TAYSIDE AND FIFE ARCHAEOLOGICAL JOURNAL INDEX VOLUMES 1–10 Compiled by Peter Gunn TAYSIDE AND FIFE ARCHAEOLOGICAL COMMITTEE PERTH Index to Volumes 1–10 Notes 1 Location references are expressed as vol number followed by page number. The journal is published in November each year to coincide with the annual TAFAC conference. The journal is available by post from John 2 Illustrations, maps and plans have italic page numbers. There may also be textual references on these pages. Sherriff, Hon Treasurer TAFAC, 21 Burleigh Crescent, Inverkeithing, Fife, KY11 1DQ. 3 Bibliographical references are not indexed. 4 References to footnote(s) are indicated by the page reference followed by ʻnʼ or ʻnnʼ. Editorial board 2004 Lisbeth Thoms (Editor), Derek Hall (Assistant Editor), Mark Hall (TAFAC Chairman), John Sherriff (TAFAC Treasurer) and Colin Martin. a Pictish cross slabs 5.47 Aardenburg, pottery kilns 5.98 see also Turin Hill Abbey Craig, Stirlingshire, spears 7.5 Aberlemno Churchyard, Angus, sculpture at 6.158, 6.161 Abbey National Building, High Street, Perth see Perth (High Aberlemno Roadside (sculpture) 6.158 Street) Abernethy, Duncan, Forgan smithy 4.93–4.96 Abbotʼs House, Maygate, Dunfermline 2.56, 2.70–2.112, 2.71, Abernethy, Perthshire 3.190, 6.181, 10.56 2.73, 2.74, 2.81, 2.128 11th-century tower 6.180 garden 2.75, 2.84, 2.85, 2.87, 2.109, 2.112 early medieval ecclesiatical community 1.7 heritage centre 2.70, 2.87, 2.112 pilgrimage route 7.10 medieval pottery 9.90 Primary School: stone surfaces and structures 10.73–10.83 pottery 4.188 see also Carpow workshops 2.75–2.77, 2.75, 2.77, 2.106–2.107, 2.109, 2.110 Abertay Historical Society 8.140 Abbotʼs Well, Fife 3.188 Aberuthven, Perthshire 6.169, 6.174, 6.180, 8.179 Abbotsford, Roxburghshire, Woodwray cross-slab 1.9n4 Achnafoy, Aberdeenshire, souterrain 9.65 Abbotsford Club 4.232, 4.233 Ada de Warenne 7.95, 7.105, 7.113 Abbotshaugh, Dalderse, Stirlingshire 7.5 Adam, Robert (farmer) 4.45 Abdie, Fife, sculpture at 6.182 Adam, William 8.179 Aberargie, Perthshire, Roman temporary camp 10.83 Adomnán, Life of St Columba 4.140, 6.174, 6.179 Abercairney, Perthshire, corn-drying kiln 10.113 Adornes, Sir Anselm 9.109 Abercrombie, Fife, milestone 6.229 Adrian, Saint 3.143 Abercrombie Church, Fife 3.193 aerial survey 9.61 Aberdeen cropmarks/cropmark sites 5.31–5.32, 6.11 Carmelite Friary on the Green 6.78 see also below Gallowgate (Nos 53–59) 6.104 moated sites 3.178 High Street, medieval buildings 7.81 Neolithic settlement patterns 1.20 Kingʼs College Chapel 6.195–6.196, 6.196, 6.197 Late Iron Age buildings 3.86 St Nicholasʼ Church 6.196, 6.197 pottery kiln sites 2.127 St Paulʼs Street (No. 42) 1.40 ʻsouthern Pictlandʼ souterrains 8.77, 8.79 Trinity Hall 6.196 water meadows 7.134, 7.137, 7.140, 7.141 cattle and sheep remains 3.138 Abernethy, Perthshire, stone surfaces and structures 10.73, deep soil formation 7.90, 7.91 10.75, 10.83 fairs established around 1.36 Arbroath 4.262 human skeletal remains 3.146, 3.154, 3.155 Ballinbreich Castle, Fife 3.190 medieval food and diet 7.72 Carse of Gowrie 4.173, 4.174 pottery 1.43, 2.88, 2.128, 4.177, 5.58, 5.97 Carsie Mains 10.1, 10.2, 10.20 timber to stone structures 7.80 Castle Menzies enclosure, Perthshire 8.13 Aberdeenshire, South: Field School of Archaeology 5.28–5.35, Craigie Hill, Fife 3.61, 3.62, 3.63, 3.68, 3.69, 3.70 2004 5.36, 5.46 Cupar, Fife 3.192 Aberdour, Fife Dubton Farm, Angus: Neolithic/Iron Age 8.19, 8.21, 8.29, © Tayside and Fife Archaeological Committee cists 7.20 8.34 terraced gardens 8.172 Dun Knock, Dunning 10.65 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, elec- Aberdour Castle, Fife Duncrub, Perthshire: lithic scatter 8.2 tronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior permission of the publisher. circular dovecot 10.150 Easter Kinnear, Fife 3.77, 3.78–3.80, 3.81, 3.82, 3.83, 3.91, glass fragments 4.225 3.113 ISSN 1360-5550 Aberfeldy, Perthshire 3.42, 3.48, 5.135, 9.12 Edenwood, Fife: Roman camp 4.90, 4.91, 4.96 see also Litigan; Lundin Farm Fife extractive workings 1.78, 1.85 Typeset by Christina Unwin e-mail [email protected] Aberlemno, Angus Fife water pipelines 4.67 carved stones 5.32 Fletcherfield, Strathmore, Angus: souterrain 8.103, 8.104 Printed on CD by Burns & Harris, Dundee cup-markings 1.14 Glen Cochill, Perthshire 3.166 early medieval sculpture collection 1.7–1.8, 1.8 Hawkhill cropmark enclosure 9.55, 9.56, 9.59 4 Index to Volumes 1–10 Index to Volums 1–10 5 Hawkhill, near Easter Kinnear, Fife 3.78, 3.81 Leuchars area, Fife 3.74, 3.78 palaeo-botanical analysis, Scotstarvit, Fife 4.84–4.88 Andrew of Wyntoun (chronicler) 6.33 Ironshill East palisaded enclosure 9.15, 9.16, 9.19, 9.20 Mains of Edzell cropmark enclosure evidence 9.45, 9.49, 9.51 Alexander I, King 4.179 Anglo-Normans Kingsbarns, Fife 7.17 Newbarns, Angus Alexander II, King 3.190, 4.234, 4.235, 4.243, 5.159, 7.95, in Ireland 3.183 Kineaross House: walled garden 8.169, 8.170 grain processing 10.108, 10.109, 10.112 7.113 medieval boundaries in Fife 4.233 Kirkton, Fife 4.77, 4.96 modern attrition 10.96 Alexander III, King 3.191, 4.235, 4.244–4.245, 5.150, 5.159, and moated sites 3.176 Leuchars area, Fife: cropmarks 3.74 Perth area crops 8.163 5.160, 7.113 see also Norman period Longforgan, Dundee: Roman temporary camp 4.99, 4.100, Pictish farmstead see Easter Kinnear, Fife Alexander III, Pope 5.72 Anglo-Saxon period 1.25 4.101, 4.103, 4.105 St Monans, Fife 3.193–3.194 Alexander IV, Pope 3.193, 3.200 Anglo-Scandinavian period, jet artefacts 5.121 Mains of Edzell cropmark enclosure 5.31, 9.35, 9.36, 9.38, St Nicholas Farm, St Andrews 1.73, 5.89, 5.91, 5.93 Alexander, Derek Angus 9.52, 9.54 Scotstarvit, Fife: medieval settlement 4.84–4.85 Turin Hill survey work 5.36–5.49 medieval deanery of 6.138 Milton of Rattray cropmark site 6.9 Turin Hill, Angus: damage by 5.45 West Mains cropmark enclosure 6.19–6.25 prehistoric burials 4.31–4.66 Myrehead, Falkirk 9.30 West Grange of Conon souterrain: modern attrition 9.65, Allan Water, metalwork 7.5 prehistoric rock-carving 1.11–1.22, 1.12, 1.13, 1.14, 1.18– Newbarns cropmarks 10.95, 10.96, 10.97, 10.98, 10.100, 9.72, 9.73 Allanfearn, lithic assemblage 4.95 1.19, 5.7–5.11 10.115 see also animal husbandry; byre; byre-dwellings; cereal/ Allean Forest, Perthshire see Allt Lochan nan Losgunn Gazetteer 1.22 North Straiton, Fife: pit alignment 2.45, 2.47, 2.51 cereals; farmsteads; field systems; horticulture; land use; Allen, J Romilly 6.157, 6.166 recumbent stone circles 5.12–5.15, 5.21 Perth, Cromwellʼs citadel 8.151 plant cultivation; rig cultivation; rig and furrow; South carved stonework 8.111 and South Aberdeenshire Field School of Archaeology 5.28– St Andrews Cathedral 4.249, 4.250 Leckaway (early farmhouse) cup-markings 1.11, 1.12, 1.13–1.14 5.35, 5.36, 5.46 Scotstarvit, Fife 4.89, 4.96 Aikenhatt, Angus 5.47 Meigle sculpture collection 1.1 see also individual places Strathbraan, Perthshire 3.161, 3.173 Aikenhatt church, Aberlemno, Angus 1.7–1.8, 1.8 alley, ceramic, Anstruther Easter, Fife 3.134 Angus I 1.23 Tarvit to Balmullo water pipeline 7.27 Ainslie, John Allison, Simon, Dun Knock hillfort, Dunning, Perthshire: vitrified Angus and South Aberdeenshire Field School 9.15, 9.35, 9.61, Tentsmuir Forest, Fife 8.140 1775 map 2.30, 2.37, 3.68, 4.241, 5.75, 5.91, 7.49, 8.170, rocks 10.65–10.72 9.64, 9.65 Turin Hill, Angus 5.40, 5.40, 5.44 8.196 Alloa, Clackmannanshire 3.204 Angus District Museums 4.31, 4.49, 4.66 Upper Gothens, Perthshire 7.34, 7.38, 7.43 1794 map 9.97, 9.114, 9.115 ceramic bowl manufacture 1.42 Angus and East of Scotland Housing Association 1.28 West Mains cropmark enclosure 6.19, 6.20, 6.23, 6.24 1801 map 7.24 gold ornaments 7.5 Angus Hill, Mains of Melgund, Aberlemno 4.49 Afforestable Land Survey (ALS) 1.76, 1.85, 3.161 1801 map (updated) 3.68 socketed axeheads 7.5 animal based industry, Salvation Army Citadel, Perth 9.84–9.85, Agen, south-west France 5.153 1805 map 8.183 Allt aʼ Choire Chireinich, Ben Lawers 9.9 9.86 Agricola, campaigns 10.83 Ainsworth, Graciela 6.155 Allt aʼ Mhoirneas, Ben Lawers 9.8 animal bones see bone, animal Agricultural Survey of Banffshire 7.135 air raid shelters, ice houses as 10.175 Allt Coire aʼ Chonnaidh, Ben Lawers 9.8 animal damage agriculture airfield: Leuchars 8.140 Allt Lochan nan Losgunn, Allean Forest, Perthshire 5.106, lithic scatters 8.2 grain processing and storage, Iron Age / Roman period Airlie, Earls of 8.98 5.127–5.138 to earthworks 4.20–4.30, 4.26 10.81 David 7th Earl 9.103 House I 5.127, 5.128, 5.129, 5.129–5.131, 5.134, 5.135 Brown Caterthun, Angus 5.30, 5.32–5.33 rig and furrow 10.180 Airlie, Angus 9.65 House II 5.127–5.128, 5.128, 5.129, 5.131–5.132, 5.134 Culhawk Hill, Angus 4.106, 4.107, 4.109, 4.113, 4.114, cropmark sites: attrition 5.30–5.31 burial 9.25 House III 5.128 4.116 crops and water meadows 7.136 Airlie Castle 8.98 House IV 5.128, 5.128 Dubton Farm, Angus 8.28 drainage: water pipeline in Angus watching brief 10.178, Airlie School, Angus 9.72 Kiln 2 5.128–5.129, 5.132 Dunlappie Parish Church 9.98, 9.100 10.179–10.184 Aitken, Ken 6.141, 6.143 see also byre, open-ended; kilns (corn-drying) Ironshill East palisaded enclosure 9.15, 9.22 irrigation and crop rotation 7.135, 7.136 Alba Archaeology Ltd 4.49 Allt na Moine Buidhe, Perthshire 3.22, 5.106–5.127, 5.107– Mains of Edzell cropmark enclosure 9.35, 9.36, 9.37, 9.39, lithic scatters: modern damage 8.2 Albin of Brechin, bishop 5.148 5.109, 5.134–5.135, 5.136 9.40
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