Author Index

Author Index

Author Index Abbey, H. M., 112, 145 Baker, I, 667, 689 Achtelig, M., 294 Baker, R. R., 740 Ackery, P. R., 265, 266 Baker, T. C., 415 Acquay, H., 743 Bang, R., 228 Adams, T. S., 406, 415, 543, 565 Baranowski, R. M., 227, 228 Adiyodi, K. G., 162, 163 Barnes, R. D., 8, 19, 22 Adkisson, P. L., 738, 740, 741 Barnes, R. S. K., 19,23 Agosin, M., 487, 490, 491 Barrett, F. M., 518, 533 Ajello, L., 689 Barton Browne, L., 414, 415, 490 Akhurst, R. J., 686, 689 Bastiani, M.l., 581, 593 Alexander, R. D., 28, 53 Baust, 1. G., 633, 657 Alford, D. v., 344 Beall, B. S., 54 Alloway, T. M., 414, 415 Beament, 1. W. L., 359, 363 Ananthakrishnan, T. N., 232 Beattie, A. 1., 668, 689 Andersen, S. 0., 356, 363 Beck,S.D.,633,635,637,639,644,657 Anderson, D. T., 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 559, 576, 584, Beckage, N. E., 689 593 Becker, H. F., 53 Anderson, N. H., 669, 689 Bedding, R. A., 723, 740 Anderson, R. M., 740 Bedford, G. E., 181, 182 Ando, H., 174, 175 Beegle, C. c., 683, 689, 726, 740 Andow, D., 743 Beier, M. 159, 163 Andrewartha, H. G., 657, 660, 671, 688, 689 Bell, Wl., 162, 163 Angus, T. A., 723, 740 Ben-Dov, Y., 694, 740 Anonymous, 693, 736, 740 Bereiter-Hahn, 1., 363 Arnason, 1. T., 742 Berkner, L. Y., 50, 53 Arnett, R. H., Jr., 162, 163, 192, 199,204,227, Berland, L., 292, 299 232,265,266,290,299,319,344 Bernard, G. D., 379, 381, 388, 389 Arnold, 1. W, 502, 510 Bernays, E. A., 490 Arora, D. K., 689 Berner, L., 134, 135 Asahina, E., 632, 657 Beroza, M., 740, 742 Askew, R. R., 144,204,290,323,344 Berridge, M. J., 520, 521, 525, 531, 533 Aspock, H., 292, 294, 299 Betts, C. R., 227, 228 Aspock, U., 292, 294, 295, 299 Biltonen, M., 743 Binnington, K., 363 Baccetti, B., 565 Birch, L. c., 657, 671, 689 Badonnel, A., 197, 199 Birch, M. C., 408, 415, 557, 565 Bailey, L., 682, 689 Bishop, A. L., 10 I, 110 Bailey, W J., 565 Blomquist, G.1., 350, 353, 360, 362, 363 Baker, H. G., 53, 54, 665, 667, 689, 690 Bodenstein, D., 571, 593 745 746 Bohart, G. E., 345 Chinzei, Y., 416 Bohm, M. K., 566 Chippendale, G. M., 615, 622 Author Index Bohn, H., 505, 506, 510 Chopard, L., 162, 163, 178, 185, 191, 192 Bolton, B., 327, 328, 335, 336, 341, 344 Christiansen, K., 117 Boman, H. G., 508, 510 Church, N. S., 60, 90, 593 Bonamo, P. M., 55 Cisne, J. L., 6, 23 Borden, J. H., 411, 415 Clark, J. T., 181, 182 Borner, c., 99, 110 Clarke, K. U., 22, 23, 614, 615, 622 Borror, D. J., 740 Clay, T., 20 I, 202, 204 Boudreaux, H. B., 12, 16, 19,20,21,22,23,34, Clifford, H. E, 135 38,39,40,42,43,53, 101, 110, III Cloudsley-Thompson, J. L., 657 Bradley, J. c., 181, 182 Coaker, T. H., 741 Bradley, T. J., 530, 532, 533 Coats, J. R., 740, 741 Brauckmann, C., 34, 35, 38, 39 Cobben, R. H., 227 Breznak, J. A., 490 Cochran, D. G., 483, 484, 490, 522, 532, 533 Briegel, H., 480, 490 Cockrell, B. J., 658 Briers, T., 566 Cole, E R., 286 Briese, D. T., 730, 740 Colless, D. H., 286 Brinck, P., 153 Colyer, C. N., 286 Brinkhurst, R. 0., 431, 446 Common, I. E B., 248, 249, 254, 256, 259, 261, Brittain, J. E., 135 264,265,266,669,689 Britton, E. B., 314, 319 Comstock, J.H., 99, 111 Brothers, D. 1., 335, 344 Conde, B., 121 Brower, L. P., 655, 657, 658 Conway, G., 710, 741 Brown, A. W. A., 715, 740 Corbet, P. S., 144, 145,636,644,657 Brown, W. L., Jr., 28, 53, 178, 344 Cornwell, P. B., 162, 163 Brues, C. T., 102, III Counce, S. J., 571, 593 Brune, A., 490 Cowles, E. A., 689 Buck, J., 465 Cramptom, G. c., 100, 111 Bulla, L. A., Jr., 683, 689, 723, 728, 741 Cranston, P. S., 110, 111 Bullock, T. H., 414, 415 Creagh, c., 701, 741 Boning, J., 565, 566 Crespi, B. J., 232 Burges, H. D., 723, 740, 741 Croft, B. A., 740, 741 Burn, A. J., 740, 741 Crossley, A. c., 502, 504, 505, 506, 510 Bursell, E., 517, 518, 519, 532, 533 Crowson, R.A., 42, 43, 53, 302, 305, 308, 309, Burtt, E. T., 388, 389 314,316,319 Butcher, J. w., 117 Cummins, K. W., 657, 658 Butler, C. G., 344 Cutler, D. F, 689, 690 Butt, E H., 593 Byers, G. w., 237 D' Amore, M., 743 Daar, A., 743 Cade, W. H., 555, 565, 566 Dadd, R. H., 490 Calaby, J. H., 204 Dahlem, G. A., 268, 269, 286 Calow, P., 23 Dallwitz, M. J., 111 Campbell, I. c., 135, 136 Danilevskii, A. S., 643, 657 Canning, E. U., 740 Danks, H. v., 657 Carayon, J., 559, 566 Danthanarayana, w., 446, 650, 657 Cargill, A. S., 669, 689 Darnhofer-Demar, B., 431,446 Carpenter, F M., 26, 34, 36, 39, 41,53, 111,237, Davey, K. G., 406, 415, 477, 490, 544, 554, 560, 294,295 561,563,565,566 Carter, B. J., 699, 743 David, W. A. L., 683, 684, 689 Cartwright, P., 23 Davidson, E. W., 742 Carver, M., 207, 208, 218, 227 Davidson, R. H., 740, 741 Catton, W. T., 388, 389 Davis, E. E., 378, 389 Center, T. D., 665, 689 Dawson, G. w., 733, 741 Chapman, R. E, 192, 490 de Loof, A., 551, 565, 566 Chen, P. S., 565, 566 de Wilde, J., 551, 565, 566 Deacon, 1. w., 740, 741 Evans, M. E. G., 303, 319 747 Dean, D., 726, 742 Ewing, H. E., 119 Dean, R. L., 483 Author Index DeBach, P., 674, 689, 694, 695, 715, 720, 721, 722, Fargues, J., 689, 741 723,732,734,736,740,741 Federici, B. A., 689 DeFo1iart, G., 697, 699, 741 Feltwell, J., 693, 741 Delaney, M.l., 121, 125 Ferguson, D. c., 266 Delong, D. M., 740 Ferris, G. F., 204 Denholm, I., 716, 740, 741 Ferron, P., 685, 689, 729, 741 Denlinger, D. L., 550, 566, 622, 631,642,648, Field, L. M., 487, 490 657 Fife, H. G., 496,510 Dent, D., 715, 722, 732, 740, 741 Fitzpatrick, S. M., 408, 415 Dethier, V. G., 365, 389, 468, 490 Fjellberg, A., 117 Devonshire, A. L., 487, 490 Flannagan, J. F., 135 Dillon, E. S., 319 Flood, J., 697, 741 Dillon, L. S., 319 Florkin, M., 500, 510 Dillwith, 1. w., 350, 353, 360, 362, 363 Flower, J. w., 28, 54 Dingle, H., 657 Ford, E. B., 265, 266 Dirsh, V. M., 185, 192 Foster, G. G., 730, 740, 744 Doane, W. w., 622 Franclemont, J. G., 266 Doctor, 1. S., 614, 622 Franz, J. M., 740, 741 Dogra, G. S., 402, 415 Fraser, F. c., 140, 144, 145 Dolling, W. R., 227, 228 Free, J. B., 344 Dominick, R. B., 265, 266 Friedel, T., 409, 415, 554, 558, 563, 566 Doner, M. H., 96, 112 Friedman, S., 484, 491 Doube, B. M., 701, 741 Friend, W. G., 518, 533 Douglas, M. M., 28, 53 Frisbie, R. E., 738, 740, 741 Doutt, R. L., 344 Frisch, K., von, 385, 389 Downer, R. G. H., 415, 490, 491 Fristrom, J. W., 614, 622 Downes, 1. A., 629, 657 Fuchs, M. S., 566 Downes, W. L., Jr., 268, 269, 286 Fuxa,J. R., 689, 723, 741 Duman, 1., 631, 657 Fuzeau-Bresch, S., 361, 363 Dumser, J. B., 554, 565, 566 Dunn, P. E., 505, 508, 510,750 Gabe, M., 415 Dunnet, G. M., 290 Gaines, S. B., 554, 566 Dunphy, G. B., 686, 689 Galil, B. S., 181, 182 DuPorte, E. M., 45, 54, 89 Gallahan, D., 743 Durden, C. J., 159, 162, 163 Gallun, R. L., 732, 741 Dutky, S. R., 730, 741 Gaugler, R., 686, 689, 690, 730, 740, 741 Dybas, R. A., 715, 742 Gau1d, I., 327,328,335,336,341,344 Dyson-Hudson, R., 743 Gauthier, J.-Y., 163 Gay, F. J., 172, 173 Eastop, V. F., 706, 741 Gelperin, A., 490, 491 Ebeling, W.,360,363 Georghiou, G. P., 714, 716, 740, 741 Eberhard, M.l. w., 344 Gerber, G. H., 558, 559, 566 Edmunds, G. F., Jr., 130, 135, 136 Gilbert, c., 389 Edwards, C. R., 266 Gilbert, L. E., 665, 689 Edwards, R., 344 Gilbert, L. I., 370, 372, 383, 386, 389, 398, 402, Ellington, C. P., 28, 29, 53, 54 407,408,410,414,415,446,447,472,490, Elliott, M., 714, 741 491,622,714,740,742 Emerson, K. c., 204 Giles, E. T., 40, 54, 174, 175, 176, 178 Emerson, M. J., 12,23 Gill, S. S., 683, 689 Engelmann, F., 545, 548, 554, 555, 565, 566 Gillott, C., 409, 415, 554, 555, 558, 563, 565, 566, Ennos, A. R., 269, 287 618,619,623,630,644,646,658,672,676, Evans, E. D., 292 690,701,741 Evans, H. E., 344 Gilmour, D., 480, 490, 491 Evans, J. w., 227 Giordano, S., 743 747 748 Gisin, H., 116, 117 Hennig, w., 38, 44, 53, 54, 94, 110, III, 149, 153, Glare, T. R., 684, 689 155,156,181,182,185,192,227,228,237, Author Index Goldsmith, T. H., 379, 381, 388, 389 288,290 Goldsworthy, G. J., 415, 446, 485, 491, 599, Henry, J.

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