M Y S U B R E D D I T S F R O N T - A L L - R A N D O M | A S K R E D D I T - F U N N Y - W O R L D N E W S - P I C S - V I D E O S - T O D A Y I L E A R N E D - G I F S - N E W S - G A M I N G - M O V I E S - A W W - S H O W E R T H O U G H T S - I A M A - E U R O P E - M I L D L Y I N T E R E S T I N G - MEOXRPEL A»I N L I K E I M F I V E C O M M E N T S W A N T T O J O I N ? L O G I N O R S I G N U P I N S E C O N D S . | E N G L I S H Are homeland's writers time travelers? S E L F . H O M E L A N D 37 subm itted 4 m onths ago by buggityboppityboo I'm halfway expecting the episode tomorrow to be postponed 40 comments share all 40 comments sorted by: best search [–] desertlily 47 points 4 m onths ago Astrid: How will you feel when bombs start to go off in Berlin, Paris, Brussels? This season has felt so real it's eerie. this post was submitted on 15 Nov 2015 permalink 37 points (79% upvoted) [–] JehovahScientologist 1 point 20 hours ago shortlink: https://redd.it/3suq51 This is scary... permalink parent username password [+] [deleted] (4 children) rem em ber m e reset password login [–] cincyfan04 10 points 4 m onths ago Is tomorrow's episode about Paris or something? permalink [–] buggityboppityboo [S] 12 points 4 m onths ago Not to my knowledge. But the country doesn't matter. The prescience of the writers on this whole season has really hit home for me considering it must have been written some months ago and feels so relevant now. permalink parent discuss this ad on reddit [–] demetrios3 20 points 4 m onths ago I dunno Bro I think you're reaching for something that isn't there. Considering the Charlie Hebdo shootings also took S U B M I T A N E W L I N K place there, Paris is the easily the 1st place they will attack, and the 2nd place too. The writers were betting that the HUGE influx of Migrants into Germany would bring terrorism with them. The bet on S U B M I T A N E W T E X T P O S T the numbers instead of using common sense. At least they were right about the migrant bringing a Jihadi, they just got the country wrong. permalink parent S U B S C R I B E 16,830 Counterterrorists [–] whocaresyouguy 7 points 4 m onths ago ~9 operatives active At least they were right about the migrant bringing a Jihadi, The Homeland Subreddit Basics & FAQ Has this been proven? From all accounts I've read, the people were homegrown, French born. permalink parent Posting spoilers in submission titles is not allowed! [–] P9P9 14 points 4 m onths ago If the thumbnail has a visible spoiler, mark The Migrants didn't "bring terrorism with them". They fled Terrorism and civil war. Most of the attackers were french your submission "NSFW" so the thumbnail (or european) citizens afaik. That one Syrian passport that was found was most probably put there on purpose to becomes hidden. Unless a submission spread fear of refugees amongst europeans, and I read somewhere that it might even be fake. Point being that ISIS specifically states otherwise, assume all content has spoilers up to the latest aired has the means and personell to carry out these acts even without even one refugee arriving in Europe. IMO their episode. motive is to spread fear of all refugees and provoke unjustified actions of racism towards them so that some To spoiler tag comments use the following mistreated refugees might start sympathizing with them. That and trying to keep the west out of fighting them in format: Syria. [Spoiler](#s "Who is the mole?") will permalink parent appear as: Spoiler Who is the mole? [–] franandharpua 12 points 4 m onths ago Use context for spoiler tags. If someone I was with you up until saying that the Syrian passport was placed there. The French government has confirmed the makes a post asking about season 3, 25 year old coming from Syria through Greece. If anything he placed it there himself to make it known. untagged spoilers for season 4 are strictly disallowed unless the OP specifies Just like you can't believe only criminals are coming into the US from Mexico, not all the refugees are terrorists. But otherwise. you'd have to be pretty naive to think that it isn't happening at all, or that jihadists groups don't see this opportune time. S E A S O N 5 E P I S O D E D I S C U S S I O N S permalink parent ( F U L L S E R I E S) [–] P9P9 -2 points 4 m onths ago 01 - Separation Anxiety That's what i meant, sorry if that came out wrong. Why would he take his passport with him to assassinate all 02 - The Tradition of Hospitality these people. 03 - Super Powers 04 - Why Is This Night Different? Of course it makes it "easier", more cost efficient rationally speaking, but costs have never been the problem for 05 - Better Call Saul ISIS. It is virtually impossible to completely shut the borders so that no fanatic with terrorist intentions gets 06 - Parabiosis through, the only option would be to try and not let anyone pass, which firstly is hard enough to accomplish 07 - Oriole 08 - All About Allison already (we're talking about thousands of miles of land and sea borders, Europe is not a small island) and 09 - The Litvinov Ruse secondly mean that millions of innocent people would be left to die in the civil war. Plus it would still easily be 10 - New Normal possible to carry out terrorist attacks for ISIS as many of their members are citizens of european countries as 11 - Our Man in Damascus 12 - A False Glimmer seen in the recent attacks. permalink parent Showtime Network [–] heaintheavy 14 points 4 m onths ago The migrant influx absolutely made it easier for terrorists to move into Europe. permalink parent [–] P9P9 4 points 4 m onths ago It was easy enough before, and on the other hand it has saved millions of innocents from death by either ISIS or the Assad regime. permalink parent [–] heaintheavy 7 points 4 m onths ago At what cost? permalink parent [–] P9P9 4 points 4 m onths ago The point is: even without taking a single refugee ISIS would not be reduced in neither means nor motivation to carry out terrorist attacks on european soil. This is why weighting up accepting refugees against having to accept terrorist attacks is absolute nonsense. permalink parent [–] demetrios3 2 points 4 m onths ago It was easy enough before? a com m unity for 4 years Is that supposed to justify making it easier? permalink parent [–] P9P9 10 points 4 m onths ago The point is: even without taking a single refugee ISIS would not be reduced in neither means nor motivation to carry out terrorist attacks on european soil. This is why weighting up accepting refugees against having to accept terrorist attacks is absolute nonsense. permalink parent [–] demetrios3 2 points 4 m onths ago I never said the Migrants were terrorist's. What I said is that I believe the writers were betting there would be a Jihadi among them and they were correct. And yes I know that the migrants are fleeing their drought stricken, war ravaged homes. I'll accept your apology in a coming post. :) discuss this ad on reddit permalink parent [–] DontGiveaFuckistan 2 points 4 m onths ago THE BRODY m essage the m oderators Not wrong country at all unfortunately. It's just getting started with Europe, they have arrested hundreds of terrorist FAMILY in the past 24 months. PromaneX permalink parent fuzzy_dunnlop [–] cincyfan04 -1 points 4 m onths ago NicholasCajun It's kind of a constant cycle in the Middle East. This stuff happens continually. Power vacuums, regime changes, about m oderation team » intelligence breakdowns, etc. < > discussions in /r/homeland X permalink parent 6 points · 3 com m ents [–] buggityboppityboo [S] 7 points 4 m onths ago Easter Egg: "You killed my son. Prepare to True. But last episode has syrian refugees planning a large scale terrorist attack in a major european city. die." S3E01 permalink parent [–] Wolfir 16 points 4 m onths ago Last week: Quinn says to pound Raqqa into a parking lot This week: Reddit says this is happening permalink [–] koalaisabear 15 points 4 m onths ago I was reading the articles about the bombing of Raqqa, too. I was also impressed by how relevant Homeland manages to be. Makes me think that people in the future watching it will not really understand how on point it was at the time. permalink parent [–] bumblingbagel8 3 points 4 m onths ago I know you are joking but that wasn't the first time Raqqa was bombed.
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