The Independent Voice of George W. Hewlett High School HEWLETT SPECTRUM Volume LXIII No 2 60 Everit Avenue Hewlett, New York Friday, December 20, 2013 Inside: IEMENS AKING ISTORY by Chenab SKhakh and Daniel Kostevetsky plants: withM extra ozone-resistance genes areH through the Regional Finals, working around For the second year in a row, the more tolerant of environmental hazards, such the clock to prepare an intense ten-minute Hewlett Science Research program has won as drought, pollution, and bacterial infection. judging presentation. Their hard work paid first place in the Siemens Competition for Their project titled, The Isolation and Char- off when they were chosen as one of six Math, Science and Technology, this year acterization of an Ozone Responsive Stress teams to compete in the National Finals in against the largest field of competitors in Related Protein (OZS) in Ceratopteris rich- Washington, D.C. history. In an encore performance, three ardii, examens the effect of air pollution on Before announcing the results on seniors along with mentor Terrence Tuesday, all teams endured hours Bissoondial have earned Hewlett of preparation, and showed off their its second consecutive grand prize knowledge by answering quick-fire win, the longest streak ever by any questions and presenting a slideshow. school, and captured an impressive Bissoondial prepares the students $100,000 scholarship. Out of hun- more than judges would expect, A NEW FACE TO GUIDANCE dreds of schools that submitted re- holding much higher expectations. search to this competition, Hewlett’s “Torture, reading, drilling, going over science research program defied all lots of information. Studying day and PAGE 5 odds to defend its title. Seniors Pri- night. It all depends on studying the yanka Wadgaonkar ’14 Jasmine Pei material to win. Every free time they ’14 and Zainab Mahmood ’14 were had was spent in preparation for ques- announced as first place winners in tions.” Bissoondial stated. Knowing Washington D.C. on Dec. 10. Com- the information and knowing your pletely awe-struck and ecstatic, the Photo Courtesy of Terrence Bissoondial project is the key to the success for all girls could not believe what had just The trio poses in Washington D.C. for the final round of the the projects he has mentored. happened. “Upon winning we were competition. “We were judged in a session extremely excited, as we knew we had plant health and crop yield; and how plants with multiple judges asking questions. They made history for Hewlett,” Mahmood said. adapt to that physical stress. questioned us all together.” Mahmood said. They have been working together Their findings can be used to geneti- The team was asked questions largely con- since freshman year, as most students do in cally engineer element and disease-resistant cerning future applications of their research the high school’s science research program. crops, which could lower food prices and and on specific aspects of their project. After three years of sifting through journals, strengthen the global food supply. After They were also questioned about why they browsing science textbooks and making and submitting to the Siemens competition, and did not consider other biological pathways. testing hypotheses, they discovered that being named regional finalists, they battled continued on p.7 ROBOTICS: TRIPLE THREAT PAGE 12 HEWLETT’S IN-HOUSE RESEARCH PROGRAM TAKES A BREAK by Oren Mizrahi Intro to Science Research and Biotechnol- only solution was to arrange for GWHHS Hewlett High School’s award-win- ogy classes. Without the two periods to students to perform their research in nearby ning Science Research program will not be prepare for research projects, Bissoondial university research labs. This is called able to participate in the Siemens Founda- was not able to compile research projects “out-of-house” research, something that tion or any other research competition with for the current sophomores or freshmen. superintendent Joyce Bisso says is what in-house research for at least another two “Our success with research competi- most high schools do and is not “out of the years. The program will still be in existence, tions like the nation’s premiere Siemens norm” for Siemens. but students who want to be involved in STEM Competition resulted from the stu- Despite the additional help offered by research competitions will have to find op- dents being adequately prepared to conduct Bissoondial to place students in labs, many portunities outside of school: primarily, in and to defend their research projects,” Bis- problems arose with this solution. For one, nearby university research labs. Although soondial said. “We cannot expect the same transportation to and from research labs this solution seems viable, parents are push- level of performance if the time to prepare on a regular basis would be very tough for ing to get the program back on track; internal and develop research projects for students parents and students to arrange. Second, research is important and recent wins attest is truncated. In the vernacular, you cannot regulations that control labs and ensure they to the strength and success of this renowned have your cake and eat it too.” are safe and humane make it very difficult SADD ‘TREKS’ A POSE program. Luckily, the administration has Since preparing research projects is for anyone under the age of 17 to work in a been extremely receptive to this issue and a several-year process, no research projects research lab. The largest problem, however, we expect radical changes as early as fall will be available for classes for the next is actually finding mentors for all of these PAGE 10-11 of next year. couple of years. The next students to par- students. Researchers are very busy and Two years ago, the Hewlett-Wood- ticipate in research will be current eighth usually do not have time to take on high mere School District had to make budget graders or, hopefully, current freshmen. school students that need to be watched over cuts. To save money, the district rearranged In an e-mail, Bissoondial writes, “All and taught. Unfortunately, this is the only teacher schedules, thereby moving classes research projects conducted at GWHHS way for students of the freshmen and sopho- around and changing the specific classes for any national competitions (the Siemens more research classes to conduct lab work. that certain teachers teach. Unfortunately, Foundation Competition in Math, Science “As a parent of a student who is research teacher and mentor Terrence Bis- and Technology and the Intel Science Talent enrolled in the freshman Intro to Research soondial was one of the aforementioned Search) required extensive years of prepara- class,” Dolly Giordano, mother of Sophia staff members. tions. No project was developed overnight.” Giordano ’17, began, “I believe Dr. Bissoon- All staff members work for five of Parents of students involved in the dial should be given the full support of the the ten periods during a school day, not GWHHS research program have become school administration so that he can continue including grading, testmaking, hall duty, aware of this major issue. The parents to develop in-house research projects for preperation or extra help. As one of two of the current freshmen involved in the his incoming students. Unfortunately, Dr. research mentors on staff, Bissoondial was research program were debriefed about Bissoondial was not given adequate time by given three class periods and two research the current state of the biological research the administration to develop new research periods (to investigate biological studies department back in October, for “Meet the projects over the previous two years, which HE HORUS INE EUNION and prepare research projects for students in Teacher Night.” In a response to concerned resulted in the sophomore and freshman T ‘C L ’ R the biological research program). However, parents, Bissoondial, principal Theodore classes having a lack of innovative research due to these budget cuts, instead of teaching Fulton and science chairperson Brian Terry, projects to conduct in order to compete for AGE three periods and doing research-related convened to discuss the state of the research the prestigious research competitions.” P 14 work, Bissoondial was given two additional department. After much deliberation, the continued on p.5 2 Editorial SPECTRUM Friday, December 20, 2013 HELP WANTED: PART-TIME EMPLOYEES As of now, Spectrum faculty advisers. Although poor message to students. a solution. system of rotation, in which stands as the best student- Galtieri has been lending a As an educator, teachers Although Spectrum a teacher is only required run newspaper in all of hand, no other staff member should be responsible for only meets once a month to supervise one out of the New York State. That’s why has committed to co-advise encouraging their students for a straight week, it is still five days of layout per issue. many of us were surprised Spectrum, or even agreed to to excel academically, yet extremely time-consuming Department heads would assist for that matter. also engage in after school to produce one presentable be responsible for creating Hewlett High School activities. Basically, if issue. With that said, we are a schedule to fit the needs editorial offers a great deal of ex- teachers do not participate not asking teachers to put of the teachers. Therefore, tracurricular activities, yet in Spectrum, neither will their lives on hold to super- they would be sacrific- when only one teacher students. ing little of their stepped up to the plate af- Even as time, yet also as- ter former faculty advisers teenagers, we suring Spectrum Kristen Hamilton and An- are aware of sustains its presti- gela Galtieri submitted their the immense gious award-win- resignations as supervisors responsibilities ning reputation.
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