4528 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE APRIL 15 EXECUTIVE MESSAGES REFERRED HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES LEAVE OF , ABSENCE As in executive session, Mr. SIMPSON of Pennsylvania. Mr. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. IVES TuESDAY, APRIL 15, 1948 Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that in the chair) laid before the Senate mes­ my colleague the gentleman from Illinois sages from the President of the United The House met at 12 o'clock noon. [Mr. TWYMAN] be granted leave of ab· States submitting sundry nominations, Rev. Russell W. Lambert, minister, sence indefinitely on account of impor­ which were referred to th~ appropriate First Methodist Qhurch, De Kalb, lll., tant business. committees. offered the following prayer: The SPEAKER. Is there ·objection to (For nominations this day received, see Mindful of the tasks before us and our the request of the gentleman from Penn­ the end of Senate proceedings.) dependence upon Thee for guidance and sylvania? There was no objection. EXECUTIVE REPORT~ OF A COMMITTEE discernment, we t&.ke this moment for EXTENSION OF REMARKS As in executive session, quiet communion with Thy spirit. · The foilowing . favorable reports of We are thankful for the wisdom we Mr. KEARNEY asked and was given possess; may we be constantly aware of permission to extend his remarks in the nominations were submitted: its source and humbly accept the respon­ By Mr. MILLIKIN, from the Committee on Appendix of the RECORD and include a, Finance: sibility it demands of us. We are grate­ resume of New York veteran laws. Nellie Tayloe Ross, of Wyoming, to be ful for the confidence others have placed Mr. SMITH of Wisconsin asked and Director of the Mint (reappointment); in us; may we benefit . them to the best was given permission to extend his re­ , Walter R. Sturr, of Florida, N. Y., to be of our talent and time by serving the marks in two places in the RECORD and collector of internal revenue for the four­ commonweal. We are mindful of the to include in each extraneous matter. · ,. teenth district of New York, in place of blessings of freedom; may it find con­ Mr. HOFFMAN asked and was given Harry M. Hickey, resigned; and stant and intense witness in us. permission to extend his own remarks in James M. Robertson, of Norfolk,~Va., to be In this day of tired liberty and frus­ th~ Appendix of the RECORD on two dif­ collector of customs for customs collection trated vision, let us become apostles of district No. 14, with headquarters at Norfolk, ferent subjects and include newspaper Va., in place of Alexander H. Bell, resigned. the dynamic heritage that is ours. Let articles. us not be limited to material expression Mr. ELLIS asked and was given per­ RECESS TO 11:30 A. M. MONDAY of that · which is best demonstrated in mission to extend his remarks in the· Mr. KNOWLAND. Under the order spiritual comP'.itment to eternal verities. Appendix of the RECORD and include a previously entered that· when a recess is Rekindle, 0 God, the flame of moral newspaper item. taken today it be as a mark of respect freedom: that the future will have light Mr. MURRAY of Wisconsin. Mr. to the memory of the late President Man­ to guide its venture of faith. From an Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to ex­ uel A. Ro~as of the Philippines, I now old world we step into. a new age; for it tend my remarks in the RECORD and in­ move that the Senate take a recess until we need all the vision Thou canst yield. clude a statement entitled ''Reducing 10 .Monday next at 11:30 o'clock a.m. The horizon's dawn of peace and fellow­ Pounds in 18 Days With Oleo in the The motion was unanimously agreed . ship is the prayer of millions of Thy chil­ Diet." to; and <at 5 o'clock and 10 minutes dren with whom we join in questing hope. I also ask unanimous consent to ex­ p. m.) the Senate took a recess, the recess Give us vision to see the glorious road tend my remarks in th~ RECORD and in­ being, under the order previously entered, ahead, and, when we see it, Lord help clude a statement entitled "Operation until Monday, April 19, 1948, at 11:30 us to have courage enough to walk on it, Oleo Versus Operation Alaska.'' I un­ o'clock a. m. even alone. Amen. derstand a lot of men are needed in The Journal of the proceedings of yes- · Alaska. I make the suggestion that one NOMINATIONS terday was read and approved. battalion go to Alaska and attend to that sitmi.tion and not fight the dairy farmers Executive nominations received by the MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE · and spend their time and effort trying Senate April15 (legislative day of March A message from the Senate, by Mr. to ruin the dairy business by serving 29). 1948: Carrell, one of its clerks, announced that oleo instead of butter in the Army. FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION the Senate had passed without amend­ '!'he SPEAKER. Is there objection to Harrington Wimberly, of Oklahoma, to be ment concurrent resolutions of the House the request of the gentleman from Wis­ a member of the Federal Power Commission of the following titles: consin? for the term expiring June 22, 1953. H. Con. Res. 154. Concurrent resolution au­ There was no objection. Thomas Chalmers Buchanan, of Pennsyl­ thorizing a reprint of the report on ~upple­ vania, to be a member of the Federal Power . Mr. HESS asked and was given per­ Commission for the remainder of the term ment;:; 1 and 2 of the Subcommittee on Na­ mission to extend his remarks in the expiring June 22, 1952. tional and International Movements of the RECORD in two instances and include Committee on Foreign Affairs, entitled "The copies of essays. THE TAX COURT OF THE UNITED STATES Strategy and Tactics of World Communism"; Mr. ANGELL asked and was given per­ The following-named persons to be judges and mission to extend his remarks in the of the Tax Court of the United States for H. Con. Res. 184. · Concurrent resolution terms of 12 years from June 2, 1948 (reap­ amending House Concurrent Resolution 139, RECORD and include an article from the pointments) : Eightieth Congress. Portland Oregonian entitled "First Water Richard L. Disney, of Oklahoma. for Big Basin." Byron B. Harlan, of Ohio. The message also announced that the Mr. CHURCH asked and was given per-· Miss Marion J. Harron, of California. Senate had passed a bill of the following mission to extend his remarks in the S~muel B. Hill, . of Washington. title, in which the concurrence of the RECORD and include an article appearing IN THE MARINE CORPS House is requested: in the Washington Times-Herald of to­ The below-named officer for appointment S. 2195. An act to amend and extend the day entitled "Taft-Hartley Surprises." to the temporary grade of brigadier general provisions of the District of Columbia Emer­ Mr. MEADE of Kentucky asked and in the Marine Corps: gency Rent Act, approved December 2, 1941, was given permission to extend his re­ Harry B. Liversedge as amended. marks in the Appendix of the RECORD and The following-named officer for appoint­ include extraneous matter. ment to the permanent grade of major gen­ The message also announced that the . eral in the Marine Corps: Senate agrees to the amendment of the Mr. HARLESS of Arizona (at the re­ Louis E. Woods House to a bill of the Senate of the fol­ quest of Mr. BECKWORTH) was given per­ The following-named officer for appoint­ lowing title: mission to extend his remarks in the ment to the. permanent grade of brigadier S. 2038. An act to enable the Secretary of RECORD and include a letter. general in the Marine Corps: Agriculture to conduct research on foot-and­ Mr. MANSFIELD (at the request of William L. McKittrick mouth disease and other diseases of animals Mr. JACKSON of Washington) was given The following-named officer to be a second and to' amend the ~ct of May 29, 1884 (23 permission to extend his remarks in the lieutenant in the Marine Corps: Stat. 31), as amended, by adding another RECORD in two instances and include news Manuel F. Castro section. items. 1948 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 4529 Mr. MORRIS asked and was given per­ of the present old-age assistance systems Mr. BREHM asked and was granted - mission to extend his remarks in the can be saved by the enactment of such a permission to extend his remarks in the Appendix of the RECORD and include a program as offered under the provisions Appendix of the RECORD. newspaper · article. of H. R. 16. PRIVILEGE OF THE HOUSE Mr. BARTLETT asked and was given The Townsend bill will save the dread­ ful cost of depression. Let us not forget Mr. EBERHARTER. Mr. Speaker, I permission to extend his remarks in the have been subpenaed to appear before RECORD and include an editorial from the that the unemployment during the last depression cost us, in income loss alone, the District Court of the United States St. Louis Post-Dispatch. for the District of Columbia to give tes­ Mr. KELLEY asked and was given per­ far more than the First World War. T-hat depression of the thirties cost at timony on Ap'ril 15, 1948, at 2 p. m., i.n mission to extend his remarks in the the case of the United States against RECORD · and include an address by Maj. least 70,000,000 man-days of produc­ tion-a loss to the Nation of $250,000,- John Howard Lawson, which i:;; a con­ Gen.
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