BANCROFT LIBRARY z Jbrarjj IGOI HISPANIC AMERICAN BIBLIOGRAPHIES INCLUDING COLLECTIVE BIOGRAPHIES, HISTORIES OF LITERATURE AND SELECTED GENERAL WORKS COMPILED BY CECIL K. JONES Assistant Professor of Spanish, George Washington University WITH CRITICAL NOTES ON SOURCES BY JOSE TORIBIO MEDINA (Translated by the compiler) BALTIMORE THE HISPANIC AMERICAN HISTORICAL REVIEW 1922 HISPANIC AMERICAN BIBLIOGRAPHIES *r. r HISPANIC AMERICAN BIBLIOGRAPHIES INCLUDING COLLECTIVE BIOGRAPHIES, HISTORIES OF LITERATURE AND SELECTED GENERAL WORKS COMPILED BY. CECIL K. f JQNES Assistant Professor of Spanish, George Washington University WITH CRITICAL NOTES ON SOURCES BY JOSE TORIBIO MEDINA (Translated by the compiler} BALTIMORE THE HISPANIC AMERICAN HISTORICAL REVIEW 1922 COPYRIGHT, 1922 BOARD OP EDITORS OF THE HISPANIC AMERICAN HISTORICAL REVIEW COMPOSED AND PRINTED AT THE WAVERLY PRESS BY THE WILLIAMS & WILKINS COMPANY BALTIMORE, MD., U. S. A. To JOSE TORIBIO MEDINA HISTORIAN AND BIBLIOGRAPHER A TRIBUTE OF APPRECIATION AND RESPECT CONTENTS PAGE PREFACE , 9 INTRODUCTORY NOTE 13 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL LISTS I. GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS LIST 19 II. LISTS BY COUNTRIES ARGENTINE REPUBLIC 43 BOLIVIA 58 BRAZIL 62 CENTRAL AMERICA 75 CHILE 77 COLOMBIA 91 COSTA RICA 96 . CUBA 97 ECUADOR 104 GUATEMALA 107 HONDURAS 108 MEXICO. NUEVA ESPANA 109 NICARAGUA 135 PANAMA 136 PARAGUAY 138 PERU 140 PORTO Rico 147 SALVADOR 149 URUGUAY 150 VENEZUELA 154 WEST INDIES 157 III. ADDITIONS 160 CRITICAL NOTES ON SOURCES, TRANSLATED FROM JOSE TORIBIO MEDINA, BY C. K. JONES 169 INDEX. , 187 PREFACE In answer to various requests and inquiries, it has been decided to publish in book form the continued series of contributions relating to Hispanic American Bibliographies which appeared in THE HISPANIC AMERICAN HISTORICAL REVIEW (see the issues for August and Novem- ber, 1920, and all four issues of 1921, namely, nos. 3 and 4 of vol. III., and all of vol. IV.). In preparing the material for its present book form, some few minor corrections and revisions have been necessary, but the list is practically as published in the abovenamed REVIEW. It is the compiler's intention to publish from time to time in the HISPANIC AMERICAN HISTORICAL REVIEW supplementary lists of bio- bibliographical contributions to include current publications and also those that may not have been recorded in the present list. However, in this note to the special reprint edition it seems desirable to note the more important titles that have accumulated since the last part of the list was sent to the printer. By a regrettable oversight, Dr. Charles Carroll Marden's Notes for a bibliography of American Spanish (Studies in honor of A. Marshall Elliott, Baltimore, Johns Hopkins press, 1911, p. 267-292) was omitted. " This work, while modestly denominated Notes" by the scholarly author, is in reality a comprehensive repertory of the literature of the subject prepared by one who is himself a specialist in the field. Dr. Harden is preparing a second edition in which he will incorporate the numerous contributions to the literature of the subject which have appeared since 1911. Of the series of Hispanic American biographical repertories prepared by William Belmont Parker under the auspices of the Hispanic Society of America, the following are to be noted in addition to the two included in the list: Bolivians of to-day, New York, 1920 (xiv, 319 p.); Chileans of to-day, New York, 1920 (xix, 633 p.); Paraguayans of to-day, New York, 1920 (xv, 315 p.); Peruvians of to-day, Lima, 1919 (xix, 616 p.). This series of works forms a rather comprehensive and exceedingly valuable Who's Who of Hispanic America. The following may also be noted: 10 PREFACE Aguayo, Alfredo M. La Universidad y sus problemas; discurso inaugural del curso academico del 1921 a 1922. Habana, Impr. "El Siglo XX," 1921. 110 p. Contains Bibliograf fa cubana y extranjera de ensenanza superior (273 titles) : p. 87-110. Anselmo, Antonio. A bibliografia portuguesa. (In Anais das bibliotecas e arquivos, Lisboa, 1921-, v. 2-.) A valuable classified list of bibliographies, many of which are important for their relation to Brazilian bibliography. Aughinbaugh, William Edmund. Advertising for trade in Latin-America. New York, The Century Co., 1922. xii, 282 p. Latin-American publications : p . 22 1-282. Caillava, Domingo A. La literatura gauchesca en el Uruguay. Monte- video, C. Garcid, 1921. vii, 71 p., 2 1. A bibliographical review of works published in Montevideo. Carvalho, Ronald de. Pequena historia da literatura brasileira. 2. ed. rev. e augm. Rio de Janeiro, F. Briguiet & Comp., 1922. 401 p. Cejador y Frauca, Julio. Bibliografia sobre el castellano en America. (In Espana moderna, Madrid, 1907, no. 224, p. 1-26). Dollero, Adolfo. Cultura cubana (la provincia de Pinar del Rio y su evolu- ci6n). Habana, Impr. Seoane y Ferndndez, 1921. 436 p. Full biographical and bibliographical information. Garcia, Rodolpho. Bibliographia geographica brasileira. (InRevistado Institute historico e geographico brasileiro. Rio de Janeiro, 1921, t. 85 -v. 139 (1919), p. 5-105). Gonzalez, Luis Felipe. Historia de la influencia extranjera en el desen- volvimiento educacional y cientifico de Costa Rica. San Jose", Imprenta nacional, 1921. 3 p. 1., xi, 7-317, 2 p. Valuable for historical and bio-bibliographical data. ^ Hoskins, Halford Lancaster. Guide to Latin-American history. Boston. New York [etc.], D. C. Heath & Co. [1922], x, 121 p. A well prepared guide, with references to the material in English. Montt, Luis. Bibliografid, Chilena; precedida de un bosquejo hist6rico sobre los primeros anos de la prensa en el pais, tomo 1, 178O-1811. San- tiago de Chile, Impr. Universitaria, 1920, 272 p. Vol. 2 (1812-1817) was published in 1904, cf . list no. 557. Santos, Jos4 dos. Bibliographia da litteratura classica luso-brasilica. Elementos subsidiaries para a bibliographia portuguesa. Lisboa, 1916. " 8 fac-simile Estao publicadas cadernetas com 256 p. , adornadas, com reproduces de portadas ornamentals e gravuras." -Anselmo, A., A bibliografia portuguesa, no. 574. PREFACE 11 Saville, Marshall Howard. Bibliographic notes on Quiriga, Guatemala. New York, The Museum of the American Indian, 1919, 22 p. Toledo, Antonio B. La prensa argentina durante la tirania (1828-1852). (In Juegos flo rales. Tucuman, 1916, p. 107-227.) Tozzer, Alfred Marston. A Maya grammar, with bibliography and ap- praisement of the works noted. Cambridge, Mass., 1921, xvi, 301 p. The compiler wishes to avail himself of this opportunity to express his obligation and gratitude to those who have by information, advice, and appreciation assisted in the preparation of the list. He is especially indebted to Sefior Jose Toribio Medina of Santiago, for permission to reproduce in translation his critical notes on sources; to Dr. Manoel de Oliveira Lima, now of Washington, for valuable advice and informa- tion; to Dr. Estanislao S. Zeballos of Buenos Aires, for a set of his Bulletin argentin de droit international prive, containing the fine bibli- ographies as noted in no. 1281 in the list, as well as for titles of recent bibliographical publications which have been incorporated in the " Additions"; to Mrs. E. Figarola-Caneda of Havana for permission to use her manuscript list of Cuban bibliographies; to Dr. Sturgis E. Leavitt, of the University of North Carolina, and Dr. Herbert E. Bolton, of the University of California, for valuable information. It is not necessary to say that the interest of scholars of such dis- tinction and accomplishment in this modest contribution is most gratifying and encouraging to the compiler. Upon the expert advice and generous assistance of Dr. James A. Robertson, the compiler has constantly relied in the course of publica- tion of this list. C. K. JONES Library of Congress Washington, D. C. May 1, 1922 INTRODUCTORY NOTE In the present tentative list are included (1) bibliographies, (2) col- lective biographies, (3) histories of literature, and (4) some general and miscellaneous works found of frequent use for reference purposes, encyclopedias, anuarios, almanaques, and others of similar character. They are, in large part, works which the compiler has found of use in bibliographical and historical research relating to Hispanic America. Some titles are included, however, of works he has not been able to see, and a few are cited because of their rarity or historical interest. It is the compiler's intention to publish as a second part a more comprehensive and intensive discussion of the material listed and to attempt to express therein a critical evaluation of the most important titles. The problem of what to exclude has been a perplexing one. In fact, the compiler must deprecate any assumption that he has con- sistently followed any logical principle. This list has been developed from titles noted for his own use and thus it is practical in character. It is almost inevitable in such a compilation that some titles have been omitted through oversight or ignorance. This may be true of works of formal bibliographical or biographical character. Others may have been omitted by design, especially those of general character, the exclusion or inclusion of which could only be determined by individual experience and judgment. It has been the compiler's intention to include of these general works only those that relate more specifically to Hispanic-America and are most important to the bibliographer. In accord with this principle, general bibliographies such as Brunet's Manuel du Libraire, and cata- logues of comprehensive
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