Dynamic Bibliography on Divine Hiddenness Daniel Howard-Snyder and Adam Green Note: The authors would be grateful for suggested additions to this bibliography from the philosophical/theological literature. Last updated: September 20, 2017 Aijaz, I., and M. Weidler, 2007, “Some Critical Reflections on the Hiddenness Argument,” International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 61 (1): 1-23. Aiken, S., forthcoming, “Does Divine Hiding Undermine Positive Evidential Atheism?,” Religious Studies. Allen, D., 1983, Three Outsiders: Pascal, Kierkegaard, Simone Weil. Cambridge, MA: Cowley Publications. Alston, W. P.,1996, “Belief, Acceptance, and Religious Faith,” in Faith, Freedom, and Rationality: Philosophy of Religion Today, J. Jordan and D. Howard-Snyder (eds.), Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, pp. 3-27. Anderson, R., 1911, The Silence of God, London: Hodder and Stoughton. Andrews, M., 2014, “Divine Hiddenness and Affective Forecasting,” Res Cogitans 5 (1): 102-110. 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Coburn, R., 1960, “The Hiddenness of God and Some Barmecidal Surrogates,” Journal of Philosophy 57 (22/23): 689–711. Coffman, E.J., and J. Cervantez, 2011, “Hiddenness, Evidence, and Idolatry,” in Evidence and Religious Belief, R. VanArragon and K. Clark (eds.), New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 95-113. Cohen, L. J., 1992, An Essay on Belief and Acceptance. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Colombo, J., 1991, “God as Hidden, God as Manifest: Who Is the Subject of Salvation in History in Liberation Theology?,” Journal of Religion 71: 18–35. Cordry, B., 2009, “Divine Hiddenness and Belief De Re,” Religious Studies 45 (1): 1-19. Crisp, T., 2013, “On Coercion, Love, and Horrors,” Religious Studies 49 (2): 165-179. Cullison, A., 2010, “Two Solutions to the Problem of Divine Hiddenness,” American Philosophical Quarterly 47 (2): 119-134. Cuneo, T., 2013, “Another Look at Divine Hiddenness,” Religious Studies 49 (2): 151-164. 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