Number 21 April 2004 BAKER INSTITUTE REPORT NOTES FROM THE JAMES A. BAKER III INSTITUTE FOR PUBLIC POLICY OF RICE UNIVERSITY BAKER INSTITUTE CELEBRATES ITS 10TH ANNIVERSARY Vice President Dick Cheney was man you only encounter a few the keynote speaker at the Baker times in life—what I call a ‘hun- See our special Institute’s 10th anniversary gala, dred-percenter’—a person of which drew nearly 800 guests to ability, judgment, and absolute gala feature with color a black-tie dinner October 17, integrity,” Cheney said in refer- 2003, that raised more than ence to Baker. photos on page 20. $3.2 million for the institute’s “This is a man who was chief programs. Cynthia Allshouse and of staff on day one of the Reagan Rice trustee J. D. Bucky Allshouse years and chief of staff 12 years ing a period of truly momentous co-chaired the anniversary cel- later on the last day of former change,” Cheney added, citing ebration. President Bush’s administra- the fall of the Soviet Union, the Cheney paid tribute to the tion,” Cheney said. “In between, Persian Gulf War, and a crisis in institute’s honorary chair, James he led the treasury department, Panama during Baker’s years at A. Baker, III, and then discussed oversaw two landslide victories in the Department of State. the war on terrorism. presidential politics, and served “There is a certain kind of as the 61st secretary of state dur- continued on page 24 NIGERIAN PRESIDENT REFLECTS ON CHALLENGES FACING HIS NATION President Olusegun Obasanjo of the Republic of Nigeria observed that Africa, as a whole, has been “unstable for too long” during a November 5, 2003, presentation at the Baker Institute. “We need the rest of the world, but the rest of the world will help us only when we are ready and willing to help ourselves,” he asserted. Obasanjo underlined the need for Africans to believe in themselves as agents of change, a process that will entail, at least in part, “African home-grown solu- continued on page 26 President Olusegun Obasanjo of the Republic of Nigeria (left) is greeted by James A. Baker, III. 1 LETTER FROM THE DIRECTOR SUMMIT SHOWCASES TEXAS PLAN Background on the sponsor- ing institutions and organiza- In its first decade tribute to the National Energy Plan of As we embark on new initia- TO ENHANCE EARLY CHILDHOOD tions: as a nonpartisan, the United States. The research pro- tives, we will continue to build on EDUCATION AND DEVELOPMENT • The Baker Institute for university-based gram will help to develop sustainable the important research programs Public Policy of Rice think tank, the long-term alternatives to burning fos- under way at the institute. The A public policy plan to improve university researchers, and busi- University helps bridge the sil fuels for the world’s energy supply Transnational China Project, initi- Baker Institute is early childhood education and ness leaders throughout Texas gap between the theory and solidly establish- and, in the process, inspire American ated by the Rice faculty, seeks to development (ECED) for all were invited to the two-day sum- practice of public policy by ing itself through youth to pursue careers in the physi- expand the study and influence children in Texas so they will be mit to learn more about and help drawing together experts its research cal sciences and engineering. of the transnational circulation of ready to learn by the time they refine the Texas Plan to Enhance from academia, govern- programs. Focusing on key domestic With the Texas Medical Center, people, technologies, commodities, enter kindergarten underwent Early Childhood Education and ment, media, business, and and foreign policy challenges, it has we are collaborating on societal fac- and ideas in Chinese societies, with review at the Baker Institute Development. This long-range nongovernmental organiza- become a leading forum for visiting tors and public policies affecting particular attention to their emerg- January 22–23. policy plan capitalizes on current tions, while also involving national and foreign leaders. It has population health. In 2005, we are ing middle class. Our regional More than 200 advocates of knowledge about the insepa- students with the policy successfully reached out to local, planning to initiate, in collabora- conflict-resolution programs have early care, health, and education, rable connection between young makers and scholars. national, and international audiences tion with Baylor College of Medicine focused on Arab–Israeli issues, the elected officials, representatives children’s everyday experiences, • The Texas Program for through its Internet and telecommu- and other major institutions of the Western Sahara, and Nagorno- from governmental agencies, continued on page 28 Society and Health is an nications facility. Thanks to its many Texas Medical Center, an important Karabakh. These projects involve interinstitutional collabora- generous supporters and donors, the program that will address public academic research, study groups tion among Rice University, Baker Institute now has a firm finan- policy issues in the U.S., such as the to formulate foreign policy recom- Baylor College of Medicine, cial base on which to build its future. cost of medical care, with particular mendations, and participation in University of Houston, the While the Rice University faculty is attention to the multitude of factors the conflict-resolution process. The University of Texas Health the main resource for the institute’s that distort and inflate these costs. post-conflict Iraq study and the Science Center at Houston, research program, the endowed Another major initiative we have U.S.–Syria dialogue are examples of and the University of Texas visiting Baker Institute fellows and begun this year is our Tax Policy the work being done in this field. M.D. Anderson Cancer scholars enhance our work by their Program. This long-term study will Other ongoing research programs Center. Its mission is to expertise in the public, private, and create a new body of innovative eco- include the Houston Task Force on improve population health through research, public academic sectors. nomic research that will inform the Terrorism, drug policy, and the role policy proposals, community We set the institute’s research debate on tax and expenditure policy of religion and culture in public action programs, and train- course on the principle of com- reform issues in academia and the policy. ing, all with a sharp focus parative advantage: Namely, what policy world. These current and future on the social factors and resources do we have in place at Given our geographic setting, research programs of the Baker The summit on the Texas Plan to Enhance Early Childhood Education and Development featured experts from throughout Texas. societal conditions that pro- Rice University, in Houston, and we initiated the Americas Project, Institute deal with some of the duce health. which is a collaborative effort with most relevant and important public the Southwest that we can build on? • The Texas Early Childhood Houston, the “energy capital of the the Organization of American States policy issues of our time. We will Education Coalition brings world,” prompted us to establish a that brings together emerging lead- remain focused on what we can do together foundations, busi- now-thriving strategic energy studies ers from Latin America to discuss best, and we are inspired by the nesses, providers, universi- program that addresses key supply issues of major importance to the challenges we face to continue to ties, advocates, community and demand, security, and geopoliti- hemisphere. Building on this initia- bring a meaningful voice to public groups, and organizations cal issues worldwide. Looking ahead, tive, we have launched the United policy debate and formulation in committed to building a we are initiating The New Energy States–Mexico Border Project. This our country over the next decade. statewide network on early Research Program. In close col- will be a long-term study of the geo- care and education and laboration with Rice’s Institute for political, economic, cultural, and soci- identifying common goals Nanoscale Science and Technology, etal implications of such key issues that will provide a vision and the Baker Institute is planning a bold as immigration, security, water, and Alvin Tarlov, senior fellow in health policy at the Baker Institute and executive director of the Texas plan for early childhood in new energy research program to con- environment. Edward P. Djerejian Program for Society and Health, discusses the Texas Plan to Enhance Early Childhood Education and Texas. Development. 2 3 TOWN HALL MEETING FOCUSES ON HOMELAND BUSH SELECTS BAKER TO LEAD EFFORT TO SECURITY RESTRUCTURE IRAQ’S DEBT The Council for Excellence in President George W. Bush debt,” Bush said in a statement nation at its moment of hope and Government held its fourth town appointed James A. Baker, III, issued by the White House on promise. James Baker’s vast eco- hall meeting on “Homeland honorary chair of the Baker December 5, 2003. “The future nomic, political, and diplomatic Security from the Citizen’s Institute, as his personal envoy of the Iraqi people should not be experience as a former secretary Perspective” at the Baker Institute on the issue of Iraqi debt. mortgaged to the enormous bur- of state and secretary of the trea- February 3. The series of meet- “Secretary Baker will report den of debt incurred to enrich sury will help to forge an interna- ings and workshops is a critical directly to me and will lead an Saddam Hussein’s regime. This tional consensus for an equitable new initiative designed to engage effort to work with the world’s debt endangers Iraq’s long-term and effective resolution of this and connect citizens, first governments at the highest prospects for political health and issue.” responders, volunteer and civic levels with international orga- economic prosperity.
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