LO 1904, Pagg. 488-489. OAKES DEBBIE

LO 1904, Pagg. 488-489. OAKES DEBBIE

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ODDENINO PARIS PAOLO – BUONCUORE ANDREA - Tecniche di autoguarigione e di risveglio spirituale. - Edizioni Mediterranee, Ro ma 1994. pagg. 185 (m9). ODEBERG J. - “Aux Ecoutes du Monde Invisible”, par Raoul Montandon. - P. 1936, pagg. 181- 183. - “La Verité Spiritualiste”, par C. Picone Chiodo. - P. 1936, pagg. 203-204. - “Le Spiritisme dans l’Eglise” par Léon Chevreuil. - P. 1937, pagg. 197-198. - “Devant Dieu”, par Maurice Maeterlinck. - P. 1938, pagg. 106-107. - Les Phénomènes de bilocation. - P. 1938, pagg. 173-179. - “L’Hypnotisme Moderne”, par Pascal Brotteau. - P. 1939, pagg. 91-93. - “La Grande Porte”, par Maurice Maeterlinck. - P. 1939, pagg. 157-158. ODENWALD ROBERT P. e VANDERVELT JAMES H. - Psichiatria e cattolicesimo. - Richter, Napoli 1954, pagg. 527. O’DONNELL ELLIOTT - The Menace of Spiritualism. - Frederick A. Stokes Company, New York s. d., pagg. XII+206. (19/2) - The Sorcery Club. - William Rider & Sons, London 1923, pagg. VII + 342. - Animal ghosts. - William Rider & Sons, London 1913 pagg. 301 ( a5) O’DONNELL SEAN - The Theory of Repressed Pre-Call. A New Approach to Personal Time. - Parapsychology Review 3/1974, pagg. 5-8. - The Role of Experience in Paranormal Understanding. - Parapsychology Review 5/1977, pagg. 10-12. OERTEL T. E. - Photographie Mentale. - R.S.M.S. 1904-1905, pagg. 305-308. OESTERREICH TRAUGOTT KONSTANTIN - Die philosophische Bedeutung der mediumistischen Phänomene. - W. Kohlhammer Verlag, Stuttgart 1924, pagg. 24. - Les possédés. La possession démoniaque chez les primitifs, dans l’antiquité, au Moyen-Age, et dans la civilisation moderne. - Payot, Paris 1927, pagg. 478. - The Scope for New Investigations. - J.A.S.P.R. Vol. XVII, 1923, pagg. 636-645. OGBURN ROLLIN C. - Strange Events. - Light 1938, pagg. 446. - Miracles and Psychic Phenomena. - Light 1938, pag. 638, 652. - Obsession and Possession. - Light 1938, pagg. 668. - Transfiguration. - Light 1939, pag. 574. 585. OGDEN TUBBY GERTRUDE Vedere anche TUBBY OGDEN - Psychics and Mediums. A Manual and Bibliography for Students. - Rider & Co., London s. d., pagg. 192. - Three Evidential Chenoweth Sitting. - J.A.S.P.R. 1920, pagg. 9-40. - Telepathy: A Laboratory Label. - The Quest. A Quarterly Review, London 1926, pagg. 286-293. OGDEN TUBBY GERTRUDE (a cura di) - James H. Hyslop-X. His Book. A Cross Reference Record. With a Preface by Weston D. Bailey. - The York Printing Company, York 1929, pagg. 424. OGILVY RONALD - In a Scottish Glen. Highland Woman’s Messages from the Other Side. - Light 1936, pag. 613. OGLETORPHE JAMES EDWARD - Premonition of his Own Death. - Walter Franklin Prince: Noted Witnesses for Psychic Occurrences, University Books, New York 1963, pagg. 98. OHSAWA GEORGES - La macrobiotica e la sua filosofia. - Arcana Editrice.

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