Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-51560-3 - Radicals in America: The U.S. Left since the Second World War Howard Brick and Christopher Phelps Index More information Index Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations. Abalone Alliance, 205, 231 AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power (ACT Abbey, Edward, 247–48, 249 UP), 251–52, 254 Abernathy, Ralph, 78 Aid to Families with Dependent Children abolitionism, 8–10, 11, 317 (AFDC), 163, 271 abortion, 166, 208, 252, 265, 270 air traffic controllers’ strike (1981), 224 Abraham Lincoln Brigade, 22 Albert, Stew, 242 Abu-Jamal, Mumia, 303 Alcatraz occupation (1969–71), 162, 200 Abzug, Bella, 71, 209, 210, 210 Alexander, Michelle, 303 ACORN, 188, 189, 307 Algeria, 95, 106, 151, 160 Adams, Jane, 142 Ali, Muhammad, 138 Adbusters, 215 Ali, Tariq, 150 affinity groups, 205–6, 231, 285 Alinsky, Saul, 44, 104 Afghanistan, 299 All-African People’s Revolutionary Party, al Qaeda in, 293, 294 197 Soviet invasion of, 230, 238, 260, 294 Allen, Pamela Parker, 165 U.S. war in, 293, 294–95, 297, 299 Allende, Salvador, 192 AFL-CIO, 184, 225, 227, 279, 285 Alperovitz, Gar, 144, 215 and Democratic Party, 227, 256 al Qaeda, 293, 295, 300 formation of, 65 Alterman, Eric, 291 and U.S. foreign policy, 117, 236 American Agriculture Movement, 224 Africa, 77, 109, 195, 200–201, 272. See “American Century,” 27, 32 also specific nations American Committee for Cultural Freedom African Liberation Day (1972), 195 (ACCF), 62, 67 African National Congress, 33, 106, 234, American Committee for the Protection of 257, 282 the Foreign Born, 71 Afro-American Association, 108 American Enterprise Institute, 213 Afro-World Fellowship, 79 American Federation of Labor (AFL), 65. Against the Current, 244 See also AFL-CIO Agee, Philip, 179 American Federation of Teachers (AFT), 25 AIDS, 223, 249, 250–52, 253, 273, 274 American Film Institute (AFI), 175–76 331 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-51560-3 - Radicals in America: The U.S. Left since the Second World War Howard Brick and Christopher Phelps Index More information 332 Index American Forum on Socialist Education, antiwar movement (during Vietnam War), 85 121–23, 127–32, 136–41, 144–46, American Friends of Vietnam, 126 300 American Friends Service Committee black radicals and, 110, 131, 132 (AFSC), 84 coalitions in, 137, 141, 144, 145, 147, American Indian Movement (AIM), 162, 161, 165 198–200, 199, 255, 265 differences within, 145–46, 156, 159 at Wounded Knee, 170–71, 200, 313 in electoral arena, 136–37, 146–47 American Labor Party, 22, 71 and gay liberation, 122–23, 167 Americans Disabled for Accessible Public and growing militancy, 145, 160–61 Transit (ADAPT), 311 growth of, 127–30, 136–39, 144, 169 Americans for Democratic Action (ADA), prior to 1965, 127–28 35, 38, 39, 40, 56, 129 SDS and, 128–30, 144 Americans for Peace Now, 239 Vietnamese advice to, 14, 161, 313 American Slav Congress, 61 Aoki, Richard, 155 American Socialist, 70 A. Philip Randolph Institute, 117 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Aptheker, Bettina, 107 311 Aptheker, Herbert, 63–64, 73, 139 anarchism (and anarchists), 12, 82, Aquash, Annie Mae, 200 267–68, 287–89 Arab-American Anti-Discrimination Catholic: see Catholic Worker Committee, 238 and environmentalism, 204, 206, Arab-Israeli War of 1967, 134, 204, 247–48, 249 238–39, 300–301 and feminism, 231 Arab Spring, 15, 307, 308 in 1960s, 149 Ariyoshi, Koji, 72 in Occupy Wall Street movement, 308 Army Mathematics Research Center andSecondWorldWar,27 bombing (1970), 160 in Spanish Civil War, 24, 205 Asociacion´ Nacional Mexico-Americana,´ See also “black bloc”; Bookchin, 71 Murray; Catholic Worker Assange, Julian, 15, 16 Anderson, John, 216 Assembly of Unrepresented People (1965), Anderson, Perry, 267 131 Angola, 195, 201 Atkinson, Ti-Grace, 164 Animal Liberation Front, 248–49 Attica rebellion (1971), 170, 171, 303 Ann Arbor, Mich., 169. See also University Attorney General’s List of Subversive of Michigan Organizations, 38, 54, 69 ANSWER (Act Now to Stop War and End Audubon Society, 246 Racism), 299 Austin, Minn. See Hormel meatpacking Anthony, Susan B., 8–9, 34 strike Anthony, Susan B., II, 34, 54, 210 Austin, Tex., 129, 137 Antioch College, 173–74, 175 Avakian, Bob, 157, 194 anti-Stalinist left, 23–27, 39, 69–70, Ayers, Bill, 157, 158, 159, 298, 304–5 260–261 Communist attacks upon, 24, 57 Bacall, Lauren, 36 criticism of Communism, 20, 24, 29, 69 Baez, Joan, 93, 119, 145 deradicalization of, 48, 86, 62–63 Bahro, Rudolf, 229 influence on New Left, 105, 114 Baker, Ella, 76, 77, 79, 97, 103, 118 and marginality, 48, 70, 86 Baldwin, James, 108 andSecondWorldWar,26, 27, 29, Baldwin, Roger, 79 42–43, 42, 44–46 Bandung conference (1955), 77, 85 See also Trotskyism Banks, Dennis, 171 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-51560-3 - Radicals in America: The U.S. Left since the Second World War Howard Brick and Christopher Phelps Index More information Index 333 Baraka, Amiri, 83, 106, 134, 149, 284 divisions within, 135, 149, 168, 195, and autonomous black movements, 119, 197–98 134, 195–96 See also Black Panther Party and socialist politics, 196, 197, 244 Black Panther Party for Self-Defense, 7, Baran, Paul A., 106 135–36, 150–54, 161, 195, 311 Bardacke, Frank, 163, 228 founding of, 135 Bari, Judi, 276–78, 277 and gay liberation, 123, 151 Barney, Nora Stanton Blatch, 54 influences on, 110, 135 Bates, Daisy, 90 prominence of, in late 1960s, 125, Baxandall, Rosalyn, 215 135–36 Bay Area Revolutionary Union, repressive measures against, 151, 153, 157 154, 155 Beal, Frances, 168, 191 service programs of, 153–54, 311 Beatles, the, 148, 149–50 size of, 150 Beats, 83, 101, 141 violence by and against, 151–52, 153, Becker, Norma, 131, 230 155, 170 Beinart, Peter, 297 and white left, 135–36, 143, 145, Bell, Daniel, 73, 95 150–51, 156, 158–59, 168, 191 Bellecourt, Clyde, 265 Black Power, 107–8, 110, 125, 132–36, Bello, Walden, 282 196, 274 Benjamin, Medea, 299 Black Radical Congress, 274 Benn, Tony, 312 Black Scholar, The, 180 Bentley, Elizabeth, 58, 59 Black Women’s United Front (BWUF), 197 Berg, Peter, 119 Black Workers Congress, 191 Bergman, Leibel, 157 Blair, Tony, 269 Bergman, Lowell, 242 Bloom, Marshall, 148, 155 Berkeley, Calif., 71, 241 Bloor, Ella Reeve, 22 in 1960s, 107, 136–37, 145, 163–64, Bogart, Humphrey, 36, 38 311 Boggs, Grace Lee, 50, 111, 134 See also University of California, Boggs, James, 111, 134, 149 Berkeley Boland Amendment, 233 Berlin Wall, 16, 260 Bond, Julian, 132 Berman, Paul, 296, 297 Bookchin, Murray, 203, 249–50, 288 Bernstein, Leonard, 62, 161 Booth, Heather, 164 Berrigan, Daniel, 138, 231 Bosnia, 271–72, 297 Berrigan, Philip, 138, 231 Boston, Mass., 160, 161, 163, 194, 197, Berry, Mary Frances, 234 237 Berub´ e,´ Michael, 297 Boudin, Kathy, 160, 240 Bethune, Mary McLeod, 33 Boudin, Leonard, 160 Big Chill, The (film), 240 Bourne, Randolph, 311 Bigelow, Albert, 84 Bowers v. Hardwick (1986), 251 bin Ladin, Osama, 293, 294, 295, 297 Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Black & Red Press, 192 movement, 301 “black bloc,” 286, 287, 288, 312 Boyle, Tony, 183 Black Liberation Army, 193 Boyte, Harry, 189 “Black Lives Matter” movement, 267, Braden Anne, 103 310 Braden, Carl, 103 Black Mask, 149 Bradley, Mamie Till, 75 Black Mesa Defense Fund, 247 Brando, Marlon, 161–62 black nationalism, 77–79, 154, 168, Brandt, Willy, 243 195–98, 274 Brazil, 282–83, 293 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-51560-3 - Radicals in America: The U.S. Left since the Second World War Howard Brick and Christopher Phelps Index More information 334 Index Bread and Puppet Theater, 119 Cacchione, Peter V., 31 Brecht, Bertolt, 37 Cagan, Leslie, 236 Brenner, Robert, 276 Callenbach, Ernest, 206 Bretton Woods conference (1944), 32, 58, Calvert, Gregory, 142, 144, 156 283 Cambodia, 126, 169, 177, 201–2, 203 Brewer, Roy, 37 Cambridge, Md., 88–92, 117, 167 Brezhnev, Leonid, 146, 177 Camejo, Peter, 161, 190, 258 Bridges, Harry, 65 Campaign for Economic Democracy, 212 Briggs initiative (California, 1978), 211 Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament Bright, Susie, 254 (CND), 94–95 Brightman, Carol, 137 Campaign for Peace and Democracy/East Britain, 19, 237, 283 and West, 260 as colonial power, 33, 42, 75, 216, 233 Campaign to Resist Military Segregation, Labour Party in, 19, 269 5 left politics in, 94–95, 150, 231 Camus, Albert, 45, 99, 101, 321 in Second World War, 20, 26 Cannon, James P., 42 Thatcher government in, 216, 227 Canwell, Albert, 56 Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, 2, 75. Carawan, Guy, 93 See also Randolph, A. Philip Cardenal, Ernesto, 237 Browder, Earl, 23, 25, 39, 59, 69–70 Carey, Ron, 279 repudiation of, by CPUSA, 30 Carlos, John, 146 andSecondWorldWar,29, 30, 48 Carmichael, Stokely (Kwame Ture), 97, Brower, David, 203, 285 133, 134, 155, 162, 197 Brown, Charlotte Hawkins, 54 and Black Power, 132, 133 Brown, David, 68 name change by, 162 Brown, Elaine, 152, 153 Carson, Rachel, 202 Brown, H. Rap, 92, 134 Carter, Amy, 241 Brown, Irving, 62 Carter, Bunchy, 151 Brown, John, 317 Carter, Jimmy, 190, 210, 213, 214–15, 230 Brown, Michael, 310 foreign and military policies of, 210, Brown Berets, 150 224, 228, 229, 230, 232 Brown v. Board of Education (1954), 74 and 1980 election, 216 Bryant, Anita, 208, 211 Carter, Rosalynn, 209 Brzezinski, Zbigniew, 229 Castro, Fidel, 105, 106, 145, 281, 282 Buchanan, Pat, 269, 272 Catholic Church, 22, 55, 168, 232 Budenz, Louis F., 30, 65–66 radicalism within, 79, 138, 218–19, 237 Bulosan, Carlos, 72 (see also Catholic Worker) Burbach, Roger, 244 Catholic Worker, 25, 97 Burchett, Wilfred, 127 Center for Democratic Renewal, 254–55 Burlage, Dorothy Dawson, 100 Central America.
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