97W .4 The Astrophysical Journal, 373:497-508,1991 June 1 © 1991. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A. .373. 91ApJ. 19 THE DETECTION OF X-RAY EMISSION FROM THE OB ASSOCIATIONS OF THE LARGE MAGELLANIC CLOUD Q. Wang and D. J. Helfand Columbia Astrophysics Laboratory, 538 West 120th Street, New York, NY 10027 Received 1990 June 28; accepted 1990 November 1 ABSTRACT A systematic study of the X-ray properties of OB associations in the Large Magellanic Cloud has been carried out using data from the Einstein Observatory. Not unexpectedly, we find an excess of young, X-ray- bright supernova remnants in the vicinity of the associations. In addition, however, we detect diffuse X-ray emission from over two dozen other associations; luminosities in the 0.16-3.5 keV band range from ~2 x 1034 (the detection threshold) to ~1036 ergs s-1. For several of the more luminous examples, we show that emission from interstellar bubbles created by the OB stellar winds alone is insufficient to explain the emission. We conclude that transient heating of the bubble cavities by recent supernovae may be required to explain the observed X-rays and that such a scenario is consistent with the number of X-ray-bright associ- ations and the expected supernova rate from the young stars they contain. The mean X-ray luminosity of the ~50 undetected associations is ~1034 ergs s_1, and the emission from all associations contributes ~4% to the total diffuse X-ray emission from the galaxy. Subject headings: clusters: associations — galaxies: Magellanic Clouds — nebulae: supernova remnants — X-rays: sources 1. INTRODUCTION et al. 1980; Abbott, Bieging, & Church well 1981; Bochkarev & The injection of radiation and mechanical energy from Sitnik 1985). All are associated with either individual massive massive stars plays a dominant role in shaping the interstellar stars or OB associations. The X-ray detections can be inter- medium (ISM). At birth, the ionizing radiation from an OB preted as optically thin thermal emission from a hot gas 6 7 2 3 star begins to create an H n region. Throughout its evolution, (T ~ 10 -10 K, ne~ 10“ cm“ ) with inferred X-ray lumi- the star’s wind excavates a cavity in the surrounding medium, nosities in the range of 1032-1036 ergs s“ L Whether the gas has while at the end of its life, a supernova (SN) explosion reheats been heated by the strong stellar winds from the massive stars the cavity and expands the compressed shell of gas which or by supernovae (SNSe) has not, in general, been determined. encloses it. In an association of massive stars, all three pro- In cases where diffuse X-rays are detected over a large, compli- cesses operate simultaneously, and the size of the cavity cated emission region such as the Cygnus Superbubble, projec- created can exceed the scale height of the galactic disk tion effects of objects in the line of sight becomes a serious (McCray & Kafatos 1987; Mac Low & McCray 1988). Over concern and the purported correlations among the X-ray emis- the last decade, these effects of correlated massive-star forma- sion structures, OB associations, and related optical nebu- tion have come to be recognized as a controlling factor in losities become a controversial issue (Bochkarev & Sitnik determining the structure and evolution of the ISM (Norman 1985). & Ikeuchi 1989; McKee 1991 ; Heiles 1990). In contrast, the LMC offers a more favorable venue in which Soft X-rays provide an important diagnostic in studying the to undertake a systematic study of the interaction between interstellar cavities or bubbles surrounding OB associations. stellar associations and the ISM. With its nearly face-on disk Diffuse X-rays are not, of course, expected from a classical H n (inclined by 10o-30° to the line of sight), objects in this late- region, although unresolved emission from individual OB stars type galaxy suffers relatively low extinction, and chance super- has been detected with a characteristic ratio of X-ray to bolo- position along the line of sight is minimized; the common and metric luminosity of ~3 x 10“7 (Chlebowski 1989a, b). Both well-determined distances of OB stars in the Cloud provide stellar wind and supernova ejecta velocities (~ 103 and 104 km another advantage over studies in the Galactic plane. Some s"1, respectively) are, however, sufficient to heat the gas inside preliminary results, based on analyses of some individual a bubble to X-ray temperatures. It is our purpose here to observations made with the Einstein Imaging Proportional present a systematic, quantitative analysis of X-ray properties Counter (IPC), have been reported (Wang & Helfand 1988; for a sample of ~ 100 OB associations in the Large Magellanic Chu & Mac Low 1990). We present here a comprehensive Cloud (LMC) in order to shed light on the formation and analysis of the whole IPC data base covering the vicinity of the evolution of the interstellar bubbles they create. majority of the OB associations in the Cloud identified by Candidates for extended X-ray emission have been sug- Lucke & Hodge (1970, hereafter LH). In § 2 we summarize gested for several Galactic H n regions : the nebulae NGC 6888 both the available optical observations of these associations (Bochkarev 1988) and S155 (Fabian & Stewart 1983), the and their surroundings, as well as the X-ray data base and our Rosette Nebula (Leahy 1985), the Orion Nebula (Ku & analysis strategy. We then examine (§ 3) the correlation of Chanan 1979), the Gum Nebula (Reynolds 1976), the Carina discrete sources identified in our X-ray survey of the LMC Nebula (Seward & Chlebowski 1982), RCW 49 (Goldwurm, (Wang et al. 1990 hereafter Paper I) with the stellar associ- Cara veo, & Bignami 1987), and the Cygnus Superbubble (Cash ations, finding an excess of young supernova remnants (SNRs) © American Astronomical Society • Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System 97W 498 WANG & HELFAND Vol. 373 .4 and a number of other associated X-ray sources. Section 4 collected a number of measured and derived parameters for describes a search for more extended X-ray emission from five relatively well-observed ring like nebulae. Included are the .373. these young clusters; 16 detections are recorded, and a limit on dimensions of the encircling Ha filaments (col. [2]); the expan- the mean luminosity of the undetected objects is derived. A sion velocities of the shells estimated from the nebular emission detailed discussion comparing these observations with models lines and/or from absorption lines in the light of the exciting 91ApJ. for X-ray emission from interstellar bubbles follows in § 5 ; we stars (col. [3]); the electron number density ne and gas tem- 19 conclude that heating by recent supernovae is required for the perature Te (cols. [4] and [5], Lasker 1977; Dopita et al. most luminous associations. In § 6 we summarize our results 1981); the H i column densities estimated using a ratio of NH to and point to future observations which could enhance substan- reddening of N^Eß^y = 4.2 x 1023 atoms cm "2 mag-1 (col. tially our understanding of the structure and evolution of X- [6], Isserstedt & Kohl 1984); and the ([S n] 226716 + 6731)/Ha ray-emitting interstellar bubbles. line ratios (col. [7]). In the last column of the table, we have also included the estimated ambient density n0 of the undis- 2. THE DATA AND THEIR ANALYSIS turbed ISM (see § 5). We will use these observations in § 5 to 2.1. The OB Associations and Their Environs compare the observed X-ray luminosities with predictions A complete catalog of 122 associations in the LMC was from an interstellar bubble model. compiled by LH, who applied similar criteria to those used in Even large ISM structures (with dimensions up to ~ 1 kpc) identifying galactic associations. They adopted a limiting mag- have been suggested as related to the effects of OB associ- ations. Many of the associations are found within, or at the nitude mv= 14 in reporting the number of stars in each associ- ation; this limit corresponds to a star in the LMC with a periphery of, large H i cavities surrounded by H n filaments such as the supergiant shells LMC 2 and LMC 4 (McGee & main-sequence mass of ~20 M0. In addition, the catalog includes information on the approximate dimensions of the Milton 1966; Meaburn 1979; 1980; Wang & Helfand 1991a). associations. Although these associations most likely do reflect one conse- Only 86 of the LH associations are included in the present quence of the extensive interaction between young stars and study. Among the rest, 26 are either not covered by the X-ray the ISM, we leave detailed study of these complicated giant survey or fall at the very edge of our merged X-ray map systems to separate papers (Wang & Helfand 1991a, b). Here described in Paper I. In addition, LH 100, 103, 105, 106, and we treat the OB associations individually, concentrating on 108 are not included in the study because they fall in regions their effects on the ambient ISM as revealed through the with complicated diffuse X-ray emission and/or serious con- resulting X-ray emission. tamination by mirror-scattered photons from LMC X-l (see Wang & Helfand 1991a). LH 93, 94, 97, and 98, as subgroups 2.2. The X-Ray Data and Their Analysis of a large star cloud LH 96, are not studied separately, and the The present survey is based on the X-ray data collected with low-density, irregularly shaped star cloud LH 77 is excluded the Imaging Proportional Counter (IPC) on board the Einstein from consideration.
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