Regular Meeting September 12,2013 Page 1 of 88 FROM THE OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT WAYNE BOARD OF EDUCATION WAYNE, NEW JERSEY SEPTEMBER 12, 2013 6:00 P.M. Executive Session 7:30 P.M. - Regular Meeting Wayne Board of Education Wayne Board of Education Conference Room Conference Room 50 Nellis Drive 50 Nellis Drive Wayne, NJ 07470 Wayne, NJ 07470 REGULAR MEETING AGENDA I. Reading of "Sunshine Law" Statement Adequate notice of this Regular and Executive Meeting, setting forth time, date and location, has been provided in accordance with the requirements of the Open Public Meetings Act on January 4, 2013 by: Prominently posting a copy on the bulletin board in the lobby of the offices of the Board of Education, which is a public place reserved for such announcements, transmitting a copy of this notice to The Record, The Wayne Today, and the Municipal Clerk. II. Roll Call III. Approval to Convene into Executive Session WHEREAS. the Wayne Township Board of Education (hereinafter X-14-01 referred to as the "Board") from time to time must convene into Executive Session to discuss confidential matters including but not limited to personnel issues, legal matters, student issues and labor negotiations. WHEREAS, THE Board has on its agenda for the meeting being held on September 12, 201 3 on issues relating to Personnel Regular Meeting September 12, 2013 Page 2 of 88 and Legal which must be discussed in a confidential closed session. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Board shall move into Executive Session to discuss the above referenced matter. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the minutes of the executive session will provide as much information as possible without violating any applicable privilege or confidentiality so that the public can understand what was discussed and when available what the Board decision was. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the minutes of the executive session will be released to the public in an appropriately redacted form within a reasonable period of time. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the redacted portion of the executive session minutes will not be released until such time as the privilege or confidentiality is no longer applicable. IV. Reconvene The Executive Session of the Wayne Board of Education Regular Meeting of September 12, 201 3 was convened in the Conference Room of the Wayne Board of Education, 50 Nellis Drive, Wayne, NJ 07470. The Statement of Compliance setting forth time, date and location was read in accordance with the requirements of the Open Public Meetings Act and the roll call was taken. The meeting was recessed and is now being reconvened. FLAG SALUTE MOMENT OF SILENCE V. Administrative Summary Report • Superintendent's Report • HIB Report Regular Meeting September 12, 2013 Page 3 of 88 • QSAC (Quality Single Accountability Continuum) Presentation VI. Revisions to Agenda Items VII. Open to Public Agenda Items Only This portion of the meeting is open to citizens for comment on agenda items only. Residents are to state their names, addresses, and subject matter. Comments may be limited to no more than five minutes per person. All members of the public are to be courteous and mindful of the rights of other individuals when speaking. Due to confidentiality and legal rights afforded by the State of New Jersey to students and employees, no member of the public will be permitted to speak negatively about an employee or a student. A response may be forthcoming if and when appropriate. There will be no discussion during the public portion of this meeting. Comments may be responded to tonight under "new business" or at subsequent meetings under "old business." Members of the public are legally responsible and liable for their comments. The Board bears no responsibility for comments made. VIII. Approval of Minutes None for approval. M-14-01 IX. Committee Reports and Action None for approval C-14-01 X. Action on Agenda ADMINISTRATIVE: Approval of HIB Report A-14-01 -RECOMMENDED ACTION: "that the Board affirm the Superintendent's decision on the Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying matters as required by N.J.S.A. 18A:37-1 5(b)(6)(e) on the following cases:" Case #96/2012-2013 first reported to the Board on 7/1 8/13 Regular Meeting September 12, 2013 Page 4 of88 Approval of Memorandum of Agreement Update with Law A-14-02 Enforcement Officials -RECOMMENDED ACTION: "that the Board approve the annual Passaic County Update Form to the Uniform State Memorandum of Agreement between Education and Law Enforcement Officials for the 201 3/2014 school year as per the attached by reference." NOTE: This update must be approved each year in accordance with New Jersey Administrative Code. EDUCATION: Approval of Foreign Exchange Students E-14-01 -RECOMMENDED ACTION: "that the Board accept the following Foreign Exchange Students for the 2013-2014 school year: 1. Z.w. - Grade 12 to attend Wayne Hills High School 2. G.F. - Grade 10 to attend Wayne Valley High School 3. P.M. - Grade 11 to attend Wayne Hills High School" Approvalof Out of District Professional Travel E-1 4-02 -RECOMMENDED ACTION: "that the Board approve Out of District Professional Travel for the 201 3-2014 school year as follows: Whereas, District employees listed on the attached chart are attending conferences, conventions, staff training, seminars, workshops, student events or other required travel; and Whereas, the attendance at stated functions were previously approved by the Chief School Administrator and School Business Administrator as work related and within the scope of the work responsibilities of the attendees; and, Whereas, the attendance at the functions were approved as promoting delivery of instruction of furthering efficient operation of the District, and fiscally prudent; and Whereas, the travel and related expenses particular to attendance at these functions are within state travel guidelines established by the Department of Treasury in NJOMD circular letter; now therefore Be it resolved, that the Board of Education finds the travel and related expense particular to attendance as these previously approved functions; and further, Regular Meeting September 12, 2013 Page 5 ofaa Be it resolved, that the expenses are justified and therefore reimbursable and/or payable, as per the attached." HUMAN RESOURCE: Approval of Personnel to Tenure H-14-01 -RECOMMENDED ACTION: "that the Board approve the Superintendent's recommendation to grant tenure to staff members for the 201 3-2014 school year, as follows." 1. William Minehart: Science at Wayne Valley High School - Tenure date: 11/15/1 3 2. Laura Folenta: Family & Consumer Science at Wayne Valley High School - Tenure date: 12/6/1 3 Approval of Long Term Replacement Personnel H-14-02 -RECOMMENDED ACTION: "that the Board approve the Superintendent's recommendation to approve for the 201 3-20 14 school year the following long term replacement personnel." 1. William Walz, MA Rutgers University, Step U of the Masters Teachers Salary Guide, $54,600.00, Grade 3 at Albert P. Terhune Elementary School, effective September 1,2013 through June 30, 2014, replacing Pamela Rosa. ($61 ,720/StepO MA) (PC#01-1 1- 50/ady) 2. Brittany Titus, BA The College of New Jersey, 65% of Step U of the Bachelors Teachers Salary Guide, $32,435.00, pro-rated, Grade 3 at Randall Carter Elementary School, effective September 1, 201 3 through November 26, 2013, no medical benefits, replacing Kimberly Glennon. ($80,740/StepD BA) (PC#01-01-06/dhy) 3. Dana Valdez, BA Montclair State University, Step U of the Bachelors Teachers Salary Guide, $49,900.00, Grade 5 at Theunis Dey Elementary School, effective September 1, 201 3 through June 30, 2014, replacing Josephine Ramirez appointed to another position. ($72,750/StepJ MA+30) (PC#01 -02-50/afh) 4. Justin Liscio, BA William Paterson University, 65% of Step U of the Bacelors Teachers Salary Guide, $32,435.00 pro-rated, Physical Education at Wayne Hills High School, effective September 1, 201 3 through December 21, 201 3, no medical Regular Meeting September 12, 2013 Page 6 of 88 benefits, replacing Lauren Brown. ($62,700/StepP MA+1 5) (PC#01-40-25/ajo) 5. Daniel Excellent, MA Nyack College, Step U of the Masters Teachers Salary Guide, $54,600.00 pro-rated, Computer Technology at George Washington Middle School, effective September 9, 201 3 through June 30, 2014, replacing Robert VanZweden. ($114.1 30/StepA MA+30) (PC#01-32-05/dem) 6. Joseph Pasculli, MA New Jersey City University, Step U of the Masters Teachers Salary Guide, $54,600.00, pro-rated, Language Arts at George Washington Middle School, effective September 16, 2013 or sooner is possible through June 30, 201 4, replacing Claudette Hanna. ($57,020/StepO BA) (PC#01-32-07/djp) 7. Susan Hohmann, 3:1 Long Term Replacement Paraprofessional, Step 1-3 of the Paraprofessionals Salary Guide, *$16.09 per hour at Theunis Dey Elementary School, for students ID#030739/031969ITBD, effective September 9,2013 through November 27, 2013 or until the permanent paraprofessional returns, replacing Deborah Cuoco, and further, that up to 7 hours pro-rated of professional development be approved during the school year at the hourly rate of pay. ($15.83hr.) (PC#11-02- 12/djj) Approval of Certificated Substitutes H-1 4-03 -RECOMMENDED ACTION: "that the Board approve the Superintendent's recommendation to approve for the 201 3-2014 school year the following certificated substitutes." 1. Stephanie Vogel 2. Ellen Fitzsimons 3. Laurie Unis 4. Jessica Dull 5. Rosalie Teicher 6. John Holder 7. Nicholas Caporusso 8. Virginia Brady 9. Traciann Kowalski 10. Megan VanPeenen 11. Nicoletta Grave Approval of Resignations H-14-04 Regular Meeting September 12, 2013 Page 7 of 88 -RECOMMENDED ACTION: "that the Board approve the Superintendent's recommendation to accept resignations, as follows." 1.
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