www.tbbd.org Prof. Dr.Yücel OĞURLU Prof. Dr. Ghia Nodia 9 Kuzey Kafkasya'da Konuşulan Dillere Genel Bir Bakış 114 Gürcistan'ın Kuzey Kafkas Politikası: Eski İkilemler,Yeni ve Dillerin Akrabalıkları Üzerine Eğilimler A General Overview OnThe Languages Spoken In Northern Caucasus Georgian PolicyTowardsThe Northern Caucasus: Old Dilemmas, 15 AndTheir Relations 118 NewTrends Общий Взгляд На Употребляемые На Северном Кавказе Языки И Политика Грузии На Северном Кавказе: Старые Дилеммы, 21 Языковое Родство 122 НовыеТенденции Yrd.Doç.Dr. Fethi GÜNGÖR Doç. Dr. Türkolog, Zaza TSURTSUMIA 126 Kafkasya'da Çerkes Bölgelerinin SosyalYapısı 27 Çerkes ve Abhazların OsmanlıTopraklarına Sürgünü 136 Social Structure Of Circass Regions In Caucasus 34 Expulsion Of Cherkess And Abkhaz People Into OttomanTerritory 147 СоциальнаяСтруктураЧеркесских Регионов В Кавказе 41 СсылкаЧеркесов И Абхазцев НаТерриторию Османской Империи Fehim TAŞTEKİN Bağımsız Çeçenya Deneyiminden Çerkasya İdealine: Yrd. Doç. Dr. Yasin POYRAZ 158 Kafkasya'da Çatışma Potansiyelleri Kıyıdaş Devletlerin Tezleri ve Uluslararası Hukuk Işığında 48 160 FromThe Experience Of Independent ChechnyaToThe Circassia Ideal: Hazar'ın Statüsü Conflict Possibilities In Caucasus 54 Status Of Caspian Sea WithinThe Lights Of International Law And 162 Из Опыта НезависимойЧечни К ИдеалуЧеркесии: The Arguments Of Riparian States Kонфликтный Потенциал На Кавказе 60 Положение Прибрежных Стран И Статус Каспийского МоряВ Рамках Международного Права Evren BALTA PAKER 164 Sovyetler Birliğinden Rusya'ya Kuzey Kafkaslar'da Kontrol, Çatışma veYerel Elitler Prof. Dr. Nadir DEVLET 169 Control, Conflict And Local Elites In Northern Caucasus From Soviet 66 1917 Devrimi Döneminde Kuzey Kafkasyalı Ahmet Tsalikov'un UnionTo Russia Rusya Müslümanları Arasında Oynadığı Önemli Rol 174 Контроль, Конфликты И МестнаяЭлита Северного Кавказа 69 The Important Role Of Northern Caucasian AhmetTsalikov Among НачиаяС Периода Советского Союза До России The Russian Moslems DuringThe 1917 Revolution ВажнаяРоль В Среде Российских Мусульман, Сыгранная Elena LIASHENKO 72 Выходцем Северного Кавказа, Ахметом Цаликовым, 179 1917-1924Yılları Arasında Stavropol Bölgesinde Bölgesel В Период Октябрьской Революции 1917 Года Sovyet Hükümet Sisteminin Kurulması 186 The Establishment OfThe Soviet Local Government System InThe Stavropol Region 1917-1924 Keisuke WAKIZAKA 193 Основание Областного Советского Правильства В Ulusların Kaderlerini Tayin Hakkının Kuzey Kafkasya'daki Ставропольском Крае В Период1917-1924 гг . 75 ToplumYapısı ve SSCB'nin İskan Politikasına Etkileri, 19.Yüzyıl Çarlık Rusya'sı ile SSCB'nin Kuzey Kafkasya'daki İskân A.D. SAETGARAEV Politikalarının Karşılaştırılması 200 Kuzey Kafkasya Bölgesindeki Siyasi Kimliklerin EtnikYönleri The Impact Of Self-determination InThe Social Structure Of Northern 205 Ethnic Aspects OfThe Political Identity InThe North Caucasian Region 83 Caucasus AndThe Soviet Settlement Policy Comparison OfThe 19th Century Russian Csardom With Ussr InTerms OfTheir Settlement 210 Этнические Аспекты Политических Идентичностей В Policies Северокавказском Регионе 91 Влияние““ О Праве Наций На Самоопределение На Общественный Строй Северного Кавказа И Политику ВыселенияСССР Yrd. Doç. Dr. Abdülkadir AKIL 215 Kendi Kaderini Tayin Hakkı Ve Diğer Uluslararası Hukuk Kurallari Çerçevesinde Çeçenistan Meselesi Av. Kâzım BERZEG 230 Chechnya Issue InThe Scope Of Self-Determination And Other Rules Of 99 Kafkasya Meselesinin Uluslararası Camiaya Arzı International Law 102 Presentation Of Caucasian IssueToThe International Community 245 Чеченский Вопрос В Рамках Права На Самоопределение И Других Правил Международного Права 105 Представление Кавказского Вопроса Международному Сообществу Janna TARHANOVA 260 Oset-İnguş Anlaşmazlığı: Barış Süreci Hasan KONUK 268 Осетино-Ингушский конфликт: процесс мирного урегулирования 108 Kafkasya'nın Jeopolitik Önemi 110 Geopolitics Of Caucasus Talha DÜLGERBAKİ 112 Геополитика Кавказа 276 Orta Asya'da Uygulanan Serbest Zaman Etkİnlİklerİ Ve Spor TARİH BİLİNCİ SAYI 19 - 20 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM OF NORTH CAUCASUS A GENERAL OVERVIEW ON THE LANGUAGES SPOKEN IN NORTHERN CAUCASUS Prof. Dr.Yücel OĞURLU AND THEIR RELATIONS Istanbul Commerce University, Faculty of Law. Caucasus Region is among the top regions that host the most diversity of languges such as Indonesia and India. Caucasus has always attracted the attentions of lnguists and indeed the number of speakers of these languages whereas it is “under the risk” has been increasing. There are three major language groups spoken inCaucasus:Caucasus,Turkish and Persian languages.Turkish languages are the ones which have been researched more often by the academicians in Turkey. Fort his reason, instead of more familiar Turkic languages Caucasus languages which are not very well known and some of them can only be spoken in just one village are more interesting and this study will focus on them. While there are so many researches done on Azeri, Kumyk and Nogay Turkish in Turkey, there is hardly any research on Caucasus and Iranian language groups. For this reason, although these languages are researched inWestern Europe, Russia and USA,They are not very well known inTurkey. .While intelligibility between the Turkic languages is so high; it is so low in languages of Caucasus or Iranian origin. In the past, the words derived from Turkic languages, exclusively from Kıpchak and Oguz language groups are frequent in Caucasus language group. As in the example of Avari,there are some languages that absorbs the smaller languages and dialects , and also there are some languages such as Azeri, Lezghi, Kumyk etc that affect other languages by giving some vocabulary to them. By the way, use of linguistics with the political aims, is rather a tool than being scientific.So, honest linguistics should examine the region with no bias and outsider affects. Affinity of Caucasus languages with eachother is absolute and undisputable. In this study, while making such a comparison, basic and root words are taken for consideration. Lexicological comparisons of these languages will certainly reveal the affinity of these languages. In this study, examples taken from foreign researches will also be referred. Apart from this, I can say that I found affinities by myself by forming comparable tables with the words I chose. In this comparison, North-EasternCaucasus languages are taken as a basis. Caucasus, since the ancient history was seen as a land of the subject matter contains 80 different languages and charming, effective and a bit frightening tales attracted the dialects it is certain that the caution should not be over- interests of travellers, tradesmen, poets, and scholars. In looked. In addition in general of the studies about Caucasus the past, Sİmurg, Phoenix, Mount Kaf and the captivity of languages conducted it is known that there are confusions Prometheus occupied mythical places within people's men- and prejudices. These prejudices are caused by the dates, tality. Caucasus Today is more talked with international ethnic origin and ancestors, an the generalisations about the politics and conflicts, energy, war etc rather than mytholo- relations of languages with each other. Sometimes, the gy, novels and stories of Lermontov, A.Dumas and Tolstoy. sentences about the affinity of languages can be inappro- In reality Caucasus is a rich geography which can be exami- priate, round and generalising. Is the general statement of ned for languages, ethnic origins, history, geography, inter- “the minor languages which can never be understood mutu- national relations, energy problems, culture, and beliefs ally” about theCaucasus languages always true?Or together folklore. So, the region had always been the focus of the with this discriminative emphasis done very frequently isn't concerns about languages, history, philophy, history, philo- it better to examine the affinity between these languages? sophy law, theology, folklore, political sciences mythology It should be noted that it is not correct to talk about The language which is the revelation of the beliefs, and the Caucasian languages without comparing them in terms of bridge between outerWorld and the brain, is now not only a vocabulary and grammar. An assertive study on this matter subject of linguistics. In fact, the origin of languages is itself can only be possible by spending years on linguistics. a matter of several articles. Therefore, I preferred to men- tion only one dimension of the topic that is the “language” It should be highlighted that as in many other languages, the itself. first researches about Caucasian languages were conducted by the Western and especially the Russian linguists. In As a studying methodology, two different approaches conducting these researches Westerners generally had a could be chosen. It should be compared in terms of gram- kind orientalism, some religious and also political motiva- mar or lexicology In this study, we tried to refer to the Cau- tions, in most of the studies of today the traces of these early casus, and exclusively North Eastern Caucasus langu-ages Works can be seen. with a non-discriminative general approach. However, as 15 TARİH BİLİNCİ SAYI 19 - 20 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM OF NORTH CAUCASUS On the other hand, until today there is not any published languages are taken as a basis and NorthWestern Caucasus common Caucasus languages dictionary and there are not languages also referred. serious Works on language affinity. In addition, now we can see some prototypes of
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