Global Odyssey: A bibliography of travel literature, 1940 to the present Compiled for the Center for the Study of Global Change by Dawn Childress Indiana University Bloomington 2006 PREFACE The books included in this bibliography represent the body of literature that serves, not just as a guide or roadmap to distant (or not so distant) lands and unfamiliar cultures, but records the impres- sions and experiences of the traveler as he explores a new culture different from his own. These titles offer narrative accounts of the authors’ travels, contributing unique perspectives on the many and diverse cultures throughout the world. The bibliography encompasses travel literature produced from the 1940’s through the present, cov- ering destinations around the globe. Titles are arranged geographically by continent, and where a title covers more than one geographic area, it has been included under each section in which it falls. Titles were selected using a number of print and electronic resources including WorldCat, Encyclo- pedia of Travel Literature, Dictionary of Literary Biography, and a number of other travel literature guides and bibliographies. Dawn Childress West European Studies Collection Indiana University Libraries Bloomington, IN 47405 AFRICA Adamson, Joy. Born Free: A Lioness of Two Worlds. New York: ———. A Plague of Caterpillars: A Return to the African Pantheon, 1960. Bush. Middlesex, UK: Viking, 1986. Alagiah, George. A Passage to Africa. London: Time Warner, Beckett, Denis. The Road Stops at Nowhere. London: Parktown, 2002. 1998. Alland, Alexander. When the Spider Danced: Notes from an Berkowitz, Sarah Bick. In Search of Ashes. New York: Shengold, African Village. Garden City, NY: Anchor, 1975. 1984. Allen, Benedict. The Skeleton Coast: A Journey through the Biddlecombe, Peter. French Lessons in Africa: Travels with My Namib Desert. London: BBC Books, 1997. Briefcase through French Africa. London: Little, Brown, Anderson, Sarah. Sarah Anderson’s Travel Companion. London: 1993. Portobello, 2004. Blixen-Finecke, Bror. The Africa Letters. Trans. G. F. V. Kleen. Asher, Michael. A Desert Dies. New York: St. Martin’s, 1986. New York: St. Martin’s, 1988. ———. In Search of the Forty Days Road. Harlow, UK: Botha, Ted. Apartheid in My Rucksack. Johannesburg: Jonathan Longmans, 1984. Ball, 1990. Asher, Michael and Mariantonietta Peru. Impossible Journey: Bredin, Miles. Blood on the Tracks: A Rail Journey from Angola Two against the Sahara. London: Viking, 1988. to Mozambique. London: Picador, 1995. Baker, Carroll. To Africa with Love: A True Romantic Brehm, Ward. Life through a Different Lens: Reflections and Adventure. New York: Fine, 1986. Lessons from the Horn of Africa. Minneapolis: Kirk House, 2003. Barley, Nigel. The Innocent Anthropologist: Notes from a Mud Hut. London: British Museum Publications, 1983. Breytenbach, Breyten. Return to Paradise. London: Faber & Faber, 1994. 1 ———. A Season in Paradise. New York: Persea, 1980. Cowen, William W. A Central African Odyssey. New York: Bristow, David. Soweto: Portrait of a City. Cape Town: Struik, Radcliffe Press, 1995. 1990. Crane, Nicholas. Atlas Biker: Mountainbiking in Morocco. Buettner, Dan. Africatrek: A Journey by Bicycle through Africa. Sparkford, UK: Oxford Illlustrated, 1990. Minneapolis: Lerner, 1997. ———. Bicycles up Kilimanjaro. Yeovil, UK: Oxford Illustrated, Canetti, Elias. The Voices of Marrakesh: A Record of a Visit. 1985. Trans. J. A. Underwood. London: Boyars, 1978. Cranny, Pam. Tap-Dancing in Treacle: A Nigerian Experience. Carrington, Richard. East from Tunis: A Record of Travels on Brisbane: Debut, 1999. the Northern Coast of Africa. London: Chatto & Crewe, Quentin. In Search of the Sahara. London: Joseph, Windus, 1957. 1983. ———. The Tears of Isis: The Story of a New Journey from Daniels, Anthony. Monrovia mon Amour: A Visit to Liberia. the Mouth to the Source of the River Nile. London: London: Murray, 1992. Chatto & Windus, 1959. ———. Zanzibar to Timbuktu. London: Murray, 1988. Carson, Anthony. On to Timbuctoo. London: Methuen, 1958. De Villiers, Marq and Sheila Hirtle. Into Africa: A Journey Carter, Jason. Power Lines: Two Years on South Africa’s Borders. through the Ancient Empires. Toronto: Key Porter, Washington, DC: National Geographic Society, 2002. 1999. Caute, David. Under the Skin: The Death of White Rhodesia. Debenham, Frank. Kalahari Sand. London: Bell, 1953. Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1983. Dibble, L. Grace. Return Tickets to Africa. Ilfracombe: Charters, Samuel Barclay. The Roots of the Blues: An African Stockwell, 1992. Search. Boston: Boyars, 1981. Dinesen, Isak. Shadows on the Grass. New York: Random House, Childress, David Hatcher. Lost Cities & Ancient Mysteries of 1961. Africa & Arabia. Stelle, IL: Adventures Unlimited, 1989. Dodwell, Christina. Madagascar Travels. London: Hodder & Christopher, A. J. South Africa. London: Longmans, 1982. Stoughton, 1995. Clapp, Nicholas. Sheba: Through the Desert in Search of the ———. Travels with Fortune: An African Adventure. London: Legendary Queen. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2001. Allen, 1979. Coon, Carleton Stevens. The Seven Caves: Archaeological ———. Travels with Pegasus: A Microlight Journey across West Explorations in the Middle East. New York: Knopf, Africa. New York: Walker, 1990. 1956. Durrell, Gerald Malcolm. Ark on the Move. New York: Coward- Cooper, John Julius. Sahara. London: Longmans, 1968. McCann, 1983. 2 ———. The Aye-Aye and I: A Rescue Mission in Madagascar. Gallmann, Kuki. African Nights. London: Viking, 1994. New York: Arcade, 1993. Golding, William. An Egyptian Journal. London: Faber & Faber, Edwards, Ted. Beyond the Last Oasis: A Solo Walk in the Western 1985. Sahara. London: Murray, 1985. Greene, Graham. In Search of a Character: Two African Farson, Negley. Last Chance in Africa. New York: Harcourt, Journals. London: Bodley Head, 1961. 1950. Gunther, John. Inside Africa. New York: Harper, 1955. Fernea, Elizabeth Warnock. A Street in Marrakech. Garden Hamilton, Genesta. A Stone’s Throw: Travels from Africa in Six City, NY: Doubleday, 1975. Decades. London: Hutchinson, 1986. Fiennes, Ranulph. A Talent for Trouble. London: Hodder & Hampton, Charles and Janie Hampton. A Family Outing in Stoughton, 1970. Africa. London: Macmillan, 1988. Fitzgerald, Mary Anne. Nomad: Journeys from Samburu. New Hanley, Gerald. Warriors and Strangers. London: Hamilton, York: Viking, 1992. 1971. Foulkes, James Bray. To Africa with Love: A Bush Doc’s Story. Harris, Eddy L. Native Stranger: A Black American’s Journey Franklin, TN: Providence House, 2005. into the Heart of Africa. New York: Simon & Schuster, Fox, Hubert C. African Impressions: The Author’s Visits to West 1992. Africa in 1942, East Africa in 1962, South Africa and Haumann, Mathew. Travelling with Soldiers and Bishops: Stories Swaziland in 1969 and East Africa Again in 1974, of Struggling People in Sudan. Nairobi: Paulines Press, Including the Universities Mission to Central Africa. 2004. Southampton: Pearson & Lloyd, 1995. Heminway, John Hylan. No Man’s Land: The Last of White Francis, Babette. South Africa, Namibia, and Sanctions: Diary Africa. New York: Dutton, 1983. of a Visit. Melbourne: Endeavor Forum, 1988. Hepburn, Katharine. The Making of the African Queen, or, Frater, Alexander. Tales from the Torrid Zone: Travels in the How I Went to Africa with Bogart, Bacall, and Huston Deep Tropics. London: Picador, 2004. and Almost Lost My Mind. New York: Knopf, 1987. Fuller, Alexandra. Scribbling the Cat: Travels with an African Hill, Justin. Ciao Asmara. London: Abacus, 2004. Soldier. New York: Penguin, 2004. Hillaby, John D. Journey to the Jade Sea. New York: Simon & Fuller, Hoyt W. Journey to Africa. Chicago: Third World Press, Schuster, 1965. 1971. Hoagland, Edward. African Calliope: A Journey to the Sudan. Gale, John M. Travels with a Son. London: Hodder & New York: Random House, 1979. Stoughton, 1972. 3 Hobbs, Joseph J. and Leo Tregenza. Bedouin Life in the Egyptian Joubert, Dereck and Beverly Joubert. The Africa Diaries: An Wilderness. Cairo: American University in Cairo Press, Illustrated Memoir of Life in the Bush. Washington, 1990. DC: Adventure, 2001. Hone, Joseph. Africa of the Heart: A Personal Journey. New Kaplan, Marion. Focus Africa. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, York: Beech Tree, 1986. 1982. ———. Children of the Country: Coast to Coast across Africa. Kapuscinski, Ryszard. The Emperor: Downfall of an Autocrat. London: Hamilton, 1986. San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1983. Hudson, Mark. Our Grandmothers’ Drums. London: Secker & ———. The Shadow of the Sun. Trans. Klara Glowczewska. Warburg, 1989. New York: Knopf, 2001. Hudson, Peter. A Leaf in the Wind: Travels in Africa. London: Keenan, Steven E. and Douglas Eaton. Sojourns in West Africa. Columbus, 1988. Lincoln, NE: IUniverse, 2004. ———. Two Rivers: Travels in West Africa on the Trail of Kertscher, Kevin. Africa Solo: A Journey across the Sahara, Mungo Park. London: Chapmans, 1991. Sahel, and Congo. South Royalton, VT: Steerforth, Huxley, Elspeth Joscelin Grant. The Flame Trees of Thika: 1998. Memories of an African Childhood. London: Chatto Kinross, Patrick Balfour. Portrait of Egypt. New York: Morrow, & Windus, 1959. 1966. ———. Forks and Hope: An African Notebook. London: Lamb, David. The Africans. New York: Random House, 1982. Chatto & Windus, 1964. Laurence, Margaret. New Wind in a Dry Land. New York: Knopf, ———. Four Guineas: A Journey through West Africa. London: 1964. Chatto & Windus, 1954. Leith-Ross, Sylvia. Stepping-Stones: Memoirs of Colonial
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