2011 ANNUAL REPORT iN 2011 25% OF HOuseHOlDs WitH veteraNs HaD DiFFiCultY aFFOrDiNg FOOD. CHaNgiNg PersPeCtives rev. Henry Belin ageNCY Nora ephron Jennifer leuzzi MarKetiNg rs aDvisOrY Writer JKl MeDia WOrKs aDvisOrY CHair O t BetHel aMe CHurCH COMMittee Dominic Fumusa Michael lomonaco COMMittee C aCtOr CHeF, autHOr rev. Henry Belin Nancy seliger Cat greenleaf Marisa May ire Mr. Jewel Jones CO-CHair CHair — FleisHMaN-HillarD BetHel aMe CHurCH HOst, NBC-tv saN DOMiNiCO viCe CHair CateriNg & eveNts Yann de rochefort Jewel Jones ethan Hawke lOve KitCHeN, iNC. Masaharu Morimoto viCe CHair — BOQueria CO-CHair aCtOr lOve KitCHeN, iNC. CHeF, tv HOst, autHOr Claire g. Behar D OF Michael Kay Mr. ralph l. rogers, Jr. Nurah amat’ullah seamus Mullen Heather Benn sPOrts BrOaDCaster ar exeCutive viCe CHair MusliM WOMeN’s iNstitute CHeF Chris Console FOr researCH aND robin roberts steiNer sPOrts & eNtertaiN- BO Wells FargO aDvisOrs, llC DevelOPMeNt ruth reichl NeWsCaster MeNt MarKetiNg gilbert Diaz raNDOM HOuse Kyra sedgwick Charlie Dougiello PHOeNix HOuse lee Brian schrager Mr. robert Weinmann aCtOr tHe DOOr | aN iDea HOuse treasurer swami Durga Das sOutHerN WiNe & sPirits tony shalhoub OF aMeriCa, iNC. Melanie Dunea aCOsta sales & MarKetiNg river FuND aCtOr Michael schlow MY last suPPer stephen grimaldi CHeF, autHOr Moonah ellison Mr. John F. Fritts, esq. YOrKville COMMON PaNtrY tanya Wenman steel NeW YOrK MOves seCretarY Denny Marsh CuliNarY ePiCuriOus.COM Marisa Fariña CaDWalaDer, WiCKersHaM & taFt llP NeigHBOrs tOgetHer COuNCil susan ungaro tiMe Out NeW YOrK laMaunda Maharaj tHe JaMes BearD Katie ilch Mr. Mario Batali NYC Hra–eFaP Mario Batali FOuNDatiON FOOD NetWOrK sister Mary Maloney CHair Jean-georges CHeF, autHOr Maria Kalligeros CHiPs CHeF/autHOr/restaurateur vongerichten KalligerOs COMMuiCa- Diane glick Morris ted allen CHeF, autHOr Mr. Peter l. Bloom tiONs NYs DOH-HPNaP tv HOst, autHOr Jennifer leuzzi geNeral atlaNtiC, llC Phillip Baltz Jeanne Mcgettigan gilt taste CatHOliC CHarities Baltz & COMPaNY FOOD stephen McCarthy Mr. anthony Bowe COMMuNitY serviCes Joe Bastianich aDvisOrY aMNeWYOrK CreDit suisse Judy Pedraza CHeF, autHOr COMMittee Brendan J. Murphy aiDs CeNter OF lidia Bastianich QueeNs COuNtY DuFF aND PHelPs Ms. Carla a. Harris CHeF, tv HOst, autHOr eileen scott rev. Melony samuels CHair — iCC/DeCisiON tom Neylon MOrgaN staNleY & COMPaNY, iNC. Ken Biberaj BeD-stuY CaMPaigN serviCes aCOsta sales & MarKetiNg agaiNst HuNger restaurateur Kevin gallagher Marc Oshima rev.terry troia april Bloomfield Mr. g. robert James gC PuBlisHiNg COMPaNY CO-FOuNDer & CMO, PrOJeCt HOsPitalitY, iNC. CHeF Dennis Hughes aerOFarMs Benny Wechsler Daniel Boulud Mr. lee Brian schrager Blue BuNNY annika schmitz MetrOPOlitaN COuNCil CHeF, autHOr ON JeWisH POvertY ernie Koenig Delta air liNes, iNC. sOutHerN WiNe & anthony Bourdain sPirits OF aMeriCa, iNC. PatHMarK stOres Bob schneider John Weed CHeF, tv HOst, autHOr BrONxWOrKs rick Nichols iNg DireCt CaFe tim Buma Ms. eileen scott stOP & Shop linda simidian anita Fein CHeF st. eDWarD FOOD PaNtrY vincent Pacifico WNYW-tv/CH. 5 iCC/DeCisiON serviCes David Burke vista FOOD exCHaNge, iNC. irika slavin Doreen Wohl CHeF, autHOr West siDe CaMPaigN Paul raguso FOOD NetWOrK Ms. Nancy seliger anne Burrell agaiNst HuNger gOrtON’s FisH Monica talan FleisHMaN-HillarD CHeF, tv HOst, autHOr steve valdez uNivisiON COMMuNiCa- andrew Carmellini CeleBritY COuNCil KOzY sHaCK, iNC. tiONs, iNC. Mr. arthur J. stainman CHeF, autHOr Kevin Walker angel vazquez stanley tucci, Cesare Casella First MaNHattaN CaNaDa DrY BOttliNg el DiariO/la PreNsa CHair CHeF, autHOr COMPaNY John Wiseman aCtOr/DireCtOr Mr. stanley tucci David Chang Jill Wasserman tHrilllist.COM Hank azaria CHeF, autHOr aCtOr/DireCtOr aCOsta sales & MarKetiNg aCtOr Caryl Chinn robert Weinmann Kevin Bacon CarYl CHiNN CuliNarY aCOsta sales & MarKetiNg Ms. Margarette Purvis aCtOr CONsultiNg PresiDeNt aND CeO Kelly Bensimon tom Colicchio FOOD BaNK FOr NeW YOrK CitY aCtress, MODel CHeF, tv HOst, autHOr lorraine Brocco Yann de rochefort aCtress restaurateur ty Burrell Barbara Fairchild aCtOr CuliNarY autHOritY Helena Christensen Brad Farmerie MODel CHeF alan Cumming tyler Florence aCtOr CHeF, tv HOst, autHOr gavin Degraw Jean-Marc Houmard MusiCiaN restaurateur emeril lagasse CHeF, tv HOst, autHOr AR01 TWENTY.ELEVEN Dear FrieNDs, It might be hard for you to imagine what it is like to stand in line at a soup kitchen, to not know where your next meal will come from or where to turn for assistance as you strive to support your family. Without stretching your imagination too far, it is clear that anyone can be impacted by hunger. Al- most 3 million people in New York City struggle to put food on the table. These are our neighbors, co-workers, and friends—maybe even our family members. For 28 years, Food Bank For New York City has been a stronghold of support for those in need. From emergency food to income support and nutrition education, people from various backgrounds have counted on us as their lifeline during tough times. Since our inception, we have distributed more than 1 billion pounds of food, including 14 million servings of fresh produce each year. For many families, our network of 1,000 programs, throughout all 5 boroughs, provides the only source of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats and fish. A focus on people and research has enabled us to develop a broader picture of what causes hunger and new strategic solutions we can utilize as we work to end it. Our free Income Tax Services have brought more than half a billion dollars back into struggling communities since its inception. In 2011, our CookShop Program taught 135,000 children, teens and adults to live healthier lifestyles. Our Harlem based Community Kitchen & Food Pantry reaches 90,000 families each year. As proud as we are of our accomplishments to date, we realize there is still substantial work necessary to achieve our goals. With this in mind, we are heightening our focus on excellence and innovation in our programming and community efforts. So what will the future look like? We are looking forward to bolder, more impactful strategies that will change perspectives about how to combat hunger and empower communities. In the midst of uncertainty, it is clear that New Yorkers need hope. By focusing on individuals, we look beyond the numbers and see the people who are struggling to survive and maintain dignity. We are indebted to the continued support of our partners. We are more than a warehouse or a Community Kitchen. In partnership with our citywide charity network, we are a lifeline to the more than 1.5 million New Yorkers deserving to receive needed support with dignity. We are an organization doing something great—and striving to do some- thing even greater. Thank you for joining the fight. We are proud that the families and communities we serve are not in this alone. sincerely, Margarette Purvis reverend Henry Belin President and CEO Chair, Board of Directors AR02 TWENTY.ELEVEN PerCeNt OF NeW YOrKers WitH a COllege Degree 30 Have DiFFiCultY aFFOrDiNg FOOD AR03 TWENTY.ELEVEN NeW YOrK is tHe CitY OF DreaMs; NO DreaM sHOulD Have tO taKe a BaCK seat tO HuNger. Keisha George is a single mom with two children. “ We understand the hardships of our Having lost her job selling health insurance more than a communities during the current economic times. as our neighbor at year ago, finding new employment in today’s economy Hunts Point Cooperative Market, we hasn’t been easy. Keisha is back in school to improve collaboratively work with the Food Bank her chances of obtaining a job that can support her and to ensure that healthy food items like fresh produce will reach those in need. her family, but she’s unable to make ends meet. Her story it is partnerships like these that make is like many heard from New Yorkers who are struggling to Hunts Point—and all of New York City— survive. The Food Bank is there to help Keisha put a better place to work and live.” nutritious food on the table. Manny Lopes OpERATIONS MANAGER, BALDOR SPECIALTY FOODS Our commitment to providing all New Yorkers access to nutritious foods is evident through our outreach. Food Bank “ When i was hired as the first For New York City has become a resource for communities Director of the Food Bank at 25-years- across all five boroughs as we work with our network of old, our big challenge was to figure out how to get food approximately 1,000 community-based member programs in and out the door—we literally had to to get food into the hands of those who need it most. borrow the equipment to unload the first truckload. Food Bank For New York City is a multi-faceted organiza- i am so proud to see how the tion that relies on a broad spectrum of collaborative Food Bank has grown and developed a comprehensive efforts. But our greatest resource is you—everyday New approach to ending hunger, Yorkers who want to ensure that no man, woman or child including income support and goes hungry. With your support, we can help those who nutrition education.” need it most with a meal today, resources for a more secure Liz Krueger NEW YORK STATE SENATOR tomorrow and nutrition education to live healthier lives. “ I never had to access a food pantry before, but i lost my job and with two kids i had no choice. this is for every New Yorker in need—any color, any race—anyone who needs assistance. i feel more optimistic about the future knowing i can provide a meal for my family.” Keisha George PerCeNt OF NeW YOrKers WitH FOOD BANK CLIENT a COllege Degree Have DiFFiCultY aFFOrDiNg FOOD 1 iN 5 NeW YOrKers relies ON tHe FOOD BaNK FOr NeW YOrK CitY’s PrOgraMs aND serviCes AR04 TWENTY.ELEVEN sOMe MigHt Call it a HerCuleaN eFFOrt, But FOr tHe FOOD BaNK, it’s all iN a DaY’s WOrK “ By focusing on confronting food insecurity head on, and Every day, 8 to 10 tractor-trailers are on educating the local community on the importance of the streets of New York City, delivering proper nutrition, the Food Bank For New York City is truly focused on the bigger picture of keeping New Yorkers food to charities citywide.
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