The ESS MARCH 10, 1960 10' publication. and reuse for required Permission DFMS. / Church Episcopal the of Archives 2020. Copyright PEOPLE THROUGHOUT THE WORLD PRAY FOR PEACE opening their meeting W ITHin Geneva the 10-nation on March committee 15 and withon disarmament the Summit Conference to follow it in May, their prayers are most fervent in this Year of Decision Episcopal Pacifist Fellowship -I, SERVICES IThe WITNESS SERVICES In Leading Churches For Christ and His Church Ill Leading Churches THE CATHEDRAL CHURCH : CHRIST CHURCH OF ST. JOHN THE DIVINE ! CAMBRIDGoE, MASS. Sunday: Holy Communion 7 8, 9, 10; EDITORIAL BOARD 6 The Riev. Gardiner Mi. Day, Raster Miming Prayer, Holy o;;rio W. B. SPOwPRDn SR., Managing, Editor I and Sermon, 11; Evensong and ser- KENNETHm R. FoUSE; Roscoe T. Fourr; Sundsy Services: 8:00, 9:30 and mon 4 GoaDoN C. GRAHAM; ROBERT HIAacpSHR,; 11:1~5 aem. Wed, and Holy Days: 8:00 Weekd~ays:. Holy Communion, 7:30 CHARLES S. MARIN; RoBiMT F. MOCGE~oR; p.m. Cand 10 Wed.) Morning Prayer, GLORGE MACMURERAY; CH~ARLES F. Pmnersur; .and 12:10 8:30; Evensong, W. NORMAN PITTEoNE; JOSEPH H. TrITOS. j; CHIST CHURCH, DWROIT THE HEAVENLY REST, NEW YORK Thei Rev. Williams B. SerRse 5th Avenue at 90th Street I Thne Rev. Robert C. W. We, An y, Rev. John Ellis Large, D.D. CONTRIBUTING EDITORS 8 and 9 a.m. Holy Communion Sundays: Holy Communion, 7:30 and 9 tHOSArs V. BARRETT; JOHNt P~rniwt BROWNq; I(breakfast served following 9 a.m. publication. service.) I1 a.m. Church School and am.; Morning Service and Sermon 5 11. GARDINER M. DAY; JOSEPH F. FLETCHE; Thursdays and Holy Days: Holy ( mn FREDERICK C. GRANT; CLINTON J. KEW; JOEN z MoningService. Holy Days, 6 p.m. and mu n"o, 12. Wednesdays: Healing ELIrs LARGE; ROBERT MILLER; EDWARD L. Cmunnon.sl Service 12. Daily: Morning Prayer PARSONS; FREDERIcKr A. SceI mmIo; MasE H. 9; Evening Prayer, 5:30. SNEPHERn JR.; Wua.UI B. SPos'woin JR. STdTHurAS' StURet reuse !! 18th ad Chur CHStee for ST. BARTHOLOMEW'S CHURCH NearupontCircle Part Avenue and 51st Street WASHINGTON, D. C. THE WITNESS is published w-eMy hrom Rev. Terence J. Finlay, D.D. Th Rev. John T. Golding, Rector R and 9:30 September 15th to June 15th inclusive, with a.m. Holy Cormuio. the exception of one week in Januaryad The Rev. Wakter 7. Mrsfield 9:30 and 11 a.m. Church School. * The Rev. Robert F. Bras required bi-weekly from June 15th to September 15th 11 sm. Morning Service and Sermon. by the Episcopal Church Publising Co. on Sunday;:0 a.m. Holy Communios; 4 p.m. Evensong. Special Music. behalf of the Witness Advisory Board. 11:00 a.m. Service and Sermon) Weekcday: Holy Communion Tuesday at 1 11:00 a.m. Church School; 7:00 pm. 12:10 a.m.: Wednesdays and Saints Evening Prayer; 7:30 p.m. Young Days at a am.: Thursdays at 12:10 p.m. Organ Recitals, Wednesdays, A Adults. a.m., Holy Communion. Permission ! usa:10:00 12:10. Eve. Pr. Daily 5:45 p.m. The subscription price is $4.00 a year; in I Thrdy 7:30 nHm., 12y:1 polCm. bundles for sale in parishes the magazine sells yunind Hol D:0ays. :1ol Cm. for 10c a copy, we will bill quarterly at 7c a CHURCH OF THE HOLY Copy. Entered as Second Class Matter August or 5:45 p.m. as announced. TRINIT 5, 1948j at the Post Office at Tu smnsoc. DFMS. 316 P-.t path Street Pa., under / NEW Ynuu CITY the act of March 3, 1879. Ssnndays. Holv Communion, 8; Churcu TRINITY CHURCH q.-hool. 9:30: Morning Service. 11; MiIAtH, FLA. S. Evening Prayer, Rev. G. Irvine Hiler, STD., Raesew Church Sunday Services a, 9, 9:30 and 11 a m. GENERIATL THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY CHAPEL SER VICES Chelsea Square. 9th Ave. & 20th St. I NEW YORK Episcopal I Brod and Third Stret Daily Morning Prayer and Holy Coma- SIn Leading Churches. the munion, 7: Choral Evensong, 6. SThe Rev. Rlich"d C. Wyatt of ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH ; ICaptain Reginald Harvey, Orerdh Army COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Ten~th Street, above Chestnut i in 8 HC. 11 MP- 1sa Sam. HCg IsL SAN PAUL'S CHAPEL PHILADELPHIA, PENNA ! 12 N, jjC; Evening, Weekday, IAmW New YOUR ten Noonday, Spedal services an- The TeRev. Archives Rev. Johun Mi. Krsmm, Ph.D., Alfred W. Price, D.D., Recter Chaplain Minister to the Had of Hearing ounceTL S Daily (except Saturdlay): 12 noon Sun- Sunday: 9 and 11 am., 7:30 p.m. I day; Holy Communion, 9 andI 12:30; 2020. SWeeekdays: Mon., Tu-s, Wed., Thur., CUCH OF ST MICHAEL Morning Prayer and Sermon, 11; F.,12:30-12:55 pm. Holy Communion: Wed., 7:45 n.m. Services o prta eln.Tu. ADST. GEORGE I230andS 5:30 p~em. ,Tur SAN OIMsI~ ST. THOMAS IThe Rev. J. Francis Sent, Rector Copyright Sth Ave. & 53rd Street New Toax CITY I ST. PAUL'SB The Rev. Devid S. Gray, Rev. Freds"ic M. Morris, D.D. IRocEmt, N. Y. Associate Rector Sunday: HC 8 9:30, 11 (1st SMn.) Rev. T. Chester Baxter, Rector MiP 11" Ep Ciho 4. Daily ex. Sa.HC IThe The ev. Frederick P. Taft, AssIstant Sundays, 8, 9:30, 11 a.m. 9:15, ilurs. 11, HD, 12:10; Noon- Sunday: 8, 9:20 and 11. day ex. Sat.12:10. Days 11; Thursday, 5:30 pm N'oted for boy choir, great -wed-. IHoly end Windows. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH I ST. PAUL'S MEMORIAL Lafayette Squars Grayson and Willow Sts. WASINGOmN, D.C. PRO-CATHEDRAL OF THE SA IANOIO The Rev. DoaaU W. Maybewy, Rector HOLY TRINITY ThR la m Jos , Rooter Weekday Services: Mon., 1ues., Thu.., PARIS, FRANCE TeRev. George N. T ar, Associate Saturday, Holy Communion at nomn. 23 Avenue, George V Sunday - Matina and Holy Eucharist Wed. and Fri., Holy Communiom At i Services: 8:30, 10:30 (S.S.),10:45 7:30, 9:00 and 11:00 A.X. 7:30 n.m.2 Morning Preyer at ae04n- Boulevard Respell 5 Wednesday and Holy Days 7 and Sunday Services: 8 and 9 30 a m s,,n Student and Artists Center Scaet10 AM. Holy Eucharist Cmui;11Sermon; The Rt. Rev. Norman Nash, Bishop Scaetof Friees-Staa 4 p.m., Service;etg rf The Very Rev. Sturgis Lea Riddle, Das 7:30. Evening Prayer. 11:30 o 1 P.M. }~~a:: VOL. 45, NO. 7 The WITNESS MARCH 10, 1960 FOR CHRIST AND HIS CHURCH Editoria and Publication Office, Eaton Road, Twunkhmnock. Pa. Story of the Week Conference chaplain was the Episcopal Pacifist Fellowship Rev. Richard Fenn of the Church of Our Saviour, Akron, Activities Are, Reviewed Ohio. Elsewhere in this issue By Elsa Walberg cern of their common ministry, Mrs. Margaret von Selle, who EPF Executive Committee being careful not to break the is currently in charge of youth * Highlighted by several con- fellowship and standing ready work for the EPF in the Mid- publication. ferences and a twentieth anni- to accept the contributions of West area, discusses the youth versary, the past year was an those with whom they differ. conference in detail, including and eventful one for the Episcopal Mr. Eastman outlined a training some evaluations of the two-day Pacifist program for peace based upon experience by the young people reuse Fellowship. The Fel- lowship sponsored two Mid- the affirmation of the power of themselves. for West conferences at Orleton love and involving basic rules The peculiarities of peaceful Farms, near London, Ohio, in for corporate and personal ac- persuasion was the theme of required April 1959, and the annual Sea- tion, all motivated by faith in the August Seabury House con- bury House conference in Green- "one fellowship transcending ference. Its leaders were Al- wich, Connecticut, last August. race a n d denomination, one bert S. Bigelow, Quaker skipper Prayers of thanksgiving and reconciliation in Christ to be of the Golden Rule, whose ac- Permission renewed commitment comme- proclaimed to one world, God's count of his Pacific witness, morated the twentieth anniver- world." The Voyage of the Golden Rule, sary of the EPF, November was published last fall, and DFMS. / 11th, with special services con- Dorothy Day, managing editor ducted at various local centers and publisher of the Catholic Worker. Bert Bigelow talked Church of membership. General Semin- ary in New York City was the about the meaning of peace, its site of the annual meeting held foundations and practice. He early this February. Most re- urged that men so relate to Episcopal cently - February 12-13 - the each other that they in no way the Fellowship h a d t h e unpre- try to dominate-for "there is of cedented privilege of sharing its only one Dominus." The pacifist sponsorship of the annual-Mid- especially must ask himself West conference w i t h the whether he acts as an instru- Archives diocese of Southern Ohio and of ment of a Power or whether he inviting distinguished pacifist seeks to use his own power to 2020. and non-pacifist speakers. overpower o t h e r s. He sug- The Mid -West conferences gested that peace ought not to last year - one for young be man's goal but his starting Copyright people, another for adults- point. In this connection he were led by the Rev. Ralph noted that the daring step of Richard Keithahn, president of trusting one's neighbor is the the Indian FOR, and co-leader very basis of the democratic Philip Eastman, of the IFOR ideal upon which our nation was secretariat, from E n g 1 a nd.
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