1Copertina_Lay-out Lazio INGOKcorr 21-09-2009 14:00 Pagina 1 he Regional Union of Lazio Chambers of Commerce in collaboration T with the Lazio Region Councillor’s office for Tourism, Enit,Alitalia-Air One, the Regional Agency for Tourism Promotion of Rome and Lazio - ATL, Tourism Trade Unions, the full involvement of Lazio’s Chambers of Commerce and of all local actors organizes yearly the International Tourist Workshop called “Buy Lazio” to encourage promotion and marketing of Lazio’s tourist products. The purpose of the tourist Workshop Buy Lazio is to make the Capital city’s tourist offer richer by creating, promoting and marketing hi quality products from all the Lazio region. The major goal is to enhance the knowledge of tourist attractions in all territories of the provinces of Frosinone, Latina, Rieti,Viterbo and Rome both in Italy and abroad. Every year a different geographical market is addressed according to the national and regional tourist data forecast and country strategies.The event is conceived as ‘itinerant’ and is hosted in turn by each of the five Lazio provinces. The strategy is that of operating by ‘market projects’, in other words to organize and prepare meetings between organized brokers with the tourist offer of the entire Lazio region.The offer is specialized in different product lines such as: Lazio’s Sea, Cities of Fine Arts, Food and Wine, Environment - Nature - Parks and Congresses, Religious, Sport. The workshop is especially dedicated to professionals in the field of tourism who can thus approach new markets by means of an efficient and positive action. A selection of educational tours provides operators with a chance to discover just what the region has to offer. 1Copertina_Lay-out Lazio INGOKcorr 21-09-2009 14:00 Pagina 2 etruria 1Copertina_Lay-out Lazio INGOKcorr 21-09-2009 14:00 Pagina 3 > Nature and Sport The salty wat e rs of the sea and the soft wat e rs of t h e luxuriant lakes and rive rs. Tu fa , both commanding and T h roughout the Etruscan te r r i tory, nat- u ral beauties, histo r i cal, arc h a e o lo g i- s u b m i s s ive to the hand of man who dug it up to bu i l d cal and cultural riches are co n s e r ve d roads and found cities. This terr i t o ry and its lake s, B o l s e n a and deve loped in its parks, each of these offering sports to u r i st activities l a ke, Vico lake and, t owa rds Ro m e, B racciano lake, we re such as trekking and cycling, and, in c re ated by vo l c a n o e s. The Etruscans once inhabited this some cases, bird watching and hors e - riding, as well as ta sting sessions of significant part of the terr i t o ry, just north of Ro m e, k n ow n lo cal products such as oil, wine, meats, fre s h w a ter fish, legumes and as Tu s c i a ,founding many of its most important cities: c h e st n u t s . Vi t e r b o, Ta rq u i n i a , B o l s e n a ,Tuscania and Sutri. A l o n g s i d e The “Ancient City of Sutri” Urban Pa r k with its splendid Roman amphitheatre these are smaller but just as impre s s ive towns also dug into the tufa, its pretty town and e s t ablished by the Etru s c a n s. s i x te e n t h - century Villa Savo relli is found along the Via Cassia. Further in- land, tow a rds Vico lake and amongst the hills, the Regional Martura n u m U LC I, on the right bank of the p a r k is home to the necropolis of San F i o r a river was one of the Giuliano and a great quantity of animal V Etruria's larg e st city-sta te s . and ve g e tal species. Its st rong seafaring and trade re l a - The Veio Regional Pa r k, once an an- tions with Gre e ce and the East have cient Etruscan city, rich in arc h a e o- been proven by the opulent gra ve lo g i cal remains, st reets and to m b s goods discove red in the necro p o l i s a long side woods, cultiva ted fields and s u r rou nding the city. m e a d ows is in the prov i n ce of Rome. N o wadays, Vu lci is the lo cation of the L a st ly, Tu s cania Regional Natural Re- Vu lci Arc h a e o lo g i cal Natura l i s tic park s e r vep ro tec ts the nature of a te r r i to- which ta kes up a smaller area co m - ry whose city is a cultural to u r i st at- p a red to that of the Etruscan city. t rac tion. H e re, the limpid Fiora bor- B ra cciano Regional park p ro tects and d e r s a deep ca n yon which d e ve lops lo cal nature including the p a sse s beneath the acro p - small of Martignano Lake which is at- olis settling at a small lake . tached to the large basin of Bra cc i a n o The towering 30-metre - ta l l with its town and splendid ca st le ove r- “ r a i n b o w” bridge, right in looking the wate r. On the same shore s f ront of the medieval XIII- lie the towns of T R E V I G N A N O and A N- century Badia ca st le, which G U I L L A R A whose ce n t re was built on d o m i n a tes the Fiora river is the st r u c t u res of Roman homes as ca n j u st one of the many ancient be seen from arc h i ve documents indi- MARTIGNANO LAKE te staments to the past . cating its founding in the XI ce n t u r y. 1Copertina_Lay-out Lazio INGOKcorr 21-09-2009 14:00 Pagina 4 ANGUILLARA WHITE FISH AND FRIED MINNOWS EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL LOCALLY MADE CHEESES P RO D U C T S Tuscia offe rs a great variety of C e r ve teri, that of the Colli M a remma Viterbese's durum The M o n te Rufeno Natural Reserve, p roducts, enhanced by its Etruschi Viterbesi, Orvieto wheat, Onano's lentils, Monti with a wealth of animal species, is a g r i c u l t u ral tradition and fo o d wine, that of Ta rquinia and Cimini's chestnuts and and wine culture . V i g n a n e l lo as well as the hazelnuts, pota toes from the found nearby AC Q U A P E N D E N T E. This In addition to saltwater F I S H, e steemed Est! Est!! Est!!! of a rea of northern Vite r b o . h i l ly area brings together diffe re n t e a s i ly found throughout the M o n te f i a s cone. For those who T h e re are cold cuts and types of landscapes, its surro u n d i n g s co a st, Bolsena Lake offe rs a don't drink wine, the WATER C H E E S E S: Capoco l lo, Coppa di b o a sting lo cal cultiva t i o n . g reat quantity of fre s h w a te r OF NEPI is particularly te sta, Guanciale, Lonzino (or fish including eels and ve n d a ce . re co m m e n d e d . L o m b e t to), ro a st pork, ham, O l i ve groves and vineya rds are T h e re is also a great variety of co o ked salami and Vite r b o > H i s t o r y, a rt and arch a e o l o gy s ca t te red throughout the V E G E TA B L E S: Pro ceno's re d susianella (a tra d i t i o n a l te r r i to r y. Canino and Tuscia O I L garlic, Canino's aspara g u s , sausage-type food) along with is particularly acclaimed. There Ta rquinia's artichoke , ca c i o t ta, pecorino and rico t ta T U S CA N I A sits upon tufa pro m o n to r i e s a re many varieties of W I N E to Va le n tano's chickpeas, cheeses as well as beef, lamb, and is situated half way between the choose from: Ale a t i co di P u rg a torio di Gradoli's beans, rabbit and a variety of swe e t s , Tyrrhenian Sea, Bolsena Lake and in- G radoli, red and white A c q u a p e n d e n te's spelt, jams, pre s e r ves and honey.
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