On Theriac to Piso, Attributed to Galen A critical edition with translation and commentary Submitted by Robert Adam Leigh to the University of Exeter as a thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Classics In July 2013. This thesis is available for Library use on the understanding that it is copyright material and that no quotation from the thesis may be published without proper acknowledgement. I certify that all material in this thesis which is not my own work has been identified and that no material has previously been submitted and approved for the award of a degree by this or any other University. Signature: ………………………………………………………….. 2 ATTRIBUTED TO GALEN ABSTRACT The treatise On Theriac to Piso has been attributed to Galen since ancient times; the attribution is however disputed. This thesis argues that although the content and style of the treatise is heavily influenced by Galen its author differs on a wide range of issues from the beliefs of Galen expressed in undoubtedly authentic works on matters of pharmacology, philosophical doctrine, the history of Pergamum and the interpretation of Hippocrates to the extent that it should no longer be attributed to him. The thesis also attempts to establish the best possible text from the Greek, Latin and Arabic manuscript sources and to provide a clear English translation and a commentary on the text focussing in particular on matters relevant to the question of the authorship of the treatise. ON THERIAC TO PISO 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgements . 4 BIBLIOGRAPHY . 5 Conspectus siglorum. .8 THETEXT..................................................................9 The manuscripts . 9 The Arabic text . 12 The Latin translations . 12 The Andromachus Poem . 13 THE TREATISE . 13 Date.......................................................................14 Authenticity . 19 a) Self-presentation . 20 b) History . 21 c) Africanus Cesti ...........................................................22 d) Doctrine - Pharmacology . 24 e) Doctrine - Hippocrates . 31 f) Doctrine - Philosophy - Asclepiades . 35 g) Doctrine - Philosophy - λόγος and πεῖρα . 38 h) Style and Language . 40 i) Stylistic Features . 45 j) Word frequencies. .46 Rare words . 51 Conclusions on authenticity . 53 TEXT AND TRANSLATION . 54 COMMENTARY . 152 APPENDICES . 189 4 ATTRIBUTED TO GALEN ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank my supervisor John Wilkins, and colleagues in the Classics Department and Centre for Medical History at Exeter, and the Wellcome Trust for their sponsorship of this PhD. I would also like to thank Vivian Nutton for much excellent advice on all sorts of issues and for reading a late draft of the thesis; and Jim Hankinson for reading a draft. I am also grateful to Bink Hallum and Uwe Vagelpohl of the Warwick Epidemics project for advice on the Arabic translation of the commentary on the Epidemics, to Christophe Guignard for advice on the Cesti of Julius Africanus, to David Leith for making available his papers on Asclepiades of Bithynia and to Laurence Totelin for allowing me to give versions of parts of my introduction at the Approaches to Ancient Medicine conferences in 2010 and 2012. Finally I would like to thank my cousin Caroline Furze for her help and support throughout, including but not limited to constructive criticism and proof-reading. This thesis is dedicated to her and to my sons Adam and Jack. ON THERIAC TO PISO 5 BIBLIOGRAPHY Adams, F. 1849. The Genuine Works of Hippocrates. London: Sydenham Society. 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