Richard Nixon Presidential Library Contested Materials Collection Folder List Box Number Folder Number Document Date No Date Subject Document Type Document Description 44 9 12/20/1971Campaign Memo To: H.R. Haldeman From: Harry Dent RE: For Your Information RE: "Listening Post" Preliminary Survey Results, 12 December 1971. 2pgs 44 9 Campaign Memo To: Mort Allin From: Gordon Strachan RE: For Your Information RE: Los Angeles Times article from Dec 3, 1971, titled "Poll Finds Reversal: Shift Against Nixon's Vietnam Policy Seen." Article attached. 2pgs 44 9 12/6/1971Campaign Memo To: Charles W. Colson From: Jon M. Huntsman RE: California Poll. 1pg 44 9 11/30/1971Campaign Memo To: Jon Huntsman From: Bruce Kehrli RE: Comment on Polls showing trial heat results in the future. California political brief from November 24, 1971, attached. 2pgs 44 9 11/12/1971Campaign Memo To: Gordon Strachan From: Jeb Magruder RE: For Your Information RE: Summary of October "Listening Post" information for California from Thomas Reed. Survey Results and Issue Clusters Over Time: "Most Important State Problem" attached. 5pgs 44 9 11/10/1971Campaign Letter To: H.R. Haldeman From: Thomas C. Reed RE: Summary of October "Listening Post" for California. Survey results and Issue Clusters Over Time: "Most Important State Problem" and "Most Important National Problem" attached. 4pgs Thursday, February 09, 2012 Page 1 of 2 Box Number Folder Number Document Date No Date Subject Document Type Document Description 44 9 10/12/1971Campaign Memo To: H.R. Haldeman From: Gordon Strachan RE: L.A. and Orange County phone study that states Kennedy but not Muskie would win CA in a three way race. "Listening Post" data and Issue Clusters Over Time data attached. 7pgs 44 9 10/13/1971Campaign Memo To: Bob Haldeman From: Harry Dent RE: For Your Information RE: September "Listening Post" survey results from Thomas C. Reed. Results and Issue Clusters attached. 5pgs Thursday, February 09, 2012 Page 2 of 2 J)ate; H. R. HALDEMAN O~~ FROM I ~RRY DENT~~ please handle_______ For your info'mation, .; L i"s TEN I N GPOST' . ". ~rel1minary Survey Res\llts I 12 December 1971 1013 Telephone Interviews in Los Angeles and Orange Counties I November 1971 '''. 1. DEMOCRAT PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARY (Democrats only) This Survey November October September August I E. Muskie 31% 30% 34% 18% E. Kennedy 27% 26% 29% 32% H. Humphrey 15% 13% 8% 13% G. McGovern 7% 10% 10% 8% H. Jackson 6% 2% 2% 4% J. Lindsay 2% 5% 5% 8% All others 13% 12% 12% 19% f • 2. GENERAL ELECTION To measure a base level of support: II Now , if the election for President were held today and Richard Nixon were running for re-election would you vote for . l him? " No Yes No Depends Answer This survey I November 27.3% 43.8% 26.4% 2.6% October 28.6% 42.6% 25.5% 3.3% September 28.9% 40.5% 22.9% 7.7% August 30.4% 43.5% 17.6% 8.5% Head to Head: No R.Nixon E. Kennedy G. WaB:r.:e Answer Total, L.A. & Orange Co. 41.7% 39.4% 7.3% 11.6% Republicans 84.0% 7.7% 3.7% 4.7% Democrats 20.3% "60.4% 7 .8% 11.5% Independents 36.2% 31.0% 13.2% 19.5% L. A. County only* 39.0% 42.5% 7 .4% 11.1% Orange County only 58.5% 20.5% 7 .0% 14.0% Total, L. A. &: Orange Co. I August survey 39.4% 44.0% 8.5% 8.0% *Los Angeles County is reasonably representative of California as a whole. THE WHITE HOUSE IJ -(l WASHINGTON t.P:­ FROM: MORT ALLIN ~~~ TO: 0Qfdon'St-rCt..cha..,.. FYI I , _·"AIY/~·L.\.. I II h(~-A- x.rr:' . r1~~~--.d 4:, Iltor~ 1L> (0 If, . r:J.. xVV'1' ~ ~I,/VJI 'r'- ~ o~tr -t d 20 Pa;tf-Fri.,Dec,3, 1971 J!.ou5lnGrlt~t:imr;l Judge Files I :p,!, PRICES EFFECTIVE POLL FINDS REVERSAL Suit to Test I ~~ ,"Tf,~,~~~·DEC.5 f I Shift Agains~ Nixon's E~:::~?,,~,,~~:~ I t>,' I . / P""'"T!: r=I.-' I f VI"etnan1 Policy Soen v;<!ons recuiring ju'l~es to I \ '" / /, ! ~r: \ ! ~ ,i .... t;ke a leave of ab<ence or I .-4~;:).:, \..,...... r"'r SA;'; FRANCISCO IA'I­ than Nix 0 n' s timetable leslgn upon LeCOlTIlllg can· I ~~'7 'f y.-.r: I '~\r r~ f 'i For the first time public calls for, Field said. dldates for oiher publIc of· \:" , I· tti~ I l.:i l opinion in Califor:1ia has Among Democrats, 59 ". fie e s we r e challenged .."''' / l \1 : C~ turned against P:esident want a speedier withdraw· Thursday in ~ :uit flIed by ~. ~ ~~ Nixon's handling of the tr".//" .. "-_..,;:::, a1. and 22% support the Citrus ~run.lclpal Judge )~.;:;: :r'~~'. ~'"' "­ Yietnam war, the Califor, present pace, he said, JohnM,Alex. L . ii" '7 .... .,. nia Poll said Thursday, C" i "'" "..., \I'hile among Republicans. His Superior Court com· ," .._.,,'-;;;; '. (, A sur:ey completed last 43'0 want a quicker reo ljlaint was brought against '-:: j;':~--=~ l:_\ • ,.• " _ iii,,' ~ , month also shows that a turn and 4-1% agree with the count': and the Board " m a j 0 r i t Y favo!'s faster Nixon's plans. or. S upernsors," H e as k''eu . ,.) . '-- , _ t roo p withdra\\ 31, and Field said that 69% of that he be paid S6,012,38 that more than ["'0 out of three California::s think l'r, the war will be til major ~g~S!arq~~~~ii~~~dke~ei!~~: ~~~rc~h~o rl~~i~~neb~~~;~~ Q"i!~l;:;~~l~.. ~ ~'~~. f' r T­ in next ycar's Presidential when he took a Jea\'e of ,~,. '. 1,.' I. i,. !'_" ';'11 U L; ,I' issue in the 1972 oresiden· race; 74%. of the Demo­ absencE' for an unsucce~s- ......-.:._._';,:;'..;:......;I' ..-._"";,:; ...;••_"'..:.,,_________id",~ ,,: '•• _'_-_'.. i.., __, _ tial campaign. F,jll direc­ crats and 620;:' of the Re- ful try for election as a Re­ tor :\Iervin D, Field re­ publicans see it as a major publican from the 24th ,. 'r , .,. ported, factor. he said, Congre,sional District, .•,.I-...:.,-----,~-..-,;.;...---, Interviews with a cross­ section of 1,Oll7 Californi· ans oyer the age of 18 rt'­ vealed that .j6~o disap­ I· FRO'·l WAR prc>"ed of ~lr. !'\lxon's polio cili;$, 43% app:oved and i I • The Off:-';I "~Sf 11,% had no opLlion, Field If. ~~ i Ai;um '0i 1971 said. ; -f • n.e Or:~i'a! 1'; In May, 1971, he said, ,tj S'n£'"~'17 S~' those approYin; prevailed It • Ic2 _~2S LP R; oyer opponents 45<:;' to ," Picture cook 1 4Y~. while in June, 1970, i :l' supporters prevailed 46'0 I "~ COMP~ SABBATH SERVICES-ALL ARE WELCOME '. '1 to 40~c, I le '~_ A total of ;j{'c of Cali­ ; (ven;ng Strvitt-fr'doy, De(. 3, 01 8:15 P.M. fornians, inclt:1ing a ma· t, BISHOP GERALD KENNEDY joritv of DelTIc<:ral~ and a .• Bishop of the United Methodist Church iarge minority of Repuh!i· can$ want U,S, troops to come home at a faster rate Morning Service-Saturday, Dec. 4, 10:30 A.M. '----I .. RAB81GOLOMARK /_.~' WILL. SPEAK Parlier Mayor "d.rmfltioft "egar~in, t'.,ittrotioft fof' the IdgQr f. Mognin reHg!ou$ 5l:hool, member• • hip ancl bus lervic'll mQY "'e ebtoine. Ity tallill, the Tempte Offic ... fa Face Trial 388·2401 1ne O:'~'·.21 r lrc~ lJ- ~:j --.,,, I)eit:x~ ZLP s IIII:-~<",~~ """"'-."'" COMI H«~ r ( 8TRACKT COM.PARI MEMORANDUM THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON December 6, 1971 DETERMINED TO BE Aft ADMINIS .. !;;' ~ 'h ,.lARKING E.O. )20~~. ~~~i:on 6-102 By_W-IJM.L_.hA.L: • .v<.d.. e_5.::J3~.::~_ G Q~.FID:E HTIi\L MEMORANDUM FOR: GHARLES·W. GOLSON. r FROM:" JON M. HUNTSMA~ SUBJECT: California Poll It was reported in the December 3, 1971 News Summary that a California poll reported that a majority of people feel the President is not pulling U. S. troops out of Southeast Asia fast enough and that the majority feel the war V;;ill be a key is sue in the 1972 campaign. It was requested that you advise the President which poll this is? Please submit your report to the Office of the Staff Secretary. Thank you. cc: L. Haldeman Alexander P. Butterfield 6 O~l FInEP'lTIAb­ ~ :--,' ..;;:J_\•.,,_~ '_"-'--I _\....... ...:..1-_'-........... * so r2S'l4.:"~C;...;. 1 iG. the doubtL.:;.l colurn:J.. Acco:aiingco p()~l;:; co~-;.e cy wi~)es out McCloskey with 78. 3t:..t in the ge~1.e~al clect::'o ..1. vo'te for the Preside:J.t, c.own :;:1'0:-':1 C ongr e s sional: Caliiol-::lia will gain five new seats. :Lt is ~.;hought at least three 0::' ehe sea;:s will go to Southern California. A September poa has Ca:ifornians I' Cranston and Tunney as doing a Ilfair to good job. II /;1 Y ,</ -j­ ___---________-- 1"- - 4--.-;..-,-",-"" <,(vI ~t., ,--,y~ t:.-,~ Party: /",.,'.: ?- ~,.r'-, , ' ..-rI .r'i(/-, - __4- y­ '_ '5 "I/. , /'__~~... Q '..... --v',/ RN loyalists are woncmg hard to keep the various volunteer GOP ou:ps ~~l line. Rightists are calling for opposit::'on to tr-Le President, but the Reaga.1. support muffles this somewhat. Chairman - Putn.am Li vern'~ore -- 41514:2:1. -3430 Natll. COYrlL'nitteem:::cn - Thor:nas C. Reed 41.5/.;,56-73:0 Nat'l.
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