MINUTES OF THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING OF NEWTON & NOSS PARISH COUNCIL Held on 8 November 2018 PRESENT; MRS. ANSELL MR. COOPER CLLR. GREEN MR. CARTER MR. TUBB MS. ADAMS MR. HUSSELL MR. PARRY-SMITH MR. LYNDON MR. INGRAM ALSO PRESENT; Cllr. Hosking, Cllr. Baldry, Cllr. Rufus Gilbert, Mrs Cathy Aubertin (South Hams District Council),6 members of the public, Mrs. McDonough (Clerk). OPEN FORUM Newton Ferrers and Noss Mayo Parish Council Police Report October 2018 - PCSO Andrew Potter had sent apologies and the following written report 1st to 28th October; Newton Ferrers 5th, report of harassment CR/091985/18 Overnight 6th/7th criminal damage caused to playpark tunnel CR/094379/18 10th, report of criminal damage to a building, damage caused to wooden roof supports between 10th and 27th Sept CR/091451/18. Early hours of 16th vehicle interference, attempt theft of car/property from car CR/095785/18 Overnight 13th/14th further damage caused to wooden roof supports of building CR/095785/18 Noss Mayo - no reported crime. River Yealm & District Association – a representative referred to the response made by the RYDA to the planning application in respect of the land off Junket Corner which had been circulated to the Parish Council before the meeting. Reference was made to the Newton & Noss Neighbourhood Plan requirement for additional car parking considerations in respect of the planning application for The Ship. Kirrin; the architect spoke in support of the planning application. Both neighbours had been consulted and there was a letter of support from one. Windows on both sides had been reduced concentrating the outlook down the garden. Public conveniences- Ms. Aubertin and Cllr Rufus Gilbert, commercial services portfolio holder for SHDC, spoke in respect of the decision made by SHDC to close some public lavatories - including those at Newton Ferrers. Noss Mayo was not currently scheduled for closure. SHDC was offering to transfer the WC’s to the Parish Council for £1. They had both come to listen and answer any questions. It was suggested, considering the Chancellor’s recent decision to remove Business Rates payable on public conveniences, that SHDC should revisit the proposed closures rather than Parish Councils being asked to pay - with the consequential precept increase. The meeting was told that SHDC had 47 public conveniences - more than any other district council in England. SHDC spent £750,000 p.a. on public conveniences. SHDC was trying to keep as many open by whatever means. Ms. Aubertin advised that the costs savings for Newton Ferrers would be £8278 from the figures disclosed to the Parish Council in advance of the meeting. The costs information given was divided across the community including costs for Locality Officers who undertook inspections and the cleaners. Asked about redundancies, the meeting was advised that a tipping point would be reached where some cleaners would not be needed. Costs would be cut pro rata. It was suggested Parish Councils could run the public conveniences for less and would not have the same costs as SHDC. It was accepted that if the Parish Council took on an employee, it too would have administrative and employer costs including pension provision. SHDC could give some guidance as to costs as they had done for other Parish Councils who had gone down that route. Cllr Gilbert advised that Noss Mayo public conveniences would be reviewed in a couple of years’ time when the Parish could lose them as well. SHDC was asked about the criteria given in their figures and why Newton Ferrers had been given a 0 rating for tourism/retail. It was pointed out that the public conveniences were close to Newton Hill which attracts many tourists. The meeting was told SHDC had looked at how busy areas were in terms of tourism. There were no counters for the footfall given of 100 - the estimate had been given based on water usage/cubicle numbers. It was accepted that the figures were difficult to understand and SHDC apologised. SHDC confirmed that the public conveniences were provided if facilities were not available elsewhere e.g. pubs and cafes. It was accepted pubs had to pay for water rates and they would increase as a result if used by non-customers. Cllr. Green enquired into the possibility of contributing to the costs subject to Parish Council approval e.g. taking on the cleaning costs with SHDC retaining ownership and responsibility for the balance of costs. Cllr. Gilbert rejected this suggestion. SHDC needed to provide an equitable service and had not accepted a contribution from any other parishes. It would still leave water rates and electricity for SHDC to pay. Cllr Gilbert advised that here was no half way house, no debate and no consideration would be given to suggestions of contributions. Neither he nor Ms. Aubertin were there to negotiate. The Parish Council could peel off the costs from the SHDC details the costs that didn’t apply to the Parish Council. The Chairman suggested that it would be helpful to have figures that could be understood SHDC having apologised that they were difficult to understand. Cllr. Gilbert advised that he had apologised for just one figure being difficult to understand. Those public conveniences that were closed would be sold or demolished. Cllr. Baldry advised that he considered SHDC were there to look after the public and there was a basic right to have public lavatories. There were public health considerations. He had circulated his views on the implications on public health to the Parish Council prior to the meeting. It should not be at the expense of Newton & Noss tax payers. The figures given were described as “Mickey Mouse”. Ms. Aubertin confirmed, upon being asked, that she could clarify the figures disclosed by SHDC in their information schedules. Newton & Noss were not alone in 1/8November2018………………………………………..Chairman having difficulty in understanding the figures. If the Parish Council employed a cleaner, they would need to have holiday/sick cover. Cllr. Gilbert asked if the public conveniences needed to remain open in the winter and was advised that there were already winter closures by SHDC. The parish still had walkers in winter. Comments were made that there had been no real discussion by SHDC with the Parish Council. Cllr. Gilbert advised that the closure policy had been democratically voted upon. He had no pleasure in bringing bad news. SHDC members have said that costs will need to be cut further. Mr. John Ingram was welcomed to the Parish Council. 161/18 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE - there were apologies from Cllr. Blackler and Mr. Rogers. Mr. Tubb had advised that he would be late. 162/18 INTERESTS TO BE DECLARED - members were invited to declare interests in the items for discussion during the meeting. 163/18 DISPENSATION REQUESTS – RESOLVED; to grant a dispensation to Mr. John Ingram to consider and settle the Precept, to consider allowances, travelling expenses and indemnities for Members, moorings/outhauls and matters relating to the Yealm Yacht Club for four years or until the next ordinary elections whichever is the earlier. (Vote;8 in favour.) Mr. Ingram took no part in the vote. 163/18 MINUTES - the minutes of the 11 October Parish Council Meeting were approved as a correct record and the Chairman was authorised to sign. 164/18 VARIATION OF AGENDA - RESOLVED; matters relating to pre-planning/planning enforcement and quotes relating to s surveyors’ fees and tree work should be considered in committee. (Vote; unanimous.) 165/18 DISTRICT COUNCIL (SHDC) 165.1Councillor reports i) Cllr. Blackler - had sent apologies and the following written report; “These are part of my report, there may be more after next week’s meetings. An improvement has been made to prompter dealings on calls to SHDC. Improvements to town centres will have further consultations. Only 20 complaints on 12 months to date were referred to the Ombudsman but only 3 were upheld. A period of Purdah starts on26th March next year during which funding of projects cannot be considered from localities funds etc. There has been planning overload in the second quarter of this year, hence delays were inevitable in giving decisions. From a survey it has been noticed an improvement in waste collections.” ii) Cllr Baldry reported – Planning- the number of planning applications coming in far exceeded officer capacity. Some applications could not be dealt within their target date. Mr. Patrick Whymer would be contacting the Clerk to arrange a meeting with members of the Parish Council to consider the needs of the parish and the Neighbourhood Plan. Cllr. Baldry would like to be included. Cllr. Baldry suggested that Construction Management Plans were not needed for more minor planning applications. Ms. Adams arrived at 7.30pm Sustainable Communities Locality Fund- Cllr. Baldry’s allocation had been spent. Cllr. Blackler was believed to have £2000 left in funding available. 165.2 Public Toilets – Council members considered the decision made by SHDC to close the public conveniences in Newton Ferrers unless taken on by the Parish Council and the District Council’s refusal to negotiate. The Parish Council had already taken on considerable land assets from South Hams District Council in 2015, saving SHDC costs and considerably increasing the Parish Council’s own maintenance costs. Last year's precept had been £50,099. There was potential for SHDC to propose to close public conveniences in Noss Mayo in two years. Cllr. Baldry advised that Holbeton would be keeping their public conveniences open. It was thought Malborough and Aveton Gifford were also keeping theirs open. Members considered potential adaptation of the public conveniences to save costs by reducing the number of cubicles.
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