Sanskrit manuscripts in China II Proceedings of a panel at the 2012 Beijing Seminar on Tibetan Studies, August 1 to 5 Edited by Horst Lasic, Xuezhu Li China Tibetology Publishing House Beijing 2016 BSTS_2012_Proceedings.indb 1 2/28/2017 10:27:20 AM BSTS_2012_Proceedings.indb 2 2/28/2017 10:27:20 AM For Helmut Krasser (1956–2014) BSTS_2012_Proceedings.indb 3 2/28/2017 10:27:20 AM BSTS_2012_Proceedings.indb 4 2/28/2017 10:27:20 AM Contents Preface 7 前言 11 • Junjie CHU & Eli FRANCO Rare manuscripts of works by Jitāri 15 Pascale HUGON On the Sanskrit and Tibetan versions of the Pramāṇa­ viniścaya: A look into the translator’s workshop of rṄog Blo ldan śes rab 49 Kazuo KANO & Xuezhu LI Sanskrit verses from Candrakīrtiʼs Triśaraṇasaptati cited in the Munimatālaṃkāra 115 Birgit KEllNER The concept of ākāra in early Sāṅkhya epistemology: An evaluation of fragments 127 Horst LASIC Dignāga and the Ṣaṣṭitantra: Philological observations on a text criticized in the Pramāṇasamuccaya 155 Zhen LIU The Dharmadhātustava found in TAR 173 Kazunobu MATSUDA A Sanskrit manuscript of Sthiramati’s commentary to the Abhidharmakośabhāṣya 223 Francesco SFERRA & Hong LUO Materials for the study of the Paramārthasevā by Puṇḍarīka 231 BSTS_2012_Proceedings.indb 5 2/28/2017 10:27:21 AM 6 Contents Shaoyong YE, Xuezhu LI & Kazuo KANO Further folios from the set of miscellaneous texts in Śāradā script on palm leaves from Zha lu Ri phug: A preliminary report based on photographs preserved in the CTRC, CEL and IsIAO 245 • Contributors 271 BSTS_2012_Proceedings.indb 6 2/28/2017 10:27:21 AM Preface The “Panel on Sanskrit Studies” took place from 3 to 4 August 2012 as part of the 2012 Beijing Seminar on Tibetan Studies It was initi- ated and organized by the late Dr Helmut Krasser, who conceived it as a continuation of the panel “Sanskrit Manuscripts in China: State and Prospects,” which was held at the 2008 Beijing Seminar on Tibetan Studies Almost all of the lectures delivered at the 2012 panel presented reports on and results of research based substantially on information derived from Sanskrit manuscripts preserved in the TAR, as do all of the articles published in this volume While none of these articles is specifically dedicated to the preservation and safekeeping of the Sanskrit manuscripts in China, to their cataloging, their digitaliza- tion or the controlled dissemination of these images, nonetheless each of them implicitly stresses the high importance of these tasks and the need for carefully concerted international cooperation They do this through their research results, which individually as well as together unmistakably testify to the exceptional significance and unique value of the Sanskrit manuscripts in China For various reasons, a number of noteworthy papers presented at the panel have not been published in this volume We will therefore record them here: Shoryu Katsura/Diwakar Acharya, Paramata sections of Jinendrabuddhi’s Pramāṇasamuccaya-Ṭīkā Chapter 3 Jowita Kramer, The Proofs of the “Store Mind” (ālayavijñāna, kun gzhi rnam par shes pa) in Sthiramati’s Pañca skandha ka­ vi bhāṣā1 1 Cf Jowita Kramer, “Some Remarks on the Proofs of the ‘Store Mind’ (Ālayavijñāna) and the Development of the Concept of Manas.” Forthcom- Horst Lasic, Xuezhu Li (eds ), Sanskrit manuscripts in China II. Proceedings of a panel at the 2012 Beijing Seminar on Tibetan Studies, August 1 to 5 Bei- jing 2016, pp 7–10 BSTS_2012_Proceedings.indb 7 2/28/2017 10:27:21 AM 8 Li Xuezhu, Study on The opening uddāna of the Abhidharma­ samuccaya Luo Hong, A Preliminary Report on Abhayākaragupta’s Madhyamakamañjarī Shinya Moriyama, Ratnākaraśānti’s critique against pseudo- Madhyamaka opponents2 Ulrike Roesler, As it is said in a Sutra: Freedom and Variation in Tibetan Quotations from the Buddhist Scriptures in Early Bka’ gdams pa Literature3 Shobha Rani Dash, Exploring Palm Leaf Manuscript Re- search: With a special reference to Odisha Ye Shaoyong, A folio of the Yuktiṣaṣṭikāvṛtti and Some Other Sanskrit Manuscripts Newly Found in Tibet: A Preliminary Report4 Helmut Krasser prepared the panel with great care and enthusiasm Even though he had been diagnosed with lung cancer and hospital- ized for several weeks, he was determined to travel from Vienna to Beijing to participate in the event himself But in the end, he had to give in to the advice of his doctors and so did not hear the presen- tations in person His terrible disease could however not diminish his dedication to his academic work and especially to the “Sanskrit manuscripts in China” project The editing and publication of this ing in Bart Dessein and Weijen Teng (eds ), Text, Philosophy, and History: Abhidharma Across Buddhist Scholastic Traditions (Proceedings of the Con­ ference “From Abhidhamma to Abhidharma”, Ghent 2013), Leiden: Brill 2 Cf Shinya Moriyama, “Ratnākaraśānti’s criticism of the Madhyamaka refutation of causality ” China Tibetology 20 (2013), pp 53-66 3 Cf Ulrike Roesler, “As it is said in a Sutra: Freedom and Variation in Tibetan Quotations from the Buddhist Scriptures in Early Bka’ gdams pa Literature ” Journal of Indian Philosophy 43/4 (2014), pp 493–510 4 Cf. Ye Shaoyong, “A Sanskrit folio of the Yuktiṣaṣṭikāvṛtti from Tibet.” Annual Report of the International Research Institute for Advanced Bud- dhology at Soka University 16 (2013), pp 233–240 BSTS_2012_Proceedings.indb 8 2/28/2017 10:27:21 AM 9 proceedings volume was of great importance to him After the panel, he felt that his health was not yet good enough for such critical work, and so he postponed it, waiting until his condition improved, keep- ing the articles close to his heart and locked in his desk Since he was aware that he might need considerable time to recover sufficiently, he agreed that short or preliminary versions of the contributions could be published in the journal China Tibetology, if the authors wish so. Helmut Krasser died March 30 2014. Xuezhu Li, Beijing Horst Lasic, Vienna BSTS_2012_Proceedings.indb 9 2/28/2017 10:27:21 AM BSTS_2012_Proceedings.indb 10 2/28/2017 10:27:21 AM 前言 “梵文研究小组”作为2012年8月3至4日在北京召开的国际藏学研 讨会的一部分,系由已故赫尔穆特•卡喇萨 (Helmut Krasser) 博士 发起和组织的,这也被认为是2008年北京国际藏学会“梵文写本 在中国研究的现状和前景”小组的延续。 从本次研讨会论文集所收录的文章可知,在梵文小组会上所 发表的论文几乎都是基于西藏自治区所保存的梵文写本的报告和 研究成果。虽然这些文章均未提及中国梵文写本的保护和保存、 写本的编目、数字化以及影像的可控传播,但是与会专家学者都 非常重视并强调写本保护任务的重要性以及国际合作研究的必要 性。通过他们所取得的那些单独以及共同完成的研究成果,完全 可以证明中国梵文写本的特殊意义和独特价值。 由于各种原因,有些在小组会上发表的文章未能收入本论集 中,但它们也应予关注,因此,我们有必要在这里作一记述: 桂绍隆 (Shoryu Katsura) 和迪瓦卡尔•阿恰里雅 (Diwakar Acharya):关于吉年陀罗菩提《集量论注释》第3章为他比 量部分的校勘问题 (Paramata sections of Jinendrabuddhi’s Pramāṇasamuccaya-Ṭīkā Chapter 3)。 尤维塔•克莱默 (Jowita Kramer):安慧《五蕴论广注》 关于阿赖耶识的论证 (The Proofs of the “Store Mind” (ālayavijñāna, kun gzhi rnam par shes pa) in Sthiramati’s Pañcaskandhakavibhāṣā1)。 李学竹:关于《阿毗达磨集论》摄颂的考察 (Study on The opening uddāna of the Abhidharmasamuccaya)。 1 参见 Jowita Kramer, “Some Remarks on the Proofs of the ‘Store Mind’ (Ālayavijñāna) and the Development of the Concept of Manas.” Forthcom- ing in Bart Dessein and Weijen Teng (eds ), Text, Philosophy, and History: Abhidharma Across Buddhist Scholastic Traditions (Proceedings of the Con­ ference “From Abhidhamma to Abhidharma”, Ghent 2013), Leiden: Brill Horst Lasic, Xuezhu Li (eds ), Sanskrit manuscripts in China II. Proceedings of a panel at the 2012 Beijing Seminar on Tibetan Studies, August 1 to 5 Bei- jing 2016, pp 11–14 BSTS_2012_Proceedings.indb 11 2/28/2017 10:27:21 AM 12 罗鸿:关于无畏藏护《中观花蕾》的初步报告 (A Prelimi- nary Report on Abhayākaragupta’s Madhyamakamañjarī)。 护山真也 (Shinya Moriyama):宝藏寂对伪中观论敌的批驳 (Ratnākaraśānti’s critique against pseudo-Madhyamaka oppo- nents2)。 乌利克•罗斯勒 (Ulrike Roesler):佛经如是说:早期噶当派 文献引用佛教手稿时的自由与变化 (As it is said in a Sutra: Freedom and Variation in Tibetan Quotations from the Bud- dhist Scriptures in Early Bka’ gdams pa Literature3)。 初马•拉尼达什 (Shobha Rani Dash):贝叶经研究的探索: 特别以印度奥里萨所保存的写本为例 (Exploring Palm Leaf Manuscript Research: With a special reference to Odisha)。 叶少勇:西藏新发现的《六十如理论》残片及其他一些梵 文写本的初步报告 (A folio of the Yuktiṣaṣṭikāvṛtti and Some Other Sanskrit Manuscripts Newly Found in Tibet: A Prelimi- nary Report4)。 赫尔穆特•卡喇萨博士为了这次梵文小组会倾注了极大的精力和 热情。尽管他被诊断患有肺癌需住院数周,但他还是决定从维也 纳前往北京参加会议。可是,最后在医生的强烈建议下,他不得 不放弃北京之行,所以没有听到大家的发言。然而,可怕的疾病 并没有减弱他对学术工作,特别是对“中国梵文”项目的奉献精 神。他非常重视和关心本论文集的编辑和出版。会议结束后,他 由于身体没有明显好转,无法胜任如此重要的工作,所以把这些 文章暂时锁在办公桌里,也铭记在心中,期待病情好转后再继续 2 参见 Shinya Moriyama, “Ratnākaraśānti’s criticism of the Madhyamaka refutation of causality ” China Tibetology 20 (2013), pp 53-66 3 参见 Ulrike Roesler, “As it is said in a Sutra: Freedom and Variation in Tibetan Quotations from the Buddhist Scriptures in Early Bka’ gdams pa Literature ” Journal of Indian Philosophy 43/4 (2014), pp 493–510 4 参见 Ye Shaoyong, “A Sanskrit folio of the Yuktiṣaṣṭikāvṛtti from Tibet ” Annual Report of the International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhol­ ogy at Soka University 16 (2013), pp 233–240 BSTS_2012_Proceedings.indb 12 2/28/2017 10:27:21 AM 13 完成。同时,他也意识到自己的健康可能需要相当长的一段时间 恢复,因此建议,如果作者愿意,可将各自的论文或其简本交 由《中国藏学》发表。尽管如此,赫尔穆特•卡喇萨博士还是于 2014年3月30日不幸逝世,我们深感悲痛和惋惜。在此我们深切 悼念和缅怀他对中国梵文写本研究事业所做出的贡献。 李学竹 北京 霍斯特∙拉斯科 维也纳 BSTS_2012_Proceedings.indb 13 2/28/2017 10:27:21 AM BSTS_2012_Proceedings.indb 14 2/28/2017 10:27:21 AM Rare manuscripts of works by Jitāri1 Junjie Chu, Leipzig Eli Franco, Leipzig Part One: Introduction An agreement between the China Tibetology Research Center, Bei- jing, and the Austrian Academy of Sciences gave Junjie Chu the op- portunity of staying for more than one month each year from 2009 at the Center, where he was able to study photocopies of two Sanskrit manuscripts of works by Jitāri (hereafter
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