REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA June 9, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. Page 1. Call To Order 2. Emergency Evacuation Procedure 3. Open Microphone 4. Additional Agenda Items 5. Adoption of the Agenda 6. Adoption of Minutes 4-9 a) Regular Council Meeting, May 26 10 b) Committee of the Whole Meeting, May 21 7. BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES 8. PUBLIC HEARINGS & DELEGATIONS a) Public Hearing: Hampton Pointe, Bylaw 1640/2014; Amend Land Use Bylaw 1555/2010 b) Tagish Engineering, Infrastructure Study c) Mr. Richard Backs, Secondary Suites Approval 11-13 d) Jazz at the Lake, President Eric Allison, Request for fee waiver regarding ticket sales for 2014 9. PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT 14-33 a) Bylaw Number 1640/2014, to amend Land Use Bylaw Number 1555/2010-Second and Third Reading Page 1 of 187 Page 9. PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT 34-41 b) Bylaw Number 1645/2014 to amend Off-Site Levy Bylaw 1428/2007 10. COMMUNITY SERVICES 42-44 a) Centennial Celebrations Task Force 45-51 b) Tour of Alberta Request 52-54 c) Lease Hold Space-Multiplex 11. PUBLIC WORKS 55-56 a) Award Contract-Pavement Patching 57-101 b) Waste Bylaw, Number 1620/2013-Third Reading 102-103 c) Waste Receptacles (Carts) 104-127 d) Lakeshore Drive-Phase 5 128-142 e) Bylaw Number 1646/2014, Road Closure 48th Street 143-144 f) 35th Street Access 12. ADMINISTRATION a) Appointment of Alternate Councillor for Municipal Planning Committee 145 b) Temporary Foreign Workers Program 146-154 c) Public Interest Disclosure Act 13. FINANCE 14. Upcoming Meetings & Events a) Regular Meeting of Council, June 9 b) Staff Safety Day, Council serving BBQ lunch from 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., June 11 c) Operational Services Meeting, June 11 d) Red Deer Catholic School Board Meeting, June 12 e) CAEP Annual General Meeting, June 13 f) 1913 Days, June 14 g) Municipal Planning Commission Meeting, June 16 h) Municipal Development Plan Review Meeting, June 16 i) Library Board Meeting, June 17 j) Council Public Engagement, June 18 k) Community Services Meeting, June 18 Page 2 of 187 Page 14. Upcoming Meetings & Events l) AUMA President's Summit, June 18 and 19 m) Community Futures, June 19 n) Firehall Task Force Meeting, June 19 o) Community Complex Building Task Force, June 19 15. Correspondence & Information Items 155-160 a) Municipal Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, May 21 161-163 b) Cheque Distribution List 164-165 c) Primary Care Connection Newsletter 166-167 d) Parkland Regional Library Board Meeting, May 15 168-173 e) Insight Newsletter, May 16 174-183 f) Recreation Volunteer Recognition Awards, Alberta Tourism Parks and Recreation, May 7 16. CAO Report 184-187 a) 17. Council Request for Information/Updates 18. Recess 19. IN CAMERA a) Land-Update b) Human Resources Policy c) Legal 20. Adjourn Page 3 of 187 TOWN OF SYLVAN LAKE Monday, May 26,2014 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING 6:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Page 1 of6 Present: Mayor S. Mclntyre; Clr. M. Chernoff; Clr. C. Lus! Clr. G. Parsons; Clr. J. Payne; Clr. M. Prete; Clr. D. Plante Absent: Also Present: Chief Administrative Officer, B. Osmond; Director of Public Works, D. Brand; Director of Planning & Development, K. Kalirai; Director of Community Services, Ron Lebsack; Economic Development Officer, V. Kurz; Development Ofïicer, Patty Urban; Development Offrcer, Kim Devlin; Development Ofïicer, Jolene Tejkl; Recording Secretary, V. Wiseman Call to Order Mayor S. MclnÐre called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m. Emergency Mayor S. Mc[nt1te identified the available emergency exits and procedure to exit the Evacuation building. Procedu¡e Open Mike No Speakers. Adoption ofthe MOVED by Clr. Payne Agenda 230.05.26 THAT the Agenda of the Regular Meeting of Council for May 26,2014 be adopted as amended. Amendments: Additions: Public Hearings & Delegations: Summer X Beach Music Festival Public Hearings & Delegations: 35ù Street Access Planning & Development: Preservation ofmature tree stands In Camera: Land ltem CARRIED Minutes: Regular MOVED by Clr. Lust Meeting of Council May 12, WHEREAS the minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 12, 2014 have been circulated 2014 to all members of Council; 231.05.26 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Regular Council Meeting minutes ofMay 12,2014 be adopted as presented. CARRIED Business Arising No Business. from Previous Minutes Group Two Darlene Cadman and Julian Fogarty presented an overyiew ofthe work to date on the Architectural Firm Façade Improvement Program and Streetscapes. Tour of Alberta George Berry presented information to CounciI on the 2014 Tour ofAlberta cycling race. Council directed Administration to prepare a report on the Tour ofAlberta cycling race and present it to Council. Summer X Beach No Delegation present. Music Festival 35ú Street John Law presented Council with information regarding a request that access be Access/Stairs reinstated at 35th Street to the Lake. Page 4 of 187 lnitials TOWN OF SYLVAN LAKE Monday, May26,2014 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING 6:00 P.M- COUNCIL CHAMBERS Paee2 of 6 232.05.26 MOVED by Clr. Lust THAT Cou¡cil approves the addition ofaccess stairs to the Lakeshore at the viewpoint west of 35th Street. CARzuED 233.0s.26 MOVED by Clr. Chemoff THAT Council defers the approval ofthe stairs and that this item comes up for discussion at the budget planning stage for the 2015 budget. DEFEATED 234.0s.26 MOVED by Clr. Payne THAT Council approves a budget which is not to exceed $20,000 for constructing access stairs from 35th Street to the Lakeshore. CARRIED Recess Council recessed at 7:50 p.m. Council reconvened at 8:00 p.m. Annexation- MOVED by Clr. Prete Updates 235.05.26 THAT Council authorizes staff to formally notif Red Deer County the Town of Sylvan Lake will be proceeding with the Annexation process. CARRIED First Reading Land MOVED by Clr. Plante Use Bylaw r64412014 THAT Council grants First Reading ofBylaw 764412014 being a bylaw to amend 236.05.26 Bylaw 1555/2010, the Land Use Bylaw, and sets a Public Hearing date ofJune 23, 2014' .ARRIED Sylvan Bay Resort, MOVED by Clr. Prete Development Permit Number THAT Council approves Development Permit Number 066-2014 for an accessory 066-2014,5104 'use (second storey open-air sundeck) and an accessory building (replacement Lakeshore Drive watercraft rental building) located at 5104 Lakeshore Drive subject to the following 217.05.26 terms and conditions: The applicant shall ensure the second storey open-air sundeck addition fencing be constructed as follows and in place prior to occupancy ofthe sundeck: a) be permanent/immoveable; b) a minimum of 1.8 meters (6 feet) in height; c) made of material, such as tempered glass, that allows for two way visual surveillance and limits or prevents physical interaction between patrons and the public; and d) access to the patio be restricted to and only accessible via the indoor portion of the building. No openings, such as public entrance door or gate shall be located on a side or front ofthe outdoor patio with the exception of access for emergency pwposes as required by the Safety Codes Counci'l of Albena. The accessory building (watercraft rental building) to be located on the property in accordance with the Composite Floor Layout dated May 24, 20 14 (Attachment A). Page 5 of 187 tnitials TOWN OF SYLVAN LAKE Monday, May26,2014 RECULAR COTJNCIL MEETING 6:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Page 3 of 6 J. The material finish and appearance ofthe accessory building (watercraft rental building) to complement the existing buildings on the prope4y. 4 Hours ofoperation for the accessory use (second storey open-air sundeck addition) shatl be limited to that of the Wild Rapids Waterslide facility (12:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. daily, weather permitting). CARRIED Development MOVED by Clr. Parsons Permit Number 068-2014,4904 THAT Council approves Development Permit Application No. 068-2014, issued Sylvan Street for the deve'lopment of a garage suite, subject to the following terms and 238.05.26 conditions: That applicant shall provide prior to final approval and issuance ofthe Development permit: a) Revised drawings ofthe proposed building that satisfies ParT7.19 ofthe Land Use Bylaw and that the garage suite size not exceed i) 60 meters squared (645-6 feet squared) in overall size, and; ii) 7.5 meters (24.6 feet) in overall height (grade to peak) b) The required engineered drawings, which may include, but not be limited to a grading plan, building grade plan, overall utilities or servicing plans and any other site drawings for new and/or altered accesses to the satisfaction ofthe Town's Operation Department, prior to commencement of any site work. 2. The applicant shall ensure: a) The exterior finish ofthe building is the same as or consistent \ryith tlre exterior fìnish ofthe existing dwelling unit. b) compliance with all Federal, Provincial and Municipal statues, Regulations and Codes; c) compliance with the Town's Land Use Bylaw Number 1555/2O10; d) Any additional or change in use or intensification ofthe property shall require a separate permit application. CARRIED Demolition Permit MOVED by CIr. Lust Number l0l-2014, 4414 50 A Avenue THAT Council approves Development Permit Application Number 101-2014, 239.05.26 issued for the development, as submitted and presented, for the demolition ofa single detached dwelling, subject to the following terms and conditions: 1- The applicant ensuring: a) compliance with all Federal, Provincial and Municipal Statutes, Regulations and Codes; b) the property is maintained to the satisfaction ofthe Development Authority. CARRIED Preservation of MOVED by Clr. Prete mature tree stands 240.05.26 THAT Council directs Administration to research other municipalities that are currently using a system ofprotection ofmature trees, during development, and presents Council with a plan to be included in our Municipal Development Plan.
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