Crusader Art in the Holy Land From the Third Crusade to the Fall of Acre, 1187-1291 Index of Personal Proper Names Note: A manuscript index arranged by repository name is to be found at the end of the printed work Abaga Il-Khan (son of Hulagu), 264, 265 alliance against Kalavun, 379, 380 death of, 380 delegation to Gregory X, 375 Edward’s embassy to, 374 embassy to Crusaders, 380 and Hospitallers, 379 Abel, F.-M., 7, 515, 678n5 Abraham hospitality of, 420, 422, fig. 248 Abu al-Faraj al-Isfahani, 663n456 Abu al Khayr, 52 Abu‘l-Fadl, 478–79, 672n684 Abu‘l-Fida, 385, 386, 484, 488, 646n10 Abu‘l-Mahasin, 488, 646n10 Abulafia, David, 597n64 Abu Mansour, 6 Abu Sal’us, 489 Abu Shama, 113, 586n67 Adam of Caffran, 488 al-Adil I, Saif ad-Din, sultan (1200-1218) conflict with Bohemond IV, 108 death of, 112 deposition of, 165 diplomacy of, 51 in Fifth Crusade, 110 at Jaffa, 63 negotiations with Richard treaties, 110, 584n9 with Aimery II, 51, 59, 67–68, 74, 102, 574n37(Baltimore, Walters Art Museum, MS 539 July 11, 2006 2 with John of Brienne, 105 al-Adil II, Saif ad-Din, sultan (1238-1240), 163 al-Afdal, Nur ad-Din, son of Saladin loyalty oaths to, 57, 573n11 Mosque of, 566n37 Aimery I, king of Cyprus See Aimery II, king of Latin Jerusalem Aimery II, king of Latin Jerusalem (1197-1205), 57, 575n71 attack on Egypt, 67 coinage of, 30, 46, 83, 104, fig. 10 coronation of, 60, 574nn32,36 death of, 68, 74 and earthquake of 1202, 62–63 and Fourth Crusade, 67, 74 leadership ability of, 59 marriage to Isabel, 59, 574nn27–28,32 military activities of, 63 raid on Egypt, 576n90 reign over Cyprus, 58 treaty with al-Adil, 59, 67–68, 74, 103, 574n37 Aimery, patriarch of Antioch, 35 Raynauld’s abuse of, 346, 348, 496 Aimery of Caesarea, patriarch of Jerusalem, 29, 572n292 death of, 73 Aimery de Lusignan See Aimery II, king of Latin Jerusalem ‘Alam al-Din Sanjar al-Sawabi, emir, 673n63 Albert III of Hapsburg, 578n222 Albert of Rizzato, patriarch of Antioch, 173 Albert of Vercelli, patriarch of Jerusalem, 73, 75 and Antiochene succession, 108 Augustinian training of, 101 and Carmelites, 199, 200 death of, 108 Alberto Sotio painted cross of, 491, 674n102 Alenard of Senaingan, 617n181 Alexander IV, pope (1254-1261), 304, 619n247 Alexander the Great, 401, 411 Alexius III Angelus, emperor of Constantinople (1195-1203), 64 flight of, 68 and Innocent III, 576n97 Alexius IV Angelus, co-emperor of Constantinople (1203-1204), 59 coronation of, 68 in Fourth Crusade, 64, 65–67 Saladin’s release of, 36 Alexius V Mourtzouphlus, emperor of Constantinople (1204), 72 coronation of, 68, 69 3 Alfonso X el Sabio, king of Castile (1252-1284), 407 ‘Ali al’Majnun, Sheikh, 648n87 Alice (daughter of Sibylla) death of, 37 Alice, countess of Blois, 650n157 Alice of Armenia, 108 Alice of Brittany, 652n273 Crusader vow of, 396 Alice of Champagne (daughter of Isabel of Jerusalem) marriage to Hugh of Cyprus, 58, 579n270 regency of, 152, 168–69, 595n157, 601n234 Alice of Montferrat death of, 160 marriage to Henry I, 156, 160 Alphonse of Poitiers, 239, 244, 245 Amalric I, king of Latin Jerusalem (1163-1174), 60, 62, 74 coinage of 47, 514 Amaury, king of Latin Jerusalem, see Amalric I, king of Latin Jerusalem Amaury Barlais, 160 baillage of, 155 Amaury of Bethsan, 155 Amaury of Lusignan, 385 Amaury of Montfort, 601n211 imprisonment of, 166 in Thibaut’s Crusade, 164 Ambrosius, bishop of Milan, 582n363 Andrea, Alfred J., 579n247 Andrew II, king of Hungary (1205-1235) in Fifth Crusade, 110, 111, 586n71 relics obtained by, 111, 141 Andrew III, king of Hungary (1290-1301) diptych of, 344, 441, 443 Andrew de Chavigny, 42 Andrew of Longjumeau, 237, 251, 613n56, 618n198 Andronicus, emperor of Constantinople, 36 Antiochus VII, 415 Antipas, Saint icons of, 442, 445, 458, fig. 268 Arghun Il-Khan, 380 embassy to West, 384–85, 650n159 Armand de Périgord, 170 at La Forbie, 171–72 al-Ashraf Musa, 151, 162 death of, 599n145 al-Ashraf Khalil, sultan (1290-1293), 672n13 assassination of, 507 attack on Tyre, 488 jailing of Crusaders, 484, 672n13 4 renovations of, 489 siege machines of, 484 siege of Acre, 484–89 Aspra-Vardavakis, Mary, 447 on St. Procopios/Virgin Kykkotissa diptych, 449, 450, 452, 668n563, 669n576 Assaut, Master, 8 Augustine, Saint, 613n15 Ayalon, David, 649n121 Aybeg (Mamluk co-sultan, 1250-1252), 244 death of, 256 truce with Louis IX, 247, 248, 249, 254 Ayyub, sultan See al-Salih Ayyub (sultan) Bagatti, Bellarmino, 563n144 Baha ad-Din, 39, 50–51 Baldwin, archbishop of Canterbury, 37 Baldwin I, emperor of Latin Empire (1204-1205), 70 coronation of, 73 vassals of, 73 Baldwin II, emperor of Latin Empire (1237-1261), 162 marriage with Marie de Brienne, 158, 597n80 payment for relics, 235 Baldwin I, king of Latin Jerusalem (1100-1118), 60, 573n9 Baldwin II, king of Latin Jerusalem (1118-1131), 599n133 Baldwin III, king of Latin Jerusalem (1143-1163), 573n9, 628n552 coinage of, 104, 514 manuscripts of, 407 Baldwin IV, king of Latin Jerusalem (1174-1185), 46, 52 death of, 573n9 defense of Chastelet, 189 in History of Outremer, 496 leprosy of, 383 Baldwin V, king of Latin Jerusalem (1185-1186), 46, 573n9 funeral of, 599n133 Baldwin IX of Flanders See Baldwin I, emperor of Latin Empire Balian Grenier coinage of, fig. 40 Balian, lord of Beirut (1236-1247), 167 and Conrad’s majority, 168–69 siege of Tyre, 169 Balian II, lord of Ibelin (1187-1193) bailliage of, 376 emergency coinage of, 29, 30, 46, 146 resistance to Saladin, 26 surrender of Jerusalem, 22, 24 Balian of Sidon (1204-1240), 107, 165, 380 5 bailliage of Acre, 162 embassy to al-Kamil, 153 in Lombard War, 158, 159, 597n90 siege of Acre hospital, 168 Baraka Khan, emir of Kerak, 378 Barber, Malcolm, 134, 592n307, 681n153 Bartholomew, bishop of Tortosa, 383–84 Bartholomew of Cremona, 251 Bartholomew Pisan, 484 Basil (artist), 508, 519, 678n59 Basil, Saint icons of, fig. 284 Basil of Aleppo, 6 Bates, Michael L., 205 Baybars (an-Nasir Rukn ad-Din Baybars al-Bunduqdari), sultan (1260-1277), 163, 164 alliance with Bereke Khan, 262, 263 ambition of, 270 annexation of Nubia, 376 at ‘Atlit, 131 attack on Acre, 262, 264, 266, 267 attack on Antioch, 261, 265, 267, 268, 369 attack on Caesarea, 263, 264, 273, 622n377 attack on Tripoli, 265–66, 267 belief in astrology, 377 capture of Assassins’ castles, 376 capture of Beaufort, 266–67 capture of Crac, 4, 17, 372–73, 393, 580n293 capture of Haifa, 264 capture of Montfort, 151 capture of relics, 266 capture of Safed, 264–65, 621n339 capture of Toron, 59, 265 and Charles of Anjou, 371, 376 at Chastel Blanc, 372 control of Galilee, 265 Crusader perception of, 620n292 death and burial, 377, 394, 648nn96–97 defeat of Kitbogha, 324, 620n287 defeat of Templars, 264 destruction of Ascalon, 15 destruction of Church of the Annunciation, 28, 249 destruction of fortifications, 270, 272 destruction of Jaffa, 16, 266, 282 diplomatic gifts of, 620n299 diplomacy of, 261, 266 and Edward of England, 374 hajj to Mecca, 369, 636n2 historiography of, 620n291 6 holy sites under, 261 influence of Mongol culture on, 648n92 intelligence gathering by, 263 at Jerusalem, 262 Koran of, 262–63 in Latin Kingdom, 258–68 at Lattakia, 377 leadership quality of, 377 letter to Bohemond VI, 267, 369, 647n34 mosque of (Cairo), 266, 621nn355–56 patronage by, 377 scorched-earth policy of, 265 and Seljuk Turks, 262 threat to Crusader art, 268, 270 tomb of, 648n96 treaty with Hospitallers, 266, 621n350, 646n6 treaty with Isabel of Beirut, 369, 375 truce of 1272, 374, 383–84, 647nn53,55 truce with Bohemond VI, 374 truce with Franks, 273 truce with Hugh II, 374, 375 truce with Lady Isabel, 646n2 use of forged letters, 647n34 Baybars, emir at La Forbie, 171, 599n157, 602n262 Baybars al-Mansuri, 485 Baynes, Norman, 579n243 Beddie, J. S., 654n339 Beech, George, 581n351 Belting, Hans, 16–17, 301, 521 lingua franca concept of, 516–17, 520 on maniera greca, 517 on Venetian influence, 522 Benedetto Zaccaria, 384, 385, 650n175 Benedict of Alignan, 264, 270 and construction of Safed, 184, 274, 275, 276, 600n188, 603n300, 621n337 pilgrimage of, 176–77 Benvenisti, Meron, 15 Benoît de Sainte-Maure, 345 Berczelly, Laszlo, 623n428 Bereke Khan, 261 and Abaga, 264 alliance with Baybars, 262, 263 death of, 265 Berengaria, wife of Richard I, 38, 40 Berger, Samuel, 286, 305, 625n463, 626n483 on mendicant orders, 630n593 Bernard d’Acre, 403, 478 7 Bernard de Chemin, 396 Bernard of Clairvaux De laude novae militae, 402 Bernard of Montmajour, 484 Beugnot, count Auguste-Arthur, 612n6 Biddle, Martin, 524, 681n131 Blanche of Castile, queen of France (1223-1252), 235 death of, 250, 252, 618n213 at Louis IX’s departure, 232–34 patronage of manuscripts, 249, 288 regency of, 233, 244, 248, 617n150 Boas, Adrian J., 15 on Acre, 622n387 on ceramics, 474 Jerusalem in the Time of the Crusades, 681n125 on material culture, 16 on minor arts, 469 on textiles, 476 Boase, Thomas Sherrer Ross, 12–13, 511, 563n121 on ‘Atlit, 127 on Crusader art, 515–16, 679nn57–58 Bober, Harry, 616n122 Bohemond I of Antioch (1099-1111) Banner of, 642n879 Bohemond III of Antioch (1163-1201) death of, 62, 63 and Levon II, 58–59 truce with Saladin, 29, 573n1 Bohemond IV of Antioch (1201-1216), 58, 63, 169 alliance with az-Zahir, 75 conflict with al-Adil, 108 control of Antioch, 117–18 excommunication of, 75, 117 and Fifth Crusade, 110 and Innocent III, 75 in Lombard War, 160 marriage to Melisend, 586n74 Bohemond V of Antioch (1233-1252) after fall of Jerusalem, 173 aid from Louis IX, 237 death of, 250 residence in Tripoli, 243 Bohemond VI of Antioch (1252-1268), count of Tripoli (1252-1275), 250 action against Mamluks, 264 Baybars’s letter to, 267, 369, 647n34 coinage of, 360, 466, 514, fig.
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