THE LONDON GAZETTE, MABCH 24, 1863, 1703 Southampton to Wit. he powers vested in it by the said Act, doth pro- isionally order, that the said county of South- T the General Sessions of the Peace of our mpton, so far as it is affected by the said recited Sovereign Lady the Queen, holden at the Act, be divided into Highway Districts, for the Castle of Winchester, in and for the said county more convenient management of the highways in of Southampton, on Saturday, the fourteenth day each of the said districts, and that the following of March, in the twenty-sixth year of the reign of >arishe3 and places, viz.: — our Sovereign. Lady Victoria, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Bramdean, Beauworth, Bishop's Sutton, Brown Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, and in the Candover, Bighton, Chilton Candover, Cheri- year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ton, Godsfield, H in ton Amptner, Itchen Stoke, sixty-three, before the Right Honourable Charles Kilmiston, New Alresford, Northington, Old Shaw Viscount Eversley, Chairman, Sir William Alresford, Ovington, Ropley, Swarraton, Tich- Heathcote, Baronet, M.P., John Bonham-Carter, borne, and West Tisted Esquire, M.P., and others their Fellows, Justices be united, and do constitute a- district, to be called of our). said Lady the Queen, assigned to " The Alresford District}" and that two Way- keep the Peace of our said Lady the Queen, in wardens be elected for the parish of New Aires-. the county aforesaid, and also to hear and deter- ford, and one Waywarden for each of the remain- mine divers felonies, trespasses, and .other mis- ing parishes or places within the said district. deeds, committed in the si'.me county :— And that the following parishes and places, Whereas at the last General Quarter Sessions viz.:— of the Peace of our Sovereign Lady the Queen, holden at the Castle of WLutfiester, in and for the Bentley, Bentworth, Bins ted, Chawton, Coldrey, said county of Southampton;, on the fifth day of Dockenfield, East Tisted, East Worldham, Far- January now last past, the Justices then and there ringdon, Froyle, Hartley Mauditt, Headley, assembled did, in pursua^ce^nd by virtue of the Holybourne, Kingsley, Lasham, Medstead, powers vested in thenv'-Dy the Act of Parliament Neatham, Newton Valence; Selborne—Norton, of the 25th and c£6th Viet., cap. 61, intituled Oakhanger, Temple; Shalden, West Worldham, " An Act for the better management of Highways and Wield in England," make a Provisional Order in the be united, and do constitute a district, to be called words following, that is to say :— " The Alton District;" and that two Way wardens be elected for the parish of Binsted, and one Southampton to Wit.—At the General Quarter Waywarden for each of the remaining parishes or Sessions of "the Peace of our Sovereign Lady the places within the said district. Queen, holden at the Castle of Winchester, in and for the said county of Southampton, on Monday, And that the following parishes and places, in the first week after the twenty-eighth day ol viz.:— December, one thousand eight hundred and Amport, Appleshaw ; Abbot's Ann—Little Ann; sixty-two, to wit, the fifth day of January, in the Bullington,. Barton Stacey, Chilbolton, Fac- twenty-sixth year of the Reign of our Sovereign corubo, Fifield, Foxcott, Grateley,. Goodworth Lady Victoria, by the Grace of God of the Unitec Clatford, Hurstbourne Tarrant, Hampton, Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Knight's Enham, Linkenholt; Longparish Defender of the Faith, and in the- year of our (otherwise Middleton) — East-Aston, Fofton, Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty- West Aston; Monxtoh, Penton Grafton, Penton three, before the Right Honourable Charles Shaw Mewsey, Quarley, Shipton, South Tedworth, Viscount Eversley, Chairman; the Right Honour- Thruxton, Tangley, Upper Clatford, Vernham's able Henry Howard Molyneux, Earl of Carnarvon Deane, and Whurwell Sir William Heathcote., Baronet, M P.; and others be united, and do constitute a district, to be their-Fellows, Justices of our said Lady the Queen called " The Andover District;" and that one assigned to keep the peace of our said Lady the Waywarden be elected for each of the parishes or Queen, in the county aforesaid, and also to hear places within the said district. and determine divers felonies, trespasses, au< other misdeeds, committed in the same county :—• And that the following parishes and places, Whereas five of Her Majesty's Justices of the viz.:— Peace, acting in and for the said county of South And well, Basing, Bramley, Bradley, Church Oak- ampton, did, by writing under their hands, datec ley, Cliddesden, -Dean, Dummer, Eastropp, the 16th day of December, 1862, require th Kllisfield, Farleigh Wallop, Herriard, Hartley Cleirk of the Peace of the said county to add to Westpall, Mapledurwell, Monk Sherbourne and send with, the notice required by law to b (otherwise West Sherbourne), Mortimer West, given of the holding of the Court of the" then Nately Scures, Newnham, Nutley, North next Epiphany Quarter Sessions, a notice, accord Wultham, Preston Candover, Popham, Pamber, . ing to the form marked A in the Schedule to the Sherbourne St. John, . Silcheater, Steventon, Act of the 25th and 26th Viet., cap. 61, entitled Stratfield Saye, Stratfield Turgiss, Sherfield on " An Act for the better management of High- Loddon, Tunworth, Up Nately, Upton Grey, ways in England ;" that, at such Court of Quarter Wiuslade and Kempshott, Weston Patrick, Sessions/ a proposal would be made to the J ustices Wootton St. Lawrence, Woodmancott, Woiting, then and there assembled to divide the said and Weston Corbett, county of Southampton into'Highway Districts. be united, and do constitute a district, to be And whereas, at the present General Quarter called " The Basingstoke District;" and that two Sessions of the Peace, in and for the said county, Waywardens be elected for the parish of Basing, holden at the Castle of Winchester, in the said Slid one Waywarden for each of the remaining county, this 5th day of January, 1S63, a proposal parishes or places within the said district. has been submitted to the Court by the said Jus- tices to divide the said county of Southampton Ami that the following parishes and places, into Highway Districts. viz.: — And whereas the said Court has entertained the Blendworth, Catheringtou,. Chalton, Clanfield, said proposal. Idsworth, and Waterloo, Now, therefore, the said .Court, in pursuance of be united, and do constitute a district, to be.
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