko SUZUKI2, Hiroaki NAKANO2 & Hisanori KOHTSUKA3 found in 2014 were released into the sea after taking photos. roughly corresponding to that noted by SHIINO (1937). In add- Japan, pp. 25–45. Springer, Berlin. Illustrated Catalogue of Tunas, Mackerels, Bonitos and synopses and revision of the scombroid fishes (Scombro- Fifty specimens collected in 2015 were fixed by ethanol or ition, our observation of living A. nipponicus indicated that its KAKUI, K. 2016. Review of the taxonomy, diversity, ecology, Related Species Known to Date. FAO Fisheries Synopsis ⑶ 当館の行う調査研究に関係するもの. idei, Perciformes), including billfishes, from the Cenozoic 1 formalin, about 140 tanaidaceans were sent live to KK’s lab at habitat is restricted by the type of bottom substrate. Consider- and other biological aspects of Order Tanaidacea from no 125. vol. 2, 137 pp. Rome: FAO 1983. ISBN-Nr. 92- of territories of the former USSR. Transactions of the Royal ⑷ 既に当館に収蔵されている標本に関するもの. Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University, Sapporo 060-0810, Japan 2Shimoda Marine Research Center, University of Tsukuba, Shimoda 415-0025, Japan Hokkaido University and used to observe their burrowing ing SHIINO (1937) and our present results, A. nipponicus likely Japan and surrounding waters. In MOTOKAWA, M. & 5-101381-0. Society of Edinburgh. Earth Sciences, 102(04): 253–300. ⑸ 当館学芸員の研究活動に関係するもの. 3Misaki Marine Biological Station, The University of Tokyo, Miura 238-0225, Japan behavior, while others were released into the sea. A scuba prefers (or may be confined to) a less-disturbed, sulfide-conta- KAJIHARA, H. (eds.) Species Diversity of Animals in COLLETTE, B. B. and J. L. RUSSO. 1985. Morphology, system- NELSON, J. S., T. C. GRANDE, and M. V. H. WILSON. 2016. Fishes- ※Corresponding author. Email: [email protected] sampling around MMBS was carried out on 25 May 2016. The ining muddy sand bottom. This probable specialized habitat Japan, pp. 603–627. Springer, Berlin. atics, and biology of the Spanish mackerels (Scombero- of the world. Fifth edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hobok- ⑹ 編集委員会が適当と認めるもの. sampling site was at a depth of 2 m around a small pier for may be one reason why so few records exist for this species. KAKUI, K. & HIRUTA, C. 2013. Selfing in a malacostracan morus, Scombridae). Fishery Bulletin, 82 (4): 545–692. en, New Jersey, 752 pp. (Received August 25, 2016; Accepted October 18, 2016) MMBS’s research boat (35° 9′ 27.507″ N, 139° 36′ 43.704″ E). crustacean: why a tanaidacean but not decapods. DEVARAJ, M. 1975. Osteology and relationships of the Spanish 大江文雄・西本博行・奥村好次・東好昭. 1981. 瑞浪層群産“カ Collected specimens were fixed in ethanol. Two fixed ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Naturwissenschaften, 100: 891–894. mackerels and seerfishes of the tribe Scomberomorini. マスサワラ”属魚類化石.瑞浪市化石博物館研究報告, 2. 審査:投稿原稿は,編集委員会ならびに委託された査読者による審査の後採否が決定される.修正 ABSTRACT − Apseudes nipponicus SHIINO, 1937 is the first described tanaidacean species in Japan. This specimens collected from SMRC were deposited in the LARSEN, K., GUŢU, M. & SIEG, J. 2015. Order Tanaidacea Indian Journal of Fisheries, 22 (1&2): 1–67. (8): 25–46. の必要のあるとされた原稿は,査読者の意見と共に返送されるので,著者は必要な訂正を行った後, species is a relatively large-sized member among tanaidaceans, reaching 16 mm in length. Its type specimens Kitakyushu Museum of Natural History & Human History We thank Yasutaka TSUCHIYA, Toshihiko SATO, Hideo DANA, 1849. In VON VAUPEL KLEIN, J. C., CHARMANTIER- GILL, T. N. 1862. On the limits and arrangement of the family 大江文雄・田口栄次・奥村好次・西本博行. 1986. 勝田層群 were collected from shallow water in Sagami Bay and the Sagami Sea, the best-studied marine areas in Japan. (KMNH IvR 500921). In all samplings, the accompanying SHINAGAWA, Yutaro YAMADA, and Daisuke SHIBATA for help DAURES, M. & SCHRAM, F. R. (eds.) Treatise on Zoology- of scombroids. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural 産サワラ Scomberomorus sp. の前上顎骨の形態とその古 速やかに再提出する.体裁については編集委員会に一任される. Despite the large body size of this species and great sampling efforts in this area, additional published records of fauna was not checked. in collecting the tanaidaceans from experimental aquaria in Anatomy, Taxonomy, Biology. The Crustacea 5, pp. Sciences of Philadelphia, 14: 124–127. 生態. 瑞浪市化石博物館研究報告, (13): 27–38. this tanaidacean are limited to an illustrated encyclopedia. In this study, we report A. nipponicus from Sagami Living individuals of A. nipponicus were kept at room SMRC; Morihiko TOMATSURI for help in sending live 249–329. Brill, Leiden. 平山廉・柴田晃・赤木三郎・亀井節夫. 1983. 岡山県新見市 RAFINESQUE – SCHMALTZ , C. S. 1815. Analyse de la nature, ou Bay and the Sagami Sea for the first time in decades. More than 190 individuals were collected from temperature and under ambient light in the laboratory. As specimens collected in 2015; and Mamoru SEKIFUJI for help in MCCLAIN, C. & BARRY, J. 2014. Beta-diversity on deep-sea の中新統備北層群産カメ化石. 地質学雑誌, 69: 239–241. tableau de l’ univers et de corps organisés. Palermo, 224 3. 北九州市立自然史・歴史博物館研究報告A類(自然史)に掲載された論文の著作権(著作財産権, experimental aquaria at the Shimoda Marine Research Center of the University of Tsukuba, where colonial muddy sand substrates where our specimens were collected sampling around MMBS in 2016. wood falls reflects gradients in energy availability. 平山廉・田口栄次. 1994. 岡山県新見市の中新統備北層群よ pp. Copyright)は,北九州市立自然史・歴史博物館に帰属するものとする. ascidians or gastropods were reared. In aquaria, tanaidaceans inhabited a blackened muddy bottom, and could not be prepared, and one congener (Apseudes sp.) has Biology Letters, 10: 20140129. り発見の巨大スッポン化石とその古環境学的意義.地 STARKS, E. C. 1910. The osteology and mutual relationships of reproduced there. In addition, three animals were collected from another natural environment, a muddy substrate been successfully maintained in coral sand for years (KAKUI & REFERENCES MORALES-VELA, B., SUÁREZ-MORALES, E., PADILLA-SALDÍVAR, 質学雑誌,100(4): 316–318. the fishes belonging to the family Scombridae. Journal of under fist-sized rocks at a depth of 2 m around the Misaki Marine Biological Station of the University of Tokyo. HIRUTA, 2013), three size categories of coral sand (> 1 mm, J. & HEARD, R. W. 2008. The tanaid Hexapleomera 平山廉・田口栄次・岡崎美彦. 1982. 岡山県新見市の中新統 Morphology, 21 (1): 77–99. 4. 投稿を希望される方は,あらかじめ下記にご連絡下さい. 1–0.5 mm, and 0.5–0.3 mm in diameter; about 1,400 g/l) were ALVARO, M. C., BŁAŻEWICZ-PASZKOWYCZ, M., DAVEY, N. & robusta (Crustacea: Peracarida) from the Caribbean りも大きく,上向突起の形態ではむしろサワラ属に類似す 備北層群より発見された汽水棲カメ類の第 2 個体. 瑞 須田有輔. 1991. 日本産マアジ Trachurus japonicus の骨格 Considering the environments where SHIINO’s and our samples were collected, A. nipponicus likely prefers used as bottom substrates. We also tested commercial SCHIAPARELLI, S. 2011. Skin-digging tanaids: the unusual manatee, with comments on other crustacean epibionts. 口ほか, ;平山ほか, ; ;平 山・田 口 , ).特に, の傾きは約 である.骨の表面は全体的に磨耗しており, ることから新たな属を考える必要があるかもしれない.本 浪市化石博物館研究報告, 系.北九州市立自然史博物館研究報告 less-disturbed, sulfide-containing muddy substrates, and this probable specialized habitat may be one reason why 1979 1982 1983 1994 43° (9): 111–116. , (10): 53–89. aquarium gravel, Pure Black (JAN code 4972547010049, parasitic behavior of Exspina typica in Antarctic waters Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the 2000 年ごろまでは新見市西部辻田の旧小野田セメント粘土 破損しているところもある.内側の関節面等は磨耗により 種はカマスサワラ属とサワラ属の系統関係やサワラ族魚類 HUXLEY, T. H. 1880. On the application of the laws of evolu- 田口栄次・岸本眞五・鈴木茂之. 2013. Periploma mitsugano- so few records exist for this species. 連絡先:北九州市立自然史・歴史博物館 GEX, Japan; 2–4 mm in grain size, 750 g/l), as a bottom and worldwide deep basins. Antarctic Science, 23: United Kingdom, 88: 591–596. 採掘場跡は化石が豊富に産出することが知られていた.今 残されていない.外側面は全体に緩やかに膨出するが,下 の起源と進化に関する知見を得る上で重要な種と考えられ, tion to the arrangement of the Vertebrata, and more particu- ense ARAKI (Bivalvia: Mollusca) について-特にその古 substrate. The behavior of animals was observed with the 343–348. NAKANO, H., KAKUI, K., KAJIHARA, H., SHIMOMURA, M., JIMI, 回報告する化石はこの採泥跡地から発見されたもので,田 半部は平面的である. さらなる標本の産出が期待される. larly of the Mammalia. Proceedings of the Zoological Soc- 地理学的意義-. 岡山大学地球科学研究報告, 20(1): 〒 805-0071 KEY WORDS: Crustacea, Tanaidacea, Apseudidae, Japan, microhabitat, artificial environment naked eye. BAMBER, R. N. 2012. A re-assessment of Hexapleomera N., TOMIOKA, S., TANAKA,
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