Eish tb Series. Vol. X L m . No. 4 Tuesday, November 15,1988 Kartika 24. 1910 (Sakm) LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) Twelfth Session (Eighth Lok Sabha) —*is* ( Fo/. XU.I1 contains Nos. 1 to 10) LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI r rlc» : Af. i 6.00 IO r io in a l E n g l is h P r o c e e d in g s in c l u d e d in E n g l is h V e r sio n a n d O r ig in a l H in d i P r o c b b d in g s in c l u d e d i n H in d i V e r s io n w i l l bb TREA TED A* AUTHORlTATIVB AND NOT THF TRANSLATION THERFOF.1 CONTENTS [Eighth Series, Vol. XLIII, Twelfth Session, 1988/1910 (Sakaj\ No. 4, Tuesday; November 15. 1988/ Kartika 24, 1910 (Saka) C olumns Oral Answers to Questions: 1-31 ‘ Starred Questions Nos. 66, 67, 69 and 74 to 77 Written Answers to Questions: 31-42/ Starred Questions Nos. 61 to 65, 68, 70 to 73 31-53 and 78 to 80 Unstarred Questions Nos. 451 to 456, 458 to 502,504, 505, 53-426 507 to 569 and 571 to 681 Papers Laid on the Table 428—437 Statement Re: Fire in Loading Area and Aromatic Plant 438-439 of Mahul Refinery of Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd., Bombay on 9.11.1988 — Shri Brahma Dutt Matters Under Rule 377— 439-444 (i) Demand for a uniform Education Policy throughout 439-440 the country — Shri Ram Pujan Patel (ii) Demand for enquiry into reasons for delay in recovering 440 the amounts over-charged by drug manufacturing companies Shri Santosh Kumar Singh (iii) Demand for directives to State Governments to rescue 441 the poor people from exploitation by money lenders — Shri Jagdish Awasthi *The Sign f marked above the name of a Member indicates that the question was actually asked on the floor of the House by that Member. (ii) C olumns (iv) Demand for sufficient power supply to small scale 441-442 industries and farmers in Bihar — Prof. Chandra Bhanu Devi i (v) Demand for assistance to Rajasthan Government to 442-443 enable it to cope with the drought conditions in Barmer, Jaisalmer and Jodhpur districts — Shri Virdhi Chander Jain (vi) Demand for a full-fledged studio at Nagpur Doordarshan 443-444 Kendra — Shri Banwari Lai Purohit Re: Death of Shrimati Supriya Singh, wife of Shri Abhay 444-448 Singh, in Haryana Discussion Under Rule 193 — 448-534 Commission reported to have been paid by M/s. Bofors 539-556 in Howitzer Gun Deal — Prof. Madhu Dandavate 448-451 467-478 Shri V.N. Gadgil 487-492 Prof. K.K. Tewary 478-486 492-500 Shri Somnath Chatterjee 501-512 Shri Ghulam Nabi Azad 512-519 Shri Vishwanath Pratap Singh 519-533 Shri Vasant Sathe 539-548 S. Buta Singh 549-556 Personal Explanation Under Rule 357 534—539 By Shri B. Shankaranand LOK SABHA DEBATES LOK SABHA people don’t listen to me ( Interruptions). MR. SPEAKER: If you listen, everything can be done through discussion instead of Tuesday. November 15, 1988/Kartika 24, speaking in this manner. 1910 (Saka) (Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER: All this can be The Lok Sabha met at discussed .... you please sit down, I can give Eleven of the Clock a ruling only if I get a chance to speak. First you speak. Then they start speaking. [MR. SPEAKER in the Chair] (Interruptions) [English] MR. SPEAKER: Both sides want that (Interruptions) time should not be wasted. I shall allow it as soon as question hour is over. MR. SPEAKER: Nothing goes on rec­ ord. I have not allowed anybody. [English] (Interruptions)* Shri Mohd. Mahfooz Ali Khan. [ Translation] PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: One minute, Sir. I want a clarification of your MR. SPEAKER: Please sit down and ruling. listen to me. If you don't sit, how can carry on the work of the House. (Interruptions) (Interruptions) I have given a notice of privilege. MR. SPEAKER: First you sit down. Both MR. SPEAKER: No privilege now. sides want this discussion to be held today. Why are you interrupting? Why don’t you sit THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMEN­ down? TARY AFFAIRS AND MINISTER OF IN­ FORMATION AND BROADCASTING (Interruptions) (SHRI H.K.L. BHAGAT): Mr. Speaker, totally false and baseless charges have been MR. SPEAKER: What can I do if you made by Mr. V.P. Singh. He must prove ** Not recorded. 3 Oral Answers NOVEMBER 15, 1988 Oral Answers 4 these charges in the House today at 12 [English] o’clock or get out of public life. There can be a discussion immediately after the Question PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: He Hour as you have said. ( Interruptions) Either used the word “ ..... " he puts the evidence before the House or he must get out of public life. ( Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER: I have not allowed anybody. PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: We insist that the privilege notice against the PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: He has Prime Minister be taken up. ( Interruptions) used that. He has used the word. Ask him to withdraw it. ( Translation) [ Translation] MR. SPEAKER: Why are you making so much noise? You will not gain anything by MR. SPEAKER: Please sit down Shri it. Tiwari, I think that is enough. [English] (Interruptions) The discussion will be under Rule 193. [English] Mr. Basavaraju. MR. SPEAKER: The question is, I have PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: What not allowed anybody. about my privilege notice? Nothing is on record. MR. SPEAKER: No. Professor Sahib, I I have not allowed. have not allowed it. (Interruptions) PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: We [ Translation] should be allowed to argue it. MR. SPEAKER: You please sit down, I MR. SPEAKER: Please sit down. Shri am standing both of you are speaking at the Basavaraju. same time. (Interruptions) [English] MR. SPEAKER: Please sit down. PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: He has said it. He has used the word " ..... " (Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER. If there is anything on MR. SPEAKER: I have not allowed record— I do not think it is— it will be ex­ anybody. punged. (Interruptions) (Interruptions) [Translation] PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: Again he says it ( Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER: Shri Tiwari, please sit down; this discussion will come. MR. SPEAKER: I have not allowed it... (Interruptions) (Interruptions) 5 Oral Answers KARTIKA 24, 1910 (SAKA) Oral Answers 6 MR. SPEAKER: I have not allowed SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA: You have anybody to say anything. said that you will allow a discussion. Under while Rule? (Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER: Under Rule 193. (Inter­ MR. SPEAKER: He might have said ruptions) anything. But, I have not allowed so far anybody...... PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: What about privilege? (Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER: I have to find out if PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: Ask him there are any facts. I cannot go by just to withdraw it. hearsay things like that. I have never done it and I will not ...... (Interruptions) (Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER: What is there to with­ draw? There is nothing on the SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA: The motion record ( Interruptions) has to be considered by you. (Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER: PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: After Shri Narayan Choubey—Absent. your ruling, again he says: "yes, I say he is a "........ He said it again .............. (Interruptions) Shri Dal Chander Jain —Absent. He said it again. Shri Bhadreshwar Tanti —Absent. MR. SPEAKER: You might say among Shri Mohanbhai Patel —Absent. yourselves.... Shri Chintamani Jena. (Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER: I have not allowed anybody so far ...... ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS (Interruptions) [English] MR. SPEAKER: Look here, I have al­ Establishment of Wind Mills ways expunged unparliamentary words from the record.If there is any unparliamen­ *66. SHRI CHINTAMANI JENAT: tary word, that will not go on record at all and SHRI MOHANBHAI PATEL: also I have not allowed anybody so far. Will the Minister of ENERGY be Shri Basavaraju ..... (Interruptions) pleased to state: SHRI AMAL DATTA: He has said (a) whether new wind mills are being it... (Interruptions) designed to tap wind energy potential; MR. SPEAKER: He might have said it. (b) if so, the details thereof; But I have not allowed it ..... (Interruptions) Shrimati Basavarajeswari ...... (Interrup­ (c) whether any experiments have tions) been made; if so, the results achieved; 7 Oral Answers NOVEMBER 15, 1988 Oral Answers 8 (d) whether there is any proposal to in the entire country, specially in the coastal establish such wind mills in the country, belt of the country, when we are deficit in particularly near the sea coasts; and power. In this connection, may I know from the hon. Minister what is the target for the (e) if so, the number of such wind mills Seventh Plan and till now what was the likely to be established in Orissa and Gujarat achievement? Further more, I wanted to Coast? know from the hon. Minister whether he will give priority to the States where the produc­ THE MINISTER OF ENERGY (SHRI tion of power is not adequate to run their VASANT SATHE): (a) to (e). A Statement is industries and other projects. On this issue, given below. I wanted to know from the hon. Minister which are the States to be given such priority STATEMENT specially located in coastal belts. Establishment of Wind Mills SHRI VASANT SATHE: As far as wind­ mill generation is concerned, we find now (a) to (c). Yes, Sir. Research, develop­ that windmill is useful for ment and demonstration activities are being undertaken under the co ordinated wind (a) pumping water from underground energy programme of the Department of tubewells and Non-Conventional Energy Sources.
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