How to develop an energy efficiency program? 7 steps to an energy efficient municipality How to develop an energy efficiency program? 7 steps to an energy efficient municipality Skopje, January 2016 CIP - Каталогизација во публикација Национална и универзитетска библиотека "Св. Климент Охридски", Скопје 620.9-027.236:352]:005.51(035) BILJARSKA Mirčeski, Slavica How to develop an energy efficiency program? : 7 steps to an energy efficient municipality / Slavica Biljarska Mirčeski. - Skopje : Strategic development consulting, 2016. - 32 стр. : илустр. ; 24 см Фусноти кон текстот. - Библиографија: стр. 31-32 ISBN 978-608-65805-7-5 I. Mirčeski, Slavica Biljarska види Biljarska Mirčeski, Slavica а) Енергетска ефикасност - Општини - Изработка на програми - Прирачници COBISS.MK-ID 100605962 2 How to develop an energy efficiency program? INTRODUCTION Municipalities play a vital role in the implemented for a period of 18 efforts undertaken at an international, months (2014-2016) and aims at in- national and local level towards im- creasing the efficiency of energy use proving energy efficiency and use of in Macedonian municipalities by en- renewable energy sources. Energy ef- hancing the capacity of local authori- ficiency is one of the safest invest- ties in identifying and implementing ments of a municipality if one consid- energy efficient opportunities in the ers that financial savings and invest- municipal sector. The project’s realiza- ment payback are almost always guar- tion includes the support provided to anteed. Creating and implementing a 8 municipalities (Radovis, Staro Nago- municipal energy efficiency program ricane, Novaci, Kavadarci, Pehcevo, is an effective and key first step in that Brvenica, Lozovo and Rosoman) in direction. drafting documents that are import- ant for EE of the municipality (munici- This guide gives an answer to the pal EE programs, municipal EE action question how to develop an energy plans, pre-feasibility study etc.) and efficiency program, and it is intended experience sharing with all municipal- at guiding the municipal administra- ities throughout the country. tion (mayor, municipal council, EE manager, EE administrator etc.) step by The development of a municipal ener- step through the process of creating gy efficiency program is an obligation an efficient and attainable energy -ef arising from the Law on Energy, refer- ficiency program and its implementa- ring to a three-year period. The pro- tion. The guide has been drafted by gram is implemented through annual the Strategic Development Consulting action plans and reporting on com- within World Bank-funded project pleted actions during the previous “Promoting Energy Efficiency in Mace- year, which contain specific measures donian Municipalities”, through the that need to be undertaken towards Energy Sector Management Assis- achieving the projected goals. tance Program (ESMAP). The project is 7 steps to an energy efficient municipality 3 4 How to develop an energy efficiency program? LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ЕЕ – Energy Efficiency MEEP – Municipal Energy Efficiency Program EE Manager – Energy Efficiency Manager ЕЕ Administrator – Energy Efficiency Administrator ЕU – European Union RM – Republic of Macedonia MEM – Municipal Energy Manager RES – Renewable Energy Sources AP – Action Plan ktoe – kilo-ton equivalent MWh – megawatt hour kWh – kilowatt hour 7 steps to an energy efficient municipality 5 6 How to develop an energy efficiency program? CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................................................3 CONTENTS .......................................................................................................................................................7 WHY IS ENERGY EFFICIENCY IMPORTANT FOR MUNICIPALITIES? .................................................................8 EE OBLIGATIONS: MUNICIPALITY – REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA – EU ...........................................................9 MUNICIPAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY PROGRAM ................................................................................................13 HOW TO BEGIN? ............................................................................................................................................14 STEP 1: MAKE A RECORD OF THE CURRENT STATE .......................................................................................17 STEP 2: ANALYZE THE POTENTIALS FOR ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES .........20 STEP 3: DEFINE ENERGY EFFICIENCY GOALS ................................................................................................28 STEP 4: ANTICIPATE CHALLENGES AND CONSIDER POSSIBLE ALTERNATIVE SOLUTIONS ...........................30 STEP 5: CREATE A TIMEFRAME AND AN IMPLEMENTATION PLAN ..............................................................33 STEP 6: PREPARE PROGRAM AND PUT IT FORWARD FOR ADOPTION .........................................................35 STEP 7: MONITOR IMPLEMENTATION AND REPORT ON IT ...........................................................................38 PUBLIC COMMUNICATION AND INVOLVEMENT ...........................................................................................39 7 steps to an energy efficient municipality 7 WHY IS ENERGY EFFICIENCY IMPORTANT FOR MUNICIPALITIES? Energy efficiency (EE) is a way of In addition, municipalities can also managing energy consumption improve their services through the and stopping unproductive energy introduction of EE measures. There- spending, in other words, intelligent fore, energy efficiency implementa- use of energy resources at disposal. tion should not be seen exclusively as a legal obligation, but an oppor- tunity for long-term economic and Energy efficiency does not mean sustainable development. simplified energy savings at the expense of living quality, but production or Municipalities play a significant role achievement of proper living and in the promotion of energy efficiency working environment (even their through development and imple- mentation of strategies that improve improvement) with less energy energy efficiency in buildings and consumption! activities in their jurisdiction (admin- istrative buildings, schools, kinder- gartens, street lighting etc.) and/or Energy efficiency is very important through stimulating improvements for the economy of the municipality regarding energy efficiency in hous- and the country in general. It aims ing buildings, commercial facilities or at reducing the energy costs and the industrial sector. They can serve producing financial savings in the as heralds in the enhancement of EE, municipal budget by way of spent models for motivation of the private energy. This will result in a possibility sector and other stakeholders. to reallocate saved funds for other The proper and efficient creation of priority needs or new EE projects, the energy system requires a combi- contribute to the development of local entrepreneurship and opening of new jobs, as well as reduce the effects on environment. It is desirable that local authorities include energy efficiency and renewable energy sources in the local Energy efficiency implementation development plans and strategic represents a source of income and documents. The commitment to energy increased fiscal accountability of the efficiency can be expressed in the municipality. municipality’s mission and vision. 8 How to develop an energy efficiency program? nation of several measures, such as: reducing the need for ener- gy, use of renewable energy sources, application of new technologies in construction, application of heat in- sulation etc. EE OBLIGATIONS: MUNICIPALITY – REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA – EU EU Roadmaps on Energy Efficiency and Related En- vironmental Aspects and the Energy The European Union has developed Community Treaty (Detailed infor- a strong strategic, but also legisla- mation about these documents is tive framework, which provides the provided in Annex 1). prerequisites and ensures the utili- zation of a vast potential of energy The complete regulations on EU en- savings. In line with Stabilization ergy efficiency in the EU are available and Association Agreement with at http://europa.eu/legislation_sum- the EU1, the Republic of Macedonia maries/energy/european_energy_ needs to harmonize its legislation policy/index_en.htm with the EU Acquis. Improvement of the energy efficiency, use of re- The Covenant of Mayors is signifi- newable energy sources, as well as cant on a municipal level, initiated by analysis and review of the effect of the European Commission in 2008. energy production and consumption It represents a voluntary treaty by on the environment are some of the which mayors oblige themselves to requirements contained in Article 99 apply specific energy efficiency mea- of the Agreement. sures that lead to reduction of CO2 emissions in their cities/municipal- Significant international treaties and ities by more than 20% up to 2020, protocols aiming to stimulate ener- in line with the 2007 draft- Energy gy efficiency are: the Energy Charter Policy for Europe. Treaty, the Energy Charter Protocol 1 Official Gazette of RM No.28/01 7 steps to an energy efficient municipality 9 tional energy markets in com- The Covenant of Mayors has been pliance with commitments un- signed by three2 municipalities in the dertaken through the ratified Republic of Macedonia: City of Skopje, international treaties; 5) Increasing energy efficiency
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