Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 10-25-1991 The BG News October 25, 1991 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News October 25, 1991" (1991). BG News (Student Newspaper). 5278. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/5278 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. fi The BG News VOLUME 74, ISSUE 43 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1991 BOWLING GREEN, OHIO Briefly President blasts the Inside Congress in speech by Rita Beamish The Associated Press the Senate already was moving toward a vote on a broader spe- It's a powwow: cial counsel investigation — Native Americans from WASHINGTON — President passed 86-12 Thursday afternoon. across the Midwest and Bush on Thursday blasted Con- Bush also said Congress should Canada will gather in gress as a "privileged class of set a six-week time limit on con- Toledo this weekend for a rulers," above the laws it passes firming his nominees to govern- powwow. for others, and pressed law- ment posts. See page three. makers to revoke their special "The administration's troops exemptions. led a seek-and-destroy mission Seizing on the anti-Congress against Anita Hill." which in- mood that followed the recent cluded "smears and innuendoes" Campus Clarence Thomas confirmation to discredit her accusations, Sen. hearings in the Senate, Bush de- Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., a Judiciary clared that lawmakers' practice Committee member, said. of freeing themselves from com- Bursar on the move: pliance with many laws "shatters The White House released a full The Bursar Office, cur- public confidence in govern- packet of information on con- rently located in University ment." gressional exemptions from laws Hall, will be moving back to "I would wager that the Ameri- covering age, race, sex, and dis- the Administration Building can people do not know that Con- ability discrimination; minimum Monday, Oct. 28. gress has exempted itself from wage and overtime; workplace the sexual harassment laws pri- health and safety, collective bar- vate employers and the executive gaining; freedom of information Sponsor wanted: branch must obey," the president and conflict of interest. Graduate Student Senate said in a broad speech attacking The president said he will sub- is expected to consider a congressional practices. mit legislation requiring law- sponsorship request from "The bruising hearings showed makers to follow the same work- Kappa Alpha Psi at today's what happens when political fac- er protection laws that apply to meeting. tions let agendas overwhelm per- the executive branch and to obey The request regards a sonal decency," the president the Privacy Act protecting indi- Breduction entitled "1001 said. viduals from government release lack Inventions" sched- With their "X-rated state- of information about them. uled for Nov. 16 in Bryan ments," the hearings made the Bush said, Congress should by Recital Hall. The cultural Senate "more like a burlesque year's end submit to other laws it event will also include a live show than a civics class," he told imposes on other employers. comedian and a rhythm and an audience of three good- When Congress exempts itself blues jazz band. government groups — the Ameri- from the very laws it writes for The fraternity is request- can Society for Public Adminis- others, it strikes at its own repu- ing $300 from GSS to co- tration, the National Academy of tation and shatters public confi- sponsor the event. The pro- Public Administration and the dence in government," Bush posal is expected to be voted Council for Excellence in said. The BG News/Tim Norman on during the new business Government. "This practice creates the ap- portion of the meeting by He demanded that Congress pearance and reality of a privi- the General Assembly. appoint a special counsel to find, leged class of rulers who stand The Call Of The Wild? In old business, discussion by Jan. 3, who leaked Anita Hill's above the law," he said. Plaving the wolf in an opera version of "Little Red Riding Hood," junior music/business major is expected to continue re- sexual harassment accusations Bush portrayed lawmakers as Brodv McDonald performs for the children at Conneaut Elementary School Wednesday afternoon. farcung a maternity policy while the Senate was preparing to allowing "leaks that wreck lives BGSU Opera for Youth performed the fairy tale as an extension of a class taken during the summer. irst proposed by President confirm Thomas to serve on the and needlessly destroy reputa- Dave Harper at the Oct. 4 Supreme Court. As Bush spoke, tions." GSS meeting. Discussion is expected to center on a pos- sible extention of the length of maternity leaves. The o- Minority riginal proposal called for a Questions on fieldhouse remain nine-month leave. GSS is scheduled to meet retention by Aaron Dorksen that once it is completed it will be The Bowling Green intramural or intercollegiate today at 2:30 p.m. in the administration reporter a building which students and the events may be planned, he said. McFall Assembly Room. BGSU community will be ex- University Fieldhouse The fieldhouse will offer stu- problems tremely proud of," interim field- dents the opportunity to partici- Many decisions concerning house director Ron Zwierlein pate in many activities which are scheduling and use of the Bowling said. notpossible in the rec center. Green University Fieldhouse will "I firmly believe it will be a The facility will consist of two Local examined have to made before the facility showcase building which will win rectangular-shaped wings with a by J.J.Thompson opens in spring 1993. national awards,' he said. smaller area between the two adminisiration reporler Although no plans have been Zwierlein said he is the interim wings for offices, showers and finalized, members of the buil- director until a national search building operations. Save the seals: ding's planning committee have can be conducted. He did not rule The student representative or One wing will include a Wood Lane School is par- The College of Arts and Scienc- said they believe they have a out the possibility of being a can- representatives — there may be 200-meter indoor track and four ticipating in a program for es is having trouble retaining mi- schedule that will benefit the en- didate for permanent director two — will be chosen through basketball courts. Also, along one Scott Paper Company nority ana women faculty, ac- tire student population. himself. Student Affairs, Zwierlein said. side of the track will be an eight- called "Learning Tools for cording to a college committee. Today, in the last of the three- When a permanent director is "We want to get as much stu- lane, 60-meter sprint track. Schools." The program will The Faculty Retention Study part fieldhouse series. The News found, he or she will be the chair- dent input as possible," he said. The other wing will include a enable schools to obtain free Committee, appointed by the col- examines what the building will person of the Fieldhouse Adviso- Zwierlein said the tentative 70-yard artificial turf football educational equipment. lege's dean last year, was formed offer the University community ry Board, Zwierlein said. schedule will give HPER classes field with regulation-size 10-yard Scott will provide the due to concerns within the college and who will make decisions con- The committee will work with priority from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., end zones. Several built-in base- equipment in exchange for that minority, women and tenure- cerning use of the facility. the director to establish a fair, varsity team practices from 2 to 6 ball batting cages also will be in- saving "apple seals" found track faculty were not staying at workable schedule, he said. p.m., and intramurals from 6 to cluded. on the back of Scott prod- the University. * * * Zwierlein said members of the 11 p.m. or midnight. The fieldhouse will also have a ucts. "It appears to be a problem," The consensus of administra- committee will include the direc- However, students may find high jump/pole vault area and a The seals may be dropped committee chairperson David tors and students who were in- tor of intramural sports, director "windows of time" when they can long jump pit. off Monday through Friday Roller said. "We have been losing volved in the planning of the of intercollegiate athletics, direc- use the fieldhouse during which Athletic Director Jack Gregory 8a.m. to4:30 p.m. at Wood women and minorities, and our Bowling Green University Field- tor of HPER and a student repre- no priority activities are sched- said that if time permits, NCAA Lane School. Sb is to try to see what we can do house is mat it will be an award- sentative. uled, Zwierlein said. track meets could be housed in try to keep them." winning building which should Each of the sports-related di- Students also will have an op- the building. The dimensions of According to committee mem- benefit the entire University. rectors may appoint a designee in portunity to use the facility on Lottery ber Diane Regan, women, minor- "I really and sincerely believe their place if they wish, he said. weekends, although periodically G See FIELDHOUSE, page four. ities and tenure-track faculty are all part of a "risk pool" because problems with retention often Lottery picks: occur with these groups.
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