![History of the International Neuropsychological Symposium] a Re~Ection of the Evolution of a Discipline Francžois Boller](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
\ PERGAMON Neuropsychologia 26 "0888# 06Ð15 History of the International Neuropsychological Symposium] a re~ection of the evolution of a discipline Francžois Boller INSERM U 213\ Centre Paul Broca\ 1ter rue d|Alesia\ 64903 Paris\ France Received 05 March 0887^ accepted 14 May 0887 Abstract The International Neuropsychological Symposium is the name of a group which\ since 0840\ meets every year for the purpose of promoting knowledge and understanding of brain functions and cognate issues on the borderland of neurology\ psychology and psychiatry[ This paper summarizes the history of the International Neuropsychological Symposium and is intended as a tribute to Henry Hecaen\ co!founder and major advocate of the group throughout his entire scienti_c life[ It is felt that the evolution of the Symposium may be considered a re~ection of the evolution of the discipline of Neuropsychology and may help to understand the evolution of the _eld in the past _fty years[ Þ 0887 Elsevier Science Ltd[ All rights reserved[ The study of the relationship between brain and behavior ology including\ for example\ physicians in other spe! has been a branch of science for quite a long time since cialties such as psychiatrists and neurosurgeons\ as well there is evidence that the ancient Egyptians studied sev! as psychologists\ linguists\ neurophysiologists etc[ At eral aspects of brain functions including language and Hecaen|s initiative\ these persons implemented the pro! memory ð3Ł[ However\ the term {neuropsychology| is rela! ject for a yearly meeting1[ tively recent[ It was used during this century by various The _rst gatherings were called {Neu! authors such as Sir William Osler\ Karl Lashley and ropsychopathology conferences| and we have no record Donald Hebb ð1\ 4Ł\ but its development and current of the time when the name of the meeting was changed to meaning are probably due to Henry Hecaen who in the early 0859s named his Laboratory {Groupe de Neu! ropsychologie et de Neurolinguistique|[ This paper which 0 Henry Hecaen was born in Brest on May 4\ 0801[ He was very summarizes the history of the International Neu! aware and proud of his Briton roots and could be heard saying "half in jest# {{je ne suis pas Francžais\ je suis Breton||[ He obtained his medical ropsychological Symposium is intended as a tribute to degree from the University of Bordeaux in 0823[ After a tour of duty 0 Henry Hecaen \ co!founder and major advocate of the as naval o.cer during World War Two\ he specialized in psychiatry group throughout his entire scienti_c life[ Retracing the and neurology under the direction of Henri Ey and Jean Lhermitte[ In history of the International Neuropsychological Sym! 0841 he spent a few months in Montreal where he worked with Wilder posium may help to understand the evolution of the _eld Pen_eld and Brenda Milner[ This experience had a profound in~uence on his future development and even made him consider a career in in the past _fty years[ North America[ He went back to France\ however\ and spent the rest During the nineteenth century and the _rst half of the of his life based in Paris where in 0851 he founded a research group on twentieth century\ neuropsychology was practiced almost neuropsychology and neurolinguistics sponsored by the Centre exclusively by neurologists[ They discussed topics rel! National de la Recherche Scienti_que "CNRS# and the Ecole Pratique evant to brain and behavior relationships at their own des Hautes Etudes "EPHE#[ In 0860\ the Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale "INSERM# awarded him the direction of meetings\ an excellent illustration being the famous a Research Unit "U 000# which he led until his retirement in 0871[ He debate between Pierre Marie and Dejerine at the French wrote over 249 papers\ books or book chapters ð5Ł[ Hecaen was also an Neurological Society in 0897 ð6Ł[ After World War Two\ outstanding teacher and his weekly seminars were widely attended not renewed interest in the _eld started attracting a larger only by students\ but also by scientists from France and other countries[ 1 number of people trained outside the discipline of neur! In his moving tribute to Hecaen\ Zangwill ð09Ł wrote that the idea was launched in 0838 when Hecaen held a party at his home on the occasion of the International Congress of Psychiatry[ {{After dinner\ Henry outlined his proposal to found an international group to promote Corresponding author[ Tel[] 9922 03470 3310^ fax] 9922 03478 5737^ knowledge and understanding of brain functions and cognate issues on e!mail] bollerÝbroca[inserm[fr the borderland of neurology\ psychology and psychiatry||[ 9917Ð2821:87 ,*see front matter Þ 0887 Elsevier Science Ltd[ All rights reserved PII] S 9 9 1 7 Ð 2 8 2 1 " 8 7 # 9 9 9 5 8 Ð 3 07 F[ Boller:Neuropsycholo`ia 26 "0888# 06Ð15 the International Neuropsychological Symposium[ The Brussels\ Rome\ Vienna and New York#[ Since 0869\ the _rst meeting was held in September 0840 in Mondsee\ a symposia have been held every year during the last full small resort in the Salzburg Lake District "Salz! week of June[ kammergut\ Austria#[ The local organizer was Hans Ho}\ Due no doubt to the in~uence of Hecaen who in Chair of the Neurology Department at the University of addition to having been one of the founders of the Sym! Vienna[ Co!organizers of the meeting were Henry posium was also founder and Editor!in!Chief of Neu! Hecaen\ Klaus Conrad and Oliver Zangwill[ A slight ropsycholo`ia2\ the journal in its _rst years published majority of attendees came from Austria and Germany[ reports on the Symposia[ The preface to the _rst issue of In addition to the organizers named above\ this original Neuropsycholo`ia in 0852 contains an editorial on the meeting was known to be attended by Eberhard Bay\ Symposium and the journal for several years contained Richard Jung and Franz GuÃnther von Stockert "from reports on the meetings[ The editorial ð0Ł appeared in Germany#\ Otto PoÃtzl and Klaus Gloning "from Austria#\ English\ German and French[ Written by Henry Hecaen Richard C[ Old_eld\ Moira Williams\ Malcolm Piercy with the help of Rene Angelergues "although unsigned#\ and John MacFie "from the United Kingdom#[ Dr Bay\ it provides information on previous symposia and credits several years later\ would talk about the di.culty of the conference "a meeting {{to discuss disorders of higher traveling to and attending a meeting in a Europe where mental functions associated with injury or disease of the the signs of war were still evident[ brain||# as having been the inspirer of the journal[ Ano! The International Neuropsychological Symposium has ther Symposium summary was published in Neu! always been a meeting in which a relatively small number ropsycholo`ia\ also in 0852 ð8Ł[ of neurologists\ psychiatrists\ neuropsychologists and In 0853\ the papers discussed at the San Gimignano\ persons in related areas meet to discuss various topics Italy\ meeting on the topic {Somatosensory disorders due relevant to the _eld[ So far\ all of its 32 meetings have been to cortical lesions| were published together in Neu! held in Western Europe or adjacent countries "Israel\ ropsycholo`ia under the Guest Editorship of Hans Lukas Yugoslavia\ Tunisia and\ in 0884\ the Czech Republic#[ Teuber[ To our knowledge\ this is the only time all the Several topics "usually three for each meeting#\ are selec! presentations of a Symposium topic were published in a ted in advance by the attendees at each Symposium and systematic fashion[ This re~ects the spirit of the meeting are discussed by a small number of speakers upon invi! in two ways[ First it shows the individuality of the speak! tation by the topic organizer[ The number of attendees is ers\ each one being responsible for his or her presentation limited in order to encourage in!depth discussion during and possible publications[ More importantly\ it re~ects and outside the sessions[ It was long held at {no more the fact that presentations are not meant to consist exclus! than 39|^ currently the Symposium counts 000 members[ ively of research data[ Reviews\ hypotheses and specu! At the meeting\ approximately half of the time allotted lations\ the latter often deriving from the ensuing to presentations is devoted to exchanges of views among discussion\ represent an essential part of the meeting[ all participants[ The question of which language was used by the par! Table 0 provides the date\ location\ local organizer ticipants in the Symposium re~ects another aspect of the and\ when available\ topics and topic organizers of the history of science[ In the early years\ German was used 32 meetings held from 0840Ð0887[ The precise themes extensively[ At the 0853 meeting\ for instance\ pres! discussed at each of the seven meetings held between entations made in English were simultaneously translated 0841Ð0848 are not known\ but an Editorial ð0Ł indicates into German by Lukas Teuber or Klaus Poeck[ In 0865\ that topics included] one paper was read in French by Professor Jean Dubois and simultaneously translated into English by his wife , disorders of {time sense| Francžoise[ It was the last occurrence of a translation\ , alexias since afterwards all presentations have been made in , cerebral dominance English\ a re~ection of the broader trend of English , disorders of the body schema , aphasia from a linguistic standpoint , memory disturbances , visual hallucinations 2 The _rst discussions about founding a journal were apparently _rst , Korsako} syndrome held in 0845[ The name Neuropsycholo`ia was chosen
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