TELEVISION SECTION BEGINS ON PAGE 5 WOW NEWS TOWE (Reg. U. S. Pat. Off.) Issued to Increase Enjoyment of Radio and Television Programs Vol. 16, No. 2 OMAHA, NEBRASKA, OCTOBER 1, 1951 Published Monthly Cantor, Martin -Lewis All Set Roy Rogers Also on WOW Greater than ever before! It didn't seem possible that last year's line-up of wonderful ra- dio programs on WOW could be bettered, but that's just • what has happened. NBC and WOW have done it again! You'll hear "The Eddie Cantor Show" each Sunday evening at 8:30 for Philip Morris Cigarettes. "Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis" will be heard at 7:30 on Fridays for Ches - Martin Lewis terfield Cigarettes and American Nebraska's Governor Val Peterson, right, was on hand to bid farewell to the East Home Products Company as part Coast Farm Study Trip on September 13. Here Governor Peterson waits to partici- of the new "Operation Tandem." pate in the special broadcast as Ray Clark interviews Mal Hansen, tour leader. Another new and great Friday show is the "Roy Rogers Show" which will be heard at 7 p.m. under Another Successful Farts. Tour the sponsorship of Post Cereals. Radio WOW's fourth an- Quebec, then down through Ver- And take a look at these other nual Farm Study Tour—a 16- mont and New Hampshire, and new listening treats: spent two days in historic Boston day 6,300-mile inspection of Tunis Hollywood Theatre and Springfield. After that came Philip Morris Playhouse things agricultural in the east- two excitement-filled days in New Eddie Arnold Show ern U. S. and southeast Canada York City, and two more in and Let's Go Hollywood by 218 mid-west farmers—was near the Nation's Capital. On the Brighter Day return trip stops were scheduled at Beulah due back in Omaha on Fri- the U. S. Steel plant in Pittsburgh, day, September 28 in the early Plus such returning treats as the Firestone Model Farm near Co- "Groucho Marx", "Bob Hope", morning. lumbiana, Ohio, Louis Bromfield's "Fibber McGee and Molly", "The- "Malabar" farm, and the final day Tour members after two busy atre Guild", etc. etc. in Chicago. days in Washington, D. C., includ- All along the route the tourists Representing drama, variety and ing a visit to the U. S. Department were greeted by governors, mayors comedy these great new shows will of Agriculture's fabulous Beltsville and other high government and mean added hours of enjoyment for Experimental Station declared this civic officials. Some saw the Boston you at 590 on your dial. You'll read tour to be "the most interesting and e Red Sox-Cleveland baseball game more about them on the inside. educational of all WOW's four in Boston, and many took in big Another standout attraction dur- tours." New York shows. ing the coming season will be the Prior trips sponsored by WOW, In Many places Tour Leader Nebraska Clothing Company's pres- and under the leadership of Mal Hansen presented welcoming offi- entation of Jack Payne with a play- Hansen, WOW's Farm Service Di- cials with Nebraska 4-H baby beef by-play presentation of the Univer- rector, have taken groups to Eur- steaks, compliments of the Omaha sity of Nebraska football games. ope in 1948, to the West Coast Union Stock Yards Company, and Don't forget to reserve Saturday Canada and Mexico in 1949, and its president Harry B. Coffee. Ad- afternoons as that special time to "The 'New South' and Cuba" in ditionally Mal had been commis- when you'll sit back and enjoy 1950. An air tour to South America sioned by Governor Val Peterson Jack Payne's account of the Ne- next spring is projected as the to induct many celebrities in the braska football games as the special climax of WOW's five-year Farm "Nebraska Navy" as "admirals." guest of the Nebraska Clothing Study Tour Plan. The tourists were a colorful sight Company. The current tour left Omaha as they visited 137 farm installa- Yes, it's going to be another September 13 on a 17-car Burling- tions of one kind or another on the great season for radio listeners on ton special train, and made stops route. They carried small over- WOW. There'll be top entertain- in areas near Detroit, the Niagara night bags labeled "The WOW ment seven nights a week for those Penninsula, Montreal (by boat) to (Continued on page 3) who keep tuned to Radio WOW. Can You Recognize the Stars? They Bring Top Eddie Cantor Show Entertainment 10th District NARTB Begins October 14 Meet in Omaha Eddie Cantor will be doing agreat DRAGNET Broadcasters from Nebraska, Iowa new-type show when he makes his and Missouri assembled in Omaha first Philip Morris sponsored ap- on September 24 and 25 for the pearance on WOW at 8:30 Sunday, annual meeting of the Tenth Dis- October 14. trict of the National Association of Cantor will combine his one-man Radio and Television Broadcasters. comedy-concert with recorded bits Frank Fogarty, general manager featuring his show business friends. of WOW and WOW-TV was a A novel feature of the "Eddie member of the committee in charge Cantor Show" will be the playing of the meeting which is held an- of unreleased recordings of famous nually in a different city in the radio errors. three-state area. —wow— Harold E. Fellows, president of Turns Theater NARTB attended the meeting and Tuesday night listening will be "Dragnet" Detectives Friday and Ro- spoke at a September 25 luncheon mero remain in their regular time at 8 greater than ever now that "Tunis which was held in conjunction with Hollywood Theatre" has joined the p.m., Thursdays for Fatima Cigarettes, the Omaha Advertising Club. Mr. Fellows also spoke on "Radio's great NBC-WOW dramatic line-up. HARRIS-FAYE Each Tuesday evening at 7:30 Role in the National Scene" at the Turns will bring you a drama writ- opening session. ten by an outstanding radio author Several other leaders in the and tailored to suit the talent and radio-television and allied fields also personality of the movie headliner took part in the proceedings. to be starred in that particular —wow— drama. Brighter Day Begins Soon Such great names as Deborah Kerr, Evelyn Keyes, Van Heflin, "Brighter Day," an inspiring day- Ray Milland, James Stewart and time radio serial sponsored by Joan Bennett will be on hand to Procter & Gamble will move to WOW, beginning on Monday, Oc- entertain you on "Turns Hollywood Phil Harris and Alice Fay return at 7 Theatre" in the near future. tober 22. on Sundays for RCA Victor. Little The new serial will be heard —wow— Alice and Phyllis are back, too. each Monday through Friday at 10:30 a.m. Pre-Game Football Show HALLS OF IVY "Brighter Day" is the story of You'll be hearing a special pro- the daily happenings in the family gram entitled "Football Warm-up" each Saturday afternoon at 1:30 of a minister, and the unusual p.m. on WOW. Jack Payne will events which take place as he goes do the honors on the Budget Fi- about his inspiring work. nance Company sponsored show —WOW— that will feature Jack's own pre- In the Dog House game commentary on the day's im- Fran Hartseveldt, producer- portant football games. You'll also director of NBC's "Railroad Hour" hear a couple of College March (WOW, 7 p. m., Mondays) and tunes to get you in the proper foot- "Father Knows Best" (WOW, 7 ball spirit and some early scores p.m., Thursdays) shows, spends from the East. Make "Football The Ronald Colmans as President and most of his spare time in the dog- Warm-up" your pre-game listening Mrs. Hall of "Ivy" College return for house—and loves it! He raises habit this season. Schlitz at 7 on Wednesdays. prize-winning Welsh terriers in his own San Fernando Valley kennels. GILDERSLEEVE Popular Eddie ... 7 7.:Vr Roy Rides!... "The Great Gildersleeve" is really Wil- lard Waterman for Kraft Foods each • Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. FATHER KNOWS BEST The always popular "Eddie Arnold Post Cereals will bring you "Roy Show" will be back on WOW each Rogers" in a thrilling half hour show Tuesday and Thursday at 1I :45 a.m. Robert Young as Father Anderson has each Friday at 7 p.m. on WOW. His under the sponsorship of the Ralston a laugh filled session with his family wife Dale Evans will help Roy enter- Purina Company. each Thursday at 7 p.m. tain you. 2 WOW NEWS TOWER The Big Show' Now Bigger! Tallulah Will Meet Madeline... Lead the Way Deborah to Star... "The Big Show," NBC's Sunday night radio extravaganza, bowed in with an international flavor on its premiere broadcast from London on September 30. The second broadcast of the 90- minute radio treat (WOW, 5:30 to 7 p.m., Sundays) will be heard from Paris. Then Tallulah Bank- head, Fred Allen, Portland Hoffa, Meredith Willson and all of the great names that make "The Big Show" outstanding will return to the U. S. for another season of great triumphs. Actually it should be called "The 'Bigger' Show" this season, because it will be a bigger entertainment value for WOW-Land listeners. Bringing the top names of the en- tertainment world into your home each Sunday evening, it will present the best in comedy, drama, and music during its 90 entertainment packed minutes.
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