THE Exhibition has been promotecl by the Cardiff Scheme Committee of the Royal Camhrian Academy of Arts, and the profits derived from it are to he devoted to the purposes of the permanent estahlishment of the Academy in C1rdiff. On the settlement of the institution in Cardiff it is the intention of the Council to hold Annual Exhibitions of Works of Fine Art, for the reception of which Galleries will be erected, with Studios, J,ecture Hall, and other Any corrections or information likely to be of use requisites for an Art School, the tuition in which, given in issuing subsequent editions may be sent to the by members of the Academy, will be free to all students passing a certain standard entrance examination. Director, Mr. T . H. THOMAS, RC.A., marked The Academy, although instituted for the encouragement "Catalogue." of the Arts of Painting, Sculpture, and Architecture, will also, in ~o far as is practicable, give encouragement to the _\rt of Mu,~ic at its Annu:il Exhibitions. The Royal Cambrian Academy. haying for its object the increase of the feeling for Fine Art in \·\'ales, confidently hopes for the generous aid of all mt..;rested in culture in the J'rincipality. A CATALOGUE OF 1.'HE ,,a ... II: ~ Q. ,j. ()' CARDIFF ~ ~ "> PUBLIC HALL, 0 ~ i.. Q ..~ 0 \ ~ ~ ! f N AID OP 'fHE r uNn ro1~ ESTABLISHING T HF. t <I .. ' " C!tnmbrian J\,rahtmu~ of J\.rts AT CARDIFF. SECOND-======= EDITION. CARDIFF SOUTH Vhu:s PR1~·1•1 ,iG W ORKS,- 72, SA1wr MARY S TREET , rR84. FINE ART LOAN EXHIBITION. PRESIDENTS: C.R. M. Talbot, Esq., M.P., Lord-Lieutenijnt David Davies, Esq., M.P. of Glamorgan \Villiam Davies, Esq.1 M.P. His Grace the Duke of l3eaufort. K.G. Lewis LI. Dillwyn, Esq., M.P. The Most Hon tlie Marquess of 8ute, K.T. Samuel Holland, Esq., M.P. The Right Hon the Earl of Cawdor Charles H. James, Esq., M.P. The Riaht Hon the Earl of Dunraven, K.P. Morgan Lloyd, Esq., M.P. The Right H on the Lord Richard Grosvenor, W. F . Maitland, Esq., M.P. M.P. Lewis Pugh Pugh, Esq., M.P. The Right Hon Viscount Emlyr., M.P. W . R. H . Powell, Esq.. M.P. The Right Rev the Lord Bishop of L\andaff J. H . Puleston, Esq., M.P. The Right Rev the Lo1·d Bishop of St. David's John Roberts, Esq.. M.P. The Right Hon the Lord Windsor Henry Richarci.,.Esq., M.P. The Right Hon the Lord Raglan Stuart Rendel, Esq., M.P. The Right Hon the Lord Tredegar S. C. Evans Wiliiaras, Esq., !\1.P. The Right Hon the Lord !{omilly Col. C. K. Kemeys-Tynte The Ri ght Hon the Lord .\l>erdare W.W. Fitzwilliam Hume Dick, Esq. The Right Hon the Lord Trevor J. T. D. Llewelyn, Esq.. J.P. The Right Hon the Lord VYimbournc,i J •tdge B. T. WiUiams, Q.C. The Right Hoil the Lord Kensington, M.P. J l. W. B. Davis, Esq., R.A . ..-11H-:: 1~1i411t Hon A. J. Munrlella, M.P. I .. Alma Tad<>ma, Esq., R.A., Hou RC.A. Tht: Right Hon G. Osborne Morgan, :\1f. P. 1 l ubert Herko1ne r1 Esq.1 R.A. The Hon. Fred. Hanbury Tracy, M.P. IL S. Marl,s. Esq., R.A., Hon R.C.A. Sir R. A. Cunliffe, Bart., M.P. J. E. 1',lillias, Esq., R.A., Hon R.C.A. Sir 1-1. llussey Vivian, Bart., M.P. Henry T. Wells, Esq., R.A. Sir Edward J. Reed, K.C.13 .. M.P. G. T. Clark, Esq., J.P. Sir Frederick Leighton. P.R.A., Hon RC.A. Frederick Tayler, Esq., Ex-Pres. R.S.P.W.C Sir W. Fettes Douglas, P.R.S.A. J. D. Linton, Es4., V.J'.R.I. Sir Noel Paton, Qut::en's Limuer for Scotland Lewis ;\[orris, Es<J , Y.1.A. Sir George A. M3.cfarren, Prin. R.A.M. Frederick \Vedmore1 Esq. General Yorke, C.B. Henry Harben, Es,1. Col. E. S. Hill, C.B. Edwiu H ayes, R.H ..-\. .. KC.A. The Very Rev C. ].Vaughan, Deanof Llandaff Jonathan Hutchinson. Esq.. F.R.C.S., F.R.S. and Master of tbe Temple W. L.Thomas,Esq,:11.R.l. !Jirector"Graphic. Tbe Right Rev Bishop Hedley Samuel Birch, Esq., LI..D., D.C.L. William Agnew, Esq., M.P. Principal V. Jones. Cardiff H. G. Allen. Esq., M.P. Professor Rhys, Oxford W . S. Caine, Esq., M.P. PdncipaJ Jayne, Lampeter E . H. Carbutt, Esq., M.P. Knighton Warren, Esq., A.R.C.A. Joh·, Corbett, Esq., M.P. Principal C. T. Edwards, Aberystwith. VICE-PRESIDENTS. The. Worshipful the Mayor of Cardiff(Rohert William Adams, Esq:, C.E. Bird, Esq.) . Thornton Andrews, Esq., Swansea The Worshipful the Mayor of Swansea Rev. W . Conybeare Bruce, '.\1.A, tRobert D. Burnie, Esq.) \Valter Bache, Esq.1 ·London The Worshipful the Mayor o! Bangor (Major Edward Bath, Esq., J.P. Platt). L. J. Graham Cbrke, Esq., A.R.C.A. The Worshipful the Mayor of Carmarthen J. Nichol Stradling Carne, Esq., D.C .L:, (John Jenkyn Jones, Esq.) J .P., St. Donal's The Worshipful the Mayor of Cardigan john Cory. Esq_,, J.P.,. Vaindre Hall (Joseph Rees, Esq.) · R. G. Cawker, Esq , ~wansea The Worshipful the Mayor of Brecon (John Alderman Richan! Cory, J.P., Cardi ft Morgan, Esq.) Herbert Cory, Esq., Vaindre Hall The Worshipful the Mayor of Haverford west Robert Capper, Esq.= Swansea (Samuel Thomas, Esq.) Charles Conway, Esq .. J,P. The Worshipful the Mayor of Neath (Rowland John Stuart Corbett, Esq., J.P. ~homas, Es<J.) J. J ackson Curnock, Esq., A.RC.A., Clifton W1lllam Harris, Esq., High Constable of Lascelles Carr, Esq , Cardiff Merthyr · S. Camplell Cory, Esq. VICE-PRESIDENTS-(continued). Ohbibiti:on (!D.x.emtih/; <!tommilftt. Rev. Wm. David, M.A., St. Fagan's Dr. Joseph Parry, Swansea William Davies, Esq., R.C.A. (Mynorydd), G. E. Robinson, Esq., Hon. Sec. Cambrian ~on don Archaeological Society John Duncan, Esq Joseph Ramsdale, Esq. The Worshipful the M~YOR of CARDIFF (R. Bmn, Esq,), Chairman. Stephen Evans, Esq., J.P., London Dr. Frederick Roberts, London H, l, Evans, Esq., J.P. Askew Roberts, Esq., Oswestry M,-. S. W. Allen Mr. Edwin Seward, RC.A., R.1.13.A D. fudor Evans, Esq., Cardiff Brinley Richards, Esq. :Vlr. Robert Drane Mr. J, Pyke Thompson Rev. W. Edwards. B.A., Pontypool College John Crowe Richardson, Esq., J.P. :Vlr. F. De C. Hamilton Mr. f. I-I. Thomas, R.C.A. R. Forrest, Esq., J.P., St. Fagan's A. E. Richards, Esq .. M.A., Florence Mr. C. W. Ingram Mr. J. LL Treharne, M.R.C.S., L.S.,&. George Fisher, Esq. E.T. Reed, Esq., London Alderman D. Lewis Mr. J. L. Wheatley, Town Clerk Wm. Galloway, Esq., President Cardiff F. E. Stacey, Esq., J.P., Llandough Castle Mr. Peter Price, R.C.A. Rev. W. E. Winks Naturalists' Society Professor W. J. Sallas, M.A., Fellow of St. Mr. T . H. Riches, M.l.C.E. Mr. John Weaver E. J. Grice, Esq., J.P. Job n's, Clifton Mr . .Ricilard Sllort, R.C.A., F.A.S. Wm. Seward, Esq., Yeovil Richard Garnett, Esq., M.A. T. THOMAS, R.C.A. J. Milo Griffith, Esq., RC.A., London E. H. Turpin, Esq. Director jo1' the Committee: Mr. H. Mrs. Francis Hoggan, M.D., London Abel Thomas, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, Hon. Treas14rer: Mr. J. PYKE THOMPSON. Rev. David Howefl, Wrexham Swansea Henry Heywood, Esq., F.C.S. Louis Tylor, Esq. J. H. Insole, Esq, J.P. Rev. C. ]. Thompson, M.A. C.H. James, Esq., M.I.C.E., Merthyr Col. Picton Turhervill, J.P., Ewenay Priory Edward Jenkins, Esq.. Cardiff Alderman Taylor, M D., J.P. R W. Jones, Esq., f.P., Newport Alfred Thomas, Esq., J.P. FINANCE. W. C. Luard, Esq.. F.R G.S. W. Cave Thom as, Esq., ;F.S.S. Rev. Thos. McCullagh, Pres. Wesleyan Charles Thompson, Esq., J.P. Conference John Thomas, Esq. (Pencerdd Gwalia) The Worshipful the Mayor of Cardiff (Mr. :lfr. W. H. Lewis Wm. Thomas Lewis, Esq., J.P., The Mardy Rev. W. Glanffrwd Thomas, St. Asaph Robert llird), Chairman Mr. Councillor J- G . Prage r J.E. Lee, Esq., F.G.S., Torquay Dr. C. T. Vacbell, "Hon. Sec. Cardiff Natu, Mr. Peter Davies Mr. Councillor Alfred Thomas Titus Lewis, Esq., F.S.A., St. Qufa1tin's ralists' Society Mr. H. ]. Evans Mr. H. Woolcott Thorupsou Alde1·man Daniel Le.wis, J.P., Cardiff Lewis Williams, Esq., J.P. Mr. Councillor Fulton M:. Councillor T rounce Edward P. Martin, Esq., Dowlais T. Marchant Williams, Esq., B.A. Mr. Councillor David Jones Mr. George Thomas Col. Martin, Cardiff J. A. B Williams, Esq. B. S. Marks, Esq., A.RC.A., London J. L. Wheatley, Esq., Town Clerk of Cardiff E. R. Moxey, Esq., Cardiff Jonas Watson, Esq., J.P., Llandaff Daniel Owen, Esq., J.P., Ash Hall James Ware, Esq., J.P. John Pritchard, Esq.,J.P., Llandaff Clement Waldron, Esq. Col. Page, J. P., Llandaff Thomas Webb, Esq., Cardiff' OIL PAINTINGS. Captain R. Short, R.C.A., F.A.S., Chairman Mr. E. B. Reece fbmbtrs of tbt ~D1Jal <!tambrian Jl.cabtmtr of }.rt, Mr. S. Campbell Cory Mr. Daniel Rees Mr. H. Whyte Cole, F.S.Sc., F.A.S. Professor Seth Chaifmati-Enwrn A. NORBURY. Mr. J. Stuart Corbett Mr.]. Tilley Mr. J. Westyr Evans. Mr.
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