Ordinary Meeting of Council MINUTES 20 February 2020 THIS DOCUMENT IS AVAILABLE IN OTHER FORMATS ON REQUEST FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITY. Ordinary Meeting of Council Minutes – 20 February 2020 Page ii CONTENTS 1. DECLARATION OF OPENING / ANNOUNCEMENT OF VISITORS .................................................... 1 2. ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM THE PRESIDING MEMBER .................................................................. 1 3. ATTENDANCE ................................................................................................................................ 1 3.1 APOLOGIES ............................................................................................................................ 1 3.2 APPROVED LEAVE OF ABSENCE ............................................................................................. 1 4. DECLARATION OF INTEREST ......................................................................................................... 1 5. PUBLIC QUESTION TIME ............................................................................................................... 1 6. PRESENTATIONS/DEPUTATIONS/PETITIONS/SUBMISSIONS ........................................................ 1 7. ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD BY DECISION OF COUNCIL .............................................................. 1 8. CONFIRMATION OF PREVIOUS MEETING MINUTES ..................................................................... 2 8.1 ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL MINUTES 13 DECEMBER 2019 ....................................... 2 9. RECEIPT OF COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES HELD SINCE LAST MEETING ................................. 2 9.1 LOCAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE (LEMC) MEETING MINUTES 10 DECEMBER 2019 .................................................................................................................... 2 9.2 ADOPTION OF THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE LOCAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES OF 10 DECEMBER 2019.................................................... 2 10. REPORTS OF OFFICERS .............................................................................................................. 2 10.01 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR DECEMBER 2019 AND JANUARY 2020 .................................. 3 10.02 CREDITORS ACCOUNTS PAID DECEMBER 2019 AND JANUARY 2020 ................................... 5 10.03 AUDIT REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDING 30 JUNE 2019 ......................................................... 7 10.04 ANNUAL REPORT FOR 2018-2019 ....................................................................................... 10 10.05 FEES & CHARGES – REVIEW OF STANDPIPE WATER CHARGES ........................................... 13 10.06 SUPPORT FOR DEVELOPMENT OF ‘RAIN DANCE’ MOVIE ................................................... 16 10.07 LOCAL LAW REVIEW ............................................................................................................ 19 10.08 GREAT SOUTHERN CENTRE FOR OUTDOOR RECREATION EXCELLENCE – GREAT SOUTHERN REGIONAL TRAILS MASTER PLAN 2020-2029 ................................................... 27 10.09 CORPORATE BUSINESS PLAN 2018-2022 QUARTERLY PROGRESS REPORT ........................ 30 10.10 EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY MANAGEMENT PLAN ............................................. 32 10.11 BROOMEHILL RECREATIONAL COMPLEX INC. – PROPOSAL TO CONSTRUCT PAVILION .... 34 10.12 PROPOSED SHED - LOT 542 REILLY ROAD, BROOMEHILL.................................................... 36 10.13 REQUEST TO AMEND RAV RATING OF BEEJENUP AND WHITE ROADS .............................. 38 10.14 WORKS REPORT FOR FEBRUARY 2020 ................................................................................ 42 11. MATTERS FOR WHICH THE MEETING MAY BE CLOSED .......................................................... 44 11.01 CONFIDENTIAL: TENDER – SALE OF LOT 19 TAYLOR STREET, TAMBELLUP ......................... 45 11.02 CONFIDENTIAL: NOVATED LEASE - CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER .......................................... 46 12. APPLICATIONS FOR LEAVE OF ABSENCE ................................................................................. 46 13. ELECTED MEMBERS MOTIONS OF WHICH PREVIOUS NOTICE HAS BEEN GIVEN ................... 46 14. QUESTIONS FROM MEMBERS WITHOUT NOTICE .................................................................. 46 15. NEW BUSINESS OF AN URGENT NATURE INTRODUCED BY DECISION OF MEETING ............. 46 Ordinary Meeting of Council Minutes – 20 February 2020 Page iii 16. CLOSURE .................................................................................................................................. 46 Ordinary Meeting of Council Minutes – 20 February 2020 Page 1 SHIRE OF BROOMEHILL-TAMBELLUP Minutes of an Ordinary Meeting of Council of the Shire of Broomehill-Tambellup held in the Tambellup Council Chambers on 20 February 2020 commencing at 4.14pm. 1. DECLARATION OF OPENING / ANNOUNCEMENT OF VISITORS The President welcomed Councillors and staff and declared the meeting open at 4.14pm. 2. ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM THE PRESIDING MEMBER The President thanked the community of the Shire of Broomehill-Tambellup for their turn- out at the recent Katanning fires. He was very proud of how the community rallied together on the Friday 7th, Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th February 2020 to help the Katanning community. 3. ATTENDANCE Cr MC Paganoni President Cr ME White Deputy President Cr MC Nazzari Cr KJ Holzknecht Cr CJ Letter Cr DT Barritt Cr SH Penny KB Williams Chief Executive Officer (CEO) P Vlahov Manager Works KP O’Neill Manager Finance and Administration PA Hull Strategic Support & Projects Officer (Entered at 4.15pm) LK Cristinelli Executive Assistant 3.1 APOLOGIES Nil 3.2 APPROVED LEAVE OF ABSENCE Nil 4. DECLARATION OF INTEREST Cr White declared a Proximity Interest in Item 10.13 CEO Keith Williams declared a Financial Interest in Item 11.02 5. PUBLIC QUESTION TIME Nil 6. PRESENTATIONS/DEPUTATIONS/PETITIONS/SUBMISSIONS Nil 7. ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD BY DECISION OF COUNCIL Nil Ordinary Meeting of Council Minutes – 20 February 2020 Page 2 8. CONFIRMATION OF PREVIOUS MEETING MINUTES 8.1 ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL MINUTES 13 DECEMBER 2019 200201 Moved Cr Penny, seconded Cr White That the Ordinary Meeting of Council Minutes of 13 December 2019 be accepted. CARRIED 7/0 9. RECEIPT OF COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES HELD SINCE LAST MEETING 9.1 LOCAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE (LEMC) MEETING MINUTES 10 DECEMBER 2019 200202 Moved Cr White, seconded Cr Letter That the Local Emergency Management Committee (LEMC) Meeting Minutes of the 10 December 2019 be accepted. CARRIED 7/0 9.2 ADOPTION OF THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE LOCAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES OF 10 DECEMBER 2019 200203 Moved Cr Nazzari, seconded Cr Barritt That the Local Emergency Management Committee recommends to Council that the reviewed Local Emergency Welfare Plan be endorsed subject to amendments as noted. That the Great Southern District Emergency Management Committee – ‘Great Southern 2029: A Snapshot of the Horizon for the Great Southern Emergency Management District’ report be received. CARRIED 7/0 10. REPORTS OF OFFICERS Ordinary Meeting of Council Minutes – 20 February 2020 Page 3 10.01 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR DECEMBER 2019 AND JANUARY 2020 Attachment: Monthly Financial Statements for December 2019 and January 2020 File Ref: Nil Author: KP O’Neill - Manager Finance and Administration Date: 16 February 2020 Disclosure of Interest: Nil SUMMARY Council to consider the monthly financial reports for the period ending 31 December 2019 and 31 January 2020. BACKGROUND The Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996 require a statement of financial activity to be prepared each month and prescribe the contents of that report and accompanying documents. The report is to be presented at an ordinary meeting of the Council within 2 months after the end of the month to which the report relates. Each financial year, Council is required to adopt a percentage or value to be used in the statement of financial activity for reporting material variances. As part of the 2019/20 budget process, Council adopted 10% or $10,000 as the material variance for reporting purposes for the year. COMMENT Note 2 in the financial statements provides commentary on the material variances shown in the statement of financial activity by reporting program, which is a requirement of the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996. Receivables - which includes outstanding rates, emergency services levy, pensioner rebates and other ‘sundry’ debtors - is reported at Note 6. Note 8 tracks capital grants and contributions, the unspent balance of which is reported as ‘Restricted Cash’ throughout the financial report. Capital revenue and expenditure is detailed in Note 12, which includes plant replacement, road construction, building improvements, reserve transfers and loan transactions. CONSULTATION Nil STATUTORY ENVIRONMENT Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996 34. Financial activity statement report (1) A local government is to prepare each month a statement of financial activity reporting on the revenue and expenditure, as set out in the annual budget under regulation 22 (1)(d), for that month in the following detail – (a) annual budget estimates, taking into account any expenditure incurred for an additional purpose under section 6.8(1)(b) or (c); (b) budget estimates to the end of the month to which the statement relates; Ordinary Meeting of Council Minutes – 20 February 2020 Page 4 (c) actual
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