'f'I-I F UN IVF RSITV AF ID~H(3 j J <,<'( 4/i ri '! .4 THF S I UDFNTs VDIcE The 1nngesf www.ui(Iaho,<'du>'argonaut continuously pub1isked college newspaper in the Northwest Tuesday, January Z6, I 999 V'olunvc IOO, I'io. 39 Moscow, Idaho, r<JYA <and I»y sf i.~- ArgoIIBUlf JVaI1 > <-,--..8'XV1 1'(:IsofIa1s... I'.xpcct clouds, j ( (iuess vvh;it wc I'ound witll p«<>E so<lie I tie C hap<.'I iii (lie i>i<i< I- breaks of even (g Argon<i<it bag? A pack;ige I'ruin, goes willi tile more clouds. r highI rl nsk an aliininus.... s~iP I l ~" 0<.ti) goes n>ctdJ w lili nlii<ieuver iil 13ralils ill <1 V<<< this i'ssuc iVews, A2 e,r I ()J>ini< n, A6 Pcfsoilals, rl. I 2 I UI and seven " <<<crt.i<on<(<if A4 gage p~epeygd'gI noI g Crisis line seeks vojunteers schools unite By Beth Green e<ill in ii profess<<><1<<i (I('lll'lir llllgr rrli Umvers<r>r of /dai>o itrgonaai for grants thc. n;it»re of'the e ill. ( o;ilir<in s<ilcl tlic 1)'pc <>I rcso»rces As.rocialed Thc neiv volunteer I'r Press training the they pool I'r<>rn include p<>lice;i»d Palouse Regional (.'risis I.ine ambulance seri iccs. "It's real l) a Un i vcrsi (PRCLJ has it's ties in Washington, Idaho, begun, but not too judgment call Jor us," slic said. I'hev Montana and Utah late to sign arc combining up. also make rcl'err»Is to th«e<><iiiseliiig their scientific talents to better com- Training for thc 24-hour crisis linc centers at tlie Ul and WSU, (>r il tlic pete for federal and private research that serves both Whitinan and Latah caller i» n<>t a student, t<> he<1th aiid dollars. counties began on Saturday, tc;icli- well'are <>r W'hiti»an ('ounty Instead of competing against one ing interested persons h<>w <o (.'Ounseling. another, thc Inland Northwest answer the phones and help thc cs1i- 'fhc crisis line i oluntccrs»<>t <>iily Research Alliance mated 1,100 hopes to give people ivho call for <»>swer crisis situation calls, but member schools a research advan- assistance each month. make ou1going calls to people in the tage in areas such as biotechnology, Every semester thc PRCL scelcs cc>mmunity ivho request it. 'I'licy energy, computer SOIlware security, volunteers to train. They currcntl) mal'e Oassurancc callsO to sh»1-in environmental restoration and have waste 23 volunteers ivho answer community <»embers iilio want the management. f'r phones the crisis linc and m;<kc service. Voluntccrs call it schedul(d "By pulling together these seven some outgoing assistance calls. »<tervals throughout the d:iy to m;ike Northwest institutions, wc can have The 50 hours of training for vol- sure that the person is physic:illy the advantage of being a very unteers large will continue over lii e,'<J>le to answer the phone. (.'<»; research Jlr:»> institution," Washington weeks. Students at University State University President Sam and at of'daho Washington State Il'hc person docs not answer Smith said Tuesday. the University can receive one credit pcr (issurancc call Members the Jirst iinie, volun- of the alliance are: every 50 hours ol'training or volun- ieers are instructed to call again in Washington State University, Utah - 1«'",P8 teer work done for the crisis line. ten rlinutes, and il'the second call is State University, Montana State Crisis line volunteers "avail- are also unansv ered, then they call University, the University of able to talk to anybody about any- again in ten more minutes. After thc Montana, Idaho State University, thing," said Margaret Coahran, the third unanswered call, a friend or Boise Stale Vnivcrsity and the clinical director of the crisis line. relative of the receiver who has per- University of Idaho. Amber, a volunteer who completed mission io enter ihc receiver's house The alliance is hoping to be a top her training last January, said she is notified. bidder for, the Idaho National decided io become a volunteer Thc linc also makes outgoing mc<I- Engineering and Environmental because she "thought it svo<!1(I bc '.cation calls to remind people'iotak<. Laboratory research contract operat- interesting to help people work their medicine. Some persons need, ed by the U.S. Department of through their problems." The work this reminder because of a physical also Energy. The contract, now held by an meshes well with'her course of or mental disabi%ty, Amber said. Photo by Nic 'Ilicker studies MIT research consortium, is worth in school and community RigIII'<low the crisis line calls eight Members ol'Sigma Chi participate in the annual Snow Ball, braving cold weather for pre-Super Bowl health millions of dollars a year. Action. education at the VL people regularly for assurance or "It's a fascinating volun- Smith said the universities have thing for medication. teers to do," Coahran agreed. She The PRCL is run been encouraged by Energy by Line of has been volunteering almost since Department oITicials to incorporate It had to happen... The impeachment Whitman and Latah Countics, a pri-. story the beginning of thc crisis line, vate, non-profit as a nonprofit entity in order to company, It is also By Mandy Puckett not to which was started in spring of 1978. partially funded the Pullman become part of the bidding process. going disregard an opportuni- and we'e living it. Kids in 100 years by and Unii ersior Idal<o ili yon<a<i to make Crisis Line volunteers receive calls the Latah United He said joint elTorts have been ongo- of 1y a historical statement. will be lorced to learn about the sec- Way organizations. They're not stand about everything from suicide to ASUI, ASWSV and other organiza- ing between faculty across campuses going to lying to ond impcachcd president." "lt's a mockery ot'he whole polit- the public," he said. requcstsforphoncnumbersorinfor- tions. All the services thc for many years. The trial itself won't affect stu- of crisis ical system," I'rcshman Jodi A. mation about IIIV, but "most callers line arc Iree. "By creating one particular alliance Kelly, Smith, Baush and Sebat all dents'ives, says Kelly, but thc out- Smith, said. 1'he impeachment trial think thc just want to talk," Amber said. Anyone interested in and making that available to DOE, prcsidcnt should bc kept in come could. "It'e's thrown out it becoming a has Vnivcrsity ol'daho students o JI<ce. "Anything to motivate you to pick volunteer or anyone who feels that they then don't have to deal with will put the nation into a flux," wondering i I''resident 13i1 I Cl into»'s I:ish "It up the phone and call is significant they need to use the each of us," Smith said. Senior Adain R. thinks all'ects me," I'ish said. "If thc crisis line for removal I'rom oll<ce is ncccssary. Clinton deserves even better, it's tor us," Coahran said. If thc situa- any reason can call Idaho President Robert I loover has public realizes not a big deal, (509) 332-1505. "If'you look at it, how many peo- "I le should I'or tion is really serious, the volunteers Collect calls are been meeting with presidents at the bc championed maybe sexual boundaries will accepted. ple lose their job f'r cheating on being lawless in an antique seven universities for the past year, sense of loosen. I lopefully pcoplc will be their wife'?" said Kyle R. Kcllcy. .narriage and will bc I'reer seeking support for the idea. thought of as a with the llcsh." Freshman Lisa A. 13aush said. inartyr in 100 wc're "We can better address the issues years when free Does anyone actually care about "What he did is ivrong, but it's not ol these rcstranlnlg we face in thc Inland Northwest and cloglllas lcn over this trial' something to rcnlovc him I'rom Jrorn J.isll make a difference I'r our economics, antiquity, said. "<Not really, I don't care what goes office I'or. Other politicians have Pish is our business communities and the pro-adultery and anti- on behind closed doors," Baush 'I done it. They'rc being hypocritical." nlorals. wept when I llcard. Jm sa <el. general public," I loover said. so Smith thinks thc trial will iiot bc proud OJ'him," he said. "I don't Politically, the move multiplies the care about the matter itself impartial or nonpartisan. Jon L. Smith thinks amount of congressional representa- the trial definitely or about Clinton's relationship with Scbat, a lirst-year graduate student, all'acts the lives "We tion each of the universities would ot VI students. his wife and mistress," Scbat said. thinks it could be. "A lot get Jess Jedcral loan "The enjoy alone. Thc plan hinges on a money because only thing that concerns me is despite their loyalty, areol'emocrats, 1hey're wasting much," wide range of external I'unding, so Smith thc consequences of his impcach- going to do ivhat's necessary to hold said. Shc believes the including support from Congress. trial is impor- mcnt, 13elievc me, hc will be up the integrity ol'thc o JI<cc. 1'hcy'rc tant. "It's a big moment in history impeached." United States administration wants missile defense system By Robert Burns point in the administration's viciv to shoot down missiles.
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