LAZAROA 34: 19-27. 2013 doi: 10.5209/rev_LAZA.2013.v34.n1.41685 ISSN: 0210-9778 Chorology and habitat characterization of Fritillaria caballeroi an endemic and threatened species in the Central System (Iberian Peninsula) Francisco Amich & Sonia Bernardos (*) Abstract: Amich, F. & Bernardos, S. Chorology and habitat characterization of Fritillaria caballeroi an endemic and threatened species in the Central System (Iberian Peninsula). Lazaroa 34: 19-27 (2013). Fritillaria caballeroi F.M. Vázquez is an endemic threatened plant whose distribution is restricted to the mountains of the western sector of the Central System (Tormantos, Béjar, Francia and Estrela) and the Montes de León. Here we give a detailed description of its distribution in these territories and analyze the different phytocoenoses in which it has become integrated. Keywords: Fritillaria caballeroi , habitat, Central System mountains, plant communities. Resumen: Amich, F. & Bernardos, S. Corología y caracterización del hábitat de la liliácea endémica y amenazada Fritillaria caballeroi en las montañas del Sistema Central (Península Ibérica). Lazaroa 34: 19-27 (2013). Fritillaria caballeroi F.M. Vázquez es una planta endémica y amenazada, cuya distribución está restringida a las mon - tañas del occidente del Sistema Central (Tormantos, Béjar, Francia y Estrela) y Montes de León. Exponemos de manera detallada su distribución en estos territorios, y analizamos las diferentes fitocenosis en las que se integra. Palabras clave: Fritillaria caballeroi , hábitat, montañas del Sistema Central, comunidades vegetales. INTRODUCTION demism is Ibero-N. African ( F. lusitanica Wikstr.) and the remaining species is Franco-Iberian ( F. The genus Fritillaria L. (Liliaceae ) is distribu - pyrenaica L.). ted across the Northern Hemisphere and, in par - CABALLERO (1948) described Fritillaria fal - ticular, in temperate zones of Asia, Europe, North cata in the Sierra de Francia (Salamanca), poin - Africa and the West of North America ( Grove , ting out that it was a very different species from 1931). The centre of diversification of the taxon other known species of the genus on the basis of could be considered to be in Iran, in the middle its small size, its falcate leaves and the presence of Asia or in the Caucasus ( GÜEMES , in press). of a single flower. Later RICO (1985) proposed The number of recognized species in the genus that it would be a form of F. lusitanica , indicating varies, depending on the author, ranging from 50 that the diagnostic characters are not always pre - (KRAUSE , 1930) to almost 100 ( MELCHIOR , 1964). sent within the same population. In their mono - In Spain, traditionally five taxa have been addres - graphic work of the genus on the Iberian sed ( FERNÁNDEZ -A RIAS & D EVESA , 1991a; GÜE - Peninsula FERNÁNDEZ -A RIAS & D EVESA (1991a) MES , in press), although with different taxonomic subordinate it to a subspecies of F. nervosa ranges. One such taxon is the Spanish endemism Willd., above all on the basis of its falcate, longi - (F. legionensis Llamas & J. Andrés); two species tudinally folded leaves. More recently, VÁZQUEZ are Iberian endemisms ( F. caballeroi F.M. Váz - (2009) designated it a new name, F. caballeroi , quez and F. stenophylla Boiss. & Reuter), one en - owing to the existence of a previous heterotypic * Department of Botany. University of Salamanca. E-37007 Salamanca, Spain. E-mail: [email protected] 19 LAZAROA 34: 19-27. 2013 Francisco Amich & Sonia Bernardos Chorology and habitat characterization of Fritillaria caballeroi synonym for a Californian species ( BEETLE , for this taxon along the sierras of the Sistema 1944). Finally, in Flora Iberica GÜEMES (in press) Central, including the Portuguese territories of the maintains that denomination of F. caballeroi , to - Serra da Estrella. gether with the specific rank for the plant. Fritillaria caballeroi is considered to be a vul - HABITAT CHARACTERIZATION OF FRITILLARIA CABA - nerable plant (VU), both in the Red Lists of the LLEROI Flora Vascular Española (VV.AA., 2000; MO- RENO , 2008), and in the Atlas and Red Book This study involved 57 species and 8 relevés, (AMICH & B ERNARDOS , 2010), as a result of its re - and was performed following the method of duced geographic distribution and of the conti - BRAUN -B LANQUET (1979). The syntaxonomic no - nuing decrease in its number of mature plants. menclature followed was that suggested by This taxon has not yet been assessed by the IUCN RIVAS -M ARTÍNEZ & al. (2002) and RIVAS -M ARTÍ - Red List ( IUCN , 2012). Similarly, the species is NEZ (2011) and COSTA & al. (2012). In the synta - catalogued as “Preferential Attention” in the ca - xonomic synopsis of the syntaxa mentioned we talogue of Flora Protegida de Castilla y León also followed the ordering proposals of RIVAS - (ANONYMOUS , 2007). An index record of the plant MARTÍNEZ & al. (2002) and RIVAS -M ARTÍNEZ has been made for Castilla y León and a proposal (2011), except for the association Minuartio ju - for a micro-reserve for the plant has been put for - resii-Festucetum summilusitanae (in COSTA & al. wards ( AMICH & B ERNARDOS , unpub. data), in 2012), described after works of RIVAS -M ARTÍNEZ . concordance with the provisions of the Protection The nomenclature used for the taxa of synta - Decree for this Community ( ANONYMOUS , 2007). xonomic interest was that of Flora Europaea The aims of the present work were: (1) to ad - (TUTIN & al. , 1964-1980) and Flora Iberica ( CAS - dress in detail the distribution of this endemism TROVIEJO , 1986-2012), except for Festuca sum - in the Sistema Central, and (2) to characterize the milusitana subsp. gredensis (Fuente & Ortúñez) habitats of the populations of F. caballeroi in the Rivas-Mart., Fuente & Ortúñez in Itinera Geobo - areas where it grows in the Sistema Central and tanica 18: 485 (2011), Jasiones crispa subsp. cen - compare the habitats of the different sierras. tralis (Rivas-Mart.) Rivas-Mart. in Anales Inst. Bot. Cavanilles 27:154 (1970), Minuartia recurva subsp. juresii (Willd. ex Schltdl.) Mattf. in Bot. MATERIAL AND METHODS Jahrb. Syst. 57, Beibl. 126: 31 (1921), and Silene ciliata subsp. elegans Link ex Brot. in Fl Lusit. GENERAL INFORMATION ON THE SPECIES INVESTI - 2: 185 (1804). GATED AND PLANT MATERIAL Fritillaria caballeroi flowers towards the end RESULTS AND DISCUSSION of spring (May-June) and fruits in summer (July- August); insect pollinated; seeds dispersed by DISTRIBUTION OF FRITILLARIA CABALLEROI IN THE wind. Its chromosome number is 2n = 24 ( FER - CENTRAL WESTERN IBERIAN PENINSULA NÁNDEZ -A RIAS & D EVESA , 1991b). In the central western part of the Iberian Peninsula, the species We first reviewed the published data on the grows on siliceous rocks, either granites (Sierras distribution of this species and additionally revi - de Béjar, Tormantos and la Estrella) or Armorican sed some of the main herbaria pertaining to cen - quartzes from the Silurian and Devonian (Sierra tral western Iberia (HVR, COI and SALA). The de Francia). total number of known localities are shown in Fi - During the period 2008-2011 we visited most gure 1 and Table 1. In the explorations carried out of the localities in the Iberian Peninsula in which in these territories we did not note new population Fritillaria caballeroi has been reported (Table 1) nuclei. However, their presence in them cannot and we also surveyed other areas thought suitable be ruled out, owing their extraordinary geomor - LAZAROA 34: 19-27. 2013 20 F r a n c Table 1 i s c Known localities of Fritillaria caballero i in the Central System o A m Country Province Locality Site Altitude UTM Geographical Voucher Cited by i c coordinates coordinates h & S Portugal Beira Alta Manteigas Covao d’Ametade 1575 29TPE2065 40º 19.735’ N MA 784248 GÜEMES (in press) o n i 07º 35.199’ W a B Spain Ávila Navalguijo Sierra de Tormantos 2120 30TTK8155 40º 13.009’ N MAF 135686 SÁNCHEZ-MATA & al. (1991) e r n 05º 34.418’ W AMICH & BERNARDOS (2010) a r d Spain Ávila Nava del Barco Sierra de Tormantos, entre 2180 30TTK8155 40º 13.011’ N MAF 135687 SÁNCHEZ-MATA & al. (1991) o los circos de La Nava y 05º 34.420’ W AMICH & BERNARDOS (2010) s los Caballeros Spain Cáceres Tornavacas Sierra de Tormantos, 1600 30TTK76 40º 15.533’ N HSS 25160 VÁZQUEZ (2009) Garganta La Serrá 05º 42.273’ W Spain Cáceres La Garganta Sierra de Béjar, Hoya de Moros 2000 30TTK66 40º 15.364’ N HSS 9909/9290B VÁZQUEZ (2009) 05º 49.321’ W Spain Salamanca Candelario Sierra de Béjar, El Calvitero 2250 30TTK6967 40º 19.296’ N MAF 131481 FERNÁNDEZ-ARIAS & DEVESA (1991a) C 2 05º 43.130’ W h 1 o r MORENO (2002) o l o Spain Salamanca El Cabaco Sierra de Francia, Peña de 1675 29TQE4088 40º 30.481’ N MA 21354, CABALLERO (1947) g y Francia 06º 10.047’ W SALA 79649 FERNÁNDEZ-ARIAS & DEVESA (1991a) a n d Spain Salamanca El Cabaco Sierra de Francia, Paso de 1500 29TQE3988 40º 30.498’ N SALA 77857 FERNÁNDEZ-ARIAS & DEVESA (1991a) h a los Lobos 06º 10.754’ W b i t a Spain Salamanca El Cabaco Sierra de Francia, cercanías 1575 29TQE3989 40º 31.039’ N —— AMICH & BERNARDOS (2010) t c del Collado de Peña Cabra 06º 10.733’ W h a r Spain Salamanca El Maíllo Sierra de Francia, Peñas 1500 29TQE3890 40º 31.595’ N SALA 13628, RICO (1985) a c t e del Corzo 06º 11.416’ W 13645, 13646, r i z 13650 a t i L o A Spain Salamanca Monsagro Sierra de Francia, cercanías 1575 29TQE3989 40º 31.038’ N —— AMICH & BERNARDOS (2010) n Z o A del Collado de Peña Cabra 06º 10.732’ W f R F O r i A t i l 3 l a 4 r : i 1 a 9 c - a 2 b 7 a . l 2 l e 0 r 1 o 3 i Francisco Amich & Sonia Bernardos Chorology and habitat characterization of Fritillaria caballeroi Figure 1.
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