Day Five help. It is enough for you to lay your af- A Novena “After the love which we owe Jesus fliction before Him. He will not fail Christ, we must give the chief place in our to comfort you or to give you strength to to heart to the love of His Mother Mary.” suffer the trial with patience.” —St. Alphonsus —St. Alphonsus Saint Alphonsus Liguori Say the daily novena prayer. Say the daily novena prayer. Doctor of the Church Day Nine Day Six “My Jesus, I love You with my whole “Is there anyone who does not know the heart. I am sorry for having so many power of Mary’s prayers with God? The times offended Your infinite goodness. law of clemency is on her tongue. Every With the help of Your grace, I purpose prayer of hers is as a law established by never to offend You again. And now, un- our Lord, that mercy shall be exercised worthy though I am, I consecrate myself towards those for whom Mary inter- to You without reserve. I renounce and cedes.” give entirely to You my will, my affec- —St. Alphonsus tion, my desires, and all that I possess.” Say the daily novena prayer. —St. Alphonsus Day Seven Say the daily novena prayer. “It is true that God ought to be wor- “Since 1732, the Redemptorists — a congre- shipped always with the greatest rever- gation of missionary priests and brothers — ence; however, when He deigns to make have followed in Jesus’ footsteps, preaching the Word and serving the poor and most you feel His presence and when He makes abandoned.” known His desire that you should speak Saint Alphonsus Liguori https://redemptorists.net/features/novena-to-st- to Him as to the friend who loves you bet- Born: September 27, 1696 ter than any other friend, you should alphonsus/ open your heart to Him with the greatest What does Died: August 1, 1787 liberty and confidence.” “Doctor of the Church” mean? Canonized: May 26, 1839 —St. Alphonsus In 1871, St. Alphonsus was proclaimed a Patron of: theologians Say the daily novena prayer. doctor of the Church. Because of the depth confessors Day Eight of his understanding of the truths of the Church as imparted by Christ, his writings vocations “When you are afflicted with sickness, and preaching had a significant impact on arthritis sufferers persecution, temptation, or any other the formulation of Christian teaching at that trouble, turn at once to God and ask His time and for future generations. Daily novena prayer Day One “He who prays is certain to be saved, while he who prays not is certain to be Glorious St. Alphonsus, bishop and doctor Good Shepherd of the flock of Christ, ob- damned. All the saints were saved and of the Church, devoted servant of our Lord tain for me the grace of being a true child came to be saints by praying; all the ac- and loving child of Mary, I invoke you as a of Holy Mother Church. cursed souls in hell were lost through ne- saint in heaven. I give myself to your pro- St. Alphonsus, I humbly implore your glect of prayer.” tection that you may always be my protec- powerful intercession for obtaining from —St. Alphonsus tor and my guide in the way of holiness the heart of Jesus all the graces necessary Say the daily novena prayer. and salvation. for my spiritual and temporal welfare. I Day Two Aid me in observing the duties of my state recommend to you in particular this fa- of life. Obtain for me great purity of heart vor: (mention your request). “Acquire the habit of speaking to God as if and a fervent love of the interior life after I have great confidence in your prayers. I you were alone with Him, familiarly and your own example. earnestly trust that if it is God’s holy will, with confidence and love, as to the dear- est and most loving of friends.” Great lover of the Blessed Sacrament and my petition will be granted through your —St. Alphonsus the Passion of Jesus Christ, teach me to intercession for me at the throne of God. love Holy Mass and Holy Communion as St. Alphonsus, pray for me and for those Say the daily novena prayer. the source of grace and holiness. Give me a I love. I beg of you, by your love for Jesus Day Three tender devotion to the Passion of my Re- and Mary, do not abandon us in our “The sovereigns of the earth do not al- deemer. needs. May we experience the peace and ways grant audience readily; on the con- joy of your holy death. Amen. Promoter of the truth of Christ, through trary, the King of Heaven, hidden under your preaching and writing, give me a Heavenly Father, You continually build the eucharistic veils, is always ready to greater knowledge and appreciation of the up Your Church by the lives of Your receive anyone.” divine truths. saints. Give us grace to follow St. Alphon- —St. Alphonsus sus in his loving concern for the salvation Gentle father of the poor and sinners, help Say the daily novena prayer. me to imitate your charity toward others of people and so come to share his re- in word and deed. ward in heaven. Walking in the footsteps Day Four of this devoted servant of Yours, may we Consoler of the suffering, help me to bear “Bear well in mind that you have neither be consumed with zeal for souls and at- my daily cross patiently in imitation of friend nor brother nor father nor mother tain the reward he enjoys in Your king- your own patience in your long and pain- nor spouse nor lover who loves you more dom. We ask this through Christ our ful illness and to resign myself to the will than God.” Lord. Amen. of God. —St. Alphonsus Used with permission of discerninghearts.com Say the daily novena prayer. .
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