March 20, 1989 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 4991 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS years, Holmes says he routinely put his On Sept. 17, 1986, Wilfred Benitez, a fi­ health on the line. nancially troubled former WBC welter­ DANGERS AND EXCESSES IN "I fought Michael Spinks with a slipped weight champion, appeared in Baltimore for PROFESSIONAL BOXING disc in my neck," he says. "I fought Kenny a 10-round fight. Benitez won the fight but Norton with my left biceps pulled off my was suspended indefinitely when a medical HON. BILL RICHARDSON arm. I fought Muhammand Ali with eight examination after the fight found evidence OF NEW MEXICO stitches in my eye. I fought Leroy Jones of chornic traumatic encephalopathy-or with a twisted ankle. Man, I've fought with punchdrunk syndrome. "Benitez had looked IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES fevers, stomachaches, everything. But, you terrible in the fight," recalls Lawrence Monday, March 20, 1989 know, you've got to do it. The opportunity Charnas, neurologist for the Maryland to pick yourself up a few million dollars Mr. RICHARDSON. Mr. Speaker, I would State Athletic Commission. "He'd throw a doesn't come often. It's like a once-in-a-life­ punch and miss, and he actually lost his bal­ like to draw to the attention of the Members time dream." ance in the ropes. In the postfight exam, he of the House the summary of a series of Holmes always was considered one of the clearly demonstrated motor impairment." Washington Post articles on the dangers and more sensible boxing champions. A seventh­ How did Benitez get licensed in Maryland excesses of professional boxing. As an avid grade dropout, he managed to save most of to begin with? Until July 1987, the state boxing fan and as a proponent of boxing the $16 million he earned in the ring. But commission did not require boxers to under­ reform, I encourage all House Members to when it comes to his health, Holmes ac­ go prefight neurological exams. "Benitez read Bill Brubaker's articles. Moreover, I urge knowledges, "I really didn't care about the never appealed his suspension," Charnas dangers that were involved. You know, says, "and I don't believe he fought again." you to keep their message in mind when the that's how fighters are." issue of boxing reform and regulation again Wrong. Ten weeks later, Benitez appeared Boxing is as safe as it ever has been. Pre­ in a fight in Argentina, where he lost on a comes before us. fight medical exams have become more seventh-round technical knockout. The image of boxing has ridden a roller rigid. The maximum number of rounds for On Dec. 12, 1987, Cuba's undefeated coaster, esteemed in one generation and world-title fights has been reduced from 15 super-heavyweight, Leonardo Martinez Fizz, questioned in another. At the present, as Mr. to 12. The World Boxing Council <WBC> dislocated his right shoulder during the first Brubaker, points out, the sport is again "on has teamed up with the University of Cali­ round of an amateur fight in Santa Clara, the ropes." fornia at Los Angeles to study ring injuries. Cuba, against Tevin George of the United Johns Hopkins University is in the midst of Despite the romanticism of two gladiators States. With his right arm hurting, Marti­ a four-year study on health risks to amateur nez used his left hand in the second round matching brain and brawn to see who is the fighters. better man, the public is casting a suspicious and battered George so badly the fight had But, as Larry Holmes will attest, boxing to be stopped. For all his heroics, Martinez eye toward the sport. Boxers are dying at remains a brutal activity, often undertaken Fizz had to spend two weeks in a rehabilita­ alarming rates, if not being mentally or phys­ by men more concerned with escaping pov­ tive hospital in Havana. ically maimed for life. There are too many erty than injury and overseen by state and Why was Martinez Fizz allowed to contin­ groups sanctioning bouts, leading-as Mr. foreign-government commissions that do ue the fight with a dislocated shoulder? Brubaker said-to disorganization in efforts to not share the same rules or medical stand­ "There wasn't efficient communication be­ ards. adopt a consistent standard of discipline for Jose Sulaiman, president of the WBC, tween the athlete and the trainer," says boxers and promoters. which sanctions world-title fights, has long Cuba's top sports medicine specialist, Dr Ar­ Boxing is among our country's oldest mando Pancorbo. "He should not have con­ been one of the sport's staunchest support­ tinued to fight because he risked having se­ sports, and one with a proud history. But that ers. But Sulaiman acknowledges: "If we do rious problems with his shoulder for his history is, unfortunately, a checkered one. Like not give a priority to safety, boxing could die in 25 years. There are not too many soci­ entire life." most fans of the sport, I would like to see The Cuban team doctor, Oscar Ramirez, boxing once again held in the high esteem it eties that will be ready to accept legalized assassination.'' says Martinez Fizz did not complain of an deserves-something I think is possible with By some accounts, more than 500 boxers injury between rounds. "This is characteris­ appropriate legislation. have died of ring-related injuries over the tic of boxers," he says. "You go to a corner [From the Washington Post National last 80 years. The American Medical Asso­ to see a boxer who has an injury, and he Weekly Edition, Mar. 6-12, 1989) ciation and British Medical Association have says, 'Doctor, I can continue. I have noth­ called for an outright ban on boxing. But ing. Give me a chance.' " PROFITS VS. INJURY-DOES THE HUMAN TOLL On Oct. 31, 1986, the New Jersey State OF BOXING OUTWEIGH ITS MERITS AS A there is a prevailing view that if boxing were banned, the show would go on-in Athletic Control Board suspended Brian SPORT? Baronet, a junior welter-weight from South (By Bill Brubaker> barns, warehouses and back alleys, with no medical supervision. Accepting that, some Africa, after a knockout in Atlantic City. When Larry Holmes, the former world doctors say it is better to join the boxing es­ Baronet was told he would remain on sus­ heavyweight boxing champion, wants to get tablishment than to fight it. pension until he had a complete medical dressed, he must ask his wife, Diane, for "We say to doctors in both the AMA and exam, including a brain scan. Baronet went help. "The thumb on my right hand can no BMA: Instead of continuing your negative home to South Africa, apparently to retire. longer bend," Holmes explains. "Without criticism, come up with positive thoughts. But last year he attempted a comeback, and my thumb, I can't put on my tie or fasten Let's sit down and try to make the sport on June 17 he died of a brain injury after the top button of my shirt. The thumb is safe," says Adrian Whiteson, a London phy­ being knocked out in a fight in Durban, just froze, you know? Guess it'll be like that sician who is cochairman of the WBC medi­ South Africa. forever." cal committee. "Because kids are always Why had the local South African boxing Holmes says his thumb won't bend be­ going to box. Put two infants in a playpen, commission allowed Baronet to fight while cause he defended too many titles with a put one toy between them, and before long under suspension in New Jersey? The com­ broken right hand. "I fought Mike Tyson they're going to be scratching each other mission had not been notified of the New with a broke right hand," he says. "I fought and throwing punches. It's natural. We're Jersey suspension. "At the time we weren't 'Bonecrusher' Smith with a broke hand. I aggressive people. I wish we weren't. exchanging information and results with fought David Bey with a broke hand. Man, But aggressiveness is not the overriding overseas commissions," New Jersey boxing I've had so many problems with this thumb, problem in boxing: It's the determination of commission chairman Larry Hazzard says. I've asked the doctors to cut it off. But they many fighters to compete when they are "Now we are. But getting information from won't." medically impaired and the inability of overseas is still a problem. Sometimes there If Holmes had only risked injury to his some trainers, managers, promoters and reg­ are inaccuracies in the records." right hand, his story wouldn't be so trou­ ulating organizations to stop them. Some Medical standards in boxing are as dispar­ bling. But during a career that lasted 15 snapshots: ate as the hundreds of commissions-from e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. 4992 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS March 20, 1989 Paraguay to Pennsylvania-that govern the New York commission chairman Randy out of that area and bring them into one sport. Some commissions, such as those in Gordon was not surprised last summer that will give them the opportunity to live a New York, require a boxer to have an when junior lightweight Harold <The decent life." annual electroencephalogram <EEG).
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