Contributors to this issue Faruq E. Akbar received his BS (1988) in civil engineering from Xiaofei Chen received his BSc (1982) in geophysics from the Univ- Bangladesh University of Engineering and ersity of Sciences and Technology of China, Technology and his MS (1992) in geophysics MSc (1985) from the Institute of Geophysics of from the University of New Orleans, Louisiana. SSB of China, and PhD (1991) from the He is currently a PhD student in the Department University of Southern California. He was with of Geological Sciences, University of Texas at IG/SSBC from 1985 to 1986. He is currently a Austin. His professional interests are seismic research associate at USC. His main research data processing, modeling, migration, and interests are seismic waves in complex hetero- inversion. geneous media, inversion techniques, and earthquake seismology. Mike D. Dentith is senior lecturer in geophysics at the Department T. Alkhalifah, see biography and photograph in September-October 1995 GEOPHYSICS, p. 1599. of Geology and Geophysics, University of Western Australia. His current research inter- ests include regional geophysical studies to Estelle Blais received her MScA (1994) in mineral engineering from determine the 3-D structure of greenstone belts, Ecole Polytechnique. She is currently working as a junior geophysi- the geometry of the Darling Fault and the min- cist for SIAL Geosciences in Montreal. eralization in the Canning Basin. He has edited ASEG's geophysics publication "Geophysical Fabio Boschetti graduated in geology from the University of Genoa, Signatures of Western Australia Mineral Italy. He then worked for four years with the Deposits." same university's physics department, special- izing in alternative energy assessment, atmos- pheric pollutant diffusion, and climatology. He currently holds an Overseas Postgraduate Gary D. Egbert received his BA (1977) in mathematics from the Research Scholarship and is a PhD student in University of California at Berkeley, and an MS (1981) in statistics mathematical geophysics at the University of and PhD (1987) in geophysics from the University of Washington. He Western Australia. His PhD project is on the is an associate professor in the College of Oceanic and Atmospheric inversion of geophysical data using genetic Sciences at Oregon State University. His interests include electro- algorithms. magnetic induction, signal processing, geophysical inverse theory, and oceanographic data assimilation. Wenying Cai, see biography and photograph in March 1992 Ezio Faccioli received his dr. eng. (1964) from the Technical Univer- GEOPHYSICS, p. 515. sity of Milano (TUM) and PhD (1968) in civil engineering from the University of Illinois. From 1971 to 1976 he was employed by Anat Canning, see biography and photograph in March-April UNESCO as coordinator of the U.N.-sponsored GEOPHYSICS 1996, p. 615. Soil Dynamics Project at the National Univer- sity of Mexico. Since 1977 he has been espe- David A. Casper received his BSEE degree (1988) from the Univ- cially active in international projects sponsored ersity of Rochester, New York, and MSEE by the European Commission in earthquake (1991) from the University of Wisconsin, engineering and related fields. He has contri- Madison. He is currently working toward a PhD buted to the analysis of earthquake site effects in electrical engineering at the University of and to numerical models for deterministic and Wisconsin, Madison. His doctoral research ap- stochastic wave propagation in both linear and nonlinear earth media. plies electromagnetic wave theory and signal Among his main present interests is the numerical modeling of earth- processing techniques to improve groundwater quake wave in 2-D and 3-D irregular geological configurations. He is radar for agricultural applications. a member of the Seismological Society of America. James E. Gaiser received his MS (1977) in geophysics from the University of Utah and his PhD (1989) in geo- physics from the the University of Texas at Dallas. In 1977 he joined ARCO in the geo- David A. Chapin received his BSc (1979) from the George Wash- physical analysis and processing group, before ington University and his MSc (1981) from moving to research and development in 1981 Lehigh University, both in geology. He was where he worked on vertical seismic profiling, employed by Gulf Research from 1981 to 1984. elastic wave propagation, and seismic aniso- Since 1984 he has been with ARCO. His spe- tropy. Since 1992 he has been working for cialty is in interpretation of gravity and mag- Western Geophysical in Englewood, Colorado, netics data. He is a senior principal geophysi- cist responsible for research in new exploration where he is currently a senior research geo- physicist. His research interests are in 3-D seis- technology utilizing potential-fields data. He is mic imaging in anisotropic media, noise attenuation, and 3-D con- a member of SEG and the Dallas Geophysical Society. verted wave seismology. He is a member of SEG, EAGE, RAS, and EEGS. Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/geophysics/article-pdf/61/4/1237/3173296/1237.pdf 1237 by guest on 25 September 2021 1238 This issue of GEOPHYSICS Gerald H. F. Gardner, see biography and photograph in March- King-Jau Samuel Kung received a BS (1975) in soil and water con- April 1996 GEOPHYSICS, p. 616. servation from Chung-Hsing University, Taiching, Taiwan, and MS (1982) and PhD (1984) degrees in soil and water engineering from Mark Grasmueck received his MSc (1991) and PhD (1995) degrees Cornell University, Ithica, New York. In 1986 he joined the faculty of in geophysics from the Swiss Federal Institute the University of Wisconsin, Madison, where he is currently an asso- of Technology in Zurich. He worked in a disci- ciate professor with a joint appointment to the departments of Soil plinary research group combining engineering Science and Agricultural Engineering. and applied geophysics. His main research goal was to produce more reliable interpretations of Mickaele Le Ravalec graduated (1992) from the Ecole et Observa- georadar data in order to foster the application toire de Physique de Strasbourg. She is current- of georadar in geological engineering. In 1996 ly a PhD student in the Geophysics Department he joined Shell International Exploration and at the University of Rennes I. Her research Production B.V, The Netherlands. interests are in the numerical modeling of elas- tic properties of rocks. Stephan Grollwig studied geophysics at the University of Jena, Germany, and obtained a Dr. rer. nat (1985) from the same university. He was a scientist and lecturer at the physical department of the Univ- ersity of Jena from 1980 to 1988 before moving Ron D. List obtained an MSc from the University of New England to the Central Institute for Physics of the Earth and a PhD from the University of Sheffield. He and GeoForschungsZentrum in Potsdam, is a senior lecturer in applied mathematics at Germany. Since 1992 he has been the managing the University of Western Australia. His director of GESO GmbH in Jena. His main research interests include the inversion of geo- research fields are solid body physics, X-ray physical data. physics, crystallography, physics of measuring techniques, fiber optics, fiber optic sensors, seismometry, environmental physics, and geophysics. He has pub- lished approximately 50 papers in German and international journals. He is a member of the German Physical Society. Yves Gueguen, see biography and photograph in June 1991 GEOPHYSICS, p. 896. Ce Liu received his BS (1982), MS (1984), and PhD (1988) degrees in engineering from Xian Jiatong University, P. R. China. He is now an assistant professor in Jerry M. Harris, see biography and photograph in March-April the Department of Electrical Engineering at the 1995 GEOPHYSICS, p. 616. University of Houston, Texas. His research interests include subsurface sensing, EM mod- Eckart Hurtig earned his Dr. rer.nat (1961) in geology from the Univ- eling and inversion, well logging, and wireless ersity of Greifswald and his Dr. rer.nat.habil. communications. He is a member of IEEE, (1967) from the University of Leipzig, where SPWLA, and EEGS. he was a lecturer at the Institute for Geo- physical Research. From 1971 to 1992 he was with the Central Institute for Physics of the Earth and the GeoFor-schingsZentrum in Potsdam, Germany. He is presently with GESO Dean W. Livelybrooks received a BS (1977) in earth sciences from GmbH Jena, Germany. His research interests MIT and an MSc (1984) and PhD (1990) in include geothermica, seismology, high pressure physics from the University of Oregon. From geophysics, structure of the Earth's crust and of 1977 to 1981 he worked in the mining and geot- the lithosphere, and environmental geophysics. hermal exploration industries. From 1991 to He has published more than 100 scientific articles in national and 1993 he worked at the University of Edinburgh international journals. He is a member of the German Geophysical using magnetotellurics as a tool for studying Society and the Geothermal Association of Germany. regional-scale tectonic features such as the Iapetus Suture Zone. Since 1993 he has been a research professor at the Ecole Polytechnique. Katrin Kuhn studied mathematics at the University of Jena, His interests include all aspects of the mag- Germany. From 1989 to 1992 she was a scien- netelluric method and the use of ground-pene- tist at the Central Institute for Physics of the trating radar applied to mining and environmental problems. He is a Earth and the GeoForschungsZentrum in member of SEG, AGU, and EEGS. Potsdam, Germany. Since 1992 she has been with GESO GmbH Jena. Her main research Fabio Maggio graduated with honors (1992) in physics from the interests are in mathematical modeling and sim- University of Genoa, Italy. In the same year he joined the Center for ulation, physics of measuring techniques, seis- Advanced Studies, Research, and Development in Sardinia in mometry, and environmental geophysics. She Cagliari, Italy, where he worked as a trainee researcher in the Group has been published in scientific journals world- of Applied Mathematics and Simulation.
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