The Masaoka Shiki International Haiku Awards Purpose and Background of the Awards the Inaugural Masaoka Shiki International Haiku Awards Were Held in the Year 2000

The Masaoka Shiki International Haiku Awards Purpose and Background of the Awards the Inaugural Masaoka Shiki International Haiku Awards Were Held in the Year 2000

Intelinational INTERNATIONAL HAIKU CONVENTION 2009 ~ .if. § A ~ © © © ©© © © © 1~F *- 'fit © 00 ....b t7 10 * II)] t4 1~ :±. ~ ~ I: M ~ .fA :r. I: I: ~ (J) $; .t£1i~~ (J) ~ 'Jlff, .:r 'fit '5t iFf 11: ~! T I: ~ !Ji& /' :{§- 00 I: ~ ~ 1t-*" ,fj~ ::$ i*J ill]" §i ~ III m: r ~Jt 'fit 1fIIl ~ ~~ 9'B r.itt .I!f'- ~ ~ *. 18 16 14 12 10 8 ;3 8 8 8 6 4 4 4 -T ~ ::$ ill]" §i tJ!l X ~ ~ i*J ~ JX B 1 ViE t.iE III m: r 'fit *~c 10* /' ~ 10 1e ~Jt A "1.< A ~ ;zo;; ~ if!X ;;!:'\ ~ 1!IJ ~ ~ 9'B ~Gli A ~ 1 ;zo;; ~ *" ~ .I!f'- ~ *. iJ!: -t, l' / / / / ~ ~ :; A A 1~F *- ~* r """/' t7 t7 10 I: ,=j[ , ~ :r. :r. I: gJi r 1=11=1 A 1~F T 7' 10 /' /' C *- I: I: 1 ~ 1- 68 66 64 62 60 52 46 43 40 22 contents The Masaoka Shiki Internationl Haiku Awards ... 5 The Masaoka Shiki International Haiku Prize Sweden Award! Purpose and Background of Awards............................... 5 Mr. Lee a-Young ....................................................... 19 Prospectus ....................................................................... 5 Commemorative Speeches for Prizes ............................................................................... 5 The Masaoka Shiki International Haiku Prizes The Award Selection Committee .................................... 7 Mr.KC'neko Touta .......................................................... 23 The Adjudication Process ............................................... 9 Mr.Kcwahara Biwao ...................................................... 40 Organizers. Sponsorship. Co-Sponsorship and Grant ....... 9 Mr.Uchida Sanaa............................................................ 43 Previous A wardees ....................................................... 10 Mr. Lee a-young ........................................................... 46 The Recipients of the 2009 Awards Exchange- Kukai ........................................................... 53 The Masaoka Shiki International Haiku Grand Prize/ Social Event .................................................................. 61 Mr.Kaneko Touta ....................................................... l3 The 2009 Shiki Special Kukai in memory The Masaoka Shiki International Haiku Prize/ of William J. Higginson (Related Event) .............. 62 Mr.Kawahara Biwao ................................................... 15 Haiku Contribution (Related Event) ............................. 65 The Masaoka Shiki International Haiku Prize Sweden Award! Commemorative Lecther in Tokyo ................................. 67 Mr.Uchida Sanaa ........................................................ 17 Outline of Internatinal Haiku Fwstival .......................... 69 (Q) 1£ 1£ 1£ ~ MU IE IMJ MU IE IMJ MU IE IMJ (J) jtjt ~ jtjt ~ jtjt ~ A~ 111. ~N jt~ 111. ~Njt~ 111. '7 jt 00 tLlH~jt 00 tLlH~jt 00 *l J.. ~iE fJT K ~ ~iE fJT K ~ ~iE :§ot ~ ~ ~ ~ J s 00 fl 30 ft: 00~2ft: T 1~~ f± Lli 7J 1~~ f± Lli 0 1~~ /' 'nJ jtiN.P1 'nJ jt iN. 0 'nJ ~ ~*'-../ ~ :tZ$'1;; 7J ji A 1t -)( '7 ? **j:f:jt fflj **j:f:jt'-../ fflj P1 1t A .J: i* ~ i* ~ I ~ 1i~ ~ 1i~ ±!: "A 1 )( ff~ I:l i* ff~ Illl 7 '-../1E*~ ~Jt *~ ~Jt /' '---'1E .. *l '-../*l 4 The Masaoka Shiki International Haiku Awards Purpose and Background of the Awards The inaugural Masaoka Shiki International Haiku Awards were held in the year 2000. These awards were established based on the principles set forth in the Matsuyama Declaration adopted at the Shimanami Kaido '99 International Haiku Convention, held in September 1999. The ultimate purpose of the awards is to honor the name of renowned poet and founder of modern haiku, Masaoka Shiki, by recognizing the most outstanding achievement and creative development by modern haiku poets world-wide. It is hoped that these awards will not only significantly contribute to raising international awareness of haiku as the shortest form of poetry in the world, but that this event will also contribute to a wider promotion of Ehime Prefecture on both a national and international stage, and in addition to this, serve as a gauge of the ever-widening development of this creative cultural pastime. Prospectus Whether in the East or West, the ever-widening popularity of haiku appears borderless. Haiku is said to be the most actively written and widely read form of artistic literature in the world today. Unlimited in its creative potential and being unparalleled amongst short poetry forms in its unique sense of familiarity for the reader, the future of haiku as a leading literary form for the 21st century and beyond seems boundless. These international haiku awards honoring the life and works of Masaoka Shiki, the founder of modern haiku, are presented to exalt outstanding achievement in the creative development and evolution of this literary genre, regardless of nationality or language. Recipients of these prestigious awards are expected to have a deep interest in haiku, and to possess a broad International perspective. This being so, it is important to note that the awards are not limited to already renowned haiku poets or to any specific field of specialization. Candidates from all professions and walks of life, such as poets, writers, researchers, translators, essayists, editors and so on are all considered equally. The Masaoka Shiki International haiku Grand Prize (one recipient) Main prize:Certification Aditional prizes:Prize money of 2 million japanease yen The NHK Matsuyama Broadcast Station Award(Tobe pottery) The Ehime Simbun Award(Sakurai Lacquer ware) The Masaoka Shiki International haiku Prize (one recipient) Main prize:Certification Aditional prizes:Prize money of 3 hundred thousand japanease yen The NHK Matsuyama Broadcast Station Award(Tobe pottery) The Ehime Simbun Award(Sakurai Lacquer ware) The Masaoka Shiki International haiku Sweden Prize (two recipients) Main prize: Certification Aditional prizes: Glazier Swedish art goods 5 (Q) ii ~ 5E~ i! •~ ••liiU ~ ~ T~ ~Jt ~ ~ ~ Jt it ~ !f ££ ~ JlJt ~ ~ A~ [Ii 1) "7 E £ J\ tt JI B 1ir. 111 * '7 fiB if§ 1¥ ~ ~ O)lft.. H 1 1 !~ mt )v 1 1:HI JJil: ~ ,~ it U' EEl ;j~ 15 1ir. * tp.-=« fit ~ :t 7P -== 1) ti. JI.:c ~ if :;r. JlUJU t~ ~ ~? f' *¥ BJli 1-t ~)j ~:: 0) :E. -.. 'ti:. ~ ~Jllr I..- n. 1=1 1 JE!. ~ _ = T *-1i!1 Iiii~ -T tJ-T£1ttA £T jl ij' 7 7 -"5 ~~ ;t, 7 /' It \ *,[ 1) ?' -C~, 1~F 1~F lif. ,ltt I ~ 00 ;f~ 1~F ~ :sIX -}( ~ ~ II 8 :f:JitOO t * g, AA15Jfljiij!: 1 A~~::J LlJ AAA-¥1-t )v '7 * ~~ ti~ ~~ :x. L ~ 'J'e 00 1~F t1 rtf ti ~ rW 1~F ;f' "7 {~ ~ :@: 1~F :I:-c j[; 1~F * A 1:tJ /' JL ~ !fL-}(1:tJ 1 rJt 1~F % 1:tJ *~ :f: 1:tJ '7 ~ ~' -T ~ fiB lif. ti 1~F ~ ~ O)~ EEl ~ A )V 1:tJ ~~ 15Jf.I. mE 7 m £ 'T-;z:>;l 1:tJ ti f,!ij mE ~~ ~J'e ti -}( ~a ~ -}(£~tJ ti~-}(ti ~ ~ ~ "It. 11 ~ ?' A~~1~F:z:\ :.r ~t:J' lif. £ 7 ~~lif.~ PX. $ /' liiU ~t A ~/' ~£~~ iii '---' tw: ft iT -}( ~~!tm'---' ~ 1~F-}( £~:2l£ -::) L, £ jg '---' A~ {~, '---' 'T- ~ 1~F lif. ~ t:.. jg o ~ ~ 1~F A £ 1~F ft A'---' 8 1~F £ ~ A Jt A ~ *)( iJ" ••~Jllli 6 The Award Selection Committee Chairman Arima Akito Haiku poet, Chairman of the International Haiku Association Vice Chairman Haga Toru Honorary President of Kyoto University of Art and Design Members Aihara Sagicho Haiku poet, Chairman of the Ehime Haiku Association Inahata Teiko Haiku poet, President of the Association of Japanese Classical Haiku Willy Vande Walle Professor of Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium) Uda Kiyoko Haiku poet, President of the Modern Haiku Association Kawamoto Koji President of Otemae University Sasaki Yuki tsuna Tanka poet, Professor of Waseda U ni versi ty Shiraishi Kazuko Poet Takaha Shugyo Haiku poet, President of the Association of Haiku Poets Takeda Miki Director of the Matsuyama Municipal Shiki-Kinen Museum Haruo Shirane Professor of Columbia University (U.S.A.) Hoshino Tsunehiko Haiku poet, Vice Chairman of the International Haiku Association Yoshimasu Gozo Poet Lars Vargo Swedish Ambassador, scholar of Japanese literature Lee Gurga Haiku poet, haiku scholar Consultant Nishimura Gania Haiku poet, former Director of Ehime Prefecture The Organizing Committee Chairman Kawamoto Koji President of Otemae University Members Kido Shuri Poet Saito Shinji Haiku poet, President of Shinyasoshosha Publications Tsukushi Bansei Haiku poet Tsushima Yasuko Haiku poet Tsubouchi Toshinori Haiku poet, Professor of Bukkyo University David Burleigh Haiku poet, Associate Professor of Ferris University Nomura Kiwao Poet Murakami Mamoru Author Yokoi Rie Haiku poet, Associate Professor of Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Advisor Haga Toru Honorary President of Kyoto University of Art and Design Consultant Nishimura Gania Haiku poet, former Director of Ehime Prefecture 7 (Q) (Q) (Jlt) ~ N ~ ~ (Jlt) "- Sf Sf Sf Sf Sf §tz~Htz~tz~~ .:E. mtmtmtmtmt i! rEi flf K j.!f, j.!f, tz~ 20 20 20 20 20 m~ Iifj f} ~ j.!f, 11 :¥:¥:¥:¥:¥ ~ 'fr1±LlJ1f )( 12 11 10 9 7 ~ 1b.~ it Jj Jj Jj Jj Jj ~ /' mj! :tJN 22 20 25 8 ~ no~ .00.r, B B B B ~ 1 fit I]] '7t~wm~1I jt 2 ~ 1 JI i'f@l~@IA ~~Im~ _____ ~~fili~OO ~ _____ ~I*J ~*~2 j!~j! 0 ~ t~ ~ 7 '--' _____ A ----- .. f~ *~fm~OO * t~ i'f t~ j1. 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