TRADEMARK -THE AMERICAN CIVIL DEFENSE ASSOCIATION Presenting the Views of Industry, Technology, The American Civil Defense Association Emergency Government and Concerned Citizenry LIBRARY OF CONGRESS DECEMBER 1987 VOLUME XX - NUMBER 6 ISSN 0740-5537 Sponsored by Editor . WALTER MURPHEY Layout . KAROLINE BAKER Managing Editor . JANICE TYLICZKA Audit . BETTY NICE The Oak Ridge Civil Defense Society Reviews Editor . DONOH HANKS Public Relations . .FRANK WILLIAMS The American Civil Defense Association Contributing Editors . MAX KLINGHOFFER, Circulation . : . .BRENDA REYNOLDS VAN E . HALLMAN, WILLIAM A . WCAMPBELL, JR ., Advertising . JANICE TYLICZKA RICHARD E . OSTER, SR . Graphic Production . CREATIVE GRAPHICS POLICY BOARD London Correspondent . RICHARD E . SINCERE, JR . Printing . STORTER PRINTING COMPANY R. F. Blodgett, Chairman Cornelius Hall 26 WHAT PRICE PEACE?, by Walter Murphey Wm . - Is the answer to face the problem, to deny Max Klinghoffer, M .D . CONTENTS aggressor booty? Karl Lundgren 5 CAPITAL COMMENTARY, by Jerry Strope John H. Neiler - Capitol Hill capers . 28 IMPERATIVES - Bruce Herschensohn's Betty Nice 6 REPORT FROM MOBILE - TACDA/DDP newsletter looks at defense. Seminar provides ;a sounding board. Audio 29 TOO GOOD TO FILE - Ronald Reagan, J . Howard Proctor and audiovisual tapes. Vello Vare, Phil Clarke, V. Emelyanov, Leon Richard E. Sincere, Jr . 10 SPOTLIGHT -Global Affairs introduction ; Goure. Eugene P . Wigner MARKETPLACE American Physical Society trips; new news- 30 UPCOMING ; Frank Williams letters: National Security Report and All Ready, 31 GRASSROOTS GRAFFITI - Survivalist Set, Go ; Shelter article series ; etc. Manifesto (Thomas J. Evans) . BOARD 12 PROVEN CIVIL DEFENSE PROTECTION, 32 EDITORIAL: "No Public Demand ." ADVISORY by Warren Eberspacher - A tested blast Neil FitzSimons shelter kit. Evar P. Peterson CIRCLE OF TERRORISM, by COVER PICTURE: Dr. Eugene Wigner, Dr . 16 THE FULL Steuart L. Pittman Klinghoffer, M.D . - Ancient Persia = Edward Teller and Dr. Conrad Chester at Max Edward Teller Modern Iran? the DDP/TACDA Seminar. 18 CONTACT WITH CONGRESS - Con- gressman Gerry Studds hears from constituent - and TACDA. 20 FAMILY FORUM - Mental and Physical DISPLAY ADVERTISERS Shelter Hygiene, by Dick Oster. 3 EMERGENCY INFORMATION 21 LORNE GREENE . 4 METTAG 22 REVIEWS - Civil Defense: A Choice of 4 "PARTNERS IN SURVIVAL"? VIDEO Disasters, Disaster Planning/Emergency 4 LIVE FREE (Survivalist Organization) Preparedness, The Constitution . ., Preventing 4 BLUEPRINTS & BOOKS AIDS . ., etc. 9 SATELLITE BROADCASTING (Seminar are Tape Order Form) Copies of articles from this publication the UMI'Article Clear- 15 THE AMERICAN CIVIL DEFENSE now available from Civil Defense Review Board . University Microfilms The Journal of ASSOCIATION inghouse Mail,to : screens all advertising . However, final International, 300 North Zeeb Road, Box? 15 AMERICAN SURVIVAL GUIDE responsibility for advertising claims, etc., 15 SURVIVAL TOMORROW (Newsletter) 91, Ann Arbor, M1 48106. rests with each advertiser. Reader comments and critiques are invited. The Journal of Civil Defense is published bi-monthly by the American Civil Defense Association, Address: Journal of Civil Defense, P .O . Box 910, Starke, FL . DEFENSE 32091 . Subscription : One Year-$12, two OOURNAL OF CIVIL~. PC~G~c'C years-$22. Phone (904) 964-5397 . OVO PGOP The Journal of Civil Defense presents authentic in- formation relating to civil defense-to the survival of the COVERAGE - TOP WRITERS free government, the United States and peace in TOP nuclear age. Its aim is public education in this field Your window to CD Action - Still only $12 yr. and service as a forum. Authors are encouraged to submit manuscripts for JOURNAL OF CIVIL DEFENSE O 1 Yr . $12 consideration by the editorial committee for publica- P.O . Box 910 PH : 904/964-5397 0 2 Yrs . $22 tion (the Journal, as a non-profit organization, pays be Starke, FL 32091 (Published Bimonthly) no fees). Articles, preferably illustrated, should 500 to 1,200 words in length, slanted to the non- PLEASE SEND JOURNAL TO : technical reader, and oriented toward the civil defense NAME field . Views expressed in contributions to the Journal ADDRESS are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect Journal policy . Material may be reproduced if context CITY STATE ZIP- given, and copy sent to the Jour- (USE SEPARATE SHEET FOR ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS) is preserved, credit nal of Civil Defense. 2 Journal of Civil Defense: December 1987 The the . Staff of JOURNAL OF CIVIL DEFENSE Wishes you a 'Joyful Holiday Season and a PEACEFUL New Year. 11 WALTER MURPHEY, JANICE TYLICZKA, BRENDA REYNOLDS, KAROLINE BAKER, HELEN BAKER ' Manage Emergencies Better With Custom-Digitized Maps And The EMERGENCY INFORMATION SYSTEM Use cross-hatch Record all mes- markings to track sages and locate the spread of flood critical incidents on waters, wildfires, the EIS Event Log. chemical spills, etc. Draw evacuation routes or traffic Show all available control perimeters emergency re- as red, blue, or .....sources. One key yellow; dotted, ,.calls up the name dashed, or solid; ' and details of any thin, medium, or resource on the thick lines. map. To evacuate an .. area, designate these routes as .Update your maps one-way outbound ' quickly by drawing by blinking dotted LEGEND a new route that's lines. - . - . Evacuation Route Powerhouse Road important to inci RU s Shelter dent mangement. Bring up a legend of Nursing Home x Sand all map symbols at r_ Rescue Vehicle any time by press- J -1 Traffic Control Wherever special // Plume ing a single key. 'emergency needs 'exist, press one -"'j -key to get the re- Zoom into progres- 4uirements, contact sively more detailed name, and number maps by pressing a of people involved. single key. With the EIS you get: [--] Please Send Me More Information! j ® Event Log ® Resource Inventory Name: ® Hazard Analysis Special Emergency Organization : I o Shelter Needs I Management Emergency Address: I s Alert List Notepad .Damage e Letter Writing City, State, Zip : Assessment and Update Telephone : ( ) " Situation Report ® Administration: *Automated Plan Personnel, Locator Training, and EMERGENCY INFORMATION a Contact List Volunteers Suite 31, 966 Hungerford Drive, Rockville, MD 20850 (301) 424-2803 Also Available-Custom Digitized Maps Journal of Civil Defense: December 1987 3 CIVIL DEFENSE AND : THE STRATEGIC DEFENSE INITIATIVE (Medical Emergency Triage Tag) METTAG "PARTNERS IN SURVIVAL" AMERICA'S A new videotape narrated by Lorne Greene . GpVN INTERNATIONAL ~ Includes a report on civil defense with David f FREAD E E~ TAG Brinkley. ONM G n :- SPECIAL PRICE: VHS or BETA - $35 7r 3/4" U-MATIC - $40 TIME: 28 MINUTES H Order from: SATELLITE BROADCASTING . a no P.O . BOX 5364 hrr w 81MPLE! .( ROCKVILLE, MD 20851 .~.f. RUGGED! selected by 1980 Winter oiympics EFFECTIVE! and 1984 summer Olympics (actual size 4-1116" x B-3/16") COMPANY METTAG SAMPLE AND FREE INFORMATION NAME MMAG ADDRESS P.O. Box 910 Starke, FL 32091 OR PHONE CITY STATE ZIP ~I Please rush fv1ETTAG sample and 904-964-5397 PLEASE CHECK ONE: VHS -BETA 3/4" U-MATIC free informationto : Price of tape(s) 5% Sales Tax Maryland Only Shipping (Mail Orders Only) $3 .00 AMOUNT DUE Endorsed by DOCTORS FOR DISASTER PREPAREDNESS BLUEPRINTS- 8 working drawings each OPEN THE 1983 earth-sheltered home design . $25 - 1985 "austere" earth-sheltered home design . $25 DOORS TO - 1985 "commodious" earth-sheltered design . $25, SURVIVAL 1986' retrofit blast shelter (4 drawings) . $25 1986 8'f2"x11" (11 sheets) $ 9 With retrofit blast shelter, BOOKS Cost LIVE FREE We Can Prevent W lll, by Sam Cohen, hardback, 129pp ., $1,3<!Z5 . $11 .95 WE ARE LIVE FREE, a not-for-profit international Expedient Industrial Protection Against organization dedicated to the preservation of life Nuclear Attack, by J. W. Russell & E. N . York, and freedom through survival education and indi- Soft glossy cover, 55pp. $ 1 :00 vidual self-sufficiency . We are committed to pro- A Strategy For Peace Through Strength; moting cooperation between serious survivalists American Security Council, 204pp ., $/445 . $ 2.50 and today's Civil Defense. - Total Books=- Total Cost of Books$ Membership Includes: ORDER FORM 12 MONTHLY ISSUES OF OUR SURVIVAL NEWS- $ Enclosed to cover above order. LETTER PACKED WITH SURVIVAL INFO . The American Civil Defense Association NETWORK AND ORGANIZING SUPPORT P.O . Box 1057 " Starke, FL 32091 " (904) 964-5397 Please ship to: DISCOUNTS ON BOOKS, MAGAZINES AND SUR- VIVAL EQUIPMENT Information Packet $1 .00 One Year Membership Only $15 .00 LIVE FREE, BOX 1743, HARVEY, IL. 60426 (shipping and handling included) 4 Journal of Civil Defense : December 1987 CAPITAL COMMENTARY- Jeny stroPe Bear Market in Civil Defense resolved by a House-Senate conference committee. While civil defenders mobilized in Mobile, politi- Ordinarily, unless one side or the other made an issue cians in Washington were vowing to do something of it, the conference would split the difference, leaving about the federal budget deficit. They were reacting an appropriation of $143.5 for this year, an increase to the accusations of Wall Street brokers as to the that would just about keep up with inflation . cause of the October 19th "crash," although most financial advisors had fingered the creation of a market in index futures as the real culprit. What went BUT WAIT! unnoticed was a continuing bear market in civil defense funding. Last year's appropriation of $139.4 million, a cutback from the original Reagan request, But wait! Congress and the Administration are marked a new low in civil defense funding in constant locked in negotiations on how to bring down that dollars since the Federal Civil Defense Act was looming deficit. So, will the conference committee passed in 1950. The appropriation for this year is split the difference? Less likely than otherwise . More- likely to be even less. over, the negotiations are likely to result in at least some across-the board cut. FEMA officials are muttering about an eight percent slash. If either of CONTINUING BEAR MARKET . A these possible outcomes occurs, the 1988 civil de- IN CIVIL DEFENSE FUNDING.
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