ZAPISKI HISTORYCZNE — TOM LXXXIII — ROK 2018 Zeszyt 1 Sources, Materials, Miscellanea KONRAD BOBIATYŃSKI (University of Warsaw) ZBIGNIEW HUNDERT (Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw) The Composition of the Army of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania during the War with Turkey (1675–1676) in the Light of Financial and Military files* Key words: the Polish-Turkish war 1672 –1676, the Lithuanian army, Old-Polish war- fare The participation of the army of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the war between the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the Ottoman Empire in the years 1672 –1676, like the conflict itself 1, has been extensively presented in the literature. The monographs concern not only subsequent stages of military activities, in which the Lithuanian army participated, but also a number of organizational and political aspects which affected the attitude of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania2. In the current stage of the research we are familiar with * The article was written as part of the grant of the National Programme for the Develop- ment of Humanities no. 11H 13 0334 82 titled Treasury files as the source for the history of Old- Polish warfare under the reign of the House of Vasa carried out in the years 2015 – 2020. 1 Mainly: Marek Wagner, Wojna polsko-turecka 1672 –1676, t. 1– 2, Zabrze 2009; see also: Zbigniew Hundert, Husaria koronna w wojnie polsko-tureckiej 1672 –1676, Oświęcim 20142, pp. 323 – 417 – here references to the literature of the subject matter. 2 We should enumerate: Aleksander Codello, Litwa wobec wojny z Turcją 1672 –1676, Stu- dia i Materiały do Historii Wojskowości (further cit. SMHW), t. 13: 1970, cz. 1, pp. 136 –159; Anna Filipczak-Kocur, Od Chocimia do Żórawna (Żurawna). Finansowy udział Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego w kampaniach wojennych 1673 –1676, [in:] Studia historyczno-wojskowe, t. 3, ed. Tomasz Ciesielski, Zabrze 2009, pp. 130 –137 (the English version: The financial con- tribiution of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania to the war campaigns in the years 1673 –1676, [in:] Pra- blyemy intehratsyi i inkarparatsyi w razvitstsi Tsentaral’nay i Uskhodnyay Yewropy w pyeryyaad rannyaha Novaha chasu, ed. Stsyapan Sokal, Andrey Yanushkyevich, Minsk 2010 [Прабле- мы інтэграцыі і інкарпарацыі ў развіцці Цэнтаральнай і Усходняй Еўропы ў перыяад ранняга Новага часу, рэд. Сцяпан Сокал, Андрэй Янушкевіч, Мінск 2010], pp. 358 – 366); Konrad Bobiatyński, Wojsko i polityka – kilka uwag o udziale armii litewskiej w kampaniach 156 Konrad Bobiatyński, Zbigniew Hundert [156] the exact composition of the Lithuanian army during the Battle of Khotyn [Chocim]3. For the subsequent periods, mostly for the years 1675 –1676, the situation looks worse. So far the main source of knowledge about the size and composition of the Lithuanian army at the time were editions of manuscripts of the registers of the Lithuanian army, which were frequently misleading4. We shall try to show that most of them referred to unrealized projects, which often concerned another decade. The basic aim of this edition is to rectify many inaccuracies in the litera- ture of the subject matter, which have arisen owing to the uncritical use of those documents. The main source basis to reconstruct the composition of the Lithuanian army in three quarters of the service in the years 1675 –1676 constituted the billings of the Grand Lithuanian Sub-Treasurer Paweł Sapieha prepared for the Grodno Sejm of 1678/79, which are easily available to Polish historians. They illustrate expenditures on individual units of the Lithuanian przeciwko Turkom i Tatarom w latach 70. XVII w., [in:] Rzeczpospolita państwem wielu naro- dowości i wyznań. XVI – XVIII wiek, ed. Tomasz Ciesielski, Anna Filipczak-Kocur, War- szawa – Opole 2008, pp. 503 – 519 (the Belarusian version: Voyska i palityka – nyekal’ki zawvah pra wdzyel voyska Vyalikaha Knyastva Litowskaha w kampaniyakh suprats’ turkaw i tataraw u 70-kh hh. XVII st. [Войска і палітыка – некалькі заўваг пра ўдзел войска Вялікага Кня- ства Літоўскага ў кампаніях супраць туркаў і татараў у 70-х гг. XVII ст.], Arche, 2012, nr 6 (117), pp. 387 – 402); idem, W drodze pod Chocim. Litewskie przygotowania do wojny prze- ciwko Turkom w 1673 roku, [in:] Studia z dziejów Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego (XVI – XVIII wieku), ed. Mirosław Nagielski, Sławomir Górzyński, Warszawa 2014, pp. 27 – 47; idem, Nie- znana litewska relacja o bitwie pod Chocimiem w 1673 roku, Przegląd Historyczny, t. 106: 2015, z. 3, pp. 551– 563; Arkadiusz Malejka, Zdobycie Pawołoczy (1675 r.) – epizod z wojny polsko-tu- reckiej, [in:] Traktaty karłowickie 1699 roku i ich następstwa, red. Ilona Czamańska, Witold Szulc, Balcanica Posnaniensia. Acta et Studia, t. 13: 2003, pp. 85 – 93. Moreover, the participa- tion of the army of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in military actions in the years 1673 –1676 are presented in the biographies of the most important Lithuanian commanders of the time, see: Konrad Bobiatyński, Michał Kazimierz Pac. Wojewoda wileński, hetman wielki litewski, Warszawa 2008, pp. 285 – 345; idem, Michał Kazimierz Radziwiłł jako hetman polny litewski (1668 –1680), [in:] Radziwiłłowie w służbie Marsa, ed. Mirosław Nagielski, Karol Żojdź, War- szawa 2017, pp. 229 – 241; Andrzej Adam Majewski, Aleksander Hilary Połubiński (1626 –1679). Marszałek wielki litewski, Warszawa 2017, pp. 431– 448. 3 K. Bobiatyński, W drodze pod Chocim, pp. 44 – 47. 4 First of all, editions of the military registers prepared by Janusz Woliński on the basis: Archiwum Główne Akt Dawnych in Warsaw [The Central Archives of Historical Records in Warsaw] (further cit. AGAD), Archiwum Zamoyskich, sygn. 3112, pp. 417 – 419, 441– 442; see: Komput lewego skrzydła wojska W. Ks. Lit. in opere zostającego, jak ad praesens zostaje [b.d. 1674/1675]; Chorągwie, które z ks. Jm. powróciły i wiele pod którą teraz zostaje effective [b.d. 1674/1675], [in:] Sobiesciana z 1675 r., ed. Janusz Woliński, Przegląd Historyczno-Woj- skowy, t. 5: 1932, z. 2, pp. 223 – 225; Komput wojsk W. Ks. L., ad opus belli [1675], [in:] Materia- ły do dziejów wojny polsko-tureckiej 1672 –1676, ed. Janusz Woliński, SMHW, t. 15: 1969, cz. 2, pp. 231– 232. [157] The Composition of the Army of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania… 157 army in the quarter from 15 August to 15 November 1675 and two quarters of 1676 – from 15 May to 15 November5. It must be underlined that the ma- terials have been already used by historians, e.g. in order to reconstruct the unitary composition of a banner of the medium cavalry – petyhorcy – in the Lithuanian army in the years 1675 –16766. In order to show the composition of the army in the first half of 1675, the author used the register of Lithuanian military units from the Cracow Archive of the Sanguszko Family, which seems to be the best source to present this issue. The Lithuanian army in the war between the Polish-Lithuanian Common- wealth and the Ottoman Empire participated in all the war campaigns except the first year of the conflict, when it was under the reconstruction after the dissolution of the army in the camp near the village of Dubienka, which had taken place a year before. The reason why the army was gathered was not the threat from the Turkish army, but the necessity to support King Michał Kory- but Wiśniowiecki in his struggle with the opposition. The magnitude of the re- constructed army, which in November formed the confederation in Kobryń to support the king, was estimated at 4,000 to 5,000 soldiers7. In 1673, when the 5 Liczba jaśnie wielmożnego jmści Pana Benedykta Pawła na Czerei Sapiehy, podskarbiego wielkiego, pisarza ziemskiego W. Ks. Lit., rosławskiego, retowskiego, olkiennickiego starosty. Z po- datków Rzptej ordynaryjnych i ekstraordynaryjnych od objęcia przez jmści urzędu podskarbstwa W. Ks. Lit. tak na sejmie szczęśliwej koronacjej in an. 1676 jako też in anno 1677 uchwalonych i prorogowanych do skarbu Rzeczyp. W Ks. Lit. […] Ad productum przed stanami Rzptej na sejm teraźniejszy zgromadzonemi 1678 sporządzona, AGAD, Nabytki Niedokumentowe Oddzia- łu I (further cit. Nabytki), sygn. 36, k. 380 – 425. 6 Zbigniew Hundert, Kilka uwag na temat chorągwi petyhorskich w wojskach Rzeczypospo- litej w latach 1673 –1683, [in:] Homo Militans, t. 2: W pancerzu przez wieki. Z dziejów wojsko- wości polskiej i powszechnej, ed. Marcin Baranowski, Andrzej Gładysz, Andrzej Niewiński, Oświęcim 2014, pp. 136 –149 (the Belarusian version with supplementations: Nyekal’ki zawvah nakont pyatsihorskikh kharuhvaw uvoyskakh Rechy Paspalitay u 1673 –1683 hh. [Некалькі заўваг наконт пяцігорскіх харугваў у войсках Рэчы Паспалітай у 1673 –1683 гг.], Arche, 2015, nr 12 (145), pp. 55 – 73) – here also the synthetic description of the contribution of the Lithuanian petyhorcy to the military actions of the years 1673 –1676. Here, it must be noted that the subject matter of the study was not only this formation, but also units of the Lithuanian army in the 1670s, which belonged to the representatives of the Radziwiłłs and Sapiehas, see: Mariusz Sawicki, Chorągwie radziwiłłowskie w II połowie XVII wieku w świetle ksiąg litewskich komisji skarbowo-wojskowych, [in:] Radziwiłłowie w służbie Marsa, s. 243 – 256; idem, Chorą- gwie sapieżyńskie w II połowie XVII wieku w świetle ksiąg litewskich komisji skarbowo-wojsko- wych, [in:] Vyalikaye Knyastva Litowskaye: palityka, ekanomika, kul’tura: zbornik navukovykh artykulaw u dzvyukh chastkakh, ch. 1, ed. Uladzimir Husakow, Minsk 2017 [Вялікае Княства Літоўскае: палітыка, эканоміка, культура: зборнік навуковых артыкулаў у дзвюх част- ках, ч. 1, ред. Уладзімір Гусакоў, Мінск 2017], pp. 409 – 418. 7 Leszek Andrzej Wierzbicki, O zgodę w Rzeczypospolitej. Zjazd warszawski i sejm pacy- fikacyjny 1673 roku, Lublin 2005, p. 36; K. Bobiatyński, Michał Kazimierz Pac, p. 276; idem, Wojsko i polityka, p. 511; Zbigniew Hundert, Między buławą a tronem. Wojsko koronne w wal- 158 Konrad Bobiatyński, Zbigniew Hundert [158] conflicting parties of the political conflict and the so called pacification Sejm made the decision to continue the war with the Ottoman Porte, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania was to provide the army of 12,000 soldiers.
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