'pABLOISM' \ And The JIONAL CRISIS IN THE MITTEE PHILIPPINES De~end surcharged councillors! ON 5 MARCH ~he High Court will rule on the cases of the surcharged Lambeth and qverpool councillors. According to Ted Knight It will almost certainly find against them, despite the £118,000 legal fees paid by Lambeth and the £200,000 by Liverpool. The council ors were In fact bound to take the case to the Liverpool. If they lose they will High Courts. The ruling of the be barred from office (local or District Auditors against them government) for 5 years and perso­ was based not on any kind of nally liable for the surcharge. hearing or trial, but on the The same would have been true District Auditors' opinion alone. had they not taken the case to No doubt this opinion was shaped the High Court at all. by a few guiding words from If the judgement goes against Patrlck Jenkln. the councillors then a decision The councillors are accused has to be made within 2 weeks of 'wiIful misconduct' In not set­ as to whether or not to appeal. ting a rate, and Issued surcharge This would cost another £50,000 notices amounting to £126,947 at least for Lambeth. Such a stra­ against 32 Lambeth councillors tegy may delay the councillors' and £106,103 against the 49 from disqualification for a few more weeks but Is unlikely to reverse the court's decision. Its only pur­ pose would be as part of a cam­ paign to mobilise the local trade unions and community to take action against the court decisions. If the councillors are disqual­ ified the Lambeth and Liverpool counciIs will be left In the hands of Alliance and Tory councillors. But conducting the battle exclu­ sively tl gyg!! the courts Is not the way tv we have argued at every _ t\S)f resistance to ~~~e~~~en:' .i ~~ THE FIGHT AGAINST the witch­ BBC to remove Benn from the key to victory. hunt In the Labour Party now "Question Time" which went out Council unions must refuse needs to move up a gear. At the the day after the NEC to pre­ to co.,operate with any such 26 February National Executive vent him defending the Militant! bodies and organise all out strike Committee (NEC) Klnnock got The NEC also lay the charge action in the event of It happen­ the mandate he wanted to carry of membership of the Militant ing. With massive local industrial through his purge of Militant sup­ Tendency which would render action, paralysing local services, porters In LiverpooL them Ineligible for membership and refusing to deal ·wlth payments His kangaroo-court Investiga­ of the Labour Party. It Is this to the City, sufficient pressure ting the Liverpool District Labour charge which will provide the can be exerted to force the gov­ Party (DLP) provided the charge­ ammunition for the right wing ernment to retreat. This is the heet. The NEC duly acted In I f they choose to launch a full­ In the Labour · Party and trade of the crisis In the Tory ranks only effective way to deal with !le manner of a hand-picked jury, scale purge, not only of MlIltant unions such as Blunkett, the Labour In order to de onstrate the ur­ th~ courts. The unavoidable legal delivering a nine vote majority. but of other socialist trends In coordinating committee (LCC) gency of a fight galnst the witch­ battle must be backed up with The scene Is now set for the the Labour Party. and Tribune. Blunkett, once con­ -hunt. Nor Is It good enough to industrial strength. March NEC to expel leading MIli­ Nothing can obscure the fact sidered the left-wing leader of slinply call for a 'truce' with Kln­ Ted Knight has said there tant supporters. that this Is a political witch-hunt. Sheffield council,· not only suppor­ nock as MIlltan do: "It Is now will be a local conference In Lam­ The NEC empowered General It Is Klnnock's attempt to define ted but voted for Klnnock's wltch­ vital for the EC to abandon beth, within two weeks of the Secretary, Larry Whltty to ap­ the limits of the political spec­ hunt. all the purges and Inquisitions decision, of trade unions, com­ trum to the left of the party. on within the munity organisations and Labour point two full-time organisers Blunkett's role, as ever, Is which are goln to run the Liverpool party, re­ He made as much clear at the party, so that he whole labour Party representatives. This con­ to help Klnnock carry through ference must become a real deci­ organise It and replace the DLP NEC meeting, "People talk of the wltch-huntj and by protesting movement can united In the with a "temporary co-ordinating a broad church party••• Those fight to tr the Tories In sion making body, not a rally. that It Is not because of anybody's It must be a forum where a stra­ committee". This will be less than who would have no boundaries. polltlcal beliefs, trying to avoid Fulham, the' To Halls and the one tenth the size of the DLP no limits, no walls for this party next general ,el tlon.· tegy can be worked out to wIn civil war In the party by pacifying the battle. The councillors must Itself and will be responsIble for simply are not aerious about this the soft left. By his actions he We clear that a I the May election campaign. party and don't deserve to taken behind Klnnock come out with a call for all out has placed himself well beyond action from the council unions Whltty wUl finally decide seriously. " consideration for any 'left' NEC and his pollcles an not, will not, Of course, Klnnock and the and other local workers. how many of the 16 will be ex­ slate. 'fight to trounce the Tories'. pelled and on exactly what right 'regretted' the departure There Is a urgent need to Such a conference could also charges. The Inquiry conveniently of the embryo of the SDP - The LCC welcome the findings call and organise a national confer­ be reconvened to discuss the leaves Whltty two options with Jenklns, Wllllams, Owen and of the report and called on party ence against t e witch-hunt. It Labour Party's strategy for this regard to the charges against MlIl­ Rogers. There Is always a place members In the city to co-operate should Involve 11 those opposed year. Knight's proposed budget tanto The first verdict of the In­ for vicious anti-working class poli­ In getting the party fully opera­ to the wltch- unt Mllltant, which 'muddles through' by selling quiry concerns alleged abuses and ticians like these In the Labour tive again. In similar right-wing Labour Left C ordination, trade off the counciI's capital assets breaches of Labour Party rules Party. Not only are the likes of terms, the latest Tribune editorial unionists, and C Ps, like Hackney offers no prospect for the expan­ and constitution. Klnnock lectured Healey, Shore and Hattersley safe announces overwhelming support North and Vau hall, who have sionary budget whIch Lambeth needs to provide adequate jobs the NEC that "This Is not a wltch­ within the walls of the broad for Klnnock and the witch-hunt: already backed he call for such and services. An expansionary -bunt, It Is a democratic party church but they have reserved "It Is esaentlal that the party a conference. using Its democracy to uphold pews near the pulpit. acts against this conspiracy. • •To This confere ce must discuss budget based on local working democracy". The real Intention behind the that end the NEC had endorsed and agree on a strategy to fight class needs would lead to another Of course, Klnnock's attach­ recent moves Is clearj by purg­ a aet of reforms and measures, Klnnock's wltc hunts whenever confrontation. By mobilising and ment to democracy Is hypocriti­ ing the left Klnnock alms to ren­ which everyone should be able they occur. T is must Include succeeding on this one the labour movement can swing the balance cal and partial. He Is not In favour der the Labour Party presentable to support, to re-organlse the .,not only mllltan lobbies, protests back In Its favour and prevent of the democratic re-selection to the bosses and middle class party In the city."(28.2.86)Between and resolutions ut also a clear Tory cuts being Imposed on already of Militant's supporter Pat Wall In the next election and leave now and the next NEC, a massive commitment to refuse to Imple­ deprived areas like Lambeth and In Bradford, or the democratic their options open for any future campaign against the witch-hunt ment, comply wl h or accept any Liverpool•• de-selection of his own ally Kllroy­ co-alltlon deal with the Alliance. must be launched which goes right NEC decisions t expel Individuals -Silk In Knowsley. He Is not In The witch-hunt will also, by through the union conference sea­ or attempts to favour of democratic control of driving out the left an reducing son and to the Labour Party Con­ Labour" parties. Into how the city party Is run. " the party over the PLP, or of the pressure for radical pollcles, ference Itself - where any appeal Ive repudiating (Militant 28.2.86) This Is to be using democracy as a weapon to help to guarantee that If Labour will be heard. Walworth Road-I posed candidates welcomed.
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