Appendix A Species Considered Appendix A Species Considered Table A-1. MRHCP Wildlife Species Evaluation and Screening Process Recommended Sacramento North Central Coverage in Taxa Scientific Name Common Name Status Range Valley Foothills Coast Coast Impact Data HCP Rational for Exclusion Amphibians Bufo californicus Arroyo toad E Y – – – X N Y N Species generally occurs outside of utility corridors of the plan area. It is considered unlikely to be encountered and is avoidable with AMMs. Rana draytonii California red- T Y X X – X Y Y Y legged frog Ambystoma California tiger T Y X X – X Y Y Y californiense salamander Rana boylii Foothill yellow- – Y X X X X Y Y Y Though not listed, likely to legged frog be listed in the near future. Occurs within utility corridors and may be affected. Hydromantes brunus Limestone – Y – X – – N Y N Not federally listed. salamander Ambystoma Santa Cruz long- E Y – – – X Y Y Y macrodactylum toed salamander croceum Hydromantes shastae Shasta – Y X – – – N Y N Not federally listed. Limited salamander distribution around Shasta Lake with limited PG&E facilities. Rana sierrae Sierra Nevada E Y – X – – Y Y Y yellow-legged frog Multiple Region Operations and Maintenance August 2019 A-1 Habitat Conservation Plan ICF 00647.17 Pacific Gas and Electric Company Species Considered Table A-1. Continued Recommended Sacramento North Central Coverage in Taxa Scientific Name Common Name Status Range Valley Foothills Coast Coast Impact Data HCP Rational for Exclusion Rana muscosa Mountain E Y – X – – Y Y Y yellow-legged frog Batrachoseps Tehachapi – Y – – – – Y Y N Not federally listed. stebbinsi slender salamander Bufo canorus Yosemite toad T Y – X – – Y Y Y Spea hammondii Western – Y – X – – N N N Not federally listed. spadefoot Rhyacotriton Southern torrent – Y – – – – Y N N Not federally listed. variegatus salamander Birds Falco peregrinus American Delisted Y X X X X N Y N Not federally listed. anatum peregrine falcon Haliaeetus Bald eagle Delisted Y X X X X Y Y N Not federally listed. leucocephalus Riparia riparia Bank swallow – N – – – X N Y N Not federally listed. Laterallus Black rail (CA) – Y X – – – N Y N Not federally listed. jamaicensis coturniculus Branta hutchinsii Cackling Delisted Y – – – – N Y N Not federally listed. leucopareia (=Aleutian Canada) goose Pelecanus California brown E Y – – – – N Y N Not federally listed. occidentalis pelican californicus Rallus longirostris California E N – – – – N Y N Not federally listed. obsoletus clapper rail Gymnogyps California E Y – – – X N Y N Species is considered californianus condor avoidable; setback distances will be used for nesting birds. Multiple Region Operations and Maintenance August 2019 A-2 Habitat Conservation Plan ICF 00647.17 Pacific Gas and Electric Company Species Considered Table A-1. Continued Recommended Sacramento North Central Coverage in Taxa Scientific Name Common Name Status Range Valley Foothills Coast Coast Impact Data HCP Rational for Exclusion Sternula antillarum California least E N – – – – N Y N Species occurs outside of browni tern utility corridors of the plan area. Aquila chrysaetos Golden eagle – Y X X X X Y Y N Not federally listed. Strix nebulosa Great gray owl – Y X X X X N Y N Not federally listed. Grus canadensis Greater sandhill – N X – – – N N N Not federally listed tabida crane Vireo bellii pusillus Least Bell’s vireo E Y – X – X N Y N Species is considered avoidable; setback distances will be used for nesting birds. Brachyramphus Marbled T Y – – X – Y Y Y marmoratus murrelet Strix occidentalis Northern T Y X – X – Y Y Y caurina spotted owl Progne subis Purple martin – Y X X X X N Y N Not federally listed. Empidonax traillii Southwestern E Y X – – X N Y N Not federally listed extimus willow flycatcher (CA) Buteo swainsoni Swainson’s – Y X – – X Y Y N Not federally listed. hawk Agelaius tricolor Tricolored – Y X – – X Y Y N Not federally listed; species blackbird is considered avoidable. Athene cunicularia Western – Y X – – X Y Y N Not federally listed. burrowing owl Charadrius Western snowy T N – – X X N Y N Species occurs outside of alexandrinus nivosus plover utility corridors of the plan area. Coccyzus americanus Western yellow- Candida Y X – – – N Y N Species is considered occidentalis billed cuckoo te avoidable; setback distances will be used for nesting birds. Multiple Region Operations and Maintenance August 2019 A-3 Habitat Conservation Plan ICF 00647.17 Pacific Gas and Electric Company Species Considered Table A-1. Continued Recommended Sacramento North Central Coverage in Taxa Scientific Name Common Name Status Range Valley Foothills Coast Coast Impact Data HCP Rational for Exclusion Rallus longirostris Light-footed E Y X – – – N Y N Species is considered levipes Ridgway rail avoidable; setback distances will be used for nesting birds. Elanus leucurus White-tailed kite – Y X X X X N Y N Not federally listed. Empidonax traillii Willow – Y – – – X Y Y N Not federally listed. flycatcher Invertebrates Euphydryas editha Bay checkerspot T N – – – – N Y N Occur in counties outside of bayensis butterfly the HCP area. Speyeria zerene Behren’s E Y – – – – N Y N Species generally occurs behrensii silverspot outside of utility corridors of butterfly the plan area and is considered unlikely to be encountered. Syncaris pacifica California E N – – – – N Y N Very specific distribution in freshwater locations outside study area. shrimp Speyeria callippe Callippe E N – – – – N Y N Occur in counties outside of callippe silverspot the study area. butterfly Branchinecta Conservancy E Y X – – – Y Y Y conservatio fairy shrimp Elaphrus viridis Delta green T N – – – – N Y N Occurs in Solano County ground beetle which is not in the study area. Euproserpinus Kern primrose T Y – – – X N Y N Distribution and habitat for euterpe sphinx moth this species is very limited within the plan area. Apodemia mormo Lange’s E N – – – – N Y N Occur in counties outside of langei metalmark the study area. butterfly Branchinecta Longhorn fairy E N – – – X Y Y Y Species range is outside of longiantenna shrimp the study area. Multiple Region Operations and Maintenance August 2019 A-4 Habitat Conservation Plan ICF 00647.17 Pacific Gas and Electric Company Species Considered Table A-1. Continued Recommended Sacramento North Central Coverage in Taxa Scientific Name Common Name Status Range Valley Foothills Coast Coast Impact Data HCP Rational for Exclusion Lycaeides Lotis blue E Y – – X – Y Y N Speices has not been argyrognomon lotis butterfly observed since 1983 and is considered unlikely to be encounterd. Helminthoglypta Morro E Y – – – X Y Y Y walkeriana shoulderband (=banded dune snail) Polyphylla barbata Mount Hermon E Y – – – X Y Y Y (=barbate) June beetle Cicindela ohlone Ohlone tiger E Y – – – X Y Y Y beetle Pacifastacus fortis Shasta crayfish E Y X – – N Y N Covered activities are unlikely to impact the species. Euphilotes enoptes Smith's blue E Y – – – X Y Y Y smithi butterfly Desmocerus Valley T Y X X – – Y Y Y californicus elderberry dimorphus longhorn beetle Branchinecta lynchi Vernal pool fairy T Y X – – X Y Y Y shrimp Lepidurus packardi Vernal pool E Y X – – X Y Y Y tadpole shrimp Branchinecta Midvalley fairy - X X – X N Not federally listed. mesovallensis shrimp Trimerotropis Zayante band- E Y – – – X Y Y Y infantilis winged grasshopper Multiple Region Operations and Maintenance August 2019 A-5 Habitat Conservation Plan ICF 00647.17 Pacific Gas and Electric Company Species Considered Table A-1. Continued Recommended Sacramento North Central Coverage in Taxa Scientific Name Common Name Status Range Valley Foothills Coast Coast Impact Data HCP Rational for Exclusion Mammals Sorex ornatus relictus Buena Vista E N – – – N Y N Species range is outside of Lake shrew the study area. Canus lupis Grey wolf E Y X – X – N Y N Species avoids human activity and impacts are unlikely. Gulo gulo California PT N – – – – N Y N Species is rare in California, wolverine avoids human activity and impacts are unlikely. Dipodomys Fresno kangaroo E N – – – – N Y N Species range is outside of nitratoides exilis rat the study area. Dipodomys ingens Giant kangaroo E Y – – – X Y Y Y rat Xerospermophilus Mohave ground – N – – – X Y Y N Not federally listed. mohavensis squirrel Dipodomys Morro Bay E Y – – – X N Y N Unlikely to be affected. heermanni kangaroo rat morroensis Ammospermophilus Nelson’s – Y – – – X Y Y N Not federally listed. nelsoni antelope squirrel Martes americana Humbolt marten - Y – – X – N N N Not federally listed. humboldtensis Martes pennanti Pacific fisher - Y – X X – N Y N Not federally listed. Aplodontia rufa nigra Point Arena E Y – – X – Y Y Y mountain beaver Neotoma fuscipes Riparian (San E N – – – – N Y N Species range is outside of riparia Joaquin Valley) the study area. woodrat Sylvilagus bachmani Riparian brush E Y – – – – N Y N Species range is outside of riparius rabbit the study area. Multiple Region Operations and Maintenance August 2019 A-6 Habitat Conservation Plan ICF 00647.17 Pacific Gas and Electric Company Species Considered Table A-1. Continued Recommended Sacramento North Central Coverage in Taxa Scientific Name Common Name Status Range Valley Foothills Coast Coast Impact Data HCP Rational for Exclusion Reithrodontomys Salt marsh E N – – – – N Y N Species range is outside of raviventris harvest mouse the study area. Vulpes macrotis San Joaquin kit E Y – – – X Y Y Y mutica fox Ovis canadensis Sierra Nevada E N – – – – N Y N Species range is outside of sierrae bighorn sheep the study area. Vulpes vulpes necator Sierra Nevada PT Y – X – – N Y N Species avoids human red fox activity and impacts are unlikely. Enhydra lutris nereis Southern sea T N – – – – N Y N Species range is outside of otter the study area.
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