June 27, 2021 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time OFFICE HOURS Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 9:30AM to 3:00PM. Office closed on Thursdays. Saturdays and Evenings: By Appointment. Monday, June 28 (Poniedziałek) - Irenaeus; Nicolas Charnetsky & Companions SH 8:00AM †Maria & Wojciech Pachla r/o family SH 11:00AM †Andrew & Dolores Vinchur r/o family SH 11:30AM Sacred Heart Devotions in English Tuesday, June 29 (Wtorek) - Peter & Paul, Apostles He took the child by the hand and said to her, “Talitha SH 8:00AM †Katarzyna & Jozef Maziarz r/o family koum,” which means, “Little girl, I say to you, arise!” SH 11:00AM †Gary Zujkowski r/o mother SH 11:30AM OLPH Novena in English The girl, a child of twelve, arose immediately and walked around. At that they were utterly astounded. Mk 5:4142 Wednesday, June 30 (Środa) - Gennaro Maria Sarnelli; First Martyrs of the Holy Roman Church th SH 11:00AM †Eduardo Petrone r/o family 13 Sunday in Ordinary Time SH 11:30AM Exposition and Rosary SH 6:45PM Sacred Heart Devotions in Polish The author of The Cloud of Unknowing prays, “That SH 7:00PM OLPH Novena in Polish & Mass which I am and the way that I am, with all my gifts of na- ture and grace, you have given to me, O Lord, and you are Thursday, July 1 (Czwartek) - Junipero Serra all this. I offer it all to you, principally to praise you and to SH 8:00AM †Ilona Widerynski r/o Bogusia Bojaruniec help my fellow Christians and myself.” Knowing that God SH 11:00AM Mass of Thanksgiving occasioned by the sustains us in being is the key to faith. All that we need to th 60 Wedding Anniversary of Edward & do is to love God as God is and the rest will begin to fall Dolores O’Bara r/o children into place. God made us in His image and desires that we SH 11:00AM Devotion to the Precious Blood of Christ have life. God also desires that we be healed of all of our Friday, July 2 (Piątek) wounds, especially those caused by sin, and know his lov- SH 11:00AM †David Mroz r/o Tom Wood & family ing touch. Being weighed down by negativity, imperfec- SH 11:30AM Divine Mercy Devotions tions, the cares of the world, and weakness is not some- SH 7:00PM †Ilona Widerynski r/o Bogusia Bojaruniec thing that God desires. Faith can profoundly change how we see God, our- Saturday, July 3 (Sobota) - Thomas, Apostle SH 8:00AM †Ilona Widerynski r/o Bogusia Bojaruniec selves, and one another. It gives a clearer lens through SH 11:00AM †Andrzej, Julia & Zygnunt Laskowscy r/o which to see life and connects us with the powerful virtues niece, Bozena of love and hope. Three friends journeying with us SH 11:30AM Patriotic Rosary through all that we encounter, faith, hope, and love, help SH 5:00PM †Stanislaw Pasek r/o daughter, Janina us experience God’s embrace and heal us. All we have to Grzeczkowicz do is let God be who God is and not foolishly try to make Him into what we need or want Him to be. Without God 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time, July 4 (Niedziela) we cease to be. It’s that simple. The very blood that flows SH 7:00AM †Stanislaw & Irena Zdeb r/o family through my veins and the life that I have come directly SH 9:00AM †Ilona Widerynski r/o Bogusia Bojaruniec from Divine origins. With this knowledge of who God is †William Pilla r/o daughter God’s Blessing for Helen Buchala and who I am, I can open my ears and hear the powerful †Sr. Fulginette r/o Fregeolle Family words Jesus speaks, “Do not be afraid, just have faith.” †Frank Kisaday r/o daughter, Frances & Trust begins. family When we are struggling, we naturally reach out for †Karen Tuttle r/o Redmond Family God because we know that a divine remedy is the only †Maria Terese Tobin remedy. But, in doing so we wrestle with letting God take †Barbara Shannon r/o aunt charge. We want something more miraculous and visible †Jen Freeman r/o Barbara Porter than the obvious and have difficulty in finding consolation †Leokadia Marini r/o son, John Jr. & wife simply resting in God’s presence. Our naked being, SH 11:30AM †Jan Lazewski r/o daughter, Leonarda stripped of any pretense or selfserving agenda, is being The Sanctuary Lamp will burn this week for the repose called to rest in and love the uncreated Presence of God. of the soul of Rick Shubiak at the request of the Reach out in love to God. Ask God to heal you from all Mazur Family that separates you from Him. Put aside any ideas of God that create barriers between you and God’s tender and en- dearing presence. The Cloud of Unknowing leaves us with wisdom, “think of yourself and of him in the same way, that is, with the simple awareness that he is as he is and that you are as you are.” This is a meeting of two friends who desire nothing more than to share life together. CǐǎNJǏLj SǐǐǏ OǖǓ AǏǏǖǂǍ PǂǓNJǔlj SǖǎǎdžǓ FdžǔǕNJǗǂǍ JǖǍǚ 28 31 We are going to have a pareddown version of our Summer Festival this year. There will be one less TǐDžǂǚ, JǖǏdž 27 day (Wednesday through Saturday) and 1 hour FdžǂǔǕ ǐLJ OǖǓ LǂDžǚ ǐLJ PdžǓǑdžǕǖǂǍ HdžǍǑ M SǂDŽǓdžDž less each day (69PM and on Saturday 59PM). HdžǂǓǕ CljǖǓDŽlj 5PM NǐǗdžǏǂ Ǖǐ OLPH LJǐǍ- There will be no games but there will be the usual ǍǐǘdžDž ǃǚ Mǂǔǔ ǂǏDž PǓǐDŽdžǔǔNJǐǏ. AǍǍ ǂǓdž NJǏǗNJǕ- food and possibly bouncy houses for the children. džDž, džǔǑdžDŽNJǂǍǍǚ OLPH NǐǗdžǏǂ FǂǎNJǍǚ MdžǎǃdžǓǔ. Wdž ǂǓdž NJǏ ǏdždžDž ǐLJ DžǐǏǂǕNJǐǏǔ ǐLJ ǑǂǑdžǓ ǕǐǘdžǍǔ . SǂǕǖǓDžǂǚ, JǖǍǚ 3 DǐǏǂǕNJǐǏǔ DŽǂǏ ǃdž ǃǓǐǖLjljǕ FNJǓǔǕ SǂǕǖǓDžǂǚ DdžǗǐǕNJǐǏǔ Ǖǐ OǖǓ LǂDžǚ ǐLJ FǂǕNJ- Ǖǐ Ǖljdž ǑǂǓNJǔlj ǐLJLJNJDŽdž. ǎǂ after the 11:00AM Mass at Sacred Heart. *** NdžǙǕ WdždžnjdžǏDž, JǖǍǚ 3 ʧ 4 LdžǕǏNJ FdžǔǕǚǏ PǂǓǂLJNJǂǍǏǚ Tljdž SdžDŽǐǏDž CǐǍǍdžDŽǕNJǐǏ NJǔ LJǐǓ Ǖljdž DNJǐDŽdžǔǂǏ Aǔ- 28 31 ǍNJǑNJdžDŽ ǔdžǔǔǎdžǏǕ. Please be generous. W tym roku będziemy mieć okrojoną wersję nasze- go Letniego Festiwalu. Będzie o jeden dzień mniej Ogłoszenia Parafialne (od środy do soboty) i o 1 godzinę mniej każdego NNJdžDžǛNJdžǍǂ, 27 DŽǛdžǓǘNJdžDŽ dnia (od 18:00 do 21:00 i w sobotę od 17:00 do UǓǐDŽǛǚǔǕǐȧȀ MǂǕnjNJ BǐǛdžNj NNJdžǔǖǕǂNjǿDŽdžNj PǐǎǐDŽǚ 21:00). Nie będzie żadnych zabaw, ale będzie nor- Program Uroczystości: 17:00 M Nowenna z kaza- malne jedzenie i ewentualnie dmuchane zamki dla niem, 18:00 M Msza i procesja z obarazem MBNP. dzieci. Zachęcamy do pisania próśb i podziękowań, które PǐǕǓǛdžǃǖNjdžǎǚ DžǂǓǐǘNJǛǏ ǘ ǑǐǔǕǂDŽNJ będą odczytane wczasie nowenny. Zapraszamy! ǓȉDŽǛǏNJnjǴǘ ǑǂǑNJdžǓǐǘǚDŽlj. DǂǓǐǘNJǛǏǚ ǎǐȾǏǂ ǑǓǛǚǏǐǔNJȀ Džǐ ǃNJǖǓǂ NNJdžDžǛNJdžǍǂ, 27 DŽǛdžǓǘNJdžDŽ ǑǂǓǂLJNJǂǍǏdžLjǐ. DǓǖLjǂ ǔnjǞǂDžnjǂ ǑǓǛdžǛǏǂDŽǛǐǏǂ ǃȉDžǛNJdž Ǐǂ DNJǐDŽdž- ǔǂǏ AǔǔdžǔǔǎdžǏǕ. Prosimy o ofiarność. Please visit our parish website: www.ctrmanville.com uptodate information, schedules, church bulle- tins, pictures from parish events and much more… Be sure to check out our video reflections on the ǔǕ Sunday Readings each week. This week Ted Petrock OǏ SǂǕǖǓDžǂǚ, JǖǍǚ 31 Ǖljdž VNJLjNJǍ will be presenting the reflections and next week Bar- Mǂǔǔ ǘNJǍǍ ǃdž ǂǕ 4PM Džǖdž Ǖǐ Ǖljdž bara Herrera will be the presenter. SǖǎǎdžǓ FdžǔǕNJǗǂǍ. Have parish newsletter delivered to your email. Sign up for our newsletter on the website. We welcome the following newly Weekly Vocation Prayer Schedule registered member to our Parish Sunday: John Tardy Family: Barbara Sokolowska. Monday: Natalie Day Tuesday: Randy Hart We ask you to remember in your Wednesday:Colleen Hart prayers the following parishioners Thursday: Thomas Amato who have died: Robert McCann, Friday: John Tardy Antonio Carannante, Alina Zgra- jewicz & Mary Glod. May their souls and the Saturday: Ellen Michta souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace. The Christ the Redeemer collection for NEW PARISHIONERS the weekend of June 20, 2021 NOWI PARAFIANIE Offertory $ 4,817.00 MailIns $ 2,457.00 If you are new to the parish, and would like to become a Children’s Donations $ 2.00 parishioner, please take the time to register at the Parish Fathers Day $ 1,919.00 Office. Daily office hours are noted in the parish bulletin. If Online Giving $ 2,250.00 needed, evening appointments are available. We look for- Total $ 11,445.00 ward to hearing from you. Thank you for your generosity and support. May God bless Wszystkich uczęszczających regularnie na msze św. do you. Fr. Stan naszego kościoła prosimy o zapisanie się do naszej parafii. Należy przyjść do biura w godz, otwarcia lub umówić się “…as a matter of equality your abundance at the pre- na spotkanie wieczorem. Rejestracja w parafii konieczna sent time should supply their want, so that their abun- jest do wydawania wszelkich dokumentów i zaświadczeń, a dance may supply your want, that there may be equali- także do chrztu, ślubu i pogrzebu. Zapraszamy! ty.” 2 CORINTHIANS 8:14 One of the tenants of living a grateful and generous MINISTRY TO THE HOSPITALIZED lifestyle is giving without expecting anything in re- AND HOMEBOUND turn. It is important that we not only grow, nurture and share our gifts; but that we also teach our children Please notify the Parish Office if you or someone you know and encourage others to do the same. This is the com- is ill in the hospital or homebound. It is your responsibility munal aspect of our Catholic faith. We are the “Body to let us know about these parishioners in order for us to provide an adequate spiritual ministry.
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