Honour Committee - Comitato d’onore SERGIO CHIAMPARINO President Region Piedmont ENRICO SILVIO BERTERO Mayor of Acqui Terme KIRSAN N. ILYUMZHINOV President F.I.D.E. Federation International des Eches NIGEL FREEMAN Executive Director F.I.D.E. Federation International des Eches GIOVANNI MALAGO’ President C.O.N.I. Italy GIANFRANCO PORQUEDDU President C.O.N.I. Region Piedmont GIANPIETRO PAGNONCELLI President Italian Chess Federation Appeals Committee - Comitato d’Appello FIDE Technical official will be announced later. Information - Informazioni – Auskünfte Organizer - Organizzazione - Veranstalter Information - Informazioni – Auskünfte Organizer - Organizzazione - Veranstalter Pernici Rigo Cristina Via Venezia, 3/C - 38062 ARCO (TN) - Italia Tel. e Fax +39.0464.531054 - Cell. 389.9721516 E-mail: [email protected] - www.arcoworldchess.com Michele Cordara [email protected] - www.scaccomattissimo.eu/seniores2017/ • Arbiters team will cover the following 11 languages. • Team arbitrale in grado di coprire 11 lingue europee. • Das Schiedsrichterteam wird folgende 11 Sprachen abdecken . ITA, GER, ENG, ESP, FRA, DEN, EST, FIN, ISR, RUS, GRE. BD I.A. cat. B Pernici Rigo Cristina ITA Tournament Director I.A. cat. A Stubenvoll Werner AUT Chief Arbiter I.A. cat. D Bertagnolli Gerhard ITA Deputy Arbiter I.A. cat. D Unterreitmeier Reinhold GER Bulletin I.A. cat. C Buonocore Giuseppe ITA I.A. cat. C Rimestad Arild FAI I.A. cat. D Shulman Alon ISR I.A. cat. D Brokko Margit EST I.A. cat. D Cordara Michele ITA F.A. cat. D Pramateftakis Gergios GRE N.A Stilli Gabriele ITA Montalbini Ezio ITA Elettronic Board • scacchiere elettroniche / electronic board Partite online per le prime 30 scacchiere Sala gioco Centro Congressi Playing room Convention Center Games online for the first 30 chess boards Turniersaal Kongresshalle Live-Übertragung der ersten 30 Schachbretter Agibile “Aquae statiellae” La sala gioco sarà allestita con scacchiere e pezzi in legno Piazzale Alpini – zona Bagni Playing room with wooden chessboard sets and DGT clocks Turniersaal wird ausgestattet mit Holzbrettern, Holzfiguren und DGT-Uhren Playing venue / Sala gioco / Turniersaal Welcome from the President of Italian Chess Federation Gianpietro Pagnoncelli I am pleased to extend greetings on behalf of the Italian Chess Federation which I chair, to the participants of World Senior Chess Championships, hosted by the historic town of Acqui Terme. With the hope that these days are all a moment of fun and rewarding sport competition, I thank all those who have actually contributed to the organization and the success of this important event. Gianpietro Pagnoncelli President of the Italian Chess Federation Saluto del Presidente della Federazione Scacchistica Italiana Gianpietro Pagnoncelli Sono lieto di porgere il saluto, a nome della Federazione Scacchistica Italiana da me presieduta, ai partecipanti ai Campionati Mondiali Seniores, ospitati dalla storica città di Acqui Terme. Con l’augurio che queste giornate siano per tutti un momento di divertimento e di gratificante competizione sportiva, ringrazio tutti coloro che hanno concretamente collaborato all’organizzazione e alla buona riuscita di questo importante evento. Gianpietro Pagnoncelli Presidente Federazione Scacchistica Italiana Grußworte vom Präsident des Italienischen Schachverbandes FSI Gianpietro Pagnoncelli Mit großer Freude übermittle ich allen Teilnehmern an der Senioren Schach-WM die besten Grüße des italienischen Schachverbandes, welchem ich vorstehe. Die historische Stadt von Acqui Terme ist die Gastgeber dieses großen Events ausgewählt worden. Verbunden mit der Hoffnung, dass diese Tage allen Teilnehmern viel Spaß und den gebührenden sportlichen Erfolg bescheren, bedanke ich mich bei allen, welche für die Organisation und den Erfolg dieser wichtigen Veranstaltung beigetragen haben. Gianpietro Pagnoncelli Präsident des Italienischen Schachverbandes Welcome from the Organizers: I.O. Cristina Pernici Rigo and Michele Cordara Dear chess players, is a great honour for us to be assigned the 275th World Senior Chess Championship (50+ 65+) and we intend to give this world event our very best efforts. It should be remembered that this event is not just an important competition but also a pleasant opportunity to meet friends chess players from different countries around the world, in keeping with the motto of FIDE “Gens una Sumus”. As organizers our best welcome to everybody to this Championship. We would like to thank the Local Government and the sponsors for their valuable support in making this event possible. We wish all the participants and their families and friends a successful tournament and an enjoyable stay in Acqui Terme. Saluto dell’Organizzazione: I.O. Cr istina Pernici Rigo e Michele Cordara Egregi partecipanti l’assegnazione del 27° Campionato Mondiale di Scacchi Seniores (50+ 65+) è per noi un grande onore, a cui intendiamo corrispondere con il massimo impegno. Va ricordato che questo evento non è solo una competizione di valore assoluto ma anche una gradevole occasione di incontro tra amici scacchisti di differenti paesi e di ogni livello tecnico in piena sintonia con il motto della FIDE “Gens una Sumus”. Come responsabili dell’organizzazione vi porgiamo un cordialissimo benvenuto. Un ringraziamento doveroso all’Amministrazione locale e agli sponsor che con il loro sostegno hanno contribuito alla realizzazione di questo evento. Auguriamo a tutti i partecipanti ed ai loro accompagnatori un grande successo ed un felice soggiorno ad Acqui Terme. Gr ußworte vo m der Veranstal tern: I. O. Cristina Pernici Rigo und Michele Cordara Liebe Schachfreunde, die Ausrichtung der 27. Senioren Schach-Weltmeisterschaft (50+ 65+) ist für uns eine große Ehre, welche wir mit größtem Engagement angehe. Wir erinnere daran, dass dieses Event nicht nur eine Austragung von absolutem sportlichen Wert, sondern auch eine nette Gelegenheit zur Begegnung mit Schachfreunden aus der ganzen Welt und von unterschiedlicher Spielstärke darstellt, ganz nach dem Motto der FIDE „Gens una Sumus“. Als Verantwortliche für die Organisation übermittle wir allen ein herzliches Willkommen! Einen Dank an die lokale Verwaltung und die Sponsoren zum Ausdruck zu bringen, welche mit ihrer Unterstützung zur Realisierung dieses Events beitragen. Wir wünschen allen Teilnehmern und deren Begleitern einen großen Erfolg und einen angenehmen Aufenthalt in Acqui Terme. Invitation to the 27th FIDE World Senior Chess Championship (50+ 65+) from 6 till 19.11. 2017 A competition held by FIDE and the Italian Chess Federation. Organizer: Arcoworldchess I.O. Pernici Rigo Cristina and Cordara Michele The organizer invites all senior Ladies and Gentlemen throughout the world to participate at the 27th Open FIDE World Senior Chess Championship (50+ 65+), which is to be held in Acqui Terme – Piedmont, from 06.11 arrival day till 19.11 departure day. All players shall have reached their age of 50 and 65 ( by December 31st of the year in which the tournament will commence). In accordance with the FIDE tournament rules, the Championship will be played in two categories: age 50+ and 65+ (Open and women) Do not miss this opportunity to play with former world champions, legendary Grandmasters, and many known friends in such a World Championship. The organizer is proud to present this offer. The registration period ends on September 30, 2017 Even with our modest funds, we will endeavour to turn this World Senior Championship into a high - ranking social as well as sports event, and to spread the well-known and well-established tradition of hospitality and good living typical of Italy. The competition is going to take place in the in the Convention Center of Acqui Terme (AL). The players will certainly be interested in the programme, which will be lively and supplemented by a number of additional events, from visits to museums, tasting good wine and good food of Monferrato and Piedmont. But not only that, you can also take advantage of the spa and wellness centers in the town of Acqui. As usual you will find here the hotels available, rules and application form. You will also find a small map for an easier arrival. FIDE, Fsi, Cristina Pernici Rigo, Michele Cordara and the Town of Acqui Terme wish you a nice trip and an unforgettable stay in Piedmont. Tournament Director: International Arbiter and FIDE International Organizer Cristina Pernici Rigo Announcement / Regulation The Championship shall be played in 11 rounds of the Swiss System. The time is 90 minutes for 40 moves followed by 30 minutes for the rest of the game with an addition of 30 seconds per move starting from move 1. Default time at the start of all rounds is 30 minutes. Participation: player who is registered by his/her federation. Prior to the beginning of the first round an appeals committee shall be elected by the players consisting of three members and two reserve. Arbiters team will cover the following languages: ITA, GER, ENG, ESP, FRA, DEN, EST, FIN, ISR, RUS, GRE. The Appeals Committee members will be elected on the technical meeting. A protest against the decision of an Arbiter must be submitted in writing to the Chief Arbiter, within 30min after the end of the game. A protest fee of 200 Euro shall be payable to FIDE which is refundable if the protest is upheld. The Appeals Committee may also decide to refund the fee if it considers the appeal was not frivolous. Winner and Senior World Champion 2017 (50+ and 65+) will be the person at the end of the tournament, who has scored the highest number of point. If two or more players are tied the following tiebreak’s shall be used: a) Result of direct encounters between the tied players (applies only if all tied players have played each other) , b) Buchholz Cut 1, c) Buchholz, d) The greater number of games played with black, e) The greater number of wins. The title of “Grandmaster” will be conferred to the winner of the 27th FIDE World Senior Chess Championship 2017 (50+ and 65+) who will receive Trophy and gold medal. The second place will receive a silver medal, the third place is awarded a bronze medal.
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