\ I Members of the Indian team jump for joy offer bearing Spain 4-3 in the final of the Olympic hockey tournament at Moscow on July 29. Parliament Congratulates Team front in world hockey in the nister, Mr. V. R. Nedunchezhian. future". said India regained the "old glory'1 BIHAR CJTs AWARD x after a gap of 16 years. PATNA: The Bihar Chief Minis- Earlier. Mr. N. S. V Chittan ter. Dr. Jagannath Mishra has an- (Cong.I) wanted the House to offer Field Hockey nounced a reward of Rs. 2,000 each its felicitations to captain V. Bhas- to the 17 members of the Indian karan and members of the team team for "thcr creditable victory". on their feat - NEW DELHI. July 30. Dr. Mishra also sent a telegram to The Chief Minister. Mr. M. G. Parliament today greeted with the Indian team congratulating it Ramachandran, in a message to acclamation India's regaining the on its victory. the captain of the team, said: Olympic hockey title at Moscow CHANDIGARH: The Punjab "Hearty congratulations on the after a lapse of 16 years. Olympic Association (POA) will grand victory of the Indian In the Lok Sabha, amidst loud honour the Indian team for win- team." thumping of desks and shouts of ning the gold medal according to The former President of the "hear, hear", the Prime Minister, the POA President. Mr. Sukhdev Indian Hockey Federation. Mr. Mrs. Indira Gandhi expressed Par- Singh Dhindsa. Mr. Dhindsa also M. A. M. Ramaswamy, has congra. liament's and her own "pleasure" sent a message of congratulations tulated the Indian team on its gold- at India's victory yesterday. to the victorious team. winning performance at Moscow. TP.IVANDRCM: The Kerala Chief In a telegram from London, Mr. In a brief statement after the Minister. Mr. E. K. Nayanar con. Ramaswamy has expressed his hap- question hour, Mrs. Gandhi con- piness at India's show in Moscow. veyed to the members oi the vic- He said "It's a great day for Indian torious Indian hockc y team "hearty hockey. I am proud of our boys, congratulations and greetings". manager and the coach. I wish Several members, including Mr. them more laurels". A. B. Vajpayee (BJP) went on HYDERABAD: Dr. M. Cherna their legs, seeking to raise issues Reddy. the Andhra Pradesh Chief of their interests, when Mrs. Gan- Minister, has congratulated the dhi sought the permission of the Indian team on its victory. He said Speaker. Mr. Ba ram. to make the "after 16 long years, India has re- sta cment of which the House did gained the glory in hockey by cap. no* appear to have any inkJing. luring the gold meda! at Moscow Making a special mention in the Olympics yesterday. The brilliant LOK Sabha. Mr Eduardo Faleiro effort put in by our players, parti- (Long-I) hoped that the victory cularly by skipper Bhaskaran, Su. would stan a 'renaissance in rinder Singh, Kaushik and Moham* Indian hockey" and would give en- med Shahid. paid rich dividends courag ment to spor's and sports- and our country has once again men. Mr. Faleiro hailed the Indian demonstrated its superiority in victory as a "proud moment for hockey. "I convey my congratula. the country" gratulated the Indian team on win- tions and g-reetings to all the mem- The Rajya Sabha made an un- ning the gold medal bers of the Indian team and wish usual ges'ure in sitting aside in BANGALORE: The Karnataka th'm many more successes in the the morning its listed business to Governor, Mr. Govlnd Narain also future in international tourna. first make a reference to the Indian congratulated the team. ments" team's victory The Chief Minister, Mr. R. Gundu Tass reports from Moscow: When the House assembled for Rao said it was a magnificent per. Most members of the gold medal the day's proceedings. Mr Dinesh formance. winning Indian team were close to Goswami <lnd) urged the Chair- Mr. M. Chinnaswamy, Indian tears ol joy at the victory cere- man, Mr M. Hidayatul'.ah, that the Cricket Board President expressed mony yesterday. Rajya Sabha •forthwith placed on happiness over Indian winning the It was a moment charged wltb record its appreciation of the gold medal. emotion as they watched their na. team's performance rnd congratu- Messrs. C. Deshmuthu and D. Ra- tiona! flag go up the mast to the lated it on its victory jagopal, both former Olympians, strains of the national anthem. The Chairman accordingly direc- congratu'ated the Indian team on ''I remember many Olympic tour- ted that the appreciation of the its winning the gold medal. naments", said former Olympian House be recorded and conveyed Messrs. Deshmuthu and Rajajo- Balbir Sing-h, "but as far as the to the team pal. who assisted Mr. Balkishen class of the game and the tension Much la'or. Mr. Bhupesb Gupta, Singh at the coaching camp here are concerned, I cannot compare th: L'P! leader, came into the wre all praise for the young team. this final with any other". House and wanted it to congratu- The victory would be morale boos "Our players and their rivals late the Indian team. tcr for India in the year's to come, did every'hing possible to win the The Chairman: ''It has already they said. match. Never before have I been been done" TAMIL NADU ASSEMBLY'! so glad with the Olympic awards". The Union Home Minister. Mr. PRAISE Balbir Singh said. Zail Singh congratu'ated the Indian MADRAS: The Tamil Nadu Le- "There is no doubt that this team and ssid it had "once again gislative Assembly adopted a reso- team has a great future the match demonstrated Its superiority in lution congratulating the Indian which I saw yesterday is a model. this field of sport", he said "The team on having won the gold Al! the 70 minutes of it can with t'-am-work and spirit of soortsman- medal right be recorded in the field hoc. jhii exhibited should go a long Moving the resolution, the Lea. key training books", said the coach way in keeping India in the fore- der of the House and Finance Mi- of the Polish team, Mr. Vitold Zaja..
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