Murray State's Digital Commons Board of Regents Meeting Minutes Digitized Collections 4-18-1949 10:00 AM 1949-04-18 Board of Regents, Murray State Normal School Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/borminutes Recommended Citation Board of Regents, Murray State Normal School, "1949-04-18" (1949). Board of Regents Meeting Minutes. 251. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/borminutes/251 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Digitized Collections at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Board of Regents Meeting Minutes by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 121 MINUTES OF TrlE BOARD OF REGEl\lTS MURRAY STATE COLLEGE April 18, 1949 The Board of Regents of Murray State College met in regular quarterly session in the office of the President at 10:00 a.m., Monday, April 18, 1949, with the following members present: Mr. Maxon Price, Mr. Hollis c. Franklin, and General Hubert Meredith. I M£· Maxon Price Selected Temporary Chairman for the Meeting In·tne absence of Chairman Boswell B. Hodgkin and Vice Chairman Claude Winslow, motion was made by General Meredith that 1~. Maxon Price· be selected te·mporary chairman for the meeting. This motion was seconded by 1~. Franklin and was carried unanimously. Agenda for Meeting Presented Ez. President Ralph H. Woods AGENDA FOR MEETING OF TrlE BOARD OF REGENTS MURRAY STATE COLLEGE .. April 18, 1949 1. Re~ort of~ Committee~ Entrance, Credits, Certification, ~ GradUat~on . 2. Resignations and Leaves of Absence The following resignations have been accepted: Name Assi~nment Effective Betty J. Robertson Pt.Time Ins r. Art 1-)1-49 Boyd Champion Pt.Time Instr. Biol 1-31-49 I ,Charles Hogancamp pt.Time Instr. Biol. 1-31-49 Kenuieth McRee Pt.Time Instr. Tr School 3-31-49 Reba Jo Maxey Sec. Business Office 2-28-49 Lena M. Cole Veterans Testing Service 2-28-49 Hugh Alexander Carpenter. Foreman 4-16-49 Blanch Henson Dishwasher. 1-31-49 James Thomas Kemp Dishwasher 3-31-49 Raymond Melton Farm Laborer· 4-9-49 Ellis Lindhorst Asst •. Bookkeeper 6-1-49 Charlotte Lindhorst Clerk & Library Asst. 6-1-49 Patricia Holt Instr. Fine Arts 4-17-49 The following leaves of absence have been granted: Charles H. Stamps Asst.Prof. Lapg & Lit. 4-24-49 to 6-2-49 Margaret Campbell Asst.Prof. Training Sch. 6-1-49 to 7-31-49 George Patterson Asst.Prof. Dept.of Phys Sci 9-1-49 to 6-1-50 Rex Syndergaard Asso.Prof. Dept.of Soc Sci 9-1-49 to 6-30-50 Charlotte Durkee Asst.Prof. Fine Arts Dept. 9-1-49 to 6-30-50 3. Employment, Changes and Adjustments~ Salary Salary_ per Faculty Calendar Month Effective Neale B. Mason Instr.Fine Arts $270.00 9-1-49--6-30-50 I Don Finnegan Instr.Fine Arts 225.00 4-17-49--6-1-49 Faculty - Part-Time Marion A. Brown Instr.Indus.Arts 60.00 2-1-49 William_ C. Weaver Instr. Art 33.00 2-1-49 E. B. Nace Instr. Biology 30.00 2.-1-49 Evelyn Honchell Instr. Biology 30.00 2-1-49 122 Salary per Administrative Staff Calendar Month Betty Bennett. Clerk- Registrar Off. $125 .oo 2-l-49 Joy Johnson Sec. Business Off. 115.00 2-21-49 Dining Hall Blanch Henson Dishwasher 110.00 4-1-49 John Thomas Kemp Dishwasher 110.00 2-1-49 Farm Charles Munier Milker 60,00 2-1-49 J. L. Franklin (Title changed to Herdsman) 2-1-49 Change in Rate Name of Pay Effective I Clara-Eagle Asst.Prof.Fine Arts $286.66 :to $295.00 3-1-49 John Robinson.Asst.Prof.Dir.Tr Sch 291.66 to 316,66 3-1-49 Paul Bryant Instr.Phys.Sci.Full Timel70.00 to 255.00 2-1-49 Mrs. Mamie Dyer Dishwasher 100.00 to 110.00 4-1-49 Mrs. Jewell.Wells Dishwasher 85.00 to 95.00. 1-1-49 Coleman Shepherd Dishwasher 100,00 to 110.00 1-1-49 Report £f Business Manager Blanket Bond for Employees 6. Additional.Bonds Pled~ed .:Qz Bank 2f.Murray !£Secure Funds Deposited ~ Murray S ate~orrege Contracts a. Calloway County Board of Education b. Murray College School Company c. Rental Contract for Fine Arts Building d. Rental Contract for Warren s. Swann Memorial Dormitory e. Tennessee Valley Authority f, College News . g._ Operation of Bookstore I 8. Option~ Bailey Property . 9. Budget for Fiscal Year 1949-50 10. Fine Arts Building - Installation of Air-Conditioning System 11. Science Building - 12. Curricula for Agriculture,~ Economics, and Industrial Arts Approved bx.State Board of Education J 13. Nurses TriUnJ.ng Program - 14. Commencement Exercises 15. M§Q Headquarters and Breakfast ~ KEA, Louisville 16. Summer School£! 1949- Intersession.and Short Term Courses 17. Application to State Department of Education, Vocational Division, for Reimbursement for Operation or Programs in Vocational Agri.­ culture and Vocational Home Economics 18. Operation £! Cannery - Fiscal ~ 1949-50 19. Report £! Custodian of Norris ~ Fund I 20. Report of Veterans Housing Manager 21. ~-~ Alpta Annual Scholarship of $100.00 to Fres'hman Music MaJor (Boy . · 22. ~ Allha Iota Annual Scholarship of $100.00 _!2 Freshman MUSIC Ma or (Girl R. H. Woods President 123 Report~ Committee££ Entrance, Credits, Certification, and Graduat~on. .. Dr. Woods submitted the report of the Committee on Entrance, Credits, Certification, and Graduation and recommended that it be approved in accordance with the recommendations of the Committee. April 18, 1949 To the Board of Regents Murray State College I Gentlemen: As per the duties assigned to the Committee on Entrance, Credits, Certification and Graduation, we report as follows: Of the students who applied for degrees to be granted in January, ~- 194 9, the following have completed the requirements for the degrees for which they applied and will receive the degrees indicated below as of January 31, 1949 •. Bachelor £! Science ~ Agriculture Boyd Champion Paul Edwin Mahan Joe Van Cunningham William Matt Todd Edward Donoho _Mancil James Vinson Bachelor of Music Education Sue Phillips Veazey Bachelor £f Science Virgil Emerson Adams Samuel Fell Jones R. B. Allen Joseph A. Kafka Lon Carter Barton Harry Jerome McGrath I Donald St. Clair Brumbaugh Arthur Herald McNeil Jerell Wayne Bullis h~ry Jenkins Nanney Lawrence Cardwell, Jr. Edward Byrns Parker David Charles Carlisle Robert Perkins Richard Ivanhoe Cocke, Jr. w. J. Pitman Ben LeRoy Davis Robert Morris Prince Horace Raymond Derrington Joseph Vernon Royer Christian Frank Dubia Fred Ulane Sandefer Glenn Edward Dyke William Clinton Shelton Opal Ruth Parker Emerine Conard Leroy Slayden James Hugh Farrow Nancy Lee Taylor Charles Tremble Henderson K. T. Frank Tidwell Joseph Harding Hobbs Robert Crockett Williams Charles Everett Hogancamp James Louis Wilson Jesse Eugene Holmes Bachelor of Arts Avenell Farmer Carlisle Jane Doris Wood h~ry Louise Simons Alma Joyce Wynn Arthur Regnal Wallace Master £[ Arts in Education I Anabel Waters Jones The following students have applied for degrees to be granted in May, 1949. If they complete all the requirements for the degrees for which they are applying by the May Commencement, we recommend that you grant their degrees as of that time. 124 Bachelor of Science in Agriculture Earl Jake Bondurant James Carroll Long John Walter Brinkley Charles Morris-Moon Ray Terry Broach E. B. Nace Buel Dale Faughn Jerry Thomas Peacher Joseph Forrest Faughn Harold Bernice Peyton Billie Buchanan Garrett Robert Earl Powell Arnold Alvin Gibson James Logan Pryor Oren Lester Hull William Hugh Stroube Cletus Owen Jones Gilmer Hayden Thomas Joe Henton Jones Thomas Gibson Toon William Gilbert Jones Maurice Conley Wallace Glisson Logan Keathley Charles Edward Yates I Bachelor of Music Education John Jefferson Bishop, Jr. Russell Lee Phelps Marvin Lee Cohlmeyer Uhl Otho.Sackman Patsy Ruth Croghan Kathryn Claire Sanders William Boykin Day, Jr. Gene Marion Simons Bobbye Jean Evans Betty Jo Soyars Walter Rudolph Howard Artemus Ward Townley, Jr. Claire Lewis Jenkins Mildred Ann Turk Victor John Karhu Martha Mae Vlhi te Hugh Donald McGee Clarence Allen Woodall, Jr. Betty Ann Wake Bachelor £! Science in Home Economics Lurla Jean White Dabbs Suzanne Miller Leita Rosemary Gholson rosetta Morris Martha Ann Belew Giles Annie Ruth Wallace Ouellette Billie Rosalyn Gingles Niva Jones Reddick Dorris Jean Williams Myers Ina Lee Smith Bachelor of Science Rex Eugene Alexander Daniel Kenneth Johnston I Edward Alphonso Beldin Troy Wilbert Kelly Allie Mae Boaz Carl William Kreisler Lexie Boggess Joe Baker Littleton Albert R. Boswell Julia Beth Long Joseph Hugh Bronson Nellie May Maddux Emmett Duel Burkeen Olen Foster Martin, Jr. Robert Lee Clark Ralph Lee Maxey Raymond-Glenn Coleman Harry Kenneth Meyers Robert Joseph Collins Dathal Frances Morgan Gene Howard Cook Ralph Franklin McClain Joseph Carmen Curtsinger Dale P. McDaniel Neil Clements Demaree Joseph Herschel McKissick, .Jr. Kenneth Roland-Evitt Elvis Glen Pace Margaret Alice Fairless Mary Ann Parker Samuel Edward Finch James Alvin Pearce John Jacob Freeman Edwin Powell Puckett Lawrence Darnell Fuller Margaret Ramer William Cress Gardner Robbie Marie Riley Patty Carolyn Glover Addly Eugene Russell Ernestine Goodgion Billy Joe Saunders Royce Harold Gregory William Duane Shidal William Arnold Hazelwood Dorothy Nell Smith Robert Dennis Healy Charles Stuart Speed Zadia Carry Herrold Wilford Stone Travis I Jean Marcellene Hinkle Mariana Trevillion Annette Webb Hogancamp Doyle Eugene Ward Virginia Sue Holland Mary Gene Warren Robert Hardin Hopkins Ranny Sue Vlhi ttle Allie Mae Howle Robert Tolar Wilkinson Robert Wilson Huie Gene Gray Wilson Irby Jackson Hurt James Curtis Woodall Ewing.Barber Jackson 125 Bachelor of .Arts .Martha Nell Anderson Edith Gertrude Knepper Barbara Ann Bigham Thomas Coleman Mathis Samuel Marion Carter Laura Belle Morris Ben Wade Crawford Mary Frances Oliver Paul Graves Darnall Marvin Forrest Reber .· Nancy Ellen Dority Betty Raye Smith J"oanne Farris George Ann Upchurch Joyce Fly Francis Hoyt Vittetow Lowell Achilles Gough Naomi Lee Whitnell Evel~ Lucille Honchell William Ervin Wilson Virginia Jo Hurdle Wilma Jane Yancey I Bonnie Lee Kingins John Thomas MacLean The following have applied for the Master of Arts in Education degree.
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