ACADEMY for CULTURAL DIPLOMACY Cultural Diplomacy DICTIONARY of The Academy for Cultural Diplomacy “The Cultural Diplomacy Dictionary is aimed at introducing governmental & diplomatic officials, academics & scholars, young professionals & students, artists, civil society & private sector representatives, to contemporary and evolving concepts of cultural diplomacy.” Edited by Dr. KishoreThe Institute forChakraborty Cultural Diplomacy © 2013 ACADEMY for ACADEMY for CULTURAL DIPLOMACY CULTURAL DIPLOMACY Cultural Diplomacy Dictionary Cultural Diplomacy Dictionary The ICD DictionaryEdited on Culturalby Dr. Kishore Diplomacy Chakraborty Edited by Dr. Kishore Chakraborty Introduction Acknowledgments “The Cultural Diplomacy Dictionary is aimed at introducing governmental & diplomatic officials, The Cultural Diplomacy Dictionary is edited by Dr. Kishore Chakraborty (Director of Research, The academics & scholars, young professionals & students, artists, civil society & private sector Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies) who also provided guidance and support for the project. A representatives, to contemporary and evolving concepts of cultural diplomacy.” dedicated team from the ICD Academy consisting of Danielle May, Davide Rastelli, Elsa Crowther, Giovanni Tonutti, Jakub Cywin’ski, and Vicky Ramsden, under the supervision of Umamah Basit The Cultural Diplomacy Dictionary items have been gathered from a diverse range of literature, & Katie Dickmeyer that has been responsible for the entries, the research and the writing for the including English, American, French, Spanish, Chinese and German. The essential idea was to individual entries. Elvira González-Valles has been responsible for the Book Design. compile a list of terms that do not already possess a precise definition, and describe them in a way that is more relevant to global politics today. The project has also had help from Ambassador Karl-Erik Norman (Professor at the Center for Cul- tural Diplomacy Studies) Ana-Maria Bell, Eunyoung Kang and Olli Suominen (M.A. students at the This Cultural Diplomacy Dictionary also contains references to influential people and organizations Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies). The dictionary is aimed at introducing students, academics, that have made significant contributions to cultural diplomacy and related fields, including Cultural and civil society representatives to contemporary and evolving concepts of cultural diplomacy. Studies, International Relations, Sociology and Anthropology. The Dictionary is a project conceived by Riman Vilnius, one of the founders of the Institute for Cul- Scope & Limitations tural Diplomacy (ICD). This current document is the result of his continuing enthusiasm and interest One of the major challenges faced when researching terms was finding accurate and consistent in seeing such a dictionary to publication. information. Many of the websites, although initially appearing to be reliable, contain information that was either inaccurate or out of date. This led to some inaccuracies in the initial drafts. Some of the very specific or more basic terms also lacked information, which is one of the reasons why some definitions are shorter than the rest. A further challenge was trying to write definitions from an entirely neutral perspective, since several terms were often associated with positive or negative connotations. Moreover, in an attempt to provide readers with up-to-date definitions of terms and concepts referring to current issues, developments, and events, we encountered the challenge of researching on-going academic debates. The analysis and synthesis of different perspectives and approaches on very complex issues often led to fields of knowledge not directly relevant, but highly interconnected with social sciences and cultural studies, highlighting the multifaceted nature of global systems and structures. In order to overcome the above-mentioned limitations, steps were taken to ensure that information was collected from at least 2-3 reliable sources. The definitions have been written as concisely as possible and examples have also been provided in relevant cases. Where certain concepts are linked to various fields of study, they have only been defined in light of their relevance to culture, development, and international politics. The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy 2013 www.academy-for-cultural-diplomacy.org 2 The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy 2013 www.academy-for-cultural-diplomacy.org 3 ACADEMY for ACADEMY for CULTURAL DIPLOMACY AcademyCULTURAL for Cultural DIPLOMACY Diplomacy Cultural Diplomacy Dictionary Cultural Diplomacy Dictionary Index The ICD DictionaryEdited on Culturalby Dr. Kishore Diplomacy Chakraborty RIndex The ICD DictionaryEdited on Culturalby Dr. Kishore Diplomacy Chakraborty Index Carbon Footprint Creative Industry Mapping Carrying Capacity Critical Race Theory (CRT) Carrying Capacity (Tourism Sites) Culinary Diplomacy A B Center-Periphery Relations Cultural Anthropology Acculturation Balance of Power Cervantes Institute (Spanish Cultural Institute) Cultural Assets Acoustic barrier Baltic Cooperation Chechnya Cultural Citizenship Adenauer, Konrad (January 5, 1876 - April Barenboim, Daniel (November 15, 1942 -) Citizen Diplomacy Cultural Clusters 19, 1967) Beijing Consensus Civil Rights Movement Cultural Convergence Adorno, Theodor (September 11, 1903 - Berger, Peter (March 17, 1929 -) Civil Society Cultural Democracy August 6, 1969) Bilateralism Civilian Power Cultural Democratization Affirmative Action Biodiversity Clash of Civilizations Cultural Dimensions Air Pollution Biotic Climate Change Cultural Diplomacy Airport Tax Black Arts Movement (BAM) Coase, Ronald (October 29, 1910 -) Cultural Diplomacy under the Ottoman Empire All-Under-Heaven Black Power Cold Peace Cultural Domain Alliance Francaise (French Alliance) Blue Plan (or Plan Bleu) Cold War Cultural Expansionism Alterity Bourdieu, Pierre (August 1, 1930 - January Collective Action Cultural Hegemony Alternative Dispute Resolution 23, 2002) Colonialism Cultural Heritage Americans for the Arts Brandt Report Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Cultural Imperialism Amerika Haus (America House) Brandt, Willi (December 18, 1913 - October Rights (CESCR) Cultural Invention Anarchism 8, 1992) Common Pool Resource (CPR) Cultural Liberty Anderson, Benedict (August 26, 1936 -) Braudel, Fernand (August 24, 1902 - Commons (The Commons) Cultural Materialism Anholt, Simon November 27, 1985) Communal Conflict Cultural Occupations Annales School (The Annales School) Brezhnev, Leonid (December 19, 1906 - Complex Interdependence Theory Cultural Pluralism Annan, Kofi (April 8, 1938 -) November 10, 1982) Confucius (551-479 BC) Cultural Policy Anthropology BRICS Confucius Institute Cultural Relativism Anti-Semitism British Council Constantinescu, Emil (November 19, 1939- ) Cultural Reproduction Apartheid Bureaucracy Constructivism Cultural Revolution (China) Aquifers Buzan, Barry (April 28, 1946 -) Consumer Culture Cultural Studies Arab Spring Copenhagen School (Intl. Relations) Cultural Tourism Arendt, Johanna “Hannah” (1906-1975) C Copyright Cultural Transfer (or Cultural Transmission) Arndt, Richard Canada Council (The Canada Council for the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Cultural Universalism Arts Arts) Corrupting Sea (The Corrupting Sea Culture Assimilation Cap and Trade Counter Culture Culture as Social Reconstruction Austerity Capacity Building Creative Class Culture Cycle Capital – Cultural Creative Ecology Culture Gap Capital – Intangible Creative Economy Culture Industry Capital – Social Creative Industries TheThe InstituteInstitute forfor CulturalCultural DiplomacyDiplomacy 2013 www.academy-for-cultural-diplomacy.orgwww.academy-for-cultural-diplomacy.org 4 The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy 2013 www.academy-for-cultural-diplomacy.orgwww.academy-for-cultural-diplomacy.org 5 ACADEMY for ACADEMY for CULTURAL DIPLOMACY AcademyCULTURAL for Cultural DIPLOMACY Diplomacy Cultural Diplomacy Dictionary Cultural Diplomacy Dictionary RIndex Edited by Dr. Kishore Chakraborty RIndex The ICD DictionaryEdited on Culturalby Dr. Kishore Diplomacy Chakraborty D Erasmus Programme (European Community German Book Trade Human Development Index Dante Alighieri Society Action Scheme for the Mobility of University German Book Trade Peace Prize Human Rights Darfur Sudents) Giddens, Anthony (January 8, 1938) Human Rights Diplomacy David-Fox, Michael Ethnocentrism Gienow-Hecht, Jessica (1964 -) Human Security DCMS Model Euro-Mediterranean Agreement Glasnost Humanitarian Intervention de Beauvoir, Simone (1908-1986) Euro-Mediterranean Countries Gleichschaltung Huntington, Samuel P. (April 18, 1927- De Klerk, F.W. (March 18, 1936 -) Euro-Mediterranean Partnership (or Barcelona Global Culture December 24, 2008) Deforestation Process) Global Village Hutu Department of Culture, Media and Sports European Capitals of Culture Global Warming Hybridity (DCMS), UK European Commission Globalization Détente European Cultural Parliament Glocalization I Deutsche Akademische Austausch Dienst (DAAD) European Parliament Goethe-Institut Identity as a Social Construction Deutsche Kultur International (German Culture European Union Gorbachev, Mikhail (March 2, 1931-) Identity Politics International) Europeanization Great Depression Indigenous & Traditional Knowledge Dialogos Evidence-Based Policy Green Industrialization Diaspora Diplomacy Experience Economy Green Economy Information & Communication Technology Digital Diplomacy Extinction Green Energy (ICT)
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