July 14, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1463 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS PERSONAL EXPLANATION Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me 4—Statutes, Arrest, Search & Seizure and honoring the veterans of the Vietnam War. It Firearms, by attending the Division of Criminal HON. BILL PASCRELL, JR. is a fitting tribute that New York City is naming Justice Training Academy where he received OF NEW JERSEY a street in honor of those who served in Viet- the Academic Excellence Award. nam. Mr. Speaker, perhaps most impressive is IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f the work that Michael has done since his 1992 Monday, July 14, 2003 promotion to the position of Sergeant in Mr. PASCRELL. Mr. Speaker, I was un- CONGRATULATIONS TO TAIWAN charge of the Environmental Crimes Unit. Dur- avoidably detained and missed rollcall vote ing his eleven year tenure with the Environ- No. 338, on approval of H. Res 310, providing HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON mental Crimes Unit, Michael worked with Fed- for the consideration of H.R. 2211, the ‘‘Ready OF MISSISSIPPI eral, State, and Local authorities in the inves- to Teach Act.’’ Had I been present, I would IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tigations of over 300 cases involving haz- have voted ‘‘nay’’ on H. Res 310. ardous waste. He attended numerous courses Monday, July 14, 2003 f in Explosives, Weapons of Mass Destruction, Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- and Haz-Mat Techniques, and he has served IN RECOGNITION OF THE VIETNAM er, Taiwan President Chen Shui-bian recently as a Certified Instructor in Firearms and Envi- VETERANS OF AMERICA, QUEENS celebrated his third anniversary in office. He ronmental Crimes at the Passaic Police Acad- CHAPTER #32 ON THE OCCASION has done many good things for his country emy since 1994. OF THE DEDICATION OF 76TH AV- and strengthened Taiwan’s ties with America. In September 2002, Michael Sika was pro- ENUE IN GLENDALE, NEW YORK Taiwan has been very cooperative with the moted to the rank of Captain and assigned as AS ‘‘VIETNAM VETERANS LANE’’ United States in our global war against ter- the Commander of the newly formed Passaic rorism, and Taiwan has pledged assistance to County narcotics Task Force. Less than a HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY post-war Iraq. In addition, Taiwan has pro- year later, he was promoted to Acting Deputy OF NEW YORK vided medical assistance and humanitarian aid Chief, and was subsequently reassigned to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to a number of African nations. assist Chief Glenn Brown in the reorganization We hope Taiwan will continue to prosper in of the Investigators’ Staff of the Prosecutor’s Monday, July 14, 2003 the future. We are glad to hear that Taiwan Office. Mrs. MALONEY of New York. Mr. Speaker, has been declared SARS free and it is now Mr. Speaker, the job of a United States con- I rise to pay tribute to the veterans of the Viet- safe to travel to Taiwan and other parts of gressman involves so much that is rewarding, nam War and to honor in particular the mem- Asia. yet nothing compares to recognizing the ac- bers of the Queens Chapter #32 of the Viet- We also hope that the United States will complishments of such an outstanding indi- nam Veterans of America. All of us owe a tre- soon increase trade opportunities with Taiwan vidual. Deputy chief Michael Sika’s long his- mendous debt of gratitude to the Americans by launching negotiations on a free trade tory of service to the people of Passaic Coun- who served abroad in the armed forces during agreement. ty, and his commitment to educating those our nation’s longest and perhaps most difficult Congratulations, President Chen. that choose to follow in his footsteps is be- military conflict. I am pleased to recognize the f yond compare. service to our country of all the members of Mr. Speaker, I ask that you join our col- Queens Chapter #32 of the Vietnam Veterans TRIBUTE TO DEPUTY CHIEF leagues, the Passaic County Prosecutor’s Of- of America and of its President, Pastor Toro, MICHAEL J. SIKA fice and me in recognizing the invaluable serv- Jr. ice of Deputy Chief Michael J. Sika. This month, in recognition of their service to HON. BILL PASCRELL, JR. f our nation and to our city, the Queens Chapter OF NEW JERSEY PERSONAL EXPLANATION #32 of the Vietnam Veterans of America is IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES being honored by the rededication of a portion of 76th Avenue as ‘‘Vietnam Veterans Lane.’’ Monday, July 14, 2003 HON. TRENT FRANKS This thoroughfare, located between Mr. PASCRELL. Mr. Speaker, I would like to OF ARIZONA Woodhaven Boulevard and 88th Street in the call your attention to an exceptional individual, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Glendale neighborhood of the Borough of Michael J. Sika, who was officially sworn in as Monday, July 14, 2003 Queens in New York City, is the permanent lo- Deputy Chief of Detectives for the Passaic Mr. FRANKS of Arizona. Mr. Speaker, June cation of Queens Chapter #32 of the Vietnam County prosecutor’s Office on Wednesday, 25, I attended the funeral of the Honorable Veterans of America. The members of the July 2, 2003. Bob Stump in Phoenix, Arizona and missed Queens Chapter #32 have truly earned our For the past 22 years, Deputy Chief Sika votes on the following measures: gratitude, admiration, and appreciation. has devoted himself to ensuring the safety of S. 858—To extend the Abraham Lincoln Bi- At the dedication ceremony for Vietnam Vet- the people of New Jersey. It is only fitting that centennial Commission, and for other pur- erans Lane, the ‘‘Order of the Silver Rose’’ will he be honored, in this, the permanent record poses (#312). Had I been present, I would be presented to several Chapter members of the greatest freely elected body on earth. have voted ‘‘aye.’’ who have suffered from a multitude of ill- Michael Sika began his career in law en- H.R. 2474—To require that funds made nesses and symptoms associated with expo- forcement in 1981 as a New Jersey State available for fiscal years 2003 and 2004 for sure to ‘‘Agent Orange.’’ These veterans con- S.P.C.A. Officer. In 1983, he was promoted to the Bill Emerson and Mickey Leland Hunger tinue to pay a price for their willingness to Sergeant and assigned to the Special Inves- Fellowships be administered through the Con- serve our country, and it is only fitting that we tigations in the Severe Cruelty to Animals Unit gressional Hunger Center (#313). Had I been acknowledge their sacrifice on behalf of all of where he and his unit targeted pit bull fighting present, I would have voted ‘‘aye.’’ us. and cock fighting matches. H.J. Res. 40—To recognize the important Although it has been just over three dec- It was only four short years later that Mi- service to the Nation provided by the Foreign ades since our troops engaged in active com- chael began working as a Passaic County In- Agricultural Service of the Department of Agri- bat in Vietnam, we will never forget the brav- vestigator in the Prosecutor’s Office. In addi- culture on the occasion of its 50th anniversary ery of all those who served and the ultimate tion to his duties in the Juvenile Court Unit, (#314). Had I been present, I would have sacrifice of the more than 58,000 military per- the Court Squad / Extraditions Unit and the voted ‘‘aye.’’ sonnel who gave their lives in service to their Environmental Prosecutor’s Unit, Michael H. Con. Res. 49—To express the sense of country. began to augment his previous training in Title the Congress that the sharp escalation of anti- ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Jan 31 2003 05:31 Jul 15, 2003 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A14JY8.001 E14PT1 E1464 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 14, 2003 Semitic violence within many participating Energy-related exports from AGOA coun- many cases, make little commercial sense. States of the Organization for Security and tries continue to predominate; however, their Streamline the rules of origin. Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) is of profound overall share is declining, e.g., down to 76 The United States is currently a party to concern and efforts should be undertaken to percent of AGOA imports in 2002, from 83 dozens of international tax treaties with other prevent future occurrences (#315). Had I been percent in 2001. Additionally, the reason for countries. These treaties prevent double tax- present, I would have voted ‘‘aye.’’ the decline is not because energy exports ation for U.S. firms operating abroad, and in- H. Res. 199—To call on the Government of from AGOA countries have dropped, but rath- clude transparency requirements for other the People’s Republic of China immediately er other imports have increased. For example, countries’ systems of taxation. and unconditionally to release Dr. Yang Jianli, AGOA imports of transportation equipment Include a provision encouraging the Sec- calling on the President of the United States to were 4 percent of all AGOA imports in 2001, retary of the Treasury to negotiate tax treaties continue working on behalf of Dr. Yang Jianli but those imports grew by 81 percent and are with appropriate AGOA countries. for his release, and for other purposes (#316).
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